Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl – The Background and Acknowledgments

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This online publication is free, and extensive quotes and segments are available to local newspaper media and specialist print and online publications. A link to lendarlinggirl.com would be appreciated.  For national commercial use, and adaptation of the material to other media, use the ‘Leave a Reply’ box at the bottom to get in touch with the author.

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Len's handwriting on back of Luneburg Heath photo

Len’s handwriting on the back of the Luneburg Heath photo

T H E   B A C K G R O U N D

Pete Grafton writes:       In early 2007 I bid on ebay for a collection of 130 black and white photo prints and photo negatives.  I noticed that the seller had, in separate auctions, a large collection of letters, and a collection of memorabilia from the same period – the 1940s – and that all the material revolved around the same family.

Successful in bidding for the three auctions I contacted the seller who told me that he had bought the material at an auction in London.

Looking through the letters, together with the photos and memorabilia I quickly saw that the collection could form the basis of a remarkable book.  I was aware of other material, usually culled from the Mass Observation files in Sussex University, that had brought to life the wartime and the immediate post-war period through the diaries of those participating in Mass Observation. (Nella Last’s War and Our Hidden Lives: The Remarkable Diaries of Post-War Britain are two well-known examples).  The difference, and strength, of this uninhibited correspondence between mother and daughter was that they were not written for a third party.

The core of the correspondence is the lively and intimate exchange of experiences and emotions between mother in Glasgow and her daughter – ‘Len’ – firstly in Cairo, working as a shorthand typist for the Ministry of Supply, then as a Personal Assistant at Porton Down, Britain’s Chemical and Biological Warfare research centre, and latterly in the Nazi-supporting Lord Londonderry’s Wynyard Hall in Co.Durham, on the post-war Emergency Teachers Training Scheme.

I made the assumption that there were two possibilities about how the material had entered the public domain.   Either that ‘Len’ was dead, or that she had dementia and was in care.

I worked on the material for four years, transcribing the letters, referencing, and contextualising, and starting on a rough layout to include the visual material.   Some of those four years were spent trying to trace surviving relatives and friends.  The letters ended abruptly in 1950 and I wanted to know what happened next.

I was also concerned about copyright issues.

Full page features in the weekly press and following up every possible contact, and Births, Deaths and Marriages – the latter partially successful – led, in the end, nowhere.   How could a family who had been so social in their lives disappear off the radar?

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Feature by Sukran Sahin, Barking & Dagenham Post,  17th  February, 2010

Another possible lead which I followed up was a distant Swedish relative, Bjorn Palmgren, mentioned in several of the letters, and whose picture was in the photo collection.

Bjorn, Varberg, 1945

Bjorn on the left, with his brother Paul.  Varberg, 1945

I keyed in Bjorn Palmgren on the Internet, and had many hits.   Bjorn Palmgren is a fairly common Swedish name, and I drew a blank.   The family connection was on Len’s Mum’s side of the family – the Mackays.   So I keyed in Bjorn Mackay Palmgren and there he was!

He was on a Family History Search site.  The snag was he hadn’t looked at it for 18 months.  I wrote to him, via the site in the late autumn of 2010. In January 2011 I got an email from him.  It turned out that he had last heard from Len at Christmas 2008, almost two years after I’d bought her letters.  She was having another operation for her hip. He hadn’t heard from her since.  He gave me her last known address.

This is the letter I sent to that address:

Dear Mrs Taylor,

I was given your address by Bjorn Palmgren.  I contacted Bjorn, through the Internet, because I had a photo of him and Paul playing mini golf at Varberg in the summer of 1945.  The background to this was that in 2007 I saw on the internet site ebay an auction for a collection of photographs from the 1930ʼs and 1940ʼs.  As a non professional photographer I have an interest in ʻamateurʼ photos.  I am also interested in political and social history and saw that the seller in two separate auctions was auctioning a collection of 140 letters, and a collection of memorabilia, also from the 1940ʼs.  I realised that all three auctions related to the same family – your family: yourself and your Mum and Dad.

I was successful in all three auctions and when I received the material I contacted the seller who told me he had bought them at a house clearance auction in London.

I also saw, very quickly, that the letters between you and your Mum, together with the photos and memorabilia (embarkation ticket, menu, hairdresserʼs slip etc on board the Franconia, for instance, when your Mum sailed out to visit you in Cairo) could be the basis of a remarkable book.  Firstly, to put you quickly in the picture: the correspondence between you and your Mum spans 1939 to 1950, covering mostly your time in Cairo with Stores Disposals, then Porton Down, and lastly Wynyard Hall.   There are gaps in the correspondence.  There are also a few letters from your Dad to you, and a few letters from Ena to your Mum.

The photographs cover the 1920ʼs – you with a toy bunny rabbit with very long ears taken on the Isle of Man – through to 1949, with a photograph of you on Luneburg Heath.  There are also some of your negatives: at York races, for instance.  I printed the latter ( I have my own dark room).

I would like to return your letters and the photos and memorabilia to you, and secondly, of course, I will not approach publishers with the almost completed book, but I would like to send a copy to you.

I am so sorry if this has come as a shock.   I would certainly be shocked if someone wrote to me saying they had acquired, in my case, my diaries from when I was a young man, and would-be writer.   I bought the correspondence in good faith, and made assumptions that were obviously wrong.

The remarkable book I refer to is the combination of your aspirations for yourself and for a better, decent world, set against a post war Britain, and the extraordinary fact that you were first in Egypt at a time of significant political upheaval, there and in the Middle East; that you were next at Porton Down (you mention in one of your letters back home when in Egypt that you had been reminiscing with a Major Wallace about Gruinard Bay, when perhaps unknown to you at the time Gruinard Island had been infected with anthrax by scientists from Porton); and then you were on the Emergency Teacherʼs Training scheme, at Wynyard Hall, the residence of Lord Londonderry, a prominent Nazi sympathizer in the 1930ʼs.  (Hitlerʼs biographer Ian Kershaw has written Making Friends with Hitler, 2004, about him).

In addition, of course, the letters between yourself and your Mum chart the difficulties of post war austerity Britain, and of your family life against this background.   And, over and above all this, you are a very modern woman in a Britain that was only slowly and reluctantly moving to concede equal rights to women.   Iʼve enclosed one of the Taitʼs Smiles cartoons that touches on women in a post-war Britain.   I attached a significance to the fact that you or your Mum cut it out, and shared it between you.

I am the author of You, You and You! The People Out of Step with World War Two, London 1981, a book that was based on 50 or so interviews I did with a selection of people whoʼs stories had not been heard up until that time: the West Indian volunteer, the Jewish émigré from Germany who along with other German jews had been interned by the British and then sent on the Dunera to Australia for the duration of the war (a film was made about this later), RAF mutineers on Gibraltar, women in munitions, in the docks, in the armed services, and so on.

The correspondence between you and your Mum ends abruptly in 1950, at a point when you are doing a teacher training placement in a school in the North East.  I was so enthralled at your life story that I wanted to know what happened next.  I knew there was a Swedish family connection, and that is how I was lucky enough to make contact with Bjorn who told me that he had last heard from you in 2008, and very kindly gave me your address.

I look  forward so much to hearing from you.


And then, a week later it came, a letter with handwriting I had last seen on an envelope from sixty one years before.

4 Len to me, pngNote:  The author no longer lives at the above address.

3 Len's 1950 png

She signed herself Helen, no longer ‘Len’.  She said she had wondered what had happened to the letters, and yes, would ‘love all my ancient memorabilia back’.

She had been living in Exmouth for twenty years with her second husband.  At the time that he had died in 2007 Helen had fallen and broken her hip; her children by her first marriage were busy, so a friend of her second husband cleared out the contents of a small flat that he had kept on in London.  And that is how the material came into the public domain.

I learnt this when I went to see her in Exmouth, in March 2011,  returning to her the correspondence, the photographs and the memorabilia. It was the most extraordinary week-end.  Helen was still that ‘Len’ of her youth: feisty and engaged.  Rona, one of her children, down from Manchester, for my visit, told me that her Mum had run a therapeutic workshop in her seventies with the title “Life is Too Short to be Sensible”.

To my surprise, because there is intimate and revealing material in the correspondence, both Helen and Rona were very positive about me continuing with the book: Rona because she felt it would be a memorial to her mother, and Helen because, as she put it ‘I am only interested in the present and the future’.

In addition, in a forgotten small duck egg blue 1950s weekend case, on top of a wardrobe, were a further collection of 85 letters covering the same period,  letters that filled some important and tantalising gaps in the correspondence.  

The author with Helen, in her home. Exmouth, March 2011. Photo: Rona Taylor

The author with Helen, in her home.  Exmouth, March, 2011.   Photo: Rona Taylor

Not all missing  biographical details could be filled in when I met Helen,  as Helen has significant memory loss, possibly caused by the relatively late onset of epilepsy and the medication to control it. However a few gaps and details in the narrative have been clarified, and her occasional commentary has been included.


Although the intention was to look for an interested publisher, the world of publishing has been turned upside down, since I started transcribing the correspondence in 2007, by the development of the internet.  Print publishing is in turmoil.   This has meant that few publishers in the UK, and anywhere else – they can be counted almost on one hand – will in 2014 look at ‘unsolicited’ material.  Reading unsolicited material – even an introductory letter and sample chapters from an author – requires paid readers, and this is a cost that is now balked at by publishers.   Likewise literary agents, who in the past may have introduced a new writer to a publishing house,  have also drawn up, with some exceptions, their drawbridges in regard to untested writers, or less known writers who have not published for a significant while.

In many ways, the internet has given an interesting democratic power to the writer, and sites like Word Press, which I use, means the writer and his or her readers can be involved in an interesting two way-process.  So I welcome comments, corrections and shared experiences arising from the online publication of Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl, and these could eventually be included in the body of the text as background material, or as footnotes.

The book is being published in Chapters every Friday, from 26 September, 2014.    It is organised into four sections:

Part One:  Growing Up in Britain 1925 – 1945.

Part Two:  Egypt 1945 – 1948.

Part Three: Porton Down 1949.

Part Four: Wynyard Hall Emergency Teacher Training 1949 – 1950.

Most sections are very much focused on the correspondence between Len and her Mother. The exception is Part One, which sketches in the background to Britain as Len is growing up: there were few letters in this period, but the memorabilia from this time is heavily drawn on.  Secondly, in Part Four,  and to a lesser extent Part Three, the regularity of letters within the week decreases as telephone conversations between Mother and Daughter increase.  Mum had a telephone installed in her rented home in 1949 – one of the first in her avenue, and a luxury  for someone of her social and economic background.

In this age of the internet – as telephones give way to mobiles –  personal letters are becoming extinct.  Therefore no record of the intimate lives that we live – through written exchanges – in the 21st century  will be left to future social historians and a future  digital  reading public.

E D I T I N G   T H E   L E T T E R S

Quite often there are gaps, during one week, or during a month,  in the letters between Len and her Mother.  Only where there are significant gaps is this indicated, or where a significant detail or question arising from a letter not in the collection is this indicated.

For the sake of narrative flow some paragraphs within a letter have been transposed.

Recurrent small details that do not advance the narrative or further deepen our understanding of the writer – whether Len, Mum, her Dad – have been omitted.



My very grateful thanks to Helen and her daughter Rona for providing me with a second batch of family correspondence in 2011, and for their support in my continuing to work on, and completing Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl.

Without Bjorn Mackay Palmgren this would have been a very different – and like most biography – speculative account.  I am very indebted to him for responding to my initial email,  for giving me Len’s (Helen’s) address and subsequently telling me about  some of the family connections,  and his memories of first staying with the Bryers in Yoker in 1949.

Thanks to Sukran Sahin for writing an insightful feature for the Barking and Dagenham Post, in February 2010.

Mrs Alison Coleman of Carnwath, South Lanarkshire, a commissioned officer in the ATS during the Second World War read some of the early transcribed letters for me, pointing out typing errors.  She also helped in explaining Scots expressions and words that cropped up in some letters, current in the 1930s and 1940s, but rarely heard now, or understood by younger Scots, and in some cases not listed in the AUP’s Pocket Scots Dictionary.

Mrs Joy Wight of Morpeth, Northumberland, in age an exact contemporary of Helen (‘Len’), was very helpful in identifying and explaining some  fashion phases and expressions of the 1940s, such as what a “Maria” hair style was.  She also helped to facilitate the distribution of exerpts of the transcriptions of the correspondence to members of her Morpeth U3A reading group, and arranged a meeting where I could discuss and listen to their responses to the material.

This was more than a year before I made contact with Helen.   The ages of the all women group were from their fifties through to those in their 80s.  The younger women in the group said they found reading the material helped them to understand the lives of their mothers as they grew up in the 1940s.  All commented that in the age of texting, and mobile calls, there would never be again a written record through letters of contemporary times.  A retired Primary School Headmistress, contemporary with Helen, had an interesting perspective on the Emergency Teacher Training Scheme, and how men who went through it often advanced their careers, leap frogging women teachers already in a teaching post.

My thanks, then to those Morpeth U3A reading group members for taking time to read the exerpts and for their stimulating discussion.

Liz Willis of Hanwell, London has been involved almost from the beginning, reading and proof-reading the transcribed letters as I worked through them.  She has also been very helpful and stimulating in spotting connections that I missed, and working in tandem with me, in trying to locate in online Births, Deaths and Marriages records the places and the years of family members of Helen, her mother, and her father.  Her knowledge of aspects of the work and history of the Porton Down Chemical and Biological Research Centre were also stimulating and helpful.  Lastly, she has proof-read Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl, for which I am extremely grateful.  Her proof-reading is eagle-eyed, and I am constantly amazed at the errors she has spotted.  If any remain, the fault lies with me.  So thank you, Liz.

Lastly, my thanks to Elspeth Wight of Carnwath, South Lanarkshire, for living with the book as it developed, for the discussions and for sharing my excitement when I went to visit Helen for the first time, and for her support thoughout the project.


lendarlinggirl.com is the online address of Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl.

For the restored and extended online version of  You, You & You!  The People Out of Step with World War 11   youyouandyourestored.wordpress.com

petegrafton.com takes the reader to the hub of all Pete Grafton online material.

petegraftonphotos.com has monthly selections of photos by Pete Grafton and from the Pete Grafton Collection of amateur photographs from the pre 1914 period through to the 1960s.

londontown54.com  is a remarkable collection of photos taken by Hans Richard Griebe whilst in London for 6 weeks studying Colloquial English.

Posted in Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Social and Political History, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Part Four/2 What Happened Next

Part Four  Chapter Two

What Happened Next.


The original batch of letters, photos and memorabilia bought on ebay in 2007 ended with the letter from Ena to Mum written on 19 June, 1950, listing the injuries, and diseases that killed her beloved husband.

Amongst the second batch of letters, photos and memorabilia that the author was given by Helen and Rona – one of her daughters – in March 2011, were a few letters and items that took the story a little bit further from that June in 1950. It will be remembered from Part Four/1 Wynyard Hall that Len had plans to go to France in her summer holidays, and had hoped that her parents, or her Mum, could somehow manage to go with her.  She did go to France, with Shirley, a college friend.  Mum and Dad didn’t manage because of Mum’s back problem.  Whilst Len was in France in July, 1950, Mum sent her a letter.


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Mum letter image png_edited-1Thursday, 20 July 1950

“The Ark”  Seems like it, all the roads and paths are flooded.

Hello Dearest Sweetest Best (Not enough room in this letter for all our love),

How wonderful to hear you on the ‘phone this morn.  Dad & self were thrilled to bits and we pictured you spotting that ‘phone box or whatever it was & your saying “Ah!  I’ll ‘phone from here.”  Also pictured the colourful international crowd moving along to the ship with Shirley and yourself among them.

What’s it like in “La Belle” – Oh! if only all goes well I’ll be there next year – think I’ll start making my trousseau right now!  How does Shirley like being in France?  What is the food like – cheap and plentiful – and do you speak French all the time.

Daddy went out shopping for me this morn. – brought back fruit and a lovely chicken which I’m about to pop in ye pot now.  By dint of borrowing from Mrs. Hyslop I’ve got oatmeal & barley for soup & stuffing.  So strange to think I’ve not now got stores of those everyday things but will soon stock up when I get running around.

About champagne for me from France, if you meant to bring some over, darling, please don’t trouble as I’ll get some here if I want to.  I’d rather have the wee pinkie ring wot I spoke of to you, but if cash runs short, & I guess it will, just have the very best time & a good holiday – that will please us better than anything.

I cleaned out your beautiful handbag the other day – you’d have got a row if you’d been here – leaving rusty pins in it.  *!*!!!  I put a trace of oil on the frame & wrapped it carefully.

The weather hasn’t been dry enough to get the carpet out to air, it just rains and rains and rains!  I’ve only been out in the garden for a few minutes at a time.

I’m getting better every day, my darling, and thinking of you all the time.  The parcel of books came in this morn.  Longing to dip into “Great Short Stories.”  Bless you ever.  All our love across the sea to you.

Dad & Mum.

p.s. Looking forward to hearing of your journey from north to south of France, trying to think of the road you’ll be travelling.  Cheers and all love Mum. xxxxx


The following “Record of Work Done” written by Len is undated.  It seems that after her summer holidays the amount of teaching practice in  schools in the area increased


record of work done png


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-1Record of Work Done 

Lesson I

Talk of own experiences in Egypt, including life on a houseboat on the Nile, Sudanese servants, being mistaken for Palestinian spies whilst hiking in the desert, the native market, etc.

Show Egyptian jewellery – old & new.  Nefertiti head in gamoose horn, leatherwork etc. to girls.  They are to present a picture of Egypt between them.  Suggest topics.e.g. journey there, shopping in Egypt, climate, situation, Egyptology, Egyptian cotton, current events, the Pyramids etc.  Girls make copy of this list.  Discussion as to choice of topic.

Lesson 2

Bring a classroom book containing information about Egypt, put in each book a slip stating where the relevant information is to be found in the book, which particular aspect it is about and asking questions about the important points.  Girls work on this, reading, writing out information in their own words and copying drawings.  Some girls write for further information to the British Museum and the Egyptian Embassy.

Lesson 3 

Girls continue with work from library books.  Some girls write to B.O.A.C. & P. & O for further information about the journey there, and to the Shaw Saville line.

Lesson 4

Library monitors to go to library & take books from shelves and arrange for class.  Review topics – as some people have changed them owing to lack of sufficient information, e.g. Egyptian jewellery.  Class work in the library.  Look at replies from Egyptian Embassy, British Museum and Shaw Saville Ltd.


On Ist November, 1950, Dad writes to Len at her college, sending a postcard from the seaside town North Berwick, down the East Lothian coast from Edinburgh.

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Dad letter png1 November, 1950.  North Berwick

Dear Len,

Having a real good time and the weather has been very good and both Mum & I have been out every day.  We can see the Bass rock from all points of the home and do think our visit here has done us both good. (1)

Love Dad.


1.  The use of the word ‘home’ may be revealing.  Have they been staying at a trade union or S.C.W.S (Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society) seaside guest or rest home?  The 1st November in 1950 was a Wednesday.  Besides Mum’s back problem, had Dad been having health problems?


A fortnight after Dad’s postcard above she is typing to her Mum and Dad from the Library of the college at Wynyard Hall saying “Still no news exactly when I’m going to London for interview…. Do hope they can bring it forward from the 7th of December.”

Interview letter png

As noted in Part Four Chapter One, the Emergency Teachers Training Course was a 13 month  course.  The end of December, into early January 1951 will see her finishing her training.  Going for an interview will be for a place at a school in London.


Len was successful in securing a post as a primary school teacher in London.

letter to former students png


26 January, 1951.

Wynyard Hall Training College, Wolviston, Billingham, Co.Durham.

Dear Old Student,

I trust you are now happily settled in your school.  Probably you have already written to your Advisory Tutor giving particulars of the name of the Authority and the name of the school to which you have been appointed, but as only three members of staff are back in College with me the information is not available for the office records, and is required by he Ministry of Education.

I would be grateful, therefore, if you would complete the slip and return it to Miss Burton immediately.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

E.BRIDEOAKE.    Principal.


In early March, 1951 Len is being put up by a teaching colleague whilst she looks for her own accommodation.  She is staying in Adelaide Road, off Finchley Road in Swiss Cottage, north London.

Len Nw3 8.3.51 png


Letter 8.3.51 png


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-18 March, 1951.

160 Adelaide Road, London N.W.3

Evening.  Soup on the hob.

My Charming Fair Ones,

Climaxes & convolutions.  Have been home to-day as I woke up in the night with cramp, my foot couldn’t bear my weight.  Have sprained a muscle in my calf through wearing high heels!  It’s much better already, but I think I’ll take tomorrow off to get it completely better & go acc. hunting.  C.S. (1)  give time off for that sort of thing, but though teachers have such wonderful holidays, odd half days for personal business are well nigh impossible to get…….


 1.  acc.: accommodation.  C.S.: Civil Service.


Len taught at the William Tyndale Infant School in Islington, north London.  In 1954, whilst leaving the folk song centre Cecil Sharp House in London, she met her future husband, an industrial chemist.  It turned out that they realised that they were both members of the Young Communist League, a section of the British Communist Party. (Membership was open to those up to the age of 30.)  They married in August 1954.

Harry, Len’s Dad, died of lung cancer, at his home in Coldingham Avenue in August 1955.  He was 66.  His death was registered on the day he died by Len.  That Len was up from London suggests his death was anticipated.

In the 26 August, 1955 edition of the Clydebank Press the following Intimation was placed:

“Bryers – At his home, 26 Coldingham Avenue, Glasgow W4 on 19 August, 1955, Harry Bryers (late of King Aircraft Corporation, Hillington) dearest beloved husband of Helen MacKay and father of Helen.  He lived to do good.”

Changing his job from the India Rubber Tyre Co to the King Aircraft Company, presumably around 1950 0r 1951 meant he longer had to cross the Clyde by ferry to go to his work.

A copy of Flight magazine from 1953 gives us a description of the work his firm were involved in.

“King Aircraft Celebrate

As briefly recorded last week, King Aircraft Corporation recently held their twelfth anniversary celebration in Glasgow. Some 60 people from all branches of the aircraft industry were guests of the Corporation.

Before a dinner and dance on the Saturday evening, the guests were taken for a tour of the works at Hillington, where, in addition to seeing the ramjet helicopter which we described last week, they were able to inspect a variety of work. Items included the well- known King toggle fastener, of which there are now over 20,000 on order, welded-tube chairs for B.E.A., pipe valves for atomic work at Harwell, flexible couplings for fuel lines, a new crash- release harness (utilizing the Sturge Whiting coupling described in our issue of June 27th, 1952) and a new automatic-locking inspection plate which lies flush with the surface but can easily be released, even by a gloved hand, no screwdriver being required.”

Len’s Mum moved down to England in late 1959 to be near her daughter, who earlier in the year had had her second child.  Len – no longer teaching – her husband and by now their four children eventually lived in Guildford, Surrey.  “Granny Bryers” lived close by.

Over the week-end of 12 & 13 March, 2011 when the author first met Helen, and Rona,  he made notes and taped, with their permission,  some of the discussion about Len’s (Helen’s) life.  Some of the conversation was taped whilst Rona looked at the collection of new material discovered in Helen’s Exmouth home.  As has been noted in the Introduction, Helen has significant memory loss, so details are fragmentary.  The short tape has been re-arranged in a chronological order.

Helen: My Father had two brothers and a sister. The two brothers and the sister emigrated to the States. There was so much emigration going on…My Father taught me all the physical things. He taught me to skate, he taught me to dance. In those days, long ago, girls went to the dances with their parents, and my girlfriends would much rather dance with my father than with the boys. He was such a superb dancer. He was a beautiful singer. He was a tenor….. Anything to do with language I get from my mother….   I went to Ireland when I was about four.

Rona: So the boat that you went on to go to Cork, you were on it long enough to have sheets on the beds

Helen:  Yes.   When we lived in London I was dying to join the Labour League of Youth…. It’s funny, I can see Canonsleigh Road where we lived and Goresbrook Road where Joan lived, and then there was the green belt and the Ship and Shovel Pub, and that’s where the buses came. We played on the green belt… (Moving from Dagenham to Glasgow)  I can remember leaving Euston in the train. It was so dark, because of the black out. You couldn’t have lights on……

Rona:  When you were first going out to Egypt someone said to you “You’re very young” but you said, “Yes, but I’m very sensible”.

Helen:   In Cairo I was a shorthand typist and also superintendent of the typing pool. When I came back they wanted to put me in a typing pool in Glasgow.  I made a fuss about this so they made me a PA.

Ernst:PS copy

“Ernst, Jamil Beach, 1947.”

Rona:  Oh there’s an amazing photograph here, Mum. (Reading) ‘Ernst, Jamil Beach 1947’ – look at that Mum.

Helen:  He had a gorgeous body….   When my mother arrived in Egypt he got down on his knees in Cairo and asked her if he could marry me.

 Rona: Ten men asked Mum to marry her.

Helen:   Sunbathing on the boat from Alexandria going to Naples, that’s when I was on leave, I had to go into a cabin because the sun was burning, and the captain visited me and –

Rona: Came onto you.

Helen:  Yes. So I had to dissuade him…. When I went from Glasgow to London a lorry driver –

Rona: When you were a teenager –

Helen: – tried to put his arm around me…  I was down in Suez and this Squadron Leader wanted me to go in his car back to Cairo. He gave me a gun, in case I was attacked. What I was supposed to do with a gun I don’t know.

Rona: (Rona is reading a wedding congratulations card from the staff)  Oh, this is where Mum taught, and it is William Tyndale Infant School, Sebbon Street, Islington.

Helen:  I liked the drama in the teaching most…

Rona: You got married when you were 28, in 1954, but you weren’t 29 until November.

Helen: We were all left wing.  My father gave me a row because we put our engagement notice, saying we were in the Young Communist League in the Daily Worker.

Rona: So why did your Dad – ?

Helen:  I don’t know. I still don’t know why he gave me a row. Perhaps it was because it was proclaimed in the Daily Worker.  Perhaps he would have been worried about his work.

Rona: Get victimised? (1)

Helen:   Yes.  My Father was not as left wing as my Mother.

Rona: Grandma was always having operations, wasn’t she Mum.  She didn’t have any money.  She didn’t have any property.  Aunt Kitty had problems with her eyes. I remember she came down to Moorfield Eye Clinic….She stayed with us. She was a night owl, like me.

Helen:   I’m a planner and we wanted our children to be two years apart.

Rona:   I was born in Hythe, which is part of, near Southampton.  My Dad, at the time, worked at Fawley which is the oil refinery at Southampton…  I suppose I found Guildford quite, quite – conservative and I suppose because our parents were both left-wing I thought about it as – well, you talked about as being like the Bible Belt didn’t you Mum – it was conservative with a big ‘C’…  Mum’s always been very involved in canvassing, in campaigns and one of the things she got involved with when we were children was how important it was to have smear tests for women. And there was this story, which I think you told me Mum, was the headmaster of our school said to my Dad “We have to keep our women quiet”, or keep them contained, or held back. In other words it wasn’t OK that my Mum was going around to get people to sign a petition, to get women, or to get them aware of smear tests.  So he tried to get Dad to haul Mum back in. That would have been in the sixties. That’s when we were in primary school.


1.  As noted in the above Flight magazine article about the King Aircraft Company, the company manufactured pipe valves for the Atomic Energy Establishment at Harwell.  It is reasonable to assume that Dad would be uncharacteristically angry with his daughter because less than four years before, the atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs had been supplying important information of the American and then the British development of atomic weapons to the U.S.S.R.  Fuchs was sentenced by a British court to a 14 year prison sentence.  Immediately prior to his confession Fuchs had been working at Harwell.


In an email from Björn to the author in 2011 Björn wrote “She had a very active life.  While raising a family of four she did her MSc in Educational Psychology and worked in that field for many years.”

Len started studying, already with the aim of being an Educational Psychologist,  initially doing night classes for her A levels. She was doing her A levels when her first child was doing her O levels.  Rona  was embarrassed at the time, she says, that her Mum was a mature student. Rona’s friends’ Mums didn’t go out to work.

Rona says – and Helen concurs – that her Mum started studying because she was becoming unhappy with her marriage.


Rona:  All four of us, that is me and my sister and brothers, and Mum went up to stay with the Findlays in Glasgow for a holiday, and on the way up there we said ‘Where are we going to sleep?’, and Mum said, ‘I don’t mind where, as long as I’m horizontal’. And Joan Findlay showed us the beds and Mum said ‘I’ll have the double bed’.  They took us out to Loch Lomond.  I remember swimming there, and we had a picnic there. I was about late primary or early teens

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From a feature in the Barking & Dagenham Post, 2011.

Helen:  (Re. Joan Brandley)  No, I don’t know what happened to her.

Rona:  Yes, I don’t remember you talking about her when we were young,  Aunty Shirley, yes, but  I never heard of Aunty Joan.  That Shirley that Mum met at Wynyard Hall was in our lives.

Rona:  When Mum was in her sixties she used to run up the stairs at Clapham Junction with a rucksack on her back, and overtook people younger than her, and she said she felt sad when she got to a stage where she was not able to do that any more. Mum’s always been very energetic.

 Helen:  Although I used to walk 15 miles on Dartmoor I’m a very slow walker now.


Helen’s Mum, still living in Guilford, died in her 80s.  Ena died in 1990 at the age of 86.  Her death was registered in Swansea.  Despite a follow up feature in the Barking and Dagenham Post in 2011 we have no knowledge of what happened to Joan Brandley, or how successful Betty Baxter’s course of treatment for her TB was.

Helen lived with her second husband in Ham, Richmond Surrey, and latterly in Exmouth.  Björn in the same email mentioned above, wrote: “I last saw her (Helen) in 2001 at her home in Exmouth, Devon.  She had a lovely house backing on the Exe Estuary – at high tide you could go for a swim from the back garden.”

Helen changed her political support from the Communist Party to the Labour Party.  It is speculated this was over the suppression of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 when many members left the British Communist Party in bewilderment or disgust.  She has remained a supporter, and member, of the Labour Party since.  Her second husband was a Liberal Democrat supporter, and in their small bay front window at times of local council elections and General Elections, they would have opposite Labour Party and Liberal Democrat posters in the window.  In Exmouth they shared an enthusiastic enjoyment of walking and canoeing.  She also ran therapeutic  workshops with the title “Life is Too Short to be Serious”.

Her second husband died in 2007.  At the time of writing (January, 2015) her first husband still lives in Guildford.

As she said to the author when he met her first in March, 2011:  “I am only interested in the present and the future.”


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Helen (“Len”) outside her home in Exmouth, August, 2012.     Photo: Pete Grafton.

Helen died in Exmouth on 28, August, 2017.  She was 91.


Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Social and Political History, Teachers Emergency Training Scheme 1040s, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Four/1: Wynyard Hall

Part Four Chapter One    Wynyard Hall

“I shall hate to leave college.”



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Wynyard Hall is four miles north of Stockton, Co.Durham.


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Wynyard Hall at the time Len was there.


Wynyard Hall and the 7th Lord Londonderry 

Wynyard Hall near Stockton in Co. Durham in the north east of England was one of three properties that belonged to the “immensely rich” 7th Lord Londonderry.  The other two were Mount Pleasant in Northern Ireland and Londonderry House in London.  Wynyard Hall was his least favourite property and he had thought of having it demolished.

The inherited wealth of the Londonderrys came from land ownership, but particularly from ownership of coal mines.  He was described as “the sort of grandee who makes you wonder why there was no British revolution”.

The 7th Lord Londonderry, like his father, was well connected with other British aristocracy and with the British Royal Family.  Guests, including “Commoners” at Wynyard Hall during the 1930s and 1940s included Mr and Mrs Winston Churchill,  Mr Harold and Lady Dorothy Macmillan, the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII,  the Duke and Duchess of York, later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.  The present Queen stayed at Wynyard Hall when she was Princess Elizabeth in 1947.

In the 1920s rumours emerged that Londonderry’s wife had had an affair with the Irish nationalist Michael Collins, and the Labour Leader, and sometimes Prime Minister,  Ramsay MacDonald seems to have been a touch besotted about her, grovelingly  describing himself  as her “attendant ghillie”.  He could have offered his services when the German National Socialist Foreign Minister Herr Ribbentrop stayed at Wynyard Hall, an honoured guest of Lord Londonderry, attending a shooting party in November, 1936.

Because of his sympathy with the cause of German National Socialism, and its leader Adolf Hitler, the 7th Lord Londonderry was  nicknamed by some fellow aristocrats as the “Londonderry Herr”.  But his sympathies were not out of place amongst a few other members of the British aristocracy.  American journalist William L. Shirer (The Rise of the Third Reich), based at the time in Berlin, in his diary of 7 March 1936 lumped him with the Astors, Lord Lothian and Lord Rothermere (1),  and King Edward VII had been sympathetically interested in the achievements of Herr Hitler’s regime.   On 25 February, 1936, a month before, Shirer had written,  “Learn that Lord Londonderry was here around the first of the month, saw Hitler, Göring, and most of the others.  He is an all-out pro-Nazi.  Fear he has not been up to any good.”  Londonderry was for peace, and appeasement with the National Socialists.  His influence within the Conservative Government of the time was no more significant than other “appeasers”.

The 7th Lord Londonderry died in a gliding accident on 10 February, 1949, nine months before Len started her teacher training at Wynyard Hall.  The Lord in occasional residence when she was there was his successor, the 8th Lord Londonderry.  An alcoholic, he died of liver failure at the age of 52 in 1955.  His son sold  Wynyard Hall in 1987 to the property developer and  later chair of Newcastle United football club, John Hall.

Wynyard Hall  now trades as a Country House Hotel.


Main sources:  Berlin Diary 1934 – 1941, William L. Shirer, 1941; Marquis of Londonderry Obituary, Daily Telegraph, 20 June, 2012; Making Friends With Hitler, Ian Kershaw, 2004.

1.  Lord Rothermere with his brother Harold owned the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, and in Scotland the Daily Record and the Sunday Mail.


Wynyard Hall Teachers Training College and the Emergency Training Scheme

 As has been footnoted before:  “Towards the end of the last war, it became apparent that the schools of this country faced a crisis unparalleled in the history of the British education system. The reason for this were the war casualties… the greatly diminished number of teachers trained during the war, and the huge task of embodying in actual achievement the reforms of the Education Act, 1944.” – from Into the Breach: The Emergency Training Scheme for Teachers, London, Turnstile, 1949.

One of the reforms of the 1944 Education Act was raising the minimum school leaving age from 14 to 15.  It seems that the centres where the Emergency Teacher Training Scheme took place were often not in existing teacher training colleges, but in post-war surplus facilities, such as  the ex-USAAF 231st Station Hospital at Wymondham, Norfolk.  It seems that the Second World War code-breaking Bletchley Park was also used as a women’s ETS college   Most closed after the scheme finished in 1952.    Wynyard Hall continued as a women’s teaching training college until 1956

As far as is known there were no co-education colleges, with men and women tutored in separate colleges, or, as at Wymondham, a separate men’s college and women’s college on the site with different tutors. (Sleeping facilities were the nissen huts.)

There have been suggestions that men who went through the Emergency Training Scheme leap-frogged women teachers of some years experience into Headships.  The attitude that women teachers should work for less money than male equivalents, or that they should be at home as a wife and mother was still prevalent, as has been footnoted in Part Three.  In addition the snide”Old Spinster” appellation aimed at some middle aged woman teachers (a term still heard in the early 1960s) was an unfair and ignorant term.  Ignorant because a younger generation did not realise that women in teaching had, until the early 1940s, to decide between continuing their career as a teacher, or to resign to get married.  The Marriage Bar in the Civil Service also applied in the teaching profession.

One of the rare recollections of the Wynyard Hall Emergency Training Scheme is from Irene Simpson, online at the Craxford Family website.  She had started her teaching training there about ten months before Len arrived at Wynyard Hall.  As they were both involved at different levels and at different times with the college magazine, their paths may have briefly crossed.

“Our principal was Miss Sophie Bertie. She was born in 1896…

It was a live-in college. They had converted various parts of the hall into bedrooms….

The people who were teaching us had been seconded from universities and colleges around the country. There were a number of courses that were taught and I took English. There were also extra courses laid on if anyone was discovered to have a weakness in one area. You also had to undertake a special project….

The training course led to a Teachers Training Certificate and lasted for thirteen months. It was different to today’s courses because we had to start our first teaching practice after six weeks of study. Each attachment lasted for one month, and if you were unable to keep discipline or if the tutors thought that you were unsuitable then you were out.”

The full and informative recollection is here.  (Grateful thanks to Alan Craxford)



List of articles to be brought by students

Identity Card.
Ration Book (Pages which have been deposited with tradesmen must be collected and inserted).
National Insurance Card.
Travelling rug (or eiderdown)
Scrap bag containing odds and ends of material, embroidery cotton, tape, cotton-reels, bits of felt or leather.
Stout cardboard and boxes approx. 4″ x 3″ and approx. 9″ x 6″.
Pots for gum, water etc.  Rags for cleaning.
Hussif (with needles, thread etc.)  Haversack or small Rucksack
Scissors (general, embroidery, cutting out)
Pen, pencil, ruler etc.
Clock and/or watch.  Ashtray.
Napkin Ring and two Table Napkins.
Shoe-cleaning Outfit.  Dusters, Soiled Linen Bag.
Overall, Sweater or Cardigan.
Bedroom Slippers, Overshoes or Wellingtons, Mackintosh.
Cup, Saucer, Plate (small) Teacloth, Tin (for biscuits etc.)
Small teapot, Knife, Fork, Dessert Spoon, Teaspoon.
Two 1 lb  jars or tins with lids for Tea and Sugar.

Dictionary (Oxford, Chambers etc.)

Complete Shakespeare (any edition)

Atlas (Modern School Atlas of Comparative Geography, Philip
or    ”        ”       ”        ”        ”        ”      Foyle
or Advanced Modern School Atlas, Johnston
or Practical Atlas of Modern Geog. Elsa & Dudley Stamp.  Gill
An Anthology of Verse e.g. Come Hither
Book of Verse, Golden Treasury.
Songs of Praise  –  Oxford University Press.
Three or four Children’s Classics e.g.
Grahame – Wind in the Willows, Reluctant Dragon
De Brunhof  Tales of Babar
Maeterlinck  Blue Bird
Hsiung  Lady Precious Stream
Hans Andersen  Fairy Tales
Grimm  Household Tales
Spyri  Heidi
Carroll  Alice in Wonderland
Kingsley  Heroes
Kipling  Just So Stories, Jungle Book
+ Bicycle (with Padlock and Basket or Carrier)
+Gym Shoes (Plimsolls)
+Navy Blue Shorts
+Hockey Stick
+Tennis Racquet
+Musical Instrument e.g. Violin, Recorder etc.
+Pocket Lenses
+Pocket Levels
+Compass (prismatic)
+Small Gardening Tools
+Art Materials
+Books on Toymaking etc.
+Fretsaw & Blade
+Any small Woodwork Tools.
Items marked + should not be purchased specially, but it would be of great advantage if students who possess these articles would bring them to College.


N.B.  Loose-leaf notebooks may be purchased in College.


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Len’s first letter home, from Wynyard Hall, November, 1949.


This is the first letter in the collection from Len to her parents, since the one sent to them from Salisbury on 30 October.   She is a few weeks  off from being 24.

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8 November, 1949.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Nr. Stockton-on-Tees.

Bedroom – Tuesday morning – 8ish.

Very dearest People,

Here I am, after yesterday’s journey. Met a girl en route – in carriage with whom I got talking and discovered we were both college bound and Wynyard college. She was a cross between Milly and Jean Findlay. A Scot from Turriff near Aberdeen and 28. Apart from the fact that a woman tried to run off with my trunk at Newcastle, the journey was uneventful

On arrival I tea-d at cafe in Stockton with this girl, then returned and our bags were taken from the left luggage to one of the three waiting busses.   As yet haven’t seen the arrival of my trunk – it was left to be brought on to-day.

On arrival at the Hall – there’s a mile and three-tenths drive, we immediately went into tea and cakes, then the principal – Miss Bertie – talked a little and we were taken to our various houses by our house mistresses. We’re five in a room – being the younger ones I s’pose. It’s a lovely room and my corner’s like this:

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The view is wonderful, as we look out on a stream – we’re first floor at the back and a hill topped by coppery trees. At the moment I’m sitting on a chair as in plan, with my feet up on the window sill – the radiators heating them underneath and the sun’s streaming in on them. It takes about 5 – 10 mins fast walking to get from our room to the main entrance – there’s a positive labyrinth of corridors. It’s like Carbisdale – only bigger, yet from the front it doesn’t look so large.

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Wynyard Hall, front entrance, 1940s.

Hence the fact that though we’re floors lower than the main entrance we’re still first floor. After my room at “No. 7” this is palatial. A girl woke me at 6.45 with her portable radio, but says she won’t do it again – I hope. The radiators are wonderful for drying clothes, tea towels and stockings and also for airing one’s nightdresses before one retires.

The rest of the last night was spent in going up to the main floor and back for food and in going for a short walk. Lord Londonderry’s in residence at the moment.  This morning I wanted to rinse my teapot and rather than come all the way back here, went into a room marked ‘Stillroom’ and asked a white coated woman if I could – “No”, she replied “This is Londonderry’s”!  Not, “The Marquess” or ‘The Master’s” but just “Londonderry’s”!

The girls in my room are Alice, Liverpudlian (half Indian) , Iona, Campbeltonian,(1) Jean, (formerly Knightswood)(2) Whitley Bay and Gay (formerly Vienna) Newcastle.

Your letter with the 10/- I received this morning – thank you no end. I must send the money back to you (£1 enclosed) – £2 owed and more should you buy the black material.  You see last night our grant’s came through. My first instalment’s £20-16-8d – more to come in Jan, she said,, so I’ll have to nurse it carefully. The 10/- might have been a great help otherwise, though I did get £3 from the PO in Stockton yesterday.

Various conflicting reports as to our New Year or rather Christmas holidays. As soon as I hear I’ll let you know. We’re terrifically cut off, but it’s not at all an unpleasant feeling.

I loved being at home and miss it in all its aspects.  Firstly, you two of course, then all the other things, large and small.

Unfortunately one can’t have men here Daddy (by the way, it’s an all girl college) but one can have women friends to stay if there’s an empty bed in ones room – 5/6 b&b and very little for the other meals. So I hope you’ll have a sojourn here before the year’s out Mum and I’m here all being well.

To-day we’d morning assembly with prayers and hymns, plus announcements – we’re to write an essay and hand it in to-morrow morning – ‘our experiences’ – so must start on that shortly.

There’s masses of hot water so I’d a lovely hot bath last night, stepped into my warmed nightdress and into a warm bed for a good sleep – 10 pm onwards.

Your letter – talking of leisurely breakfasts etc, makes me really homesick.

What would I like in parcel – washed pants, etc (those that were ‘in sock’) bra from bed, mac (yes, left it behind) and pen from Daddy with instructions on how to re-fill – please register parcel. (3)    Will phone sunday night all being well. My number’s Wolviston 269, ask for Miss Bryers of Mount Stewart House. (4)

All love from Teeside. xxxx


1.  Campbeltown, Kintyre, Scotland.

2.  Knightswood is a few miles from the family home in Yoker.

3.  ‘How to refill’.  Dad’s factory made refillable biro seems a curious concept.  As will be seen from reproduction of some future letters, the ink was certainly ball pen ink: greasy and smudgeable.

4.  Mount Stewart was the name of the Londonderrys’ Northern Ireland house.  It seems as if the names of the Houses that the college women are divided up in borrow from Lord Londonderry’s properties.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-111 November, 1949.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.
(Note address)   Friday, 4pm.

Dearest People Always With Me,

Your number 66 with its two enclosures came in to-day. Firstly let me say thanks for it and everything else and secondly that this letter will be immensely disjointed as I’m writing it in our dorm as it’s at least ¼ mile to the library and quietness and to the dining hall and everything else.


You see what I mean about disjointedness, for it’s now about noon on Saturday and we’ve to lunch, bath, catch taxi to bus stop and embus by 1.20 – it’s a great life if you don’t weaken.

We’ve had intelligence tests, English and arithmetic dittoes, walks with maps, gardening – making a compost heap and an (one day’s notice) impromptu concert given on Thursday night. Our house did a skit on 10 green bottles in the form of 10 green students and a Czech dance. All this plus being 5 in a room and the ¼mile walk thrown in every half hour or so is exhausting and doesn’t leave time to think, let alone act on other things.

Your 67 came in this morning with cash for last ½ week’s work from Civil Service.

It’s been and is warm here – so sorry to hear it’s cold with you. The journey down was very lovely – I never knew it was like that.  Daddy, you could come too, Mum could stay with me in coll. for a night or two then you could both stay nearbye – it is a super place, just wish I’d a room to myself, but it’s a case of having to get acclimatised.  Yes, ours are little low radiators and one can sit on them and warm ones bot, sit on the window sill too, for that matter, for it also is low. My trunk came all right and I’m fairly well organised, much, much better than I was at “No.7”.

Miss Bertie – principal and vice president NUT told one of the girls she wants a Burns supper, so must offer to contribute as I love Burns and they like you to be ‘in things’ here.

I’ll wire you 30s. to-day, that’s £1 I owe you in actual cash lent me, + 10s. for odd bits & pieces and taxi fares. Hope to send money for black material soon.- can you manage to get it and me pay later, or is it better for me to send the cash now?

Letters in 66 were from Allan, Was-I-all-right and why-hadn’t-he-heard etc. and from Germany met matron of girls’ home in N.I. (1)

Stockton GPO

Sorry for the mess, but the rain got at this letter on the way to Stockton – it’s now 2.25 and I’ve sent off your money – just hope it gets you, leaving you time to go into town and cash it before the GPO closes.

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Yes please white silk slip the same length as the other. Actually I left the blue suede shoes to be re-heeled for myself as I thought you didn’t like wearing court shoes. However, if you can wear ‘em, I’d be more than pleased for you to have ‘em as they’re very loose – much too loose on my feet and I only wear ‘em in the ‘waste not, want not’ spirit: I plan to send up the shoes for mending at the Co-op to you, then they can be ready for me to take back after Hogmanay. Haven’t any brown paper just now but hope to send ‘em to you after I receive parcels from you and Val from which I can get paper.

Thanks for posting my letters.

I’ve changed my mind about a portable typewriter and now – unless you’ve got something already – would like a watch at some birthday or Christmas – you see I really need one at Wynyard as we so definitely work by the clock and even my alarm’s gone a bit funny with it’s last bit of travelling. (2)   Otherwise, sometime I’d like a smallish cheap man’s watch. I know the kind I really want, real gold case and four Roman figures in gold on black – other figures gold dots, but as they cost at least £30 in Egypt, they’d cost the earth here with 100% purchase tax, so I’ll just hope to get one like that someday and whilst waiting want something serviceable at the other end of the scale.

The Christmas holidays are to be 22nd December to 4th January pretty definitely. Now have you any plans for Christmas?  Would you like to come to England?, for there’s a Holiday Fellowship Association where one receives £2 or more for a week’s work and one’s keep and one works in lovely surroundings. What d’you think?  In Scotland everyone works at Christmas and nothing happens, or d’you think those 6 days quietness before Joan arrives are necessary? Write and tell me what you think please. (3)

There’s lots more to say I know, but at the moment, my mind’s gone blank. Writing again shortly. All love from ‘the ‘all’.

Len. xxxxx


1.  N.I.  Northern Ireland.

2.  This alarm clock will be the American one she bought in Cairo in 1947.

3.  Joan:  Joan Brandley.  As we know, Len has been sending out invitations to several friends for a big gathering at Coldingham Avenue at Hogmanay.


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Wynyard Hall Training College, Wolviston, Billingham, Co.Durham. Telephone: Wolviston 269

Tuesday Evening in our room.

Dearest Own Loved Ones,

Your 68 came in by the 4 p.m. post this afternoon, but I’m afraid this letter won’t be posted till to-morrow morning, as there’s no collection till then, unlike Salisbury where one could get it collected from the Sorting Office till at least midnight. As always it was lovely to hear from you,  but dreadful to hear you weren’t well – I can’t help worrying, even though you say “don’t”. See you’re really keen on my not worrying so will attempt not to.

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Yes, I found it a horrid line on Sunday night – hope it’s not like that again. If the watch could be repaired it would be a blessing, but from what I hear, it’ll have to be taken in soon if it’s to be ready by New Year.

About ye black suit. Please don’t buy a wee bit or a remnant for the back of the waistcoat. I’d like it all made up from the same stuff. That black gaberdine in Lewis’s was good, or if you think of something else that’s better, get that. Please get it though, as I should hate then to get sold out of winter materials ‘fore one got anything. D’you want the money first?  If so, say so and I’ll send you some insh’Allah. Then you can keep the material till I come. Hope to hitch straight north as soon as we break up on the 22nd.  If I’m with you, all being well from then until 3rd Jan, it might give you a chance to get the jacket finished.

Burns’ suppers are in Jan, so I’ve plenty of time to think about it.

Have you yet written asking Ernst and his fiancee (or wife) for Hogmanay, or have you thought better of it? (1)

Breakfast is at 8.15 second sitting (which we’re on at the moment, we change settings every fortnight) and 7.45 first sitting. As I said the girl in my room had on her portable radio which awoke me a few times, but it hasn’t been so bad lately. This morning (now Wednesday) we got up earlier as we’d to get clean linen from the linen room.  1 pillow slip, 1 towel, 1 sheet for most people, but no slip for me as I prefer to sleep without a pillow, as you know.  Lunch is at 12.45 or 1.15, and supper 5.45 or 6.15. Apart from these cooked meals (yes, thank goodness, breakfast’s cooked and two courses), there’s morning tea with a bun or cake at 10.50 and afternoon tea without anything to eat, then at 9, we make our own tea with electric kettle in each house and tea given us. There’s also a tray for each house and on it is bread and buns or biscuits – quite good really. We’d roast beef, Yorkshire pud. and greens on Sunday and Tuesday – not bad going.

Were you thinking of indulging in any of the liquor mentioned in the advertisement now returned to you. How would they pack it?  I reminded Val to nag this old Lt.Col about the bottle of Drambuie when I wrote her.

Must tell you, that one of the Scots in my room heard that after one had done one’s two probationary years of teaching in England, one can teach in Scotland, so hope eventually to be really and truly back with you.

The encl. letter was from Betty Baxter who’s expecting her two ops. shortly – just hope she gets through them all right – she’s really a brick the way she takes it. (2)

At the moment I’m listening to a compulsory recital. Never known anything as hectic as being here. Have knife etc. with me so I don’t have long trek back, as I’ve some typing to do for the Library Committee before lunch. The Secy. of the L. Cmtee Inez and I have palled up and hope to go on a hosteling w/e in the vicinity ‘fore Hogmanay. We’re given 2 free w/es ‘fore end of term, but for one, I hope to have a quiet time here and hain my ackers.(3)

Hope so much your cold and tummy are better. Take care of yourselves. All love from the ‘all

Len xxxxx

1.  Ernst and his fiancee had married on 8 October, 1949, five weeks before Len wrote this letter.

2.  This letter has not survived in this collection.

3.  Hain – Scots.  ‘Save, or hoard’.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-119 November, 1949.

Wynyard Hall.

My room, Saturday afternoon.

Hail Dearest Cupboard Makers,

Up to your 69 received and the parcel – it was a wonderful one – came in yesterday. As you can see I’m using the pen.  The mac’s proved invaluable already in the wet fog. Last night and to-day I wore it with my little stocking hat. Yes, we were rash, walked about 9 miles all in yesterday. About 3 in the morning with Olive and at night 3 to Wolviston and 3 back.  We had a shandy and fish and chips. To-day I did my business in Stockton –  sent registered parcel to you, collected film and put in photos for extra copies.  I also got a new bulb and battery for the wee torch, so it’s now going well. We were rash and had ham and tomatoes and cake and coffee in Stockton. The only solution to not spending money is to stay in coll. all the time. However we have to do a hot plate duty – dishing out the food – for a day every so often. Somebody’s done mine as it fell the day I wanted to go to Stockton to see Allan. I was going to do theirs but now I’m to do Inez’s next Sat. and she’ll do theirs. This will enable her to be free for our proposed w/e at a hostel in Yorkshire and stop me going into Stockton next Saturday and spending cash. Olive and I hitched and bussed tremendously quickly both going and coming ½ hour from bedroom door to bank and about the same amount of time coming back.

Thank you so much for everything else in the parcel.  As usual it was so evidently packed with loving care and you may rest assured I really appreciated it all. Oh and I knocked back all the sweets in the library yesterday afternoon.

In the letter from the MoS, they’ve agreed to grant me an extra day’s FSA  (1) – about 16/- I think but it’s all grist for the mill!  I meant the MO (2) to arrive in time for you to cash it on the Saturday, but if it’s being a little late didn’t leave you short, that’s O.K.

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“As you can see I’m using the pen”   This is the biro pen made by Dad.

Haven’t had a word from Allan since I saw him last Sat, so I wouldn’t worry about him being all hearts and flowers. Thanks for the glove. I’ll manage O.K. about shoes, the boots are too good. The pants are a joy.

Since coming back I’ve done my washing – mostly in Stergene – it’s wonderful – the dirt absolutely runs out.

Yes, do tell all the people where I am and that I haven’t been so happily busy for years. Pants not finished yet but will endeavour to do them this w/e or send off pattern on Monday. Definitely think the new place for the sideboard would be better for ye planned festivities. Do NOT go all out at it – please.

Longer letter Monday. All love from ‘all.

Len. xxxxxx


1.  FSA  Foreign Service Allowance, from when she was in Egypt.

2.  MO:  Money Order.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-121 November, 1949.

Pre-Tea at the ‘All. Monday.

People I love so Well,

This place is hectic as this week we’re an ‘early shift’ for meals and one seems to be running from this to that all the time and trying to get all mail in by 4 p.m. is hectic – how I miss Salisbury’s midnight collection, but at least I know this should get you by the next day.

You’ll be pleased to learn that my name was on the notice board (27 names out of 110-120 students) for commendation on the recent English paper we did.

Last night’s call was good, wasn’t it?  Don’t know if my barrage puts you off for sometimes you sound slightly bewildered.

Honestly, I do hope to help and really do complete jobs for you as the festive season comes up, but please can we do something gay or silly or entertaining on the 25th?  I’ll write and buck Joan up – am writing or have written to others saying to write me with confirmation of 30th as date of arrival.  Your voice sounded O.K. last night Mummy – hope you feel as good as you sounded. How’s your tummy, Daddy?  Hope it’s behaving well. Look after each other for your own sakes and for me.

We’re divided into ‘houses’ – don’t tell anyone, but we believe we’re in the servants quarters – shall I say Head Housekeeper’s room?  There’s a wonderful story of haunting and masses of ramifications but I’d like to save it for telling all being well.

Inez is English – must ask if she’s got some foreign blood somewhere.

If you can make waistcoat and skirt it would be wonderful, or rather, if you could cut them out and instruct me, or would you rather sew and let me really go to it on household tasks. Please get material enough for back of w/coat, skirt and jacket at once. Gaberdine or whatever you think best, but please get it – you know I dislike shopping – especially having looked over blacks already. Shall I send £5 to cover material? If so, please say so in your next letter. Think you’d better have it now rather than be paid at Xmas. Couldn’t bear a bought suit – would rather make it myself. What I actually mean is couldn’t bear parting with £30 – 40 any approach to Mme Bryers couture would call for.

Whilst on cash as I said on grant-app-form £2 per week for people out of term, I hope to give you £5 for Hogmanay. Would it suit you better to have £10 now?

Longing to see you both and loving you a lot.

Your very own,



There is now a five month gap in the correspondence in this collection, so unfortunately we will never know how the Hogmanay party at 26 Coldingham Avenue went, and whether they were any ‘prostrate bodies’ lying around afterwards.  The letters re-start at Easter time, 1950, in Sweden.


Swedish Envelope png

12 April, 1950

Stockholm, Wednesday.

Dearest & Best,

Very worried at having no word from you since a week before leaving England. If there’s anything wrong you won’t have time to contact me here, but do wire the boat – “Suecia” scheduled to arrive Tilbury 7 am. Monday morning.

Have changed my mind about Sweden & feel it’s a place that could get you after sometime. Marie’s still moaning, but admitting it & they were wonderful to me. Bjorn imitates your saying “Mammy’s wee girlie” (and/or cuddles), Mummy. Bob & Bjorn plan to come over this year – I like all the Falun Palmgrens now that I know them, but Lisa’s a bit hard. (1)   Freddie (met in Italy) is taking me to dinner then to Ibsen’s “Brand” to-night, all being well.

Hope everything’s all right, will ‘phone Monday evening – insh ‘Allah.

All love from Sweden to Scotland.
Len. x

p.s. Your 99 just received from Falun – Glad to hear.


1.  Bjorn’s parents were Marie and Robert. Bjorn was born on 26 March, 1934. His elder sister and brothers were Lisa, Robert (called ‘Bob’) and Paul.  Falun is approximately 215 kilometres north west of Stockholm.  Len seems to be meaning Bjorn and his sister and brothers when she talks of the Falun Palmgrens.  We know that in Stockholm Len stayed on a floating youth hostel.  So when she writes ‘Marie’s still moaning’ she may be referring to when she last saw her in Falun, perhaps some days before.  Len arrived by boat at Gothenburg on the west coast and presumably trained to Stockholm and Falun.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-119 April, 1950.
Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

In bed, 7am. Wednesday

Most Precious People,

Before I forget, could you please post on my ration book as I need it to pass on here. Must now thank you a little less hurriedly for the parcels which arrived before my departure. The re-modelled coat was the envy of all eyes, but I just hadn’t the space to take it with me – keeping it fresh for next winter. The yellow chunky was as young as ever & received favourable comments overseas. The paper hankies were especially useful, especially as much nose blowing is needed going from the central heating to out of doors and vice versa in Sweden.

There’s a shocking noise in my chimney. Haven’t had the fire on for weeks & left a clean empty grate. Before I went away a few twigs had fallen down, but now you’d think I’d set the twigs all ready to receive coal on top. A nest’s been built in the chimney & I’m constantly hearing fluttering of wings and I s’pose this almost human voice just heard was the mother admonishing the little ones. Am almost frightened to look in the hearth – trunk partially hides it – in case a fully grown bird or baby may  have fallen amongst the twigs.

Can’t think what else to tell you about Sweden, just hope to do it verbally when I see you insh’ Allah.

The food was good, but over-rated & they eat very little green stuff. The housing of the population in flats I didn’t like at all. The central heating’s good, but there’s too much of it and one’s apt to feel one’s almost suffocating at times to begin with. They’ve got gorgeous kitchen units of stainless steel sinks, (two) & a draining board all in one, electric cooker and fridge.

Aunt Marie’s really crippled with rheumatism & has to lie down several times a day. She does talk about it a lot, but it’s understandable as the men don’t seem to realise the climate’s killing her & that something positive should be done about it now, before it’s too late & she becomes a permanent invalid as well as having her years of life probably shortened.

Uncle Robert’s short & has a real corporation.  He is however good-tempered & is a wit & does not stand on his dignity.  The boys are clever & unworldly except for the youngest Bjorn, who’s clever and worldly, but sensitive too. Realise he’s apt to be lazy – he’s got to be jollied into doing things.  Bob’s coming over – hope to arrange for him to lecture at coll. – & Bjorn started looking at the list of addresses I gave him (Bob), and asking if he could B & B too. Told him he must be charming and communicative as his shy silence would be construed as “rudeness” – he finished the sentence for me. “Yes” I answered. Got on famously with them all, jitterbugged with Bjorn, country danced with Paul – who’s interested in emigrating to Australia, and laughed a lot with Bob.

Ask me questions, know there’s lots I haven’t told you, but can’t think what it is.

About coming down, Whit Monday’s the 18th June.  Can you come down for the preceding week, arriving on Friday 8th? And stay the week over Whit. Hol? School practice starts on the Tuesday after and there will no chance to see you. This area isn’t as fruitful to a tourist as Salisbury, but has its own good points notwithstanding.

This is the timetable:-
17th April Main Course 9 weeks
19th June Teaching Prac. 4 weeks. (Impossible to see anyone)
17th July Exhibition & Discussions of Teaching Prac 2 days
19th July Vacation till 10th August

For the holiday I want to go to the Continent, would like you two to come too. Now before I get thoroughly embroiled in college work I want to try & find work in France or Italy for the period. Outdoors preferably for girl friend and myself from coll., but thought you’d like to p’raps work in a confectioner’s shop or something similar, or have people coming to you later in the year in exchange for keeping whilst you’re there. When are your holidays Daddy? Write & let me know.

Longing to see you,

All the morning love,

Len. xxx xx
p.s. Re. ration book, be sure to use all rations poss. from book before sending it on.

p.p.s In parcel runner & ashtray from Aunt Marie to you two – rest from me.


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Swan Hunter letter, 21 April, 1950.


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Len pic for part 3 png smaller-123 April, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

The ‘All. Midday, Sunday.

Dearest Delights,

How are you both? Not phoning tonight in pursuance of economy measure, will keep on every Sunday – hate to feel the pinching of the grant like this, but it’s only for another six months, though I must say I shall hate to leave college.

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Wynyard Hall students and staff, late 1949/1950. Len is third row from the front, 2nd on left (in blouses).

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Close up of Len from Wynyard Hall college students and staff photo, 1949/1950.

Are you both going to start French? Think about it in view of what I’ve to say later.

Want to go to the Edinburgh festival all three w/es, hitching up and back two w/es and the last one, bussing door to door on coll. scheme. Have invitation to stay with last year’s drama type. See there are late trains to be run to Glasgow, so perhaps I could get home a bit and you could get over for a performance or two. Is there anything you particularly want to see?

Could you please get me another one of those 1/- (wonderful value) pictorial maps of Glasgow, as I want one for St. Mungo and one to illustrate the situation of shipyards visited in my shipyard study. Failing this, another St. Mungo, or rather Glasgow Coat of Arms if possible (1)

Please what about the two circulars, have you sent them? And where are the S.Y.H.A bulletins, I’d like to keep abreast of events, particularly with reference to foreign exchange etc.

Any news of Miss Sansom and her sister’s definite date of arrival. (2)

Had a lovely letter from Joan B., who can’t go to Italy or France this year as her holiday’s at a different time – was a lovely letter though.

People looking in my wardrobe with envy at my gorgeous yellow evening dress and brown coat and say how lucky I am to have someone who can do up and dressmake like that.

With Shirley Easton (3) I’m conducting a very wide campaign to find out about exchange hospitality and work abroad. At your end explore every possibility. It is good of you to be willing to have people back to Glasgow. Might even write to Peter Scott again.

Have received £11.4s. in cheque from Income Tax, and this I’d like to give you, to help you to come across, both if poss., but if not then for you Mum. You can only have it to come across the Channel with me, because I want so much to spend time with you, if you can’t, then I’ll buy a National Defence Bond with £10 of it, so that I can’t touch it. You must have it and must come to the Continent. Shirley Easton and I want to go and would like to work on vineyards and have you two stay at a nearby Pension. If I can’t get work of some kind or other it means hitching about and would make it more difficult for seeing you, but it could be managed for a week even then, probably at the beginning of the holiday. Do hope to find work though, would char or anything to speak French.

One of the other girls parents are coming down from Scotland and she’s having them put up at Durham. It’s 15 miles away, as opposed to Stockton’s 8, but it would be a joy to be on holiday there, for it’s really lovely there and at this time of year well nigh perfect – university atmosphere, narrow main street, castle, cathedral, walks looking down on river and bridges far below and plenty of entertainment and gorgeous pubs too.

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Durham Cathedral, north west.

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Durham, Elvet Bridge.

That would be if you both couldn’t manage France. Does Daddy have to take his holidays at a specific time?

Spoke to the operator as I did in case you’d hear. Yes, I did feel tired when I ‘phoned as I’d been travelling for such a long time – Saturday embarked and after weak coffee with Lilian hitched right on up after disembarkation. Now feel blithe and gay once more.

The gifts for you I bought in Sweden I left in a box with Lillian, who was going to put brown paper round and despatching by registered post. I said to her “Don’t worry about sending it today, there’s no hurry”, so she may have delayed sending it for a day or two. I couldn’t hang about, hence non-despatch by self.

Am off to see a bee man about a nature study I’m doing. Have wangled Wednesday afternoon off, to go and take photos at a Newcastle shipyard, just hope it doesn’t rain. (4)

Tore out tea coupon, but don’t know where I’ve put it. Tea you’re to thank Mrs. Hemmons for, was in parcel I sent ages ago with sugar and butter – the s & b from me.

Yes, Whit Monday is 29 May, sorry for mistake – can both or one come down? It really is essential to get summer plans in order.

Sky threatening, but taking camera. Haven’t been out since I arrived on Monday – looking forward to fresh air.

All, all love,
Your very own Len. xxxxx

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Back of envelope of 23 April, 1949 letter.


1.  St. Mungo is alleged to have preached a sermon containing the words “Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the Word”.  “Let Glasgow Flourish” and St.Mungo are incorporated into the Glasgow coat of arms.

2.  Miss Sansom was Mum’s B&B lady in Salisbury, August the previous year, 1948.

3.  Shirley, a college friend.

4.  These photos are not in this collection.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-126 April, 1950.

The ‘All.

Wednesday –  Assembly – (outside late) waiting to go in for announcements.

Nearest and dearest people,

No letter from you, so just hope parcel has arrived all right. I’ve some requests, but in meeting them, please send me no more than what I ask for, as I sometimes want to scream when trying to find a place for something in my room. If you’ve any old socks of mine, or a spare little pair of scissors – lost mine on school prac. and though I intend to buy a cutting pair, need a little pair too – don’t do anything about getting socks and scissors if they’re not spare.

Am at the moment waiting avidly to hear the West Dumbarton result – just hope it’s alright.(1)   Also wanted a stiff clothes brush. Have one soft one which is U.S. for most things. Feel one of the old unused hairbrushes we got in Selfridges pre-war would be good Mummy – again, don’t buy if you haven’t got. If you eventually come to despatch a parcel and must put in something extra, let it be small, space or rather lack of it is a terrific bugbear.

Aunt Marie wants a length of Mackay tartan  for a skirt, must see if I can send her some if and when I start earning money again. They told me the Londonderry crest on our blazers is just like the Mackay clan sign – so it is and I’d never noticed.  A Swedish girl and her fiancee are coming across in June and I’d like her to bring a decanter over – giving her the cash for it in sterling here. I adore cut glass – they cost about £3 and are really works of art.

Gave our add. at Coldingham to two Australian women, met on the Af Chapman – the Swedish Y.H. ship in Stockholm.   Thought I’d tell you in case they call.

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The af Chapman, Stockholm,  1940s postcard in Len’s memorabilia.

Has ye parcel arrived yet?

One of the girls tells me her mother has luxuriant growth of hair and keeps it dark – all with Potassium Permanganate. It seems it only costs her 3d., every two years. They found out about it by accident. 3 crystals are used at a time. It darkens the hair and encourages abundant growth – she says it’s phenomenal.

Please, how’s my suit getting on ? I’d like it very much for the Edinburgh festival – or earlier if convenient.

It’s now Thursday and am most surprised at not receiving any mail from you.  Just hope you’re both all right.

About Whit. You will both be coming down, won’t you?  Surely you can get a day off from work Daddy?  It would of course be possible for me to hitch up, but as I couldn’t start till 4 on the Friday I would have to start back early – 7 – 8 on the Monday morning, it would mean I’d only have Saturday and Sunday with you, whereas if you come down (and you haven’t been here yet and I was up home last) you could arrive by 4 on the Friday and we’d have all that time together as you could leave on the Tuesday.  And in that time we could do a great deal of sight-seeing and get the summer hols sorted out – I hope.

Please write soon and tell me what you think, but anyway I’ll be ‘phoning on Sunday. Hope you’re both all right.

April showers of love to you.

Len. xxxxx


1.  West Dumbarton by-election: The Labour candidate beat the  Conservative and Unionist Party candidate by a whisper of 293 votes, out of 40,441 cast.  Labour hung onto the seat in the 1950 General Election by a margin of 613 votes.   Source: Daily Mail Year Book 1951.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-17 May, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

The ‘All.   My room 11.30 am. Sunday.

Nearest & Dearest,

Has more sugar arrived from Marie? She bought some to send you when I was there.

So thrilled that the London parcel eventually arrived.  So glad you like the tulip egg cups. They had them in blue and green, but felt yellow was right. Yes, it’s the pin of the Swedish youth hostel ship – clever of you to guess. Lillian’s address is 28 Royal Crescent, Kensington, London W.11.

Isn’t it a shocking summer compared with last year. Remember sunny Salisbury & us meeting at Salisbury station in March last year?  I think S. has something.

Will be writing a letter to you Daddy in reply to your ‘home and away’ one shortly. (1)
Visited Cairo people a week yesterday & they were sweet. Drove me all the way back here. They were on their way to Newcastle from Stockton – & came out of their way. We can visit them at Whit if you like, Mum.

Got an afternoon off to go to a shipyard in Newcastle. Hitched up & back in the soaking rain – having tea at Marjorie’s before coming back. After this & many other adventures eventually got my study in. Can’t believe it yet. Now have to start on village survey. Did not include map in shipyard survey, so can use it for St.Mungo & no other needed – thanks.

Vera Summers, whom you’ll probably meet, Mum, came in on Friday & asked me to go out dancing, so off I went. We went to Stockton & I met a one ring MN engineer officer – am meeting him in Wolviston to-night all being well. (2)   Not thrilled, but being closeted with girls all the time makes you enjoy talking to a man.

When I see and hear how some girls behave it makes me realise that it’s directly to you I can trace the cause of my behaving in “an old fashioned way” if you like to call it that, but the best way. Yes, going to Egypt & everything at 19. There must be something funny about the home life of some girls. Thank goodness I’ve got you two.

When has Bjorn’s passage been booked for? Lisa isn’t nutty about the theatre. She’s a bit hard, not awfully pretty, but very fascinating.

No reply from foreign exchange people yet. Must write to more and more.

Have you fixed up your own accommodation at Ayr yet?

I have a ship book, all pictures, perfect for a child. Was going to cut it up for my survey but didn’t. Shall I send it to you, to give Roderick for his birthday in October? (3)

Will expect you on Friday 26th Mum. Think I’d better meet you in Newcastle. Can meet you there any time from 6pm. I presume you’re taking the bus all the way, its route is Glasgow, Carlisle, Newcastle? Then you can return on the 30th – Tuesday. Do book up now! I’ll look after all expenses at this end – you need only spend your return fare to Newcastle.

Must get this in the post & on with some work.
All my love,

Len xxxxx


1.  This letter of Dad’s is not in this collection.

2.  MN:  Merchant Navy.

2.  Roderick, Len’s young cousin, with his parents in Abadan, Iran.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-110 May, 1950

Wynyard Hall, Billingham, Durham.

My sunlit room. Wednesday afternoon.

Own Darlings,

It’s glorious here to-day and I’m battling forward with work. Never saw the MN type on Friday, but enjoyed the borrowed bike ride.

We very rarely get dance invitations – wish they were more frequent, but we’ve been invited to a British Legion do on friday, so it does a little leavening.

Am running an auction sale to raise funds to cover the college mag. Charging 3d. auctioning fee and 25% proceeds to Mag. committee. You should see my poster, complete with white elephant.

For my history thesis I’m going to do Trade Unions insh’ Allah, starting with medieval guilds. D’you remember anything, or can you recommend any books, or even people to whom I could refer from John Parker lecture days Mum. (1)

Produced – with scripts – in a day – a scene from Sean O’ Casey’s “Red Roses For Me” – Drama tutor shook my hand in congratulation – it was all in the drama lesson.

My English is improving – or at least my writing is. We’re roped in for gardening morning, night & noon these days. To-night am being taken to feed the college bees.

School practice has been put forward a week, so that we’ve 10, instead of 3 days here after it finishes.

What’s your news? Longing to see you at N-o-T a fortnight on Friday Mum – still no chance of your coming Daddy? P’raps later you’ll both come all being well.

All love from Tees to Clyde.

Len. xxxxx


(1)  Possibly either a WEA  or Communist Party lecturer in Glasgow.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-114 May, 1950

Wynyard Hall, Billingham, Durham.

Dull Sunday, Brightened with Thoughts of You.

Lights of my heart,

How’s life in Glasgow? Here it’s going along as usual and as usual I’m – like most others – doing dribbles of work till the night before it’s wanted, then staying up half the night to finish it. S’pose it’s just the way students are made.

Don’t understand about the ‘phone bill – you say the bill is £6.14.7 and the rent is £2.7.2 and that you’ve got the money saved for outside calls. Well, are ‘outside calls’ those made by other people who pay you on the spot?  Is so, are these amounts inc. in the £6.14.7? If so, what is our bill without ‘em, as I don’t want to pay ²/³’s of £6.14.7, if part of it is made up of calls made by people other than us. Please let me know, so that I may take the necessary sum from my little P.O. account. Then I can give it to you at Whit, Mum, or send it earlier if it would help.

Trust that by now you’ve booked up for the 26th Mum. Thinking of what we can do together.

Yesterday went with Miss Robinson our English lit. tutor to Richmond. Picked up Grace Fordyce (last year’s Wynyard, type who’s keen on drama) en route.  We’d a picnic lunch between Darlington and Richmond and on arrival Miss R. insisted on us listening to a talk on the archives of the town. The gathering was that of the Teesdale branch of the International Federation of University Women. If you or any friend of yours goes to or has any connection with a university, never let her join the IFUW, I never knew that blue stockings like that existed – so horsey. Craning necks when there was nothing at which to crane. One had short skirts and knee length white stockings, with a bit of elastic from the knee garter jutting out. The archive talk was jolly good – it was given by the Town Clerk who wore a green corduroy jacket with an enormous mauve pansy in it.

Afterwards Grace and I went over the castle. Richmond’s like Bath, but not so good. Then we tea’d, watched some cricket, met Miss R. and were driven back. She’s a shocking driver. Having spent so much time in lorries driven by men who’ve fallen out of their cradle onto the wheel it irks me no end to shoot backwards and forwards in a car and hear gears grinding. It was a glorious day and most enjoyable.

Friday we went to a British legion dance and I met a man. He wasn’t ordinary – that wouldn’t happen to me to meet and be thrilled by someone with a normal background – at least I wonder if it will. He’s Irish – from Kilkenny, with a degree from Dublin University, is in love with a married woman and is an open cast mining engineer. We talked Irish playwrights to each other, danced and went on talking – he was full of Irish blarney and an exact younger edition of Mr Childs of Porton.  I thought “This is hopeless” and tore myself away from the Irish charm with “Good-bye”.  I was ages in the cloakroom, complimenting myself the while on my virtuous strength in saying farewell and came out to find him waiting. He said couldn’t I ask his pals and himself to a ‘do’ of ours. I havered, but he went blarneying on and I said “O.K.” – he then told me his address verbally, but I said my memory was hopeless, so he grabbed my shoes from me and wrote it on the brown paper in which they were wrapped.

Why do I always meet and like people who need to be saved from someone or something? Course I want to see him and if there’s no dance for ages shall ask if he wants to have tea beside the lake. You needn’t bother to lament, encourage or berate me – this sort of thing just seems to keep on happening to me. However, despite all the ramifications, I’ve felt considerably brighter since Friday, so a little light has been brought in to my Maytime.

Have been doing quite well on going out lately – dancing a week last Friday and the ballet before that, dancing this Friday just past and to Richmond yesterday, with the prospect of “The Beggars Opera” in Durham this coming week. No boy friend means it all has to be paid for unfortunately and I must watch the shekels. (1)

It’s so lovely when I wear my yellow chunky to discover that both pockets are whole and one not half missing as it was before your renovation of it Mrs.B.

You seem very thrilled with your Toni,  Mum. Have you tried the p.p at all?  (2)

The lilac’s lovely and I’ve got it pressed in my Shakespeare besides John O’ Gaunt’s “This England” – etc. speech – seems appropriate.

Can’t get over the bargain of the fire – looking forward to seeing it and getting some heat from it (!) later in the year.   Where will you be going for the interior spring mattress? It would be good if you found one in the same way you found the fire – what a bargain.

You’ll being having hordes of visitors. Just hope you can cope.   Be sure to charge them lots. (3)

Of course my English is improving – I mean look at Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Dostoievsky and the other authors who can really write. That’s the way I’d like to be able to write and it’s not something magical that just happens. Naturally there has to be a certain amount of magic – if you want to call their natural creative gift that, but those people worked darned hard to produce those books. All the time I try to improve my style and as for the matter, that is formed by the kind of person you are and your own personal experiences. When I came home from the M.E. after 3 years of fiffle faffle at cocktail parties and the like, I was searching for words. But now, well all my old argumentative ability is coming back and I use words in speech I didn’t even know in Cairo.  But I do feel simplicity is the keynote.

Paid 6/3 for a pair of cutting out scissors at the Co-op, then had to use them on cutting out pictures and similar for my survey. However, Muriel (next door neighbour) came back from being sick the other day and gave me a German pair I use for my odd jobs, so you see I’ve a cutting and other pair now, so just hold onto yours – but thanks for the thought.

Have loads of letters to write, English theme to do – “the child in C19 novels” – and then gardening – it’s all enjoyable – to a degree and the whole is most pleasant – yes, feel chirpy, only the arrival of the phone bill has shocked me back into ‘phoning every fortnight instead of once a week.

All my love – outside my window is a maple and it with me sends love,

Len. xxxxxx.


1.  Allan, her admirer from the potato picking,  seems to have fallen by the wayside.

2. Toni is a hair product. “p.p” is perhaps permanent perm.

3.  Hordes of visitors.  Mum is possibly letting out the spare room again, as she did at the time of the Glasgow Industrial Exhibition.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-119 May 1950.

The ‘All.

My room, lunchtime. Friday

Nearest and Dearest,

Your 108 in this morning and thrilled with the thought of seeing you Mrs. B – how I wish you were coming Daddy. Ran an auction for magazine funds (it cost £74 last year) on Monday night. It was patronised by students, tutors and domestic staff. Made over 15 guineas and have been congratulated formally from the main hall platform by the principal and Vice-P. as well as having enjoyed many informal congrats – can’t see myself stopping doing things like that to look feminine – need someone like Harris who’s organisation’s better (said she modestly).

If it’s at all possible, could you bring me my 3-piece black and tartan suit in the making Mum – if not the jacket, then the waistcoat and skirt – if you fit ‘em on I can always finish them off myself. Could you also bring shoes put in the Co-op for mending at Christmas? Thanks.

Will give you cash for ‘phone when I see you insh’Allah.

Would you like to go to Marjories’s on arrival in N-o-T – or hate it?  Thought I could pick you up there, rather than you wait at some cafe or restaurant in town till my arrival about 6.  Know your antipathy t’ards visiting, so of it’s “No”, no protests from me.  Thought – it would be more convenient – will ‘phone on Sunday anyway and find out your answer.  It would be grand of course if we got away earlier from coll. on the Friday, but no word of that yet.

They’ve O.K’ed Bob coming to lecture here, must write and find out his dates – do hope he’s booked up and everything.

Have not yet written to the “broth of a bhoy”, but remember, it’s the Ulstermen I don’t like, not those from Eire and he’s from Kilkenny.

Longer letter later and writing you shortly Daddy dear.

All love from me and Wynyard.

Len. xxx


Lizars card to mum, address sidepng_edited-1

Lizars card to Mum png

Mum’s glasses are ready. May 1950. From Len’s memorabilia.


Mum has been down with Len for the Whitsun weekend.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-11 June, 1950

My comparatively Cool Room Friday – 4.30.

My Nearest and Dearest Ones,

To think that the weather’s almost Egyptian leaves me gasping, but I love the heat – what’s it like in Glasgow? You must have had a lovely journey back if everything else was as good as the weather Mum. How are you and how was Newcastle? How are you Daddy having held the well populated castle for a time?

News from here? Well, we’ve been issued with a pot of lemon curd and are sunbathing in the briefest of swimsuits and even these we’re pulling down. To-day half the college has been off to the Farne Islands, but those of us who’ve remained have been sadly disillusioned to find far less free periods than we imagined, but it’s been a lovely day.

We all had appointments to get last school prac’s notes back and Miss Gunson was quite complimentary to me – had criticisms of course, but was more cheering than otherwise.

I’ve had only one letter since your departure – from one of the little girls I taught last time. We’re now full of this school prac. of course, but I’m hoping to work hard and enjoy it. Have been gardening, typing, reading and sewing like mad. The garden path is almost done and I’ve done some planting. Have finished two novels and the blouse only needs a tiny bit of sewing under one arm – the tiers came out well – it looks good and fits me beautifully. Have a garden appointment for 7.30 to-morrow morning with one of the girls.

Longing for news of you – take care of yourselves.

Love from the Sunny Tees.

Len. xxxxx


Because of Len’s letter numbering we know that there are now two of her letters missing.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-18 June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

Thursday.   Heatwave Broken.

Dearest Person,

Received your letter on my return from Durham last night and was so upset to think that you should have left here so well and then a thing like that happening. You say don’t worry, well I’m glad to say the School Practice flap will keep my mind off you a little, but when its not on that I won’t worry, but will think of you all the time. The important thing is not to put any more bits of you out of position, so on no account get up to answer the door or the telephone and as for the lavatory, incorporate as much of it as possible in your room. (1)

My back hasn’t bothered me at all since your rubbing and massage. Hope you feel full of confidence with regard to Dr. Gilston – if however you have any doubts don’t worry about etiquette in changing to someone else. I think you would be better in hospital. Know how you’ll hate leaving 26, but think how expert the people in hosps. are, confronted as they are all the time by many cases of each type of ailment. I wish so I was in Scotland, be sure to send for me if you want me up there. Isn’t it a blessing that Mrs.W’s in the house? (2)   As always Daddy will shine in this sort of circumstance.

The college dance date is fixed for 14th July now. Thank you for Noel’s address.

To-day have been busy preparing for school prac – this evening we’ve an English lecture.

Into the mail with this now, so take care of yourself and get well soon.

Beside you in thought and loving you always,

Len. xxxxx


1.  It sounds as if Mum has pulled her back.

2.  Mrs W.  Mum may have taken on a  lodger, as she and Harry did with Jack, the Norwegian.


school curriculum, with letter no.132 png

Len pic for part 3 png smaller-1June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall Training College, Wolviston, Billingham, Co.Durham.

Dear Mr. Horricks,

Thank you very much for all the help you gave me when I visited the school.

As requested I append my forecast of what I propose to teach in English for the coming week all being well.

June 12th  Monday  Static  Observe.

June 13th  Tuesday  Day 6  3A  (Double Period)  Poetry, “Jack” T.V.Lucas and “The Bailiff’s Daughter of Islington”.  Anon.

June 14th  Wednesday  Day 1  3A  Literature – “The Midnight Folk” by John Masefield or a Kipling or a R.S.Stevenson.

June 15th  Thursday  Day 2  3A  Comprehension work on passage from book in Literaature.

June 16th  Friday  Day 3  2C  Continuation of “The Family from One-End Street”.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-1

12 June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

Redcar in the Morning. (1)  Monday.

Dearest Wee One,

Wept all over the ‘phone box on Friday with relief on learning that you had had your ‘op’ and were comfortable – poor Daddy.  It was grand to learn you’d opened the butter or ‘chocolates’ parcel as Daddy thought it.  Hope you get the parcel with dressing gown.

To-day I’m observing all the time and to-morrow teaching – wish me luck.

Think it better if I come up at the end of June – 29th June, a Thursday for a w/e.  You see there’s a school trip and if I can get permission from Miss Brideoake (prin.at coll.) and the headmaster here, it means I can nip off on the Thursday instead of going on the trip on friday in pursuance of the joining -in-all-activities-of-the-school programme or policy. (2)

Hope you’ll be out of the Western then and I’ll be able to ‘do’ for you.  (3)   Want to discuss summer plans, as your busy summer of visitors will be altered now.

Take care of yourself and stay in hosp. as long as you can. If you’re still in when I come up all being well, I’ll persuade them to take me on as a nurse for two days, or at least somehow get more than the normal half hour a day with you. Will write to Daddy during the w/e all being well.  Just send messages via him as writing will tire you. All the love to the best mother from daughter in Yorkshire.

Len. xxxxx


1.  Len is on teaching practice.

2.  Miss Brideoake has replaced Miss Bertie.  It is assumed Miss Bertie has either taken early retirement, or gone to another appointment.

3.  The Western:  the Western Infirmary, near Partick, in Glasgow’s West End.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-115 June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

My school – Thursday Afternoon – Unsettled weather. (1)

My own dearest Daddy,

At the moment I’m sitting listening to a ghastly man telling the children about St. Francis – in what I think is a most unpleasant way. However, I’m enjoying this school practice, by and large.

Thank you for your letter. Heard from Mummy too yesterday – it’s wonderful to realise that the operation has been successful so far.

Letter to Daddy, 1950 png

I hope to come on Thursday 29th June – Miss Brideoake has given me permission, provided I hand in all my lessons fully prepared for the following week beforehand.

About the summer holiday – I must at least try to come up for a few days. Think though it’s more important that you have no visitors.  Am worried about Bjorn’s arrival.  The Palmgren’s won’t know Mummy’s been ill.  Bjorn sails by the ‘Kangen’ – or some name like that to-morrow (Saturday) and arrives on Monday.  Am enclosing Aunt Marie’s letter so that you’ll know the position.  You can’t have him if Mummy’s just returned from the Western and only if he does for himself completely I s’pose if she’s still in.  Thought I’d warn you as you may have forgotten about it in the stress of the moment. You have been wonderful to Mummy, Daddy – yours is a really great love

What happened about my shoes please? Mummy was supposed to bring them down, but didn’t as they were too much for her to carry. They’ve been in the Co-op since Christmas and I’m rather worried about them. If you can possibly have them sent down – Mummy said Mrs Wakeling (2)) was getting them out of the Co-op – I’d appreciate it, as there are some amongst them I’d like to wear to look smart on school prac.

I’ll ‘phone on Sunday about 5.30 all being well.  Tore up Aunt Marie’s letter by mistake – hope you can decipher it. Surrounded by people talking, so had better wait till Sunday to talk more to you.

All love and take care of yourself.

Your very own, Len. xxxxx.


1.  The postmark on the envelope that she sent her Dad, the following day, is Redcar.

2.  This is the Mrs “W”, who seems to be a lodger at 26 Coldingham Avenue.


Len’s next letter to her Mum is address to Mrs H.Bryers, Ward 13, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland.


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-117 June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

Happy first week of School prac. finished.  Saturday.


Just had lunch with Shirley in Stockton. Off shopping to Middlesbrough for s.prac. stuff.  Enc. neg of Whitby harbour for you.

whitby photo png

Whitby, 1950. Photo printed from the negative that Len sent Mum.

Awful about Uncle Bill. Wish I could help wee Marie Rose especially.  Poor Dad – he’s holding the rudder magnificently.  It must have hit our finances – time off work for him and the fare – still maybe I can help sometime.

Looking forward so, so much to seeing you a week on Thursday night, insh’Allah.

Thanks for your letter – haven’t it by me at the moment, but will write shortly, all being well.

Love you so much – stay in hosp. – and bed as long as poss. like a good Mummy, but get well and strong.  Working very hard, but enjoying it.

Len. xxxxx


Len pic for part 3 png smaller-119 June, 1950.

Wynyard Hall, Wolviston, Billingham, Co. Durham.

The Women’s Staff Room. Monday – lunchtime. (1)

My very dearest Daddy,

May I repeat, I think you’re wonderful. I don’t how you’ve managed to cope – however do take care of yourself – hope you’re feeling O.K.  Do hope I get through college O.K. and manage to get a secretarial or temporary teaching job in Glasgow for two months or so.

Dying to hear the rest of the gen about Aunt Ena.

Heard from Mummy this morning, she says I shouldn’t bother to come up, but I want to, so still hope to see you a week on Thursday.  Wonder if she’ll be out of hosp. then? Feel she should stay in as long as poss., but if she’s out, I could ‘do’ in the house.

I’m enclosing the add. to which Bjorn should go in Edinburgh – they’ll welcome him with open arms to stay there.   Alice is sister of Grace (drama type from last year’s course at coll.) and is engaged to a Dane and loves talking to Scandinavians.  Sent a telegram to Bjorn this morning, but in case he doesn’t get it or goes struggling on to Glasgow, ship him off to Edin. (2)

All love to you.

Len. xxxxx


1.  Len is still doing her teaching practice in Redcar.

2.  Of this trip Bjorn recalled in an email to the author in 2011 “I was back in 1950, this time with my bike, staying in Youth Hostels or with relatives, including of course Dornoch.  I think I spent about two months touring Scotland.  I also saw Len at her college in Durham.”


This carbon copy of a letter, amongst the memorabilia, was typed after her School Practice at Redcar.

school curriculum, with letter no.132png


Enas death envelope png

19 June, 1950.

2, Hilders Road, Western Park, Leicester.

Dear Nellie,

Many thanks for your nice wee letter but more thanks for the use of your nice big husband.

We do hope you are feeling nearly back to your old self again. Whatever you do see and take great care of yourself when you get out. You will require to take it very easy for a long time.

Yes Bill is gone. We do not feel sad. He was so gay how could we feel sad at him getting out of his pain. I went to the hospital with him for treatment at 10 a.m. and he was dead at 11.a.m.

He had

Bill's death, letter png

A Fractured skull (hit by a German rifle)
Mustard Gas in his lungs
One kidney and the other infected
Something wrong with his bladder
Shell in his ankle bone
Duodenal ulcers
Diverticulosis (a bowel complaint)
A slow haemorrhage of the brain
A lot of other fancy names of things I didn’t understand.

Then the pathologist at the Inquest finished up with some other fancy names and when I asked what it was he said “Cancer in the stomach.”

Don’t be sorry for Marie Rose or I. We are gay and happy to know he is out of his pain. Our years of strain are over. Bill was so gay. We must continue to be the same.

We thought it very sporty of Harry to come,  with you in hospital. I said “Nellie would make him come.”

We heard all about Len and hope to see you all when we have our holiday in Scotland soon. So hurry up and get well. Again thanks to Harry for all the help.

Don’t know what more to say. So just send our love.

from Marie Rose and Ena.


This is the end of the  main collection of letters acquired in 2007.  The second batch of letters from 2011 do not significantly take the narrative forward after Ena’s letter to her sister Helen (Nellie) of 19 June 1950.  However, a few letters do survive, after Ena’s letter, into 1951 and extracts will be in the next,  and final chapter of Len: Our Ownest Darling Girl, “What Happened Next


Next       Part Four  Chapter Two:  What Happened Next.

Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Social and Political History, Teachers Emergency Training Scheme 1040s, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Three 4 Imagine me a School-Maam

Part Three  Chapter Four   Imagine Me a School-Maam

“I always feel so sorry for kids and adults with disinterested and indifferent parents”


 Mum has been down in Salisbury for a fortnight, and has just returned by train to Scotland

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png5 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Public Library.

Monday evening.

North of the Border Beauties,

How are you two, reunited at 26 once more?  Hope you had a good journey back Mum and arrived home feeling you’ve had a good if rather hectic holiday.  Yes Daddy, I bet you’re amazed by the tales of all we managed to fit in.

A dozen and one things to say – first as my funds are low, won’t be despatching your parcel till Friday, Mrs B.   Secondly, am ready for parcel of cabbage, lettuce and any other spare produce from your kitchen garden whenever you have time to send it – but please don’t rush to post the goods.

Re. education people.  I received my birth cert. back last night with a note saying my name was on list for colleges.

What I’d like you to do Mum is to see the Chief Education Office for Glasgow, or some deputy of his and say that your daughter is an accepted candidate for training under the Emergency Training Scheme and as per the advice of the Ed. auths. in their letter to her, would like to work whilst awaiting entry to college as a temporary supplementary, unqualified teacher.  I could come to Glasgow for interview and could start anytime, but preferably from mid – Nov. onwards.

I heard from Nolly (1).  Yes, I’d a p.c. of the Empire State Building and he says he’s going on to Canada and will write from there and hopes I’m O.K.  I picked up the p.c. from my tray eagerly thinking it was from Malcolm. (2)    On seeing the writing I felt ‘all weak’ after thinking I’d weathered the storm and my inside went skiddely bom, bom, bom.

Val’s trying to lure me to the pictures to-night.  I’ve already been weak enough to say ‘Yes’ about dancing at the Cadena on Thursday on finances borrowed from her.  Really shouldn’t go as I can’t afford it from a long term angle.  Hope to join League of H/ & Beauty in a fortnight – but even keeping fit seems a costly business at 6/- for enrolment and 1/- – 2/6 a lesson, but it sounds fun.(3)

How are you Daddy – didn’t tell you before but Mr. Baxter says riding a bike doesn’t hurt at all with your complaint ‘cos he knows someone who has it and does. (4) (Clearly Len and Mum did visit Dagenham whilst Mum was down from Scotland)

Wish I was in Sconnie Botland.

All love in the world,

Len. xxxxx


1.  Nolly, yet another of Len’s variations for ‘Noel’

2.  Malcolm '48 pngThis is perhaps Malcolm that she briefly saw in Cairo, and who had returned to the U.K. and been demobbed, like Peter, who she also briefly saw.

3.  The League of Health and Beauty was founded by Mary Bagot Stack, a First World War widow who suffered from rheumatic fever.  The League still continues but is now known as the Fitness League. 

3.  Len and Mum stayed with the Baxters in Dagenham.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png9 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Stuffy Restroom, lunchtime. Friday.

Precious people of the North,

It was lovely to get your letter Mum and learn of your safe return.  So sorry about the scarab ring – not at all on my own behalf, but merely that you haven’t got it any more. Still, you may get another from Cairo via Trudi or someone. (1)  You never gave me back the thing for Woman’s Hour’s Joan Griffiths. (2)   Could you return it corrected please.

As there’s a terrific flap on at the moment with these Americans and Canadians being here this will have to be brief, but in accordance with instructions – better brevity than nothing at all.  (3)

Last night I worked late – till 7.40, then went to a dance at the Cadena. The bloke who drove me home from work – one of the scientists insisted on coming too with Val and I.  He took me in for sandwiches and afterwards drove us both home, all of which was rather nice, but help,  he’s married and both he and his wife after 2 years residence there have only been out of a mental home 6 months!  So nae mair o’ that – why can’t I meet somebody ordinary.

Working late again to-night and may even have to come in tomorrow. Since writing that I’ve worked till 8.30 and am now coffee-ing and finishing this off before going to meet Joan. (4)   And I am working to-morrow, so as you can see there’s plenty of work around.

All love,

Len. xxx


1.  Mum has presumably lost the scarab ring that Len sent to her on her birthday when she was in Cairo.

2.  Len is writing an item “How It Feels to Be Back Home” on spec,  for the BBC Women’s Hour radio programme.  Jane Griffiths was the then presenter of Women’s Hour.

3.  Terrific flap.  As mentioned earlier, there was a high degree of cooperation in biological and chemical warfare development between the U.K., the U.S.A and Canada.  There is a possibility that this particular’ ‘flap’ was to do with combined sea trials in the dispersal of biological weapons.

4.  Joan. Joan Brandley who is coming down for the week-end.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png13 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

September Sunshine.  Tuesday morning.

My Own Well Beloved Ones,

How are you – don’t feel like going bats with my digs so much, in fact they’re quite bearable, but I’m still quietly determined to do all I can to get to Glasgow.

Thank you so much for the wonderful parcel, I’m making hay while the sun shines with all the goodies – having resplendent meals of roast lamb and cabbage.  I ate the two enormous pears for my breakfast this morning and found them delicious.  All being well when you send my cord trousers could you please send my little checked shorts and boots as well.  Don’t want to ruin shoes tattie howking in a muddy field – thanks. (1)

You also have my only copy Mum of the thing for Joan Griffiths, so if you could send it fairly soon together with your suggested amendments, I’d be very pleased.

You’ll be able to write back to Marie with the news of Paul’s family which she asks for. Your letters certainly seem to thrill her Mum – wonder what the very cheapest fare is to Sweden.

Your 46 was so full of everything don’t quite know where I start replying. What’s been the outcome of queries from lodgers?  If they’re bed and breakfast or preferably just ‘bed’ it wouldn’t be so much work but I don’t think you should take on anything else. And, if you do take ‘em be sure to charge ‘em like mad for anything they get.

Thank you so much for the face powder left behind.  It’ll help replenish my rapidly diminishing stock. Thanks too for the apples. They made two delightful meals when stewed with lots and lots of sugar.

– Just after lunchtime and your 47 has just come in so I’ve masses of replying to do now.

Just to say, I’m going to be rushed, as I hope to take French, German, Dressmaking and maybe one or two WEA subjects too, as well as joining the League of Health and Beauty here in Salisbury.

Had no chance to get much sleep between you going and Joan coming.  So am thankful at the thought of an early night to-night. Hope to swim with Val, but she plans to get the 8.45 bus back to Winterbourne Gunner so plan to hit the hay after seeing her off.  To-morrow it’s the WEA social 7 – 8.30, so I hope to be fairly early then too.

Told you over the phone about working till 7.30 Thurs., 8.30 Fri and 9 – 1 Sat.  Well I took tea in to Mr. Childs and two Americans and said to one (having heard they all didn’t earlier) “You don’t take milk in your tea?” “Gee, she’s got a dossier on you Albert,” the younger Am. said to the elder and to me “Whaaat else d’you know about him?” “Cross my palm with silver and I’ll tell you” I replied.   The elder one said yes, he liked his clear, and the younger with just a spaht of cream.  After I’d dispensed the three cups the younger turned to the CS (P) and said “D’you aaalways get this kin’ of service?”  The CS (P) answered “Well it’s a bit phoney when we have visitors” but I felt he was pleased nevertheless.

Any news yet of the ‘India’  ball pen or tennis raquet press, Daddy?  Are you a corsetiere yet Mum?

Joan was telling me how the Bxs recited Betty’s illness to them with no encouragement – I think actually Mrs. B must be so worried that Betty’s not as well as she says she is in these recitations that it makes her talk all the time.

It was brilliant sunshine at Bournemouth and the water when we swam was really warm – so difficult to think of the storminess in Glasgow.  Whilst at Bournemouth we went a 6d. bus ride to Hengistbury Head and it was like going 600 miles, the two places are so different.  Firstly the air wasn’t the heavy Bournemouth stuff, but really bracing. There were lots of sand dunes and sea grass and beach far below – in fact it was lovely. Reminded me of Dornoch a bit.

How d’you two feel about the ‘country’ versus ‘industrial’ atmosphere, now that you’re both back north of the border?

My hair’s a bit long so I hope to have it cut again to-morrow night – washing it ‘sevening after swimming.   Went with Joan to M/borough yesterday a/noon (time off in lieu of Sat.) and she took a photo of me so hope to let Daddy see what I’m like with short hair.

Len at M'brough png

Len in Marlborough, September, 1949.  Note her short hair.  Photo taken by Joan Brandley.

I want a dead straight swagger with cuffs on wide sleeves and a big collar in Mackay tartan – what colour is the ‘ancient M.’ Aunt E. talks of?  Could you make it Mum?

Must away. All the love there is.

Len. xxxxx


1.  Tattie howking, Scots.  ‘Potato picking’.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png16 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Blue sky and sunshine but lovely sharpness in the air Friday 16.9.49

My own Heart Warmers,

How are you.   My new Canadian boss is due to arrive to-day, but I don’t s’pose he’ll be in till Monday.

Joan Brandley suggests the Watson boys for Hogmanay, for she says they’d be good to have anyway, plus which the younger one would be an excellent pianist for her. Wonder if they’ll still be in Nigeria and Haifa or if they’ll be home for Xmas/New Year leave?  Should I ask Harris – he does lend colour? (1)

Met a chap from Alderman Road, Knightswood at the WEA. The whole organisation’s full of non-Sal-ites. (2)

Love you both very much,

Len. xxxxx


1.  The Watson boys were possibly part of the  wartime Glasgow hiking and hosteling crowd.   Harris, is Harris, now at Drama School in London, who Len knew from Egypt.

2.  Knightswood is in the western suburbs of Glasgow and a short distance from Yoker and the family home.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png20 September, 1949.

Public Library, 6 ish Tuesday evening.

Dearest People O’ Mine,

How are you? According to your lovely newsy letters, O.K. – do take care of yourselves especially now that winter’s coming on.

At the WEA last night, Val and I thought what an unattractive lot of people were there – it was just a sample to us and we don’t intend going on with that class – “Clear Thinking” etc.   Joined and enjoyed the League of Health and Beauty. Why is the WEA full of such unattractive people here?   Dressmaking’s full up so I’m going to cookery to-night.   Have lots of d/making I want to do though – have you any old blackout cloth you could spare, with which I could make my H&B tights?

Lt.Col.Kent one of the people in the Admin. Block at Porton has promised to get a bottle of Drambuie reserved for me in the Officer’s Mess – won’t it be super if he keeps his word, how are you off for whisky?

Getting ready for a shock with the imminence – yes? – of learning what ²/³rd’s ‘phone bill is, but hope to manage it.

Fancy Mark being in Europe and not coming to Britain!  I must owe him about £50 now after the devaluation, but if he takes re-payment here, £30 sterling should do. You don’t think I should write to him and say I’m worried about re-paying him? (1)

Thank you for all you did in regard to the teaching business Mum.  Although it seemed pretty decisive I thought I’d ask you to try again, but at the w/e Miss Davies was telling me supp.unq.temp. teachers get less than £3 a week (or about that)! (2)  Well – that would be US, as I should hate to come home a pauper.  Apart from the cash angle it seems definitely imposs. to do “before-qualifying work” in Scotland, so I’ll just try to hoard as many ackers as I can just now, hoping to teach in Scotland later.  The E.M.T. Scheme only has colleges in England, so Jordanhill’s out – yes, I remember that’s where Henry trained.

The boots I mean are the ones I bought ‘fore I left in ‘45 (black) and the ones I hiked in last year.   Please don’t forget the corduroy slacks as well as the shorts and boots – nothing else though please as I want to keep my luggage down – my room at ‘No.7’ is much smaller than my old one at Coldingham Avenue.

Must write to Peter Scott – sounds like the answer to a maiden’s prayer – if he’d say “Yes” – or rather an 11 year old’s for that’s when I first started to long for the Yukon Trails in Alaska. (3)

Never met an American socially which was rather annoying as the high-ups had at least a dozen cocktail parties.

Daddy, my raquet will be like an S in shape unless ye promised press comes soon! Hope you now have a perfect bite and can chew everything inc. gum! (4)

All love, Len.


1.  On 19 September, 1949 the British pound was devalued from 4 dollars to 2.80 dollars. The Egyptian pound was devalued by the Egyptian government within 24 hours of the U.K’s government’s announcement. 

2. Supplementary Unqualified Temporary teacher.

3.  Peter Scott, ornithologist, conservationist, painter and sportsman, son of Scott of Antarctica.  She is going to approach him to see if he needs a secretary for an Alaskan trip.

4.  Dad has had new dentures, which have needed adjusting.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png24 September, 1949.

Living room of ‘No.7’

10.05 pm. Saturday .

The Ones I Love,

How are you?  Lovely to get a letter from you this morning, but oh, I wanted to speak to you tonight, but no you. Hope both of you are all right – ‘phoned 3 times ‘tween 9 and 9.30 – the last time the operator tried for me at 9.30 on the dot, but “no reply from Clydebank 2138”?

I’ve had a letter from the Min. of Ed. saying I’d been provisionally allocated to a college in the North of England which starts in November!  I’m madly trying to be calm – have managed not to pay for me WEA Class – Experiments in Theatre yet.  Wondering if notice will come when I’m harvesting, wondering if, or when it comes it’ll be a month’s notice, in fact wondering lots and lots.

In view of this letter I plan to put in for my 3rd return Warrant to Glasgow shortly after my return from Yorks., insh’Allah. (1) if I’ve received notice by that time, the w/e following my return.  If not, about three w/es later.  The idea is that if I resigned from the C.S. without getting this warrant, I’d have to pay the single fare to Glasgow to take up my trunks, but I hope to put in for 3rd warrant before putting in resignation, then, to take trunks up to Glasgow – staying an extra day and a half – remainder of leave, then finish of time at Porton and then hitch up again spending as much time as poss with you ‘fore going off to Coll. (What a rush, but thrilled at the thought of perhaps seeing you fore New Year).

Can’t see the latter being long as the Min.of Ed. say they’ll try to give at least a month’s notice. and the C.S. are pretty mingy about people leaving I’m told and might try to get some money back from me for taking leave till March next and all warrants, but I feel I ought to ask for what I can ‘the noo’ and hope for the best.

Went along to the station last night for ticket to Yorks, saying could I have it dated 30th as I was travelling to London on the Fri. all being well and on to Thirkleby on the Sat.   Everything went fine till he handed over the ticket saying “£2.16.1.” – “Oh”, said I, “but Oct. and Nov. people get their fares paid.”  But he replied that I’d only a voucher for the return journey at the single fare.  Argument made no difference, so this morn after ‘phoning from ‘No.7’ I went along to the Min of Ag and Fish here. They’re different from the War Ag. Camps people (why “War” still I don’t know) and a man there was quite nice, but after years on the ‘phone causing me to miss the Food Office – it being closed – all I got was the number of a place up north – they were closed by this time too,  so no answer to ringing I sent off an SOS letter, so am hoping for a warrant or something equally effective very quickly. (2)    Otherwise it means borrowing to pay that £2.16.1. then probably fighting to reclaim it from the Ag. people afterwards. Just hope it comes through as I wanted to make on this hol., you see only pay H’s 5/- if I’m away for week and Oct. rate of board at Ag. Camps is only 15/- a week – wait with anxiety for a reply from Manchester – the HQ of the North West area.

Mrs.H. gave me a ¼lb Typhoo tea for you to-day Mum, which I hope to send off with some other foodlings on Tuesday or Wednesday.  She wouldn’t take any cash and said to thank you for all your letters which she has appreciated, but that she hasn’t replied because when she starts to write a letter all the words run into each other – as she sees it – and says she wouldn’t like anyone to get anything like that from her.

 Yes, I’ve written to Peter Scott, starting my letter “Do you, would you, could you want a secretary to go with you to Alaska” – see what happens.

Do you know where one of the encl. letters came from this morn? (2)   From Ken Cook.  As you may guess when I saw his writing I nearly died with delight.  His letter’s the same as of old.  He’s still going to night school, works with ICI and seems to be a draughtsman. If you’ve any advice on a reply please tell me. I want to see him a fortnight this w/e in Newcastle, for we plan to go up there on finishing at Thirkleby for the Sat. and Sun. We hope to stay with Val’s (girl going with) relations. It’s easy for him to get in from Tynemouth from a distance point of view, or should I pop out there d’you think?  I thought I’d write from Thirkleby  saying I’d be in at the w/e and giving the add. of Val’s relations, nothing more, what d’you think?  I also thought of mentioning that I hope to go to a coll. in the north – again advice.  You may have gathered from the foregoing that my mottoe’s ‘gang warily’. No wonder with Heartthrob No.1 since ‘45 turning up in ‘49,  in the background though he may have been.

Timmy the H’s cat is stretched full length along my legs – well he goes to just beyond my legs – my feet are up on another chair.  11 pm and no sign of the H’s – wonder if they’re staying at her Mum’s.  She lives in a village outside Salisbury.

Did you go to the Scottish Inds. Exhibition?   Imagine all the people in Beirut wearing Fair Isle jumpers as per your enc. (3)

I’ve written to Harris.  New boss hasn’t been in yet.  Met young EMT  girl at Miss Davies house at Newbury and they/she and h/keeper left me alone to talk with her. (4)  Told Val of Schiaparelli one sleeve, she says she’s seen it and it’s super smart.(5)

 Can’t get over having relatives in Vancouver!

Glad there’s an improvement in your leg, Dad.

Do write soon.

All my love waking and dreaming,

Len. xxxxx


1.  Len is buying tickets for her Lend a Hand on the Land potato picking which she will be doing at Thirkleby in Yorkshire.  Thirkleby is near Thirsk,  north Yorkshire.

2.  War Ags: War Agriculutral Committees. They were created during the war to increase food production on the land.  Each county had a War Agricultural Committee.

3.  The enclosure does not survive in this collection.   The Scottish Industries Exhibition opened on 1 September, 1949 at the Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.  It ran for three weeks and it is claimed it attracted 500,000 visitors. The population of Glasgow at the time was approx 1.2 million.  

4.  EMT: Emergency Training Scheme.

5.  Elsa Schiaparelli was an influential Italian fashion designer.  Along with Coco Chanel she dominated fashion between the two World Wars. Her designs were heavily influenced by the Surrealists.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png 27 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

‘No.7’, kitchen. Evening, Tuesday.

Far Away, but nearest and Dearest,

This is going to be a short note as Mrs.H is talking to me and it’s rather difficult to collect my thoughts, boil hankies and drink coffee at the same time, having to nip off to night school very shortly. Please could you send me a sleeping bag – sheet one, if you haven’t got one never mind – to Thirkleby, Volunteer Ag. Camp, near Thirsk, North Riding of Yorks.  Please address c/o Warden there.

Malcolm’s coming down home on Thursday now and going up with me on Friday.  Val and I rang Manchester – HQ Ag Camp North West and discovered we get our fare refunded on arrival.  Will try to ‘phone as usual on Sat. from Thirkleby, but if I don’t, don’t worry.

All Autumnal love during this lovely month of Sept. and all love always,

Len. xxxxxxx

p.s. Please don’t think I’m leaving myself short by rations sent to-day. Only bought them to-day and couldn’t have used ‘em ‘fore leaving on Friday. L.


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len on Luneberg heath crop pic png29 September, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Half-hearted blue sky seen from Office Window

Dearest and Best,

Can’t thank you enough for the wonderful parcel which came in to-day – I said only cords, boots and shorts, but the way you’ve done the parcel Mum seems to include 101 other things without adding any extra bulk – you know I’m haunted by the thought of getting down the amount of stuff I’ve got in my room now. It’s like a treasure hunt that parcel. Half the stuff, or rather almost half of it, I must confess I hope to take away with me – the grips, the cream (thank you so much) and those dee-vine sacs – yes tried ‘em to-day and they were the goods. The wheat bag is a stunner and would be grand for the field – you know for putting sandwich tin, flask and scarf and things in. See you’ve mended the cords – thanks so much, for that would have been another little job ‘fore I left or on the train as per my ‘grim’ planning, as I know you think it.

Joan Brandley wants me to work as a secy/s/typist in Glasgow and study for my elocution letters – is against coll. – she talks of sisterly advice – she is almost like a sister to me.

If you were shocked at my rushing before, I hesitate to tell you what I’ve on hand, but s’pose I’d better.  Malcolm – this entirely off his own bat – is coming from his Aunt’s at Bristol to-night, meeting me off the bus, then we’ve tea and I go off to night school. Come out, meet Val and Mike and we all have a drink – p’raps at the Rose and Crown. Go home and pack, then to-morrow – insh’Allah – get 5.23 from Idmiston Halt with Mike (he either getting on at Sal or I Halt) and once in London go and see Lilian and friends of Mike. (1)   Catch (this’ll shake you) 4 a.m. train to York, meet Jack Greaves (not seen since VJ day) at 9.30 a.m. (train’s due in at 9.25), ‘do’ York Minster and the town, then meet Gohrde-met Margaret Stamper for lunch at I p.m.  Val’s due in about 4 p.m. and we catch the train on to Thirkleby about half an hour’s ride away.

Ken’s in digs all week at West Hartlepool and works in ICI, a ‘Geordie’ here says the ICI place is at Billingham, near Stockton-on-Tees and S-on-T is only about 20 odd miles from Thirkleby so I’m hopeful of phoning him. Thanks for all the gen given in your letter.

Don’t understand why you’re so anti-harvesting. It’s over and above ordinary leave you know,  and only given for specific purpose of going on the land. And too one gets one’s pay from CDEE and Val and I are hopeful of earning a wee bit at Thirkleby and the surrounding district as well.

Yes, I wrote to Ken, first time since ‘47 if I remember rightly. (2)   He says he stays in Tynemouth from ‘Friday evening till Sunday evening’.   If I don’t get through on the ‘phone to Ken, I’ll write.  Am keen too on looking nice, plan to take duck egg blue woolen check, green dress (Cairo bought) for dancing and navy rembrandt. Skirts – navy and tartan dirndl  with blouse and jumpers.

 Not staying with Val’s people.  Marjorie Scott insists on putting me up.   You remember M.S? – met at Glencoe and again at Glasgow last year when I was on leave.

Fancy Aunt Betty getting married – isn’t it grand. Wonder if he’s got cash and they’ll ‘come across the water’?  Must say I’d like to meet her a lot.

Last night had tea and a tomato sandwich with a CDEE scientist on anti-locust research. He goes to my German class and we’d tea after it, no glam though, but it was pleasant.(3)

All the love from the potato-picking and tattie hookin’ wurrld,

Len. xxxxxxx

1.  We have no idea who Salisbury based Mike is. 

2. The last time Len saw Ken was October 1947 aboard the ss.Patrician with Esme where he was 5th engineer, and she had discovered the night before that Ernst was two-timing her.

3.  Although Porton Down was a chemical and biological warfare research camp it seems the claim of the CDEE scientist to be on anti-locust research was true and not a smokescreen to cover chemical and biological warfare.   The following  is from from the Public Records Office at Kew:  “TNA file AVIA 44/182 Insecticides: review of work… 1949.”  Sourced and summarised by Liz Willis. (see Acknowledgements).

 “This contains a review of work carried out at the Chemical Defence Experimental Station, Porton on the properties of DDT and other chemical insecticides when dispersed in various ways, and on the use of and adaptation of biological warfare (BW) techniques for their employment, particularly for the control of the insect vectors of militarily important diseases such as typhus and malaria…

The Controller of Chem Defence Development (MoS) assumed responsibility for research and development covering all applications of insecticides for service purposes in July 1944; more recently, it says, the scope of the work was extended to certain others, and methods of using them for less specifically military purposes, in particular the control of locusts…They had a request from the Colonial Office and had done field tests in Kenya”

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Any Old Gloves?   Len’s handwriting on back of the envelope used to send the above letter.


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len on Luneberg heath crop pic png3 October, 1949.

Dorm, Thirkleby.  VAW Camp, Nr. Thirsk, North Riding of Yorks. Sunday – 3.30 ish

Hullo Own Ones,

Thank you so much for the sleeping bag in which I slept last night and in which, with the blankets I was as warm as a bug in a rug. The gorgeous shortbread – first layer – was our breakfast, as we slept in.  Sandwiches of Val’s supplemented tea last night. However we’d an excellent lunch to-day, so you do see we’re O.K. as far as food goes and require nae mair from outside sources. The extra we had tided us over and we’re looking forward to finishing the s/bread throughout the week.

Firstly request from Miss Ranscombe, Supt. typist at Porton for some white heather – so could you send a wee spray in a letter soon please.

Nextly I must tell you what the novelist would call ‘a little cameo’.  Feel you’ll be furious it finishes where it does Mum, but nevertheless, here it is.

Val came into my office one day last week to tell me that the night before she’d been out for a long walk with her dog when she thought she heard the sound of bagpipes, but, said to herself ”I’m imagining things”,  but she wasn’t, for a little later she saw a piper far below her playing away and though in flannels walking as if he was wearing a kilt. She’d sat high on the downs and listened and told me what a pleasant evening it had been.

Thursday night I came off the bus to meet Malcolm, but he wasn’t there, so I went to the PO to send off the parcel and was in the middle of humming ‘Nut Brown Maiden’ when a soldier sat opposite me.  That’s a nice private I thought, then as he sat saw his Major’s crown.  He seemed to be conscious of what I was humming so I went on to Westering Home and he looked up at me as if he’d known me for years and said “Dont, you make me homesick.”  I murmured “Sorry” and he continued “D’you like those songs, or d’you just come from the place”.  “Both”, I answered and we talked a little, and he told me he even had his pipes with him and of course I told him how Val had heard him, for it was him.  He was about 6’ 4”, has a good – not handsome, but of the mountains – face, is about 30 and his voice, well it’s not the tiniest bit ya, ya, but is terribly pukka.  I was too enamoured to pull myself together and say “I’d love to hear the pipes again”, or better still “I wish you’d come up and play for us at Hogmanay”. However am going to send a p.c. to Major Bagpipes, R.E.(Royal Engineers) to what Val surmises is his address.

It was all so much like a fairy story and I really felt an electric atmosphere in Sal. Post Office – awful, like the island scenes from “I Know where I’m Going” (1)

However, out I came of the PO and met Malcolm who’d arrived mistaking the time of arrival.  We’d dinner in the Gaumont – he treating, then I went to French, coming out I got my rail ticket, we met Val and had a drink in the “Haunch” then we saw her off, had coffee and he walked me home having missed the last bus.

The next day he met me on the train at Idmiston Halt – as per our arrangement which didn’t come off Mum and we went on to town.

At Kings X dumped ye rucksacks and then he took me to dinner at a super place called “The Good Intent” in Chelsea. First we’d super sherry in the bar, went into the restaurant and had hors d’oeuvres, followed by Madras Curry – curried meat and rice – with which we’d a half bottle of Sauterne wine. Sweet was pear melba and we finished off with coffee and Drambuie. We felt it was a bit late to go out to Malcolm’s friends at Queens Park so went to Lilian’s where we talked till 2.30 over tea, cakes and whisky. Then we walked and bussed to Kings X and I got the 4 am to York as per schedule.

Got in at 9.10 a.m., had a wash and brush up – savouring the while the friendliness of the North – and by 9.30 stepped out of the ‘Ladies First Class’ – sweet and neat as a nursery, I hope, straight into Jack Greaves. We first had coffee and I’d a super meat sandwich and we’d both cake, then round York Minster and after lunch to meet Mgy Stamper, but either she wasn’t there or we missed her, so we walked round the whole of Yorks city wall and took photos and went to the Museum – inside which a whole street is reproduced. Tea, then met Val off the London train, she’d tea and off we went to the Thinkleby train.  Jack Greaves is nice and I like him.

It’s Sunday after tea now and we’re off for a walk – in Coxwold direction – Thirkleby lies between Coxwold and Thirsk, so will reply to your recent lovely letters shortly.

Am enjoying holiday so far – and I do – though it’s the stock phrase – wish you were here.

All my love own ones,
Len. xxxxxx


1.   Directed by Michael Powell, with Wendy Hiller and Roger Livesey in the leads.  “A determined girl travels to the Hebrides to marry a wealthy old man, but is stranded on Mull and marries a young naval officer instead” – Halliwell’s Film Guide.  The main Salisbury Post Office, corner of Chipper Lane and Castle Street is (2014) still there, but with its lowered 1980’s ceiling and cluttered card stands it takes a powerful imagination to recreate its 1940’s interior.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png8 October, 1949.

 At Marjories, Newcastle, early Saturday Evening.

My own People, How are you? As you may guess at the moment I’m so thrilled.  Yes, I’ve been allocated a place at Wynyard Hall Training College, Wolviston, nr. Stockton on Tees and it`s less than 200 miles from Glasgow!

Met a very nice type at Thirkleby. He’s got a Spanish grandmother but is otherwise English, is a fortnight older than I and lived in China till ‘46. His Father’s dead and his Mother’s married to a Dutchman and lives in Japan.  He – Allan – was in a Japanese internment camp for 3 years in and out of Shanghai. Wot, no ordinary people!  Val met a Frenchman called Guy Lerendu. She wasn’t mad about him but the camp proved a eye opener to her and she’s all set to do great things.

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The farms Val and I were on were Govt. ones where you don’t have to work as hard as you do for private farmers. They were called Eastmoor and Deerpark and both looked just as they sound.

The Wheat bag accompanied us each day on our harvesting, carrying – comb, make up, sandwiches, flask and sometimes camera – it was a real boon.  Somebody worked out that we picked up 35,000 to 40,000 potatoes a day!  I haven’t enjoyed so much for a very long time. It was like hosteling plus.

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Len at Thirkleby, Yorkshire. October, 1949.

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Len, possibly with Val.

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Len, with possibly Allan, centre.

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Group of farm workers with a ‘Lend a Hand on the Land’ volunteer.

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A cosy farm workers’ nest . Note the dog at the top.

Can’t write more just now for though Marjorie’s supplied me with this paper I feel I can’t go on writing ad lib without talking to her.

Love you and look forward to seeing you in a fortnight – insh Allah.

Always your own loving Len. xxxxxxx

p.s. You may be able to use this excerpt from my new ration book – lost other – if you go early Monday morning.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png11 October, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Public Libe  Tuesday 6.30 ish.

My Own Ones of the North,

How are you?  As you may guess, being so much nearer last week made me long to be with you in Scotland more than ever.  I received both gloves all right and left them with Allan for use as he goes on hookin’!

I sincerely hope New Year will be very much on with all of us at 26.  Yes, Zaki says he’ll be there with the bottle, and I’ve had a letter from Harris accepting gladly and saying he’s saving up his ‘pennis’.

 I’ve now applied for warrant and handed in resignation, so am hoping everything goes all right  about ye trip to ‘26’ on the warrant.

Have you sampled the henna yet Mum – hope the results aren’t too lurid.

Did I tell you I had the most wonderful letter from Peter Scott, no secy wanted, but it is a wonderful letter, must either send of bring it up, but I want it back for my scrapbook, so you can tell how good it is. (1)

Val and I think the office is hideous after Thirkleby and everyone looks so peely-wally. (2)

At the w/e I went to a King’s Coll. Newcastle dance with Marjorie on the Saturday night and to Whitley Bay on the Sunday.  So entranced with Allan, I didn’t bother to write to Ken till the last minute, so maybe he never heard in time.  ‘Phoned Peter who didn’t seem to understand – despite 6 mins – worth that I was up north at all.  (3)

The cupboard does sound a joy – but it would cost the earth to buy.  Looking forward to ‘reviewing’ my room and clearing out some stuff.

 Longing to see you.

Love all the time,

Len. xxxxxxx


1.  The letter has not survived in this collection.

2.  Scots. ‘Sickly, ill looking,’ etc.

3.  Ken, her  1945 ‘heart-throb’ is taking second place to Allan.  Peter, as noted before, she had met briefly in Egypt, when she had described him as nice, but hard work.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png13 October, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

At my office desk – Thursday Misty Morning.

Dearest 26ers,

Don’t think I’ll ‘phone this w/e, as I’ve no particular news.

Did I tell you that Allan and I went to York Races on the Wednesday.  We hitched there and back. Lorry all the way there, then morning coffee as we studied ‘form’ in the Sporting Chronicle.   Then station for enquiries about Vals and my train to Newcastle, then the Public Library for Allan to get inf. to settle an argument about the Opium Wars in China.

Then bus to races. I’d never been in England before – only once in Egypt – and was tickled by the tipsters and the bookies and stands. We lost all our money. At least, I lost about 10/-, but it was more than worth it. We’d our sandwiches on the course and hitched back – two cars and a lorry. The second car was inhabited by a pukka-voiced Scot and we nattered about the Summer Isles.

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York Races, October 1949, Captain Frankie.  Photo taken by Len.

Val and I saw the most wonderful raincoats in Fenwick’s (of Bond Street) in Newcastle. They were woolly like coats and cost 89/6. Thought p’raps I ought to get one of them, then it would be like a mac and coat in one – they were terrifically smart.

 Monday, or rather Sunday evening onwards I intend to start packing my trunk hoping the warrant arrives all right.  Just hope it does come straight and O.K. as I’m hardly in a position to stalk around saying “Where’s my Warrant?” – Then they’d say “Warrant? But you can’t have one, you’ve just resigned.” All being well and it arrives O.K.  I’ll ‘phone you that evening with gen on train I propose catching etc.  Hope to come up on the Fri/Sat. train, spend Sat. Sun and as much as poss. of Mon. at home ‘fore training back.

Made up to-day, but didn’t have time to despatch, a wee parcel containing minute bits of tea and sugar we were given every day from the camp for the farm, but didn’t use as we’d flasks and an urn on the field. Allan says it’s awful tea, but it is tea.

No mail from you to-day – hope to have some on Monday.  Smudging caused by non-drying ink after Parker superink.

Love from South-West to North West, look after yourselves,

Len xxxxx


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png17 October, 1949.

My room at ‘No.7’  after missing 8 am bus. Monday.

Own Beloved People,

It suddenly struck me as I lay in bed last night that a railway ticket lasts for a month. Accordingly, if I get my warrant all right and get it changed for a ticket I think I should use that ticket for actually coming up to you before going to college insh’Allah.

After my last letter and my having planned to come up this w/e for a long time, I hope it doesn’t upset your plans too much, but I don’t know why this using-it-later (as was done with the tickets I got for you two) didn’t strike us before. It’ll mean I won’t have to hitch all being well and as I only intended to hitch during the day it would probably have taken three or four days – now, all being well I should have that extra time with you, for this w/e would have been a rushed visit.  It also obviates my sending lots of registered parcels to leave myself with a rucksack.

The two ‘cons’ are (a) that I would only use the return half to Stockton-on-Tees, but does that really matter? and (b) the ticket’s only valid for a month. But should there be a delay, I could always come up on it ‘fore it went out of date.

Originally I’d meant to spend this w/e with Olga Rundall, then cancelled to come north, but if you think there’s no flaw in the reasons I’ve just given I’d like to go to her as originally planned. (1)    Otherwise would have visited her as I hitched north, but if I’m training (I mean in the using a train sense above) wouldn’t be stopping off.

Plan to ring you to-morrow evening then about 6, maybe later if I can’t get through then, but if so it’ll be from the house of a girl at which we have rehearsals and I’ll have to ‘not reveal’ anything at my end, as she’s connected with Porton. (2)   If there’s a flaw somewhere you can tell me and according to what you say I can either make arrangements to go to you two in Glasgow or to Olga for this w/e.

Love and writing fully and newsily later.

My love goes to you with the morning Western sun.

Len. xxxxx


1.  Len met Olga Rundall when they both travelled out to Egypt by boat in November, 1945.

2.  It seems, from a later reference, that Len was part of an amateur dramatic group within Porton Camp.  As has been noted before, many bits of Len’s news are missing from the letters because they have been mentioned in  ‘phone conversations between Len and Mum.


On the week-end of 22-23 October Len visited Olga Rundall in Bedford


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png24 October, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Indeterminate Day Monday – 24.10.49.

Nicest People, Ever Known,

Answering your 61 and 62 and simply longing to be with you in Scotland.

After lectures from you and from Val, Mum and reading lots of articles of late, I’ve become really interested in clothes for the bod.  Yes please I’d love the dress in lavender violet with a velvet collar.

You talk of going to my rehearsals, well the date of departure was not at all fixed when I took them on and it does mean a free evening dress do and they’re rare enough. Yes, I do mean to wear my Golden Dress all being well – it seems a long time since I wore it. How can I make dresses in ‘No.7’ in that tiny room? After all, I’ve only got a ‘feel’ for sewing.  I’m not a seamstress who could sew in her sleep – I need fairly good conditions, but I feel it might be better at college, insh’Allah.

You ask do I plan to specialise, well as you know I’m to take Art and English Lit. at coll.  Must say I would like to teach commercial stuff too, but will see as time goes by. Hope to be able to go to classes for my letters in elocution at night in Stockton. Well, I sincerely hope to meet people at College – to begin with there will be tutors and hundreds of other students.  Mgt. Crampin rooms with another girl but says the younger ones are sometimes 3 or more in a room. She’s coming up to Sal this w/e/, so I hope to hear verbally all the bits that are interesting about coll.

It’s wonderful to feel you’re interested.  I always feel so sorry for kids or adults with disinterested and indifferent parents. You can imagine it must be like the cut of a knife to realise the people who matter most ‘don’t care’?

Fancy me a school-maam, well, fancy me a student first please.

Saying ‘Good-bye’ to people ought to provide me with a number of free meals – to view that material angle – apart from the fact that I think one should say ‘Good-bye’ ‘fore leaving a place.

Feel it’s better to take my trunk with me. Only with a rucksack and my small brown pre-Cairo grip could I manage without a porter and I don’t fancy leaving my trunk, home-made Bergen and Cairo grip to lie on Stockton station, no matter how good BR may be.  Therefore I propose to take all to Glasgow and there re-pack and attempt if poss. to cut down on luggage. Let me say though now, one of the joys of being home for me will be to pull everything out of everywhere – half in an attempt to find lost junk and half ‘cos I just enjoy it.

You talk of gadgets. At Olga’s they’ve an Ascot for summer and an Ideal boiler (as per Porters Ave), (1)   for winter to give hot water.  She’s also got a steel kitchen cabinet, gas poker, pressure cooker and a washing machine. (2)  She’s not keen on housework and is all for every labour saving device there is.  Appreciate your point about the lino square instead of old carpet. Olga’s got Persians – little ones – everywhere. Must try and get someone to bring us a Persian rug from the M.E.  – the wee ones are super for bedrooms.

 Allan’s very, very nice. I never said I didn’t like odd types – it’s just that I don’t like the penchant I have for falling for them, but fall for them I do – Liz Barrett always said I’d marry a broken down writer. (3)   Anyway Allen came hundreds of miles to see me for two hours on Sat and about 5 or 6 on the Sun and stayed and paid for two nights b&b in Bedford. (He was going to hitch north again first thing Monday, to-day). He also gave me ½ lb box Cadbury’s Milk Tray!

Salisbury’s fair’s been. My experience of it included crossing the Market Square to and from the Health and Beauty and as that was the seat of the gaiety crossed at the same time through the fair.  Resisted all temptation and bought fruit from a stall instead of ‘going-on’ something.  2lb of lovely eating pears for 6d! – As the song says …”And that’s what a’ lark about the south.”.

Am keeping your letter re. wool and salt and pepper pots to refer to on sat – my last in Sal this sojourn all being well.

I have decided to grow my hair, so now have it sleek and flat against my head – all very French. Feel myself it looks a bit like a drowned rat, but others say “no’ and an unknown soldier told me he liked it in the train last night.

All being well if I get away next Wednesday I plan to take my stuff across to Euston, then go down to Brandley’s for the night, getting the first train to Glasgow in the morning (Thurs) – OK., I’ll admit it – I really prefer travelling by day and am completely fed up with travelling at night.

Adieu – Joyfulness is the mother of all virtues, but must now away.

Love round the clock.

Len xxxxxxx

p.s. ‘Case I forget and case they ask for it as I leave could you send me the little wooden handled knife I gave you from the office?  If they don’t ask for it, you’ll have it back straight away.


1. Where Len and her family lived in Dagenham in the 1930s.

2.  Because of their expense electric washing machines were not common in the post war 1940s Britain.  From the early 1960s onwards the affordable Twin Tub washing machine revolutionised Monday wash days.

3.  Len knew a Liz when she was in Cairo.


Although not mentioned in the correspondence, Len received an acknowledgement from the BBC’s Woman’s Hour re. “How It Feels to Be Back Home”

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BBC letter png


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png30 October, 1949.

‘No.7’ etc.

11.30 am. Sunday.

Dearest Own Ones,

Well, I went all round the market yesterday, but could discover no non-metal salt and pepper pots or sugar sifters and no fish knives.   Got myself a press for my raquet at last – a raquet is one of the things you’re to bring with you.

All being well I’ll pay the 2/3rds of the telephone bill when I see you.

Isn’t it wonderful about my grant being through – and if that £125 is for the year, then that’s £2 – .9s a week – I think it’s wonderful.

In the corsetiere business – which I’m longing to discuss, I s’pose you’d make a handsome commission on every sale if it’s that much to train – I’d do it for learning is never wasted and to have a job in ones own home would be pretty good.

On FridayI went to a Porton dance  – the dance wasn’t so wonderful, though.

I didn’t say I could manage without a porter – said ‘I couldn’t anyway, so might as well take trunk’.

Olga’s got a boiler ‘stead of an immerser – some people like them better as they warm the place as well.

As I said in yesterday’s letter, ‘phoning Tuesday with all the Gen.

All love in and out of trunks,

Len. xxxxx


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Amateur Dramatics, Porton Camp, October 1949.


15 Thorneydown Rd, Winterbourne Gunner, near Salisbury, Wilts.  2nd November ‘49

Val's enveloipe to Helen png

My dear Helen,

This is such a very hurried note, as I seem to have such a lot to do, and what with Bill and Frankie and Guy on my mind!! and you with Bill, Allan, Peter, Jack, Jimmy and everyone else on your mind besides a new job.

But seriously Helen, I do wish you every success and happiness in your new position and I do hope you like it, and that you make good, I really don’t see why you shouldn’t, for you’re pretty good at most things!!

Letter from Val png

I am very grateful indeed to you for the happy moments you have given me (and we really have had some fine times together haven’t we?) – I hope we have lots more, especially at New Year.

I’ll write and give you all my news and any developments which may occur, if any? and you must do the same? please! I’ll be keeping in close contact too re your wardrobe, I do hope you’ll take lots more pride in your appearance, for you really have got everything else that goes with nice clothes.

Please give my regards to your mother and father, and I will be writing to them.

You’ll never know how grateful I am to you, I hope we always will be friends.

Looking back, this letter doesn’t sound as I wanted it too but I feel sure you’ll know what I have been trying to say. I haven’t much time to think.

I must fly now, as you’ll soon be going. Don’t lose any of your luggage (1,2,3,4,5), take care of yourself in London, have a good time in Glen Coe and make good at college.

Much love from someone who is very, very grateful to you, and who is going to miss you very much indeed.

Sincerely, Valerie. xx


Next Friday     Part Four    Chapter One:    Wynyard Hall

“I shall hate to leave college.”

Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Porton Chemical and Biolgical Warfare Centre, Social and Political History, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Part Three 3: Good-bye Noel, Hello Teaching

Part Three   Chapter 3

Good-bye Noel, Hello Teaching.


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 Len began writing the following letter on Thursday at work, but she sent it on the Saturday from Leicester Square, London.

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png9 June, 1949.

The Office, Thinking Thursday

Hail, Hello and How are you my own Finest, Best and Well loved People,

Shan’t post this letter to you to-day, but want to start it as I keep on remembering and forgetting things to say to you.

First, confirming again that the stocking letter arrived O.K. with contents intact.  To-day the skirt, books and a new jacket arrived.  It fits really perfectly, and seems to me like a completely new jacket – you must summon me by psychic rays for a fitting Mum, to make things fit like that.

Also, having difficulty about acc. for you.  Mr.Hemmon’s never said another word about it (by the way he said I’m to pay 5/- a week for the fortnight in Germany – isn’t that super – ?).  Have heard no word from the woman  in the “Haunch of Venison” that I asked about. (1)    Also went twice last night to the abode of the woman I met in the train coming back from Aunt Ena’s, but no reply either time.   Was told by a neighbour she might be in the pub ‘she uses’.  The train woman’s house was a little cottage affair.

On the way back from not finding her in I saw a b & b advertisement so enquired.  The girl who spoke to me on behalf of her mother was most pleasant and the place seemed bright and clean. They’re writing direct to you, as I’m going away for the fortnight to Germany.  It’s 2 guineas a week each for b & b, this sounds a lot, but is less than 9/- a night as at C&H. (2)   Your fares would be £14, then £8 (roughly) for b & b, makes £22 and if you allowed £10 for meals, that’s £32.  (I’ll treat you if I may, all being well in London).  Say £8 for entertainment and running about bus fares is £40 – £20 in all each.  If you feel b & b at 2 guineas is a bit much, let me pay some of it, as I don’t like to think of the two of you staying in a broken down place.  This place really is good, so please fire ahead to make arrangements.

Turning out my cupboard at work to leave it tidy and with as few personal possessions as poss. when I go on leave.  What should my eyes light on first of all but my Dental Hospital card, just hope they’re open on August Bank Holiday! (3)


Herewith letter from Aunt Ena forwarded with parcel of jumper and slip left behind She sounds sweet in it – maybe realised she was a bit cheeky.

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Dear Len,

Just discovered these things in drawer and hasten to post them in case you want them for next week end. Hope you arrived home safely, and not too tired. It was grand seeing you again but all too short. There were so many things we could have done had I been feeling OK.  I wasn’t too well yesterday but feel much better today. I have made an appointment for M.R. to have her hair cut a week on Sat.  I had a letter from your mummy this morning and she says it was a very cold wet week end in Glasgow.

We do hope you have a good holiday and in spite of all your big words you’re just the same wee sweet Len – no you haven’t grown up yet – but that’s your charm.

With love from all,

Aunt Ena.


Before I forget, could you please pack and despatch by hook or by crook, some white heather to Noel. Now thereby hangs a tale, but before I begin it here’s his address:- Mr A.D.KING, ‘SANDACRE’, WARREN ROAD, HAYES, KENT (not Middlesex!) to reach him sometime during the week after next i.e. the second week of my holiday.  You see I probably won’t get my railway ticket (Sal – Glas return) before I leave, so have to claim for the cash as a re-imbursment afterwards. Things may go wrong but the chap who’s been seeing to it’s been most helpful and I said lightly “ Thanks for the trouble you’ve taken I’ll bring you back some white heather”!  He took me up seriously and to lend credence to my story that I returned from Germany on the Thursday and went to Glasgow for the rest of my leave, I’d like to be able to pick up the White Heather from Noel to give it to him on my return.  If I don’t get the warrant, I’ll send you the cash for the ticket before you come down.  Sorry for the trouble about the WH, but you can see it’s rather necessary.  (4)

‘Case I forget later on, will write to you, soon as I arrive in G.    My rucksack’s on the floor at my right all packed – in the office.

Had a telegram from Noel – “See you to-night 8 pm. All love, Noel”  He’s not usually so warm in messages.

Restaurant in Charing Cross Road.  Sat.

Noel nattering in my ear – nonsensically but funnily and impossible to think or write more, but hope you like the contents of this letter – explanations over phone tonight.

All love from Harwich to the Hook of Holland and back again.

Len. xxxxx


1.  The Haunch of Venison is a very old coaching inn in the centre of Salisbury.

2.  The Coach & Horses.

3.  The Dental Hospital in Glasgow.  As will be seen, she did not go up to Glasgow at the English August Bank holiday.

4.  Len is working a fiddle: getting cash for a return rail ticket to Glasgow that she isn’t going to use.  From future references, it seems it is connected with  her parents coming down on holiday from Glasgow.  She is  paying for one of their tickets,  a non dated open return ticket which she is sending to them.   The cost will be reimbursed by the MoS.  In a future letter she mentions that she gets three tickets a year to travel to her Glasgow home. 


There is now a gap of 17 days between Len’s letter above, and the one that follows.  The numbering is consecutive.  If she did send a postcard or postcards home, none have survived in this collection.  She seems to have brought home to the U.K. quite a stash of Gezira Sporting Club envelopes.


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len on Luneberg heath crop pic pngP.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

27 June, 2014.

The Sunny South, Monday.

My Gladsome, Glamourous (and so precious) Glaswegians

How are you?  My head’s in a whirl. I’m trying to stay in a protective daze in order not to realise I’m back at work till to-morrow and events are certainly helping.

Thanks for the ration book, it’s saved my bacon!

About the holiday, I shall miss you no end Mum and, if at the last moment you could come it would be wonderful, but now I’ve reconciled myself to seeing Daddy toute seule (1)   In fact I’m looking forward to seeing you a lot Daddy, as we haven’t really seen a lot of each other for so long and we could natter together and get closer to one another.

I suggest you travel down this Saturday, or during Sat/Sun night.  Everything of course always happens at once and as you know Noel is due to sail for Canada on 21st July.  As I missed him yesterday, I haven’t seen him for a fortnight making it three weeks this week-end, so would like to see him during Fri. evening and Sat. during the day.  Their (Lyn’s and Noel’s) Father’s leave’s been cut short, he’s returning to India almost at once  and N’s giving up his job to get things in order before he (the Father) leaves – including the buying of a cottage 20 mins. from London. (2)

I will speak to Mr. H. about getting you fixed up at ‘No.7’ Dad,  saying Mum’s staying in Glasgow, cos relations home from abroad are visiting her at ‘26’ .   When you come down, you’ll see from all the circs. (3)  finance, finish of strike etc. whether to make your stay  a fortnight or a week, though I hope you decide on the former.

All the time too, I’m trying to remember everything that has to fit in with my story of having been in Glasgow for the week-end.  As someone from here saw me buying a ticket for Sal. last night and I was ‘sposed to have one already (the one sent to you) I’m thinking “Oh what a tangled web we … ” – etc. (4)   Hope it fades from the minds of people and that I’m not questioned too closely about everything.

Mummy please do not write to Ernst shooting a line about the Col’s son.  His letter is so like him, a lot of the bla – to put it bluntly & I don’t want the person I love ever mentioned to him.

Mummy, please do not etc

You can say I had a wonderful holiday, but otherwise be vague with a capital V.   Aunt Ena proved a valuable lesson to me. There’s another point too, London has at least 8 million inhabitants, yet Ernst’s staying only 4 doors away from Lynda!  Yes, he’s 108 Holland Road and she lives at 100!

My holiday was really wonderful in Gohrde and I may honestly say, I’ve never met so many super people in such a short space of time.

Saw Harris yesterday and my sickly and ailing thoughts of acting died a complete death – couldn’t bear to be surrounded by people like that. The contrast was all the more striking coming as it did a little time after parting from the Gohrde crowd.  At one of the socials one of the tutors turned to me and asked – completely out of the blue – had I thought of the Emergency Training Scheme.  I said ‘Yes’ and later we talked of it.  He’s most keen to give me a favourable testimonial and as he’s Senior Tutor Organiser at Cardiff University, raised my hopes considerably.  So I’ve applied for training as a teacher under the Emergency Training Scheme and must confess this is what I really want.  (5)

In case that doesn’t come to anything, apart from the job in N.Rhodesia I mentioned,  I’ve also applied for a job afloat as a stenographer with P&O – they say nothing in the near future, but they’d like my name.

It’s interesting to read all your ‘House News’ , which makes me want to come up again and see ‘26’ quite apart from seeing your dear selves, for you know I always want to do that.  Think the b&b for tourists to Ex. in Sept. a great thing and am sure it would mean new firm friends for you both. (6)

Mrs. Hemmon’s address is Eye Ward, Salisbury Infirmary.

Still haven’t had some of my claims paid, but will try to send you a little cash soon to ease the ‘strike strain’ and a lot if my claims come through.

All the love from country to shipbuilders shores town,

Len. xxxxx

p.s.  Again, please don’t say a word to Ernst about Noel or me.

p.s. ‘Phoning Wednesday evg. L.


1.  It is difficult to work out why Mum isn’t coming.  The reason may be financial.  The strike is still continuing, and they may be strapped for cash.  Although it seemed it was going to be a problem the two of them staying at ‘No.7’ (and therefore  have to incur expenses for B & B), it was possible that just one of them could stay at ‘No.7’ and therefore save cash.

2.  It is possible that Noel’s dad, a colonel,  has some role, as part of a British Military Mission in a liaison or advisor capacity with the new, independent Indian Army.

3.  Circs: circumstances.

4.  “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive” – Sir Walter Scott. 

5.   The Emergency Training Scheme for Teachers:  “Towards the end of the last war, it became apparent that the schools of this country faced a crisis unparalleled in the history of the British education system. The reason for this were the war casualties… the greatly diminished number of teachers trained during the war, and the huge task of embodying in actual achievement the reforms of the Education Act, 1944.”  – from Into the Breach: The Emergency Training Scheme for Teachers, London, Turnstile, 1949.   One of the reforms of the 1944  Education Act was raising the minimum school leaving age from 14 to 15.

6.  Scottish Industries Exhibition, Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, in September, 1949.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png30 June, 1949.

British restaurant, Salisbury. Thursday teatime.

My own darling Mum,

Just looking at my Germany snaps – just printed and enjoying them a lot.  Because he’d his wife and I’d Noel was only distantly friendly with a Cambridge Univ. tutor with our party at Gohrde.  He was in the desert for 4 years, never kissed any one else – wasn’t that wonderful !  Very surprised to get a letter today – very ordinary, polite, but still a letter from him.  Yes, I’m going to London to-morrow night all being well for the reunion of the Gohrde crowd.  Seeing Noel too. He’s passed the reg. commission people at the War Office, but has to go to a country house for the once over this week-end.  See?  I see him Friday, then he’s off.  (1)

I will be at Euston at 7.35 am on Sat. morning. (2)   I certainly want to stay in L. on Sat. night – hope to paint the town red with Daddy.

Received your 30 and 31 to-day, so when you get this  you should find yourself on your ownsome.

Have no intention of remaining in the Civil Service for longer than a year anyway so bang goes the dowry.  In the C.S. you get a dowry after 7 years perm. service and then only to leave directly to get hitched.   Mummy I hate the Civil Service.   I don’t allow myself to think about it much ‘cos hate’s a bad emotion, but hate it I do – ‘nuff said.

Did you put ‘phone number of ‘26’ in letter to Mark?  – You were good to write to him.   Yes, Noel’s dad is back in London.  Will ask – insh’allah why he didn’t look you up.  Could you please send me summer dressing gown, two white skirts and dirndle skirt – thanks.

Noel got your letter. All love my precious Mum – and have a holiday at 26!

Always your own,

Len xxx


1.  Noel has given up the idea of going to agricultural college in Canada.  We know from a future reference that he is going to the U.S.A, and it seems he is going to be attached to a British Army military mission, like his Father.

2.  Len will be meeting Dad off the overnight train from Glasgow Central.


The  letter above was written on the Thursday.  This is her now writing on the Monday, after the weekend in London.  Dad is staying at “No.7”.  Mrs Hemmons is still in hospital.

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png4 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Hot office and sickly grass outside. (1)

Wall Honey Chile,

D’you shure realise it’s Amurrican Innepennence Day – today?   Well anyway, Daddy and I eventually found each other so no post mortems, we’ve agreed it was through arrangements being made hurriedly by ‘phone – you always said they were mixey -maxey things – no-body’s fault.  I do miss you, and Daddy seems a bit lost too, but last night we’d dinner in the H of V which was rather cheering

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Haunch of Venison, Salisbury.   2008.

As I’ve got three tickets a year and coming up at the August holiday would be a heck of a rush, I suggest I apply for it for the August hol. and you come down sometime during the time it’s valid?  I’ll get the station people to date it later all being well.

The Baxters were super to me and said to come back as often and soon as I wanted and to bring Noel too – what a contrast from Aunt Ena’s – they’re so intelligent and have broad horizons – the kids have grown to look much better than they promised years ago. They were pitifully grateful for my going to see Betty.  Nellie Baxter started work last week –  extras for B in hosp. must be a drain on their resources.  (2)

 I was thinking of suggesting to Daddy that he spend Friday night there. (3)

I gave 200 cigs. to Noel and had someone bring in 60 for me (200 is the quota) for Daddy. (4)    Noel’s were State Express. Daddy’s 60 are Churchman’s.   Thought I’d give Noel the carton of 200 rather than Daddy, as I don’t think a lot are good for Daddy.  Brought something for you, which Daddy will bring up to you – it’s very wee.   Will write another letter during the week insh’Allah with news of our doings.  Love from your two poppets, little northern delight.

Len. xxx


1.  Whilst Len had been in Germany, Britain had had a heat wave.  The Scottish Sunday Mail on June 19, reported that Glasgow was the hottest spot in Britain.  “Thousands of holiday-makers took advantage of the sun, swarming on to buses and trains for coast and country.”   The hot weather continued, in England and in Scotland.  The day before Len wrote this letter, the same paper’s headline read “Scotland Faces Drought. Water Off in Villages”.

2.  Hospital treatment was free since the introduction of the National Health Service the previous year.  Betty’s Mum working was presumably  because of  the loss of Betty’s earnings going into the family pot.

3.  Dad was staying for a week.  It will be seen, in the following letter, that he didn’t stay overnight with the Baxters in Dagenham.

4.  Duty free cigarettes brought back from Len’s German trip.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png

6 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

 Overcast Sky over Office Wednesday.

My dearest Mama,

Daddy’s taking the 8 pm. train from here on Friday all being well, hoping to get the 11.40 pm from London to Glasgow – presume he will be ‘graphing you with confirmation of this, but if he doesn’t, that’s the gen.

Items of Interest

Noel’s stopped biting his nails – yes, it’s true.

Friday on television at 8.45 they’re giving “Flight to Cairo” – would love to see it – the “Radio Times” say the Mousky, Auberge des Pyramides etc, are all being depicted. (1)

Aunt Ena’s had a relapse and still feels a bit shaky and MR’s had her op for rupture – this inf. contained in letter from Aunt E. last night.

Yesterday Daddy walked from Amesbury to Stonehenge. 2 miles isn’t that wonderful! He got a hitch back which was good, as it meant he didn’t overstrain himself.

We’d dinner in the John Halle Cafe of the Gaumont – 3 courses and good, only 2/9 and went to the pictures inside.  (2)

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The Odeon Cinema  (formerly the Gaumont Cinema),  Salisbury.     2008.

They were “Dear Octopus” which I’d seen years ago but still had me in stitches and “Marry Me” which is about the funniest film I’ve ever seen.  Your favourite David Tomlinson has a leading role; the way he makes his jaw drop as if there are no bones in it at all is priceless. You must go and see it. Needless to say the evening was voted a great success and we’d coffee afterwards.

I suggest a Houseparty at Hogmanay – how’s about it?  Please say yes.  Know masses of people I’d like to come who’d love to come.  Which of your friends would you like to have?

I hope to go harvesting – special leave granted for that purpose – in October – coming? (3)

No mail from you – boo-hoo.  Signing off with every good wish from Wilts and all love from your very own,

Len. xxxxx


1.  Television set ownership was still very, very small in the U.K.   Sales would get a boost due to the televised Coronation of Princess Elizabeth in 1953, and in 1955 with the first broadcasts of ‘Commercial’ television in London and  the Home Counties.  Central Scotland (including the Glasgow area) was receiving ‘commercial’ television by 1957.

2.  The Gaumont cinema in Salisbury’s New Canal Street, (now the Odeon), is rightly described as the most remarkable cinema in Britain.  It is housed in a fifteenth century merchant’s house.  The cafe – the John Halle – took its name after its original owner, a wealthy Middle Ages wool merchant. There is now no cafe.   Seventy years after the GIs left Salisbury,  for D Day, popcorn and cola are on sale instead.

3.  Part of the post-war “Lend a Hand on the Land” scheme run by the Ministry of Agriculture.


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Ilford Selo film wallet, September 1949.

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png12 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Tuesday.   Morning before tea and consequently feeling rather lethargic.

Dearest and Best,

Hello and glad to hear you arrived safely Daddy and have been enjoying being back.   I can just picture you two jawing away.  Yes, how could Aunt Ena have been seriously ill and make a hat at the same time?   The jug is not German. I bought it at the Hook of Holland so it’s tres Dutch.

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Part of the 1949 Gohrde WEA Summer School group.   They are in front of the Skandanavian Express: Kobenhavn – Hoek van Holland.   For Luneberg and Gohrde they would have alighted and boarded at Hamburg Altona, visible on the destination board above.


To be very practical, if you haven’t already sent it, please don’t send summer housecoat, as I wear that little button-up thing I have and it’s quite adequate. What I really want – and rather desperately too are my summer skirts.  At the moment I’ve only got my Cairo summer skirt and have just washed and starched it to wear at the week-end.  I’ve really no frocks as my Zephyr and Navy Rembrandt are too good for the office.  In other words, I’ve masses of blouses, but only one skirt.

Secondly my 45 – 46 letters to you, where are they? for I need them to construct my connecting narrative for my scrapbook. (1)

 I’m stony at the moment and just have enough to eke out my food, two swims (6d x 2 = 1/-) and postage on three necessary letters till Friday.   If only that Littlewood’s would come in.   Guess we must be thankful that we’re in ‘26’ – I was asking Daddy about it – not another word from the Macintosh side?  It preys on my mind that it’s not really ours. (2)

The reason for my stoniness is that I paid a guinea! for reprints of my Germany snaps. Don’t mind as my holiday was comparatively cheap and everyone wanted copies of various snaps.

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Len’s handwriting on the back of the Lüneburg Heath photo.  The correct German spelling is Lüneburg Heide.

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“Looking Across the Elbe.” Len’s writing. (3)


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“German farmhouse.”   Len’s writing.

 Jimmy Shanks brought me  two pairs nylons, something in the sweetie line to be posted on to you later, and five 118 films.( I insisted on paying him £1 for the films but he said the rest were a present.)   I was really beastly to him, well I didn’t try to be a pleasing person as I do with almost everyone, I mean trying to fit in with them – yet still he wants to see me in London at the end of his leave – end of August.  He’s had that, as he tries to take my arm a bit and anyway because I said I was hungry about 1.30 on the Sun., only having had breakfast, he said: “I wouldn’t like to keep you for a week”!  Wasn’t that impudence.

We’d dinner in the Red Lion on the Sat and he didn’t tip the waitress!  He’s as mean as sin.  We also went swimming.  You should see the bath Daddy when it’s open for ordinary swimming, such a friendly atmosphere, quite different from the swimsuits with high heels and pearls which graced Gezira, Mum.

Mummy, would you like to bring Bjorn down here with you and send him off to Newcastle from here, you staying on a bit longer to have time alone with me, or would you rather come down after he’s gone? (4)

I’d a letter from Noely this morning saying he’s sailing at the end of the month – so you won’t be “Noel-led” out of existence in August.  Poor Daddy had a sample of what I was like in May/July ‘47 with you were in Egypt when he was down here. (5)

Have not heard from the girl I met whose pal is Mary Findlay married to Eric someone down here. (6)    Can you by any chance remember her name? She was on the houseboat and I think it’s Betty something, want to write to her at Shell Mex Ho. and need her surname. (7)

From what you say I can see that Coldingham should change its name to Tourist Avenue in September!  (8)

The other day my boss who has a M.A. amongst his other degrees, wouldn’t alter some of his dictation I criticised then later came to my room and altered the part I’d spoken of!

What Canadian and New York adds. have you for Noel?  (9)

You’ll see the rest of the snaps all being well when you come down Mum.

All the love in this south country to you my Northern Delights,

Len xxx


1.  These letters do not survive in this collection, apart from the one of 6 April 1946, included in Part One, Chapter One  Fresh and Innocent.

2.  “Macintosh side” – referred by Mum in her letters as “Mrs. Mac”.   They never did buy the house.

3.  This photo shows the Russian occupied German side, across the Elbe.   The sailing boat is certainly  manned by a senior Soviet.  Note the large canvas tent to the right.

view across the Elbe crop pngThe DDR, the East German one party state,  was created some months after this photo was taken, on 11 October, 1949.  The Soviet NKVD (forerunner of the KGB) continued, in the new DDR,  to control two “Special Camps” (Concentration camps) on the sites of former Nazi concentration camps, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen.  In January 1950 the Russians handed the camps over to the East German Ministry of Internal Affairs.    Over 7000 died in the Buchenwald “Special Camp” and over 12,000 in the Sachsenhausen “Special Camp”.   These figures were arrived at by a mixture of Soviet book-keeping records of the time and excavations of shallow graves, following the collapse of the DDR in 1989.  The exhumation of the graves revealed that children were amongst those who had died in in the NKVD run camps.

4.  Bjorn Mackay Palmgren.  Len’s Mother was Bjorn’s mother’s cousin. As in many families, a person would be called an Aunt or an Uncle, when they weren’t.

5.  Not quite.  Mum could sun lounge at the Gezira Club and enjoy the facilities.

6.  Mary Findlay is presumed to be John Findlay’s sister.

7.  See  below:  Shell, B.P. & The British Government and Iran.

8.  Len is referring to bookings for the spare bedroom in Coldingham Avenue during the Scottish Industrial Exhibition.

9.  Adds.  Addresses.


Shell, B.P. & The British Government and Iran

Shell Mex House was used by the Ministry of Supply as their wartime HQ.  The building reverted to Shell-Mex and BP Ltd on I July, 1948 with a number of  floors remaining occupied by the Ministry of Aviation.

British Petroleum,  originally called the Anglo-Persian Oil Co, was registered in 1909 to exploit oil in Persia (Iran).    It was the first oil company in the world to exploit Middle Eastern oil.

The British Government, at the impetus of the then First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, partly nationalised the company in 1913 in order to secure British controlled oil supplies for its Merchant Navy and its Royal Navy, still “Ruling the Waves” around the world.

As mentioned  in Part Two Chapter Two,  the intimate relationship between the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, its directors and the British State was underlined when Sir Frederick Black, Director of British Navy Contracts resigned his position in June 1919 to become managing director of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. (Daily Mirror June 16, 1919).

It was renamed the Anglo Iranian Oil Co in 1935.

In 1950 Abadan was the world’s largest refinery.

'Abadan 1946.   Rod.  19 months.  Taken in the baby pool.  It was just filling up.'  Aunt Phem's writing.  With Dennis.

‘Abadan 1946. Rod. 19 months. Taken in the baby pool. It was just filling up.’ Aunt Phem’s writing. With Dennis.

In 1951 the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was nationalised by democratically elected members of the Iranian parliament.   There followed demonstrations of popular support within Iran for the nationalisation of the British company.  Attempts by the Labour government  to mitigate the nationalisation came to nothing.  In August, 1951 it was reported that “staff at the Abadan refinery will remain for the time being to show, in the words of Clement Attlee, the Prime Minister, ‘that the British oil industry is not deserting Iran.’  But there is virtually no prospect of resolving the crisis so long as Dr. Mossadegh remains Prime Minister.” the news report concluded.

The U.S. and U.K. reacted by imposing various sanctions on Iran.

In Britain in 1951 Shell Mex/B.P took out a full page ad opposite the frontispiece in the South Bank Exhibition Guide 1951.

Fest frontpng


shell-bp png

South Bank Ex inner png

In 1953  Shell Mex and B.P. loyally produced  Royal Progress: presented by Shell-Mex and B.P. Limited in Coronation Year 1953.   The Royal Progress spanned Henry V to the then 4½ year old Prince Charles.

In the same year, 1953, under the codename Operation Ajax, the American CIA, at the  initial request of the British MI6, organised a coup d’etat, overthrowing the democratically elected government  of Dr. Mossadegh and re-instating a pro-Western dictatorship under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi – The Shah of Iran.  As a result of the coup the Iranian oilfields were taken back by a consortium of international oil companies, including Shell and B.P.   Within the U.K. Royal Dutch Shell and B.P. merged their U.K. marketing.  This arrangement lasted until 1975.

The coup has been described as a “critical event in post-war world history”.   In America, the coup was seen as a triumph of covert action.  The ‘”triumph’” had  consequences not foreseen.

In 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini led a revolution that deposed the Shah and created the Islamic Republic.  The Iranian revolution has been described as “the third great revolution in history” following the French and Bolshevik revolutions, and an event that “made Islamic fundamentalism a political force…  from Morocco to Malaysia”.

The mutual interests of Shell Mex/British Petroleum and the British State dovetailed in the combined use of Shell Mex House, 80 The Strand, London.



len on Luneberg heath crop pic png16 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Funny (peculiar) Saturday.

Sugar and Spice and All that’s Nice People,

Hail and how are you?

Today’s been a funny Saturday because I haven’t been rushing so far, and because the weather’s been sunny, dull, sunny, dull, until one doesn’t know where one is. Hasn’t warranted me and my Jantzen in the garden, so having faced ‘no-tan’ I plump for dullness, for that means less people at the pool and more prospects of Mr. Searle being able to give me my lesson. (1)   It’s a real family concern – last night he shouted to the other end after time was up to a little toddler “come out down there, come out Miss Searle”.  Yes, I went Sun, Tues. Wed. and Friday and hope to toddle off again shortly.

My plea at the moment is for late nights – I’m getting too much sleep and have to get up at some unearthly hour to unearth some reading material to use for ½ hour or so before dropping off to sleep again.  Did this last night.

As I’m writing, the wee bit of unbuilt ‘down’ in front of ‘No.7’ has a fat cloud sitting on it and wee boys silhouetted against it – just like one of those pictures published to give one nostalgia when far away.

Just had a telegram from Noel to say he’s arriving at 12.57 to-morrow. Well, as I hadn’t heard before I’ve not got ample provisions in, so that means more meals out – on my money lent him, so more paying back (I hope) of nylons from the States. Anyway hate the atmosphere at ‘No.7’ for guests.  Doubt if even you could charm Mr. Hemmons,  Mum.  Ask Daddy to describe him flapping about.  Can’t get over your telepathy Mum. The Cairo ‘silky one’ I’m wearing for the dance to-night, but it’s not right for an office, my bank balance worries me too much to go gay on buying frocks. (2)

Spoke for you at S & G this morning Mum, but as I thought they only use alteration hands. They’ve a vacancy for a girl of about 18, but don’t take part-timers. The Scottish window dresser was most interested about it and said to see her after I’d seen the under-manager as the manager proper was away and he’d the last word.  She’d disappeared though. You must meet her when you come down – insh’Allah Mum. She said though and I agree,  it’s better for you to do it personally.  I think you should go to one of the excloo- seef shops when you come down and offer your services.  People who’ve a clue in that line nowadays are so hard to get I’m sure they’d jump at your offer and you’d be in – probably be able to keep the family in style – (not Gerrish!).  (3)

The parcel came in yesterday and I’m thrilled to bits with my gift – just looking forward to wearing it. Was entranced with the skirt.  Haven’t had time to look at the housecoat yet, but I’m sure it’s the goods too.

len on Luneberg heath hand crop pngI think the hand in the photograph is Griff’s, the Cambridge married tutor with whom I was platonic despite lovely woods and walks on the boat deck – can’t say I would have been if the school had gone on for another fortnight though. He’s super, wrote me a friendly letter on the Monday after returning on the Sunday. He was in the ME and we talked Arabic together.

Will write to you Daddy with a full reply to your letter during the ensuing week all being well.

I’ll apply for the ticket on Monday all being well, pretending it’s for August Bank Holiday.  Will you be coming down directly after Bjorn goes – 22 – 25th Aug say, or later?  Please let me know so that I can get ticket dated accordingly when I exchange voucher for it.

Thanks for suggestion but Esme will know the name of that ‘Betty girl’.

The other day on my way to work with my bus mate – Mr Ponting (you met him Mum, nervous Newcastle type who told us of mosaics in St. Francis’ Church) a squirrel crossed our path at the foot of St. Francis road. It was lovely.

Must away. Everything from Wilts to will-on-the wisp in Wiltshire carries my love to you.

Your very own Len. xxxxx


1.  Len is having swimming lessons in the Salisbury baths.

2.  Len is going to a dance at the Porton camp that evening.  Noel will be arriving by train on Sunday.

3.  Mum, it seems is looking for ‘outwork’.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png20 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Wed.  9.30 am. Under half-hearted blue sky.

Gladsome Glasgow Girls and Boys,

You are wonderful.  I never thanked you for the soap in my last letter – it seems so much, are you sure you can spare it?  Then to-day for another tablet to come in with that too too marvellous tin of dried milk.  Honestly I think you’re super.  Yesterday and to-day I’ve been wearing my dirndl with lattice edging (sounds a nice description anyway though coined) and my originally white, now blue American blouse to which I’ve rendered first aid and washed and starched beautifully.  They look really good together and Val says to tell you how effective the lattice work looks round the bottom of the skirt, for when it’s on she can see it better than I.

Sent a little contribution myself this morning which I hope gets to you safely – ½ lb tea, 3 lb sugar and the ½ Cadbury’s Milk Tray which Jimmie S. brought me from Australia – hope the chocs are still in good condition.

I’d a super time at the dance on Saturday night – met a bloke who’d been a barman in Paris for 9 months and talked ‘France’ all night.  At the end the driver of the bus detailed to take us back was put in clink for being drunk,  and by the time we’d driven round miles of countryside to pick up the relief driver, who we learnt by phone had gone in, in his own car, the bus had gone and so the little military p.u. had to take Val and I home – got in finally about 2.30 am. (1)

Along I went to the station on Sunday, in response to wire on Saturday and I met a very nice bod on the way who’d have asked me out I know, had I not said I was going to meet a boy friend.  He’s working down in S. for his firm.  His father’s an executive in the firm and he (the boy’s) been to Hungary, the Sudan and all over in it.

Imagine my fury after leaving this nice boy to find no Noel and to have to go and cancel his booking, but waiting till 8 to do so in case he turned up.   Yesterday I’d just decided that such behaviour was impossible and that he must be in hospital with peritonitis when I got a letter saying he’d had to go to the American Embassy and thought it better to come down on the Wed. if that was all right with me and stay for this week-end rather than come last Sunday and leave on the Tues.  That’s all right but he should have let me know.  I’ve written back to say O.K., ‘cos I want him to see how well I get on with everyone on the station at the dance to-night, but if he doesn’t come to-night he needn’t come near me again.

Mrs. Hemmons came  home on the Sunday – so address her at “No.7” – and brought me (I’d send choc. for her with Mr.H), red earrings of three flowers each.

Since swimming I’ve been wearing my hair differently.  No waves, just caught flat back at either side with combs then fluffing out – it exposes my ears a bit but is not too bare. I like to look nice when out in Sal. and anyway needed cheering up on Sunday when I was going out to cancel the booking so wore:- (funny you should suggest the combination of the two garments Mum) my navy skirt, Hungarian blouse and the red earrings – although I sez it wot shouldn’t, I looked terrific – everything blended so well, including the hairstyle.

Noel’s not sailing till early Aug now, which means we can have the August week-end to-gether – I hope.

The dried milk is super and so exactly what I wanted – will now be able to say to guests apropos of tea – with lemon or milk?  For I bought lemons on Saturday.  Hope you didn’t pay much more than 10½ d. for the dried milk on the Black M.,( 2), for that’s what it is according to the wee slip inside.

It’s afternoon now and I’ve had a telegram from Noel saying – Positively arriving 6 pm. All my Love Noel!

I’ve plenty of hooks and eyes of black and white, so am O.K. for poplin skirt.

The point is S & G have ready made clothes therefore only need alteration hands, but I was thinking of the other shops  in Salisbury which make and sell stuff and therefore would need fitters.  On reading of your left eye being strained though I really feel bad, with thoughts of Mrs. Hemmons so please, you think of the prevention angle too and do no more sewing.

Can’t you come on the 19th and have the people on your return.  I’d prefer 19th August actually – but that’s purely my own point of view and would mean things would be more spaced out for me.

I suggest you stay at Mrs Snells, the S&G woman, as it about gives me hysterics when I’ve a guest for a meal here.


About “No.7”, there would be no room now anyway that Mrs H’s back and shortly they propose to move me back to my room and I’d only have a single bed.  Will ask the woman at S & G as you’d be nearer me with her.

Idmiston Halt station png

Idmiston Halt station, near Salisbury, looking up the line to London.

Was trying to write this in the office yesterday and before Noel’s arrival by train at Idmiston Halt (the station for the camp), but the train came in and from then on there was no time. (3)   The dance was grand – I wore my ballerina – it went on till 1 a.m. (4)

Noel’s now sailing on 5th August.  I’m taking to-day as sick leave and am just on my way downtown to meet him. (5)

Ballrooms filled with love for you two – writing you soon Dad.

Very much Asta la vista, your most own,

Len, xxxx


1.  “p.u.”   Pick up truck.

2.  “Black M.”   Black Market.  Dried  ‘National Milk’ was issued by the Government for mothers with babies.  Len may have preferred its convenience, besides its  taste.  Fresh bottled milk went off quickly in the days before refridgerators were commonplace and the alternative, bottled sterilised milk, had a distinct flavour that was not to everyone’s liking.

3.  Idmiston Halt railway station, on the  Salisbury to London Waterloo main railway line, was the station for the Porton camp.  The station closed down many years ago.  The Porton facility runs along the edge of the railway, on the right hand side of the photo.

4.  This was a dance the following week-end at Porton which Noel went to with Len.

5.  She is going to meet  Noel in the centre of Salisbury.  Presumably she is not planning on bumping into anyone from her work.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png26 July, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Evening in the front room of  ‘No.7”.   Tuesday.

Best People I know,

Well, I won’t skirt the subject topmost in my mind i.e. that all is oevair ‘tween Noel and I.  Hope I didn’t sound hysterical on the phone on Sunday night, but I was desperate to talk to you.  Monday I woke up to think first of all how the bottom had fallen from my world, but to-day I was half way through the morning before I remembered that I was ‘lonely and unloved’, so knew that the recovery process has begun.

Noel’s so right that he hasn’t known many people, that we’ve wildly divergent views on certain subjects etc.etc., but it’s obvious to anyone those things don’t matter 2d and the crux of the matter is that he finds me an admiral companion but doesn’t love me. It hurts, I won’t pretend it doesn’t and I can still hardly credit it as I’ve never been hurt before.  However, pride to the rescue, I ain’t got much about little things but about things that matter I gotta lot and Noel on Saturday night killed irreparably much that I felt for him.  Can’t really blame him though – or rather can’t blame him entirely, s’pose it’s part of my penchant for odd kinds of blokes.  Should I meet someone ordinary and pleasant one day who says “Come home and meet the folks”, I’d probably faint as I’ve never known such a normal set-up.

Thanks for your ‘talk’, the boast about the ‘attractive girl’ helps and stops the ‘nobody loves me’ feeling.  At the dance N. never gave me a chance to dance with anyone else – he can be beastly and possessive, don’t know why when he couldn’t care less from a long term angle.

Saw Mary Mabbs (nee Findlay),  tonight and husband Eric, they’re so very happy and I must confess I’m a little envious.  May see her to swim sometime, but if she doesn’t ring me won’t worry as we’re not really soulmates.

Esme wants me to go to town the week-end after this to meet Joan – home on leave from Germany and I think I will – just hope we manage a theatre for I really do feel stage starved. (1)   Must do one together with you when you come, Mum.   P’raps we could go out of Sal. to some of the many people I have lined up for week-ends – we’ll see how finance and other things fit in. Will have to ask the woman at S & G about acc. for you, as the Mabbs only have two rooms in a house.  Perhaps the Hemmon’s mother next door will have acc. I’ll ask.

N’s place is no use, as after quoting 7/6 they charged N. 10/6 – and only chamber music, no inside lavatory.(2)    N. by the way sends his love, says he’s sorry he hasn’t written too. When he said he would ‘fore he went, I said he’d never manage it now – think of the 101 things one has to do on leaving a country anyway let alone emigrating – so he’s going to send you a p.c. of the Statue of Liberty.

I gave him £6 for this last visit to Sal., (as all his cash was sent on, then his sailing was delayed) so he’s going to send me Nylons and cottons, also want devil sunglasses, you know, which I haven’t seen in this country.

Len, devil eyes glasses png

The pullover “Like your Father’s” to quote N., is still on order.  Oh yes, we’re good pals it’s just that it’s not for ever and ever anymore. Wonder if I look too palsy-walsy – p’raps I don’t appear helpless enough?

So glad you got the parcel. All being well I hope to stay at the Baxters and am taking them this week’s grocer rations, plus two weeks butcher meat all being well. Please Mum leave your rations with Daddy when you come insh’Allah as have plenty for you here

Please find out if you’re having any tourists and when they’re arriving at ‘26’, before leaving Glasgow, as I’m liable to kidnap you, Mum and keep you down here – hidden in a chalk cave in the Downs.

The trouble is that now I’m getting swimming pals and people like ye bod who escorted me to the ‘no Noel’ train, I’m wanting to stay in Sal. for week-ends, even when very attractive things are offered elsewhere.  Think it’s a good thing though.

Thanks for the hair style tip – must practise it before having my hair cut.  Yes, at last I hope to treat myself to a ‘Maria’. (3)  – am thinking of popping in to Raymonds in Mayfair – they charge and how, but do give good value – p’raps we could go in together Mum? (4)

Anytime you get a chance of more of that National Dried Full Cream Milk here’s a ready customer – it’s terrific. Went to the swimming gala with Val last night – we saw the Water Ballet again Dad. It was all great fun – somebody absently mindedly walked (!) into the pool fully dressed. Sal. beat Southampton 3 – 0 in the polo and we’d an American Olympic diver doing his stuff.

I’ve joined the public library to madly cram with Dickens before my interview, as Mr. Evans, who said he’d give me a testimonial in Germany said they question you about what you’ve been reading and generally like Dickens.  So think of me please a week on Thursday (Aug 4th) at 2 pm. at Winchester. (5)

On this Sat. and Sunday, I hope to see Freddie from Sweden, Betty and masses of other friends, but on the Friday Noel’s meeting me off the train all being well, we carry on with our own devices Sat and Sun – his include going to say ‘Good-bye’ to his mother then Monday I see him for the last time though he’s not sailing till the 6/7th. (6)

If you’ve any important dos or dont’s, please phone me here Thursday night, for I’ll be in all evening. Am so dopey when I’m with Noel that I feel some stiffening. Anyway I’ll phone you Sat, all being well.

All the love in the Western World for you two. Len. xxxx.


1.  Joan is Esme’s sister, mentioned in Len’s letter of 24 December, 1948.  Joan had been working for the British Control Commission in Germany.

2.   A common expression in the days when there was a chamber pot (potty) under the bed.

Len pic for part 3 png smaller-1

Len with a ‘Maria’.

3.    ‘A Maria’ was a hair fashion style stemming from – for the day – the tom boyish cut of Ingrid Bergman’s hair in For Whom the Bell Tolls, the film set in the Spanish Civil War, based on Ernest Hemingway’s novel.    The film was made and released in America in 1943, and then the U.K.  The style didn’t catch on in a big way then in the U.S.A or the U.K., although some copied it.  An informant recalls that she had a “Maria’ during the war and when she came home her mother was horrified.  However, when the film was re-released in the UK in 1949, the style became more popular.  For the Whom the Bell Tolls was released for the first time in France in 1947, and Denmark in 1949.  The ‘Maria’ style of cut continued well into the 1950’s.

4.   This is  Raymond of Mayfair, “Mr Teasy-Weasey”, who trained a young Vidal Sassoon in the art of cutting.

5.  Len had described Mr Evans in an earlier letter as a senior tutor at Cardiff University.

6.  This confirms that Noel’s parents are separated at the least, or divorced.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png9 August, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Deceiving Sunshine Tuesday.

Dearest Dears,

I bow my head in shame for not having written for such a time.  It wasn’t such a time on Saturday and I meant to phone all my news then, but although I was thinking of you all the time and talking of you to my friends I forgot to phone – it dawned with horror that I hadn’t on Sunday night too late for the cheap rate – determined to phone 5.30 on the dot yesterday and then you phoned Mum.  Well, I was in the midst of handing in letters I’d done and packing away all my stuff in the office and locking up same when the ‘phone rang.  How I’d love to have talked, but at that time – about 5 to 4, I’d to sign off, then rush down the road for the 4 bus to Sal. for my 4.30 appointment at the infirmary.  Isn’t it wonderful to be getting what I feel is effective treatment for my foot and that I’ll be able to see you in Town an hour earlier 3 times a week Mum! – insh’Allah.

Well August w/e I saw people I hadn’t seen for about 3 years and stayed with the Baxters. (1)   I saw quite a lot of Freddie too and he’s looking forward to showing me Stockholm. Tuesday I was at the Inf. most of the day, not getting to Porton till 4.10. Wednesday was busy at work then into the Inf., and in the evening I was so het up about the next day’s interview that I couldn’t have written a letter.

Off I went the next day – Winchester’s a lovely town and has the most wonderful Brit. R.- you’d think it was a first class hotel from the white cloths and sparkling glasses – the food’s good too.  (2)

Then the interview before a man and a woman with me as nervous as a kitten, then the medical and then away to tea with one of the other candidates.  She’s a very nice type – as far as I know the only other one from Sal.  We came back to-gether after looking at the Cathedral, and had a drink in the H of V, then she had me up to her room and we nattered.  Then I came back to see if I’d got one or two things ready for London.

Friday, pretended I was going to the Inf. and caught the 4.50 to London in order to get in,  in time. and see ‘Annie’ with the Lawlers. (3)

Saturday. I saw Pat, then met Jimmie S. – just back from Paris, then we met Val, took her to her place, then had lunch in Hyde Park then walked along the Serpentine and right along to Piccadilly and the O/Seas League.   We found they weren’t running dances till September, so had a conference about where else to go.  Then I went right out to Leyton to the Lawlers and changed and had tea, then visited Betty at Bethnal Green, then met the others at Charing X. (4)    We danced at the Lyceum and it was NTB.    Sunday I saw Pat in the morning, having morning tea with her in the flat then going to church – where Keats went in Hampstead.

Then I saw Val and walked along Oxford Street with her window shopping en route. We met Jimmie S., had tea and left him, as he’s so mean it’s grim, but he did give me 4 bars toilet soap ‘fore we left.  We found Bernard in Paris and Lilian out, so we parted then, Val on her way back to Sal. and me on to the Lawlers party. (4)   Joan’s engaged and had been buying some of her trousseau which I saw. (5)

 Left there for the 12.30 to Sal., but as some of the Tube was closed missed it but caught the 1 am., by training from Charing X to Waterloo.

Yesterday I went to bed early and to-day – believe it or not, started my scrapbook.

About arranging things for you Mum, I know how you feel, about arranging things as the occasion warrants and not in advance, so if you want me to cancel Oxford, please say so. (6)  It was to be the middle week-end. What about the Baxters?

Thought we’d go up on the Friday and stay till you left for Glasgow on the Sunday.  If you want to cancel that too and stay in Sal., do let me know, but please say so quickly as Esme’s booking up a hotel in Oxford, or rather Abingdon (where she is 6 miles from Oxford).   Also I must write and cancel the tickets I’ve booked for “Worm’s Eye View” and tell the Baxters we’re not coming if necessary. (7)   On Saturday all being well you can tell me when I ‘phone. You know which w/e is which, according to how I planned, don’t you?  Sal – 19/21 Aug, Oxford 27/28 Aug and London 2/4 Sept. Don’t for a minute though hold up on cancelling anything I’ve arranged, or half-arranged. It’s your holiday to do with as you want, all I want to do is see you for as much of it as I can.

Noely sent his regards to you in yesterday’s letter.

Immediately after putting the receiver down after our talk yesterday, I phoned Mr. Boytt – the WEA man here re acc.  He’s going to make enquiries and I’m to ring him again to-night – just hope it’s fruitful.

This week-end, Margot (met in Germany) is coming down from London to see me and I want to make an appointment to have me photo ‘took’ on Saturday.  You see amongst the things I’ve applied for is floating stenog. with the P&0 and they want a photo.

Love your phraseology Mum in describing Bjorn and his escapades, particularly the bit about him “grinning most horribly”.

If I’m not to delay this letter any more, I’d better despatch it right now.

All the love I have to you two.

Len xxxxxxx


1.  English August Bank Holiday week-end.

2.  Brit. R.  British Restaurant.

3.  It is possible,  from other references,  that the Lawlers are Esme and Joan.    ‘Annie’ was Annie Get Your Gun, which had been running in London’s West End since 1947.

4.  Betty Baxter was still in hospital.  The ‘Bernard’ referred to is probably Bernard Rice, the artist she had met in Cairo the same time she met Mark. We know from online biographical details that he was in London at this time.

5.  This is most likely Joan, Esme’s sister, and not Joan Garnett or Joan Brandley.

6.  This is the visit to Oxford, that Len had suggested in an earlier letter.

7.  Worm’s Eye View at the Whitehall Theatre. Written by R.D.Delderfield, one of the longest running plays in London in the 1940’s, and turned into a film in 1951. “Five WW2 RAF fighter pilots billeted on resentful woman who takes her annoyance out on her family. Mild comedy” – Halliwell’s Film Guide.

8.  “My first visit to Scotland was in 1949.  Then I met Helen Bryers, or “Aunty Nell” as I knew her,  for the first time.  She was a very likeable person – she gave me a a real Scottish welcome and we got on well together.”  Bjorn, in an email to the author, March 2011.



len on Luneberg heath crop pic png11 August, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts

Reflective Afternoon.  Thursday.

My darling gay Glaswegians,

First enclosures.  They are, one of the Conservative Assoc. leaflet given me at Marlborough – “even a child can laugh at them”,  two,  a receipt for the cash for the carpet. (1)

Well you know what the third is, it’s my coupons for sweets – please use them up you two – and don’t bring any sweets from it down here with you Mum, as I have goodies for you – no details now – surprise, surprise. 

You’ve made no mention of the September tourists, are they still coming as far as you know?

I went to this woman recommended me last night Mum and booked you up there. She’s O.K. – plump spinster with grey hair.  The room’s got a pleasant outlook and there’s a bathroom and loo upstairs. It’s not what I’d like you to have, but couldn’t find anything else – it’s all right you know, just not top notch.  It’s 7/6 b & b which is really robbery, but again the cheapest I could find. Hope this is all O.K. with you?

That’s all at the moment Honey’s, here’s to hearing you Saturday – how about you picking up the receiver this time Dad?

All the love in England. xxxx

p.s. I wish I was living with you two at ‘26’. L. xxx


1.  The enclosures are not in this collection. Val and Len had gone for a day trip to Marlborough.  In a few weeks Len would return with Joan Brandley,  for a day trip.   Marlborough was a safe Conservative seat.   The Conservative leaflet could have commented on several things that were happening at the time. In the summer of 1949 the Labour Government had proclaimed a State of Emergency because of a dock strike in the then very busy port of London. Dockers were out for 24 days. Conscripted troops were sent in to unload the ships.  The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Stafford Cripps,  announced that the weekly sugar ration was being cut back to 8 oz a week, and sweet rationing, which had been scrapped, was unexpectedly reintroduced to 4 oz per person. There was also to be a cut in tobacco supplies.  Newspaper leader writers expressed concern at the reported increase in Juvenile delinquency in Britain, and sugar refiners Tate and Lyle announced an all out war on Labour’s plans, announced for the forthcoming General Election in 1950, to nationalise the sugar industry.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png15 August, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts

On bus just before it starts at 8 am. Monday

Dearest Mr. and Mrs. B.

How are you getting on?  I hope you’re having a second heat wave in Glasgow too.

I enquired about excursions when seeing Margot off last night. (1)    One at 12/- ret. goes on Tues, Weds and Thurs. from Sal at 7.50 am. getting to Ryde, I o W at 11.5 – you return at 6.20 pm.  One also goes on Sundays at 8.50 am, returning same time. I’m enclosing the leaflet about the holiday runabout – you could even get further afield economically by taking a bus from where your ticket stopped.

Must say Marie’s invitation does make me want to go to Sweden, especially with Freddie in Stockholm to take one around too. (2)   He flew – but not at the £40 etc. touch of BEA – it’s a smaller airline he came by and much cheaper.

I’ve written to Esme cancelling our trip to Oxford.

Please tell me when you’re due to arrive Fri. as soon as poss., as I’ve to go up and tell Miss Sansom on Thursday.

Also birth certificate, if you’ve not despatched it, please remember to bring it, please.

Will send a longer letter either to-night, or to-morrow morning.

All the love in Porton to you two poppets.


Paul and Bjorn1.  Margot, who Len met at the WEA Summer School in Germany. 

2.  Marie is Bjorn and Paul’s Mum.


This is the letter Len said she would write later in the day.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png15 August, 1949.

My room – cold despite terrific heatwave.  Monday.

Apart from the lovely positive things about teaching I shall be so glad to get away from:-  the Civil Service, secretarial work, the 1¾ hour’s travelling a day and these digs.  Just hope things go all right.  Margot only came on Sunday as her father had had a heart and asthma attack, but she said I must find out all the in and outs to try to get as much as possible in the way of tuition and possible grants, so propose to write to Mr.Evans, Senior Tutor at Cardiff Uni. – Germany met and one of my referees – did I tell you he suggested giving me a testimonial for this scheme and I’d not so much as mentioned the word teaching to him!

Please Mum, can you beg, borrow or steal another tin of that national dried milk, it’s wonderful.

Margot says it would be expensive to go to college in London – wonder where I’ll be sent – am keeping my fingers crossed that it all comes off all right – please do so for me too.

Herewith comprehensive W/loo Sal. timetable – I can get another from the station.   Noely gave me the enclosed timetable.   Despite how long you say I’ll be at work, I’ll really only be there Fri. morning and I hope, unless they have a fit at my wanting time off to have my eyes done as well as foot.  The administrative officer – sal. about £12 a week and a good pension, won £6,000 on the f/pools a year or so ago and he’s niggley – imagine with all that cash. Still I’ve got my appointment card from the eye man.

Know you will probably be sewing something half of Thursday night anyway and that you like travelling by day, so if you like it that way, O.K., but have a lager on the train with your lunch and think of me – I always think of lager in connection with train meals – reminds me of going up to Uncle D’s wedding. (1)   There’s a military dance on Saturday night, so don’t get too tired.

I. of W. is a closed book to me – just hope on opening it if it doesn’t prove too expensive – I’ll make enquiries about places there and elsewhere. We could bus about halfway on the Friday (mid week-end) as I finish with the hosp. at 5 pm., and stay at some Y.H., then continue to I of W on the Sat.  We could go straight there on the Fri. as it only takes 4 hours from here.  Bring Y.H. card anyway.

Yes, I’m afraid it is a matinee though you don’t like ‘em. The evening price for a decent seat would have really rooked me and it’s hideous getting back from London on a Sat. late.  Yes, let’s go and see Joan B. and her people on the Sunday. (2)

Yes, I have seen the Sunday-met guy.(3)   Had a lovely day last Thursday – came home to find acceptance letter, went out and had lovely call with you, found 2/6 and came out to bump into him.  I was half-weepy (homesick) and half thrilled, so had to tell him, saying not to tell a soul as everyone in Sal. knows everyone else. He was looking for a girl he was ½ hour late for and was going dancing.  He walked me round to the library and inquired what I was doing afterwards. (4)   I said going to bed, upon which he said – here was he dog-tired and going dancing and me bursting with energy and going to bed – p’raps I’ll bump into him again without a girl in the offing.

Must write and find out what’s happened to Mark.  Keep on having ‘little last extravagances’ before saving, so if he doesn’t come soon don’t know if I’ll even have his £30 left in bank, let alone any ‘ain cash’.

Must – but definitely close now – don’t think I’ll be sending any more mail for you both at 26 before Mum’s departure, but hope to write to you shortly, Dad.

All the heatwave love hotted up even more and sent up to you, from me,

Len xxxxx


1.   Uncle D : Uncle Dennis.  The wedding would probably have been about 1943.   In the 1946 Abadan photo Rod is 18 months old.  Len would have been 18 at the time of the wedding.

2.   Joan Brandley,  in Dagenham.  The play is, as mentioned earlier, Worm’s Eye View at the Whitehall Theatre.  It is not clear if Len is a little confused: talking of returning to Salisbury on Saturday evening, and yet visiting Joan and her parents in Dagenham on Sunday.

3.  Sunday-met guy.  This is the nice ‘bod’ she met when she went to meet Noel off the train, 17 July, 1949.  “Imagine my fury… to find no Noel”.

Sal. PO png4.  The Library in Chipper Lane is half way down.  The Cadena dance hall was at the bottom, with the main entrance around the corner.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png17 August, 1949.

7, Barton Road Road, Salisbury, Wilts.


My Dearest Daddy,

Here at last is a reply to your July letter but I won’t post it till Thursday night or Friday morning, so that you get it just after Mummy’s left for the south.

I wish you could come this time too, but I suppose we must just be glad you were able to manage earlier.

You mentioned two things you’d get for me before you left and I wondered if you’d got them yet.  One was the Dunlop spring press for my raquet and the other that you’d make a ball point pen for me from some old pen at work – how goes it? (1)

At the moment I’m very thrilled about the teaching business.  In my letter of acceptance, it says that an accepted candidate is eligible to work as a teacher whilst awaiting entry to a training college.  Now there aren’t any t.c’s in Scotland so that means I won’t be home for my period of training,  but wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could get a teaching job in Glasgow till I entered college and thus get a few months at home with you two.  Don’t you think it’s a good idea? (2)

Please though, don’t tell a soul about any of this, as I never like to talk about anything like this till it gets into its stride.

Must away now Daddy, but look after yourself in Scotland – Mummy’s address is –

c/o Miss Sansom,
9 Ashley Road,

All the love in the south for you, from,

Len. xxxxx


1.  It seems that Dad and others at his India Rubber Company works were developing their own version of a biro on the quiet.  Biros were the rage of the age.  Invented by Ladislas Biro in 1935, high altitude USAAF crew were impressed with the way it worked, and didn’t need constant refilling.  It went on sale to the American public in October 1945, advertised as a pen that “lasted up to two years”.  Despite it costing $12.50 the stock of 10,000 sold out in one day at a New York department store.  George Orwell, footnoted earlier as being in Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride, with T.B., relatively close to the Bryers family home, was writing to a friend in London in March 1948 for a further biro, which he found easier to use than his fountain pen which was “on its last legs and you can’t use ink in bed.” (Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, Volume 3).  Orwell was slowly finishing Nineteen Eight Four in 1948.   As will be seen in future reproductions of letters, Len started using a biro too.

2.  Len’s comments are confusing.  There were teacher training colleges in Scotland.  She would probably remember, when she was in Cairo, her Mum’s letter relating the visit of Henry Lindsay, striding up and down their hall, telling them about Jordan Hill Teachers Training College.  She might have meant to say that none of the teacher’s training colleges were participating in the Emergency Teachers Training scheme.  It is not clear whether this was because teachers associations in Scotland were opposed to the scheme.  There were certainly some very rigid and reactionary attitudes amongst many teaching staff in Scotland.  For instance, reported in the Scottish Sunday Mail (sister paper of the Scottish Daily Record) on 19 June, 1949:

“Equal Pay for Women is Wicked, Says Headmaster.”

Equal pay for women? – ‘Wicked and selfish’

Mr. R . J. Walker of Edinburgh speaking on equal pay in the teaching professions said in his presidential address to the Scottish Schoolmasters Association in Edinburgh.

‘It cannot be emphasised too much that there is no equal work in teaching.  The man’s contribution is manifestly different from the woman’s’.

To attract men to the profession there must be entirely separate conditions of salaries and conditions of service.

Equal pay was selfish because it struck not only at the headmaster, but at his wife and children.

Mrs. M.Y.Wakeheld,  president of the National Council of Women in Great Britain also agreed that equal pay was unfair to men, and was quoted, in the same Sunday Mail story,  that it could cause grievance among men.  Her comments were made at a luncheon in London to the National Association of Women Launderers.


Next         Part Three 4:  Fancy me a School-Maam.

“I always feel so sorry for kids and adults with disinterested and indifferent parents”.

Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Porton Chemical and Biolgical Warfare Centre, Social and Political History, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Three 2: Mean Mum and Mean Noel

Part Three Chapter Two    Mean Mum and Mean Noel

Whit Monday  “I think it was mean of Noel and you to desert me”

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png2 May, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E, Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.


Dearest Chookie-Burrdies,

Thank you so much for the two lovely parcels Mum – honestly, you do spoil me, but must say I enjoy it.

After this week-end my tiredness is right up in my brain, so I’ll just confine this letter to my doings at the week-end and answer your 11 tomorrow, all being well. (1)

As Noel hadn’t got my address I didn’t hear from him till Wednesday and nastily (I must admit) didn’t write back till the Thursday evening.  Nevertheless, not only he, but Lynda too, were waiting to meet me at Waterloo at 8 p.m. on the Friday.  We went straight out to L’s flat and she gave us a lovely salad, then we just sat and talked. Noel, went about 11,  but Lynda and I sat up talking till about 2.30 a.m.   I managed to drag myself from bed next morning and give her her breakfast in bed, before going out to meet Esme.

As I was going along the Strand, I bumped into a bloke I knew who was an announcer on Forces Broadcasting in Cairo –  wasn’t it a coincidence – can’t get over the way I meet people  in London I know.  He’s now Assistant Director of the Festival of Britain in 1951 and was in a hurry to his work as I was in a hurry for E, being late, so we didn’t have time for a long chat. (2)

I was almost up to Esme when I saw her greeting another girl we’d known in Cairo. We walked along with this girl and suddenly bumped into Joan Mathews who is a pal of this girl, so we all stood and talked ten to the dozen, then I went shopping with Esme and first visited the Civil Service Stores, but their moygashel was too fine.  I got the one I wanted eventually in John Lewis’s for 7/6 a yard as it’s utility.  It’s lovely, half rayon, half wool.  E. bought buttons – cheapest suitable at 1/11½d. each – the ones she liked were 3/3d. each!   Then I went back to the flat by innumerable changes and through the cup tie crowd. (3)    Honestly though, that cup tie crowd –   Daddy, you were once an active player, so can understand your moderate interest in the game, but why do people who’ve never even played spend time and money on rail fares, fancy clothes and rattly things to see their favourite team – and why do they adopt it as their favourite team?  Really I’d like to know.

Anyway, when I got back to the flat Lynda opened the door and went out to meet Noel – we were both s’posed to go, but I wanted to wash and change and finish re-modelling my peasant dress.  At last it was done and I was just about to depart to meet them when Lyn and Noel came back.  So we ate there and though Lyn went out in the afternoon, Noel and I stayed in all the time. It’s so wonderful not to have to rush from A to B all the time in London.  As Lyn’s two flatmates were away, there were only the three of us and Noel stayed overnight.

On Sunday after lazing about for a while, we eventually really got cracking and Lyn cleaned out the living and bedroom, whilst Noel went all handy and did the kitchen, cooker, floor, dishes and window.  In the meantime I’d a bath and put on my pink blouse and Cairene skirt.  Then the three of us sallied forth to the British Museum – it was wonderful.  I’d like to go nearly every time I go to London. We saw the object of Keat’s ‘Ode to a Grecian Urn’, the Portland Vase and the Magna Carta. For both Noel and I, it was the first time visited and a sheer joy.  But oh, all the Egyptian stuff, including Mummies – must admit it’s not so splendid as the Cairo one, in this respect,  but is pretty good nevertheless.  Feel I’d like to have valued that necklace I gave you Mummy, the two little tablets I meant to have mounted and a genuine scarab I had in my Oxo box of grips!  It isn’t there now, believe I left it in Scotland.  If you could bring some or all of these south with you when you come it would be fun to have them valued.

After the Museum, we returned and I made curried rice, though unfortunately we’d nothing else to go with it like meat or vegetables. The bread was finished so I made bread too and also a pudding of rice and raisons and a binding batter.

Lynda really is super and the three of us really get on like a house on fire.  Lynda’s a bit too thin I must admit, but really has lovely lines and as her arms and legs are not thin at all, when she wears jumpers and skirts she looks really good.  She lives on fruit juices and salads.

Noel’s coming down here this week-end, unless his father’s arrived, in which case I’ll go up to London (insh’Allah) as he wants me to meet him.  Apart from this interim arrangement, we’ve decided for me to go twice to London for Noel once down here, as he can only come on the Saturday and has to leave early in order to get his Hayes train at the other end, whilst I can be in London at 8 on a Friday, stay with Lyn and not leave till 9.30 or 12.30 on the Sunday night (it’s only 2/- in a taxi from Sal. station).

Noel’s complaining about having to go to Aunt Ena’s, but I’m sure it’s just because he feels he oughter , so please write to her Mum, saying we’d like to come at Whit.

I’m sorry  but I can’t phone till Friday, for the simple reason that I haven’t the money.  At the moment I’m too tired to work out where , or how it’s gone, but it’s 22/9 every time I go to London for fares. (4)   Then I spent 22/6 on the moygashel to make ye skirt- had to have it for dressmaking class to-morrow.  Anyway I’ve just enough and no more to get me some food through the week, won’t make it Saturday for the call though, as Noel s’posed to be coming down and I don’t seem to be able to think when he’s around, so shall ‘phone on Friday all being well between 6.30 and 7 – O.K.?

All my love pets,

Len. xxxx


1.  “Your 11”.  Mum is also  re-numbering her U.K. letters.

2. He would be one of several Assistant Directors. There were Festival of Britain Directors – and Assistant Directors –  covering different specialities.  For instance the architect Hugh Casson, then in his thirties, was Director for Architecture. The overall Director and Chairman of the Festival of Britain was Gerald Barry.

3.  Leicester City 1 – Wolves 3.  Len would be visiting the defeated team’s home town at Whitsun.

4.  Britain’s railways had been nationalised in January,1948, whilst Len had been in Cairo.  Some saw nationalisation of industries and services as the new dawn.   One idealistic letter writer to the popular Picture Post magazine, J.V.Cook from Laindon, Essex, on March 1948, suggested that tickets for the railways should be abolished, and that the railways could be financed by an extra 6d on a packet of twenty cigarettes.  Pipe smokers in the Labour cabinet like Chancellor Stafford Cripps and Board of Trade President Harold Wilson might have raised a dry smile at this novel suggestion, but the New Britain they were implementing didn’t usually correspond to the pockets of idealism that were still around in the post-war period, and that had contributed to putting their party into Government in 1945.   As it was, railway men were not too enthusiastic about the railways’ new owner, the State.   On September 14, 1948 they were discussing ‘go slow’ tactics to support wage demands.


We know from the numbering on the back of the envelopes that Len did write  the following day, as she had promised, but it is not in this collection.  The one following is.


UK12 P&0 png



len on Luneberg heath crop pic png4 May, 1949.

PA to CSP, CDEE Porton, Nr.Salisbury.
Office.      Afternoon of Wednesday.

Most Precious People,

How are you, hope you’ve forgiven me for not ‘phoning last night or Monday, but lack of cash is, lack of cash. You’ll be happy to learn, that last night at the dress-making class I cut out my skirt – from your diagram.  I sailed up to ye cutting out table with it  in my hand and the teacher just took it from me, said “Ah” and started showing me exactly how,  according to your diagram.  She said your drawing was very good.  Have ‘phoned S&G but it’s their half day, so left instructions for Miss Gale to ring me tomorrow, so that I can find out how your hat’s progressing.

The woman said to me last night, “This won’t take you long, what d’you want to make next?”. Honestly, being ‘in on’ (as it were) dressmaking does make you think of ‘what next’ so I replied at once that I wanted to make a copy of my duck egg blue check zipping up the back in black. Can see me making nothing but blues and greens in clothes, for I know you won’t tackle things for me in those colours.  Just took home my green dress from the office last night, thanks for the mending of it – it was folded for aeons and aeons, but on my shaking it out and hanging up last night it looked as fresh as can be – you must have ironed it well – and thanks again for mending the hated colour.  Noel really liked it – and commented upon my Cairene skirt, so thanks so much for being so prompt in sending it on.  It is funny that parcels take a negligible amount of time compared with Cairo-bound ones, yet letters take only two days less time.

Please could you send on the sling back skin shoes I gave you which you don’t want Mum, and also my white high heeled sandals. Is my French dictionary there please? Chunky pink-red wee book?

Do wish Glasgow was just a wee bit nearer – and cheaper to get at.  It’s tantalising being so near, yet so far. Simply must have Hogmanay with you insh’Allah, I’ve felt most homesick at those times of year and when your letters came through with the news of your doings for the 45/46, 46/47, 47/48 Hogmanays.   Just hope we’re gay and together this time.  Oh, it does make me angry that I’ve not more money to do so many things, especially with my boss getting over £40 a week and innumerable perquisites besides.  (1)

The Overseas letter was merely saying why hadn’t I taken up membership, but was dated way back, before I went to O’seas House, the other was from Lilian Swan whom I must look up if I can elude Noel for 2 secs. in London, or persuade him to come along too. (2)    It seems ridiculous, that I’ve seen Esme for 2½ hours since I came home, Pat for a little longer, ditto Joan Brandley  but haven’t been near any of my other friends.   Believe I might persuade Noel in about another three week-ends to come with me to JBs though.  The trouble is almost all my friends are in London and work Sat. mornings when I’m not with Noel.

Wooing the Adjutant like mad to get permission to register with the NAAFI, as I’m in Sal so little at week-ends, I’d never get near the co-op to collect my rations or see their odd almost-delicacies like gorgonzola on points.  Whereas as soon as Mr.C. pops away – and he usually does for at least an afternoon each week I could take a shopping bag and off to the NAAFI – seems they’ve everything under the sun. (3)

Are any of the Ayr snaps ready yet?

Len at Ayr? png

Len at Ayr,  Easter 1949.


mum at Ayr ? png

Mum at Ayr,  Easter 1949.


Have heard I’ve been accepted for the school in Germany, June 11-25th.  Was getting all ready to turn it down as I thought it was July, but all being well I should now have plenty of news of travels when we unite in London.  Noel doesn’t know yet – only heard when I returned Sun. night – so expect he will moan solidly.   It’s so difficult to get into Germany, I’m really thrilled, but dread Noel’s opposition. Wish Lynda and he could come too.  But what am I talking about, are you two interested?  For you’d be most eligible, being alive about Trade Unions and active in them or similar orgs., for that’s a condition of going.  It’s only £16 inc. and if nec. one even receives assistance over the amount!  If you fancy it at all, please enquire at W.E.A. Headquarters in Glasgow.  I brought out all about being a member of the CSCA,  ex-Unity Theatre, productions in the ME and other odd lines, anyway, they’ve accepted me.

Haven’t tried on the yellow pants as yet, but any time now.  By the way, what was the “New Look’ scarf enclosed?  Thanks for the fork, knife and spoon holder Daddy. The pears were the bees knees and how, with my – at present – unsatisfied cry for fruit and vegetables they were the answer to an unspoken wish – couldn’t have been better. (4)

I’m enclosing some odd photos of Noel which I pinched from Lyn, don’t particularly like the one of him at Richmond but pinched it because he looks so American – he’s wearing Olive Drab – colour of the Burma Boys.

Noel, army drab 2 png

Noel at Richmond.

Noel drag 2 pngThink the one of him as one of the ‘ladies’ of the chorus is priceless.  The plane is one from which he used to drop supplies in Burma.   They’re only for a shooft, could you please return – thanks. (5)

Suggest you ask me in about three letters time about staying at ‘No.7’  in July.  You see at the moment, whenever I ask him the wee-est thing, Mr.H. puts his hand to his head, as with his new job – vansman to get open air for his ulcers (yes, didn’t you know) and Mrs, H. just having gone into hosp. he’s in no welcoming mood, though I did get him to say yes, about Noel coming down this week-end and will now probably have to rescind the whole thing, or at least postpone it.  Mrs H. received your letter when I was away at the week-end and Mr H. tells me it brightened her up considerably.  Thanks for the advice of the amount to pay for self-catering, I’ve read, marked and inwardly digested.

About Whit, about this week-end, in fact about quite a lot, everything may be changed for I’d a telegram from Noel to-day and for once he’s got a cast iron excuse for not writing on Monday or yesterday, for it read – “Father arrived Monday. Writing to-day. Noel”.  I’m thrilled at the thought of meeting my darling’s father. Almost feel like phoning you on tick, but am so excited, guess it’d only make me worse.

Will drop a note on hearing from N. to-morrow all being well, giving gen and also if I’m still phoning Friday or Sat from Lundorn

All my love,

Len. xxx


1.  It is surprisingly difficult to get an accurate figure for a Shorthand Typist working for the Ministry of Supply, with a PA’s allowance, for this time, but it is assumed that Len would be earning  around £5 – £6 a week.

2.  ‘The Overseas letter…’   Correspondence for Len sent to Coldingham Avenue, and forwarded by Mum.

3.  ‘Mr C’.   Mr Childs, her boss.

4.   These are some of the contents of the ‘two lovely parcels’ she received, and mentioned in her letter on the Monday.

5.  The photo of the plane is not in this collection.  That the others are shows that Mum forgot to return them to Len, and that Len never returned them to Lynda.


Len has been to London over the week-end and met Noel’s father.  She has returned to Salisbury from Waterloo on a train after Sunday midnight.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png9 May, 1949.

PA to CSP, CDEE, Porton, Nr. Salisbury, Wilts.

2.30ish, Monday

My Darlings,

Thanks for your letter.

So listen, what about Whit – does Aunt Ena’s invitation to you two alter your decision not to go? I mean is it possible you’ll both go now, or might you Mummy? – as you don’t get the holiday, do you Daddy?   Isn’t it a nuisance, ‘we don’t know where we’re going till we’re there’ as the song says.  Wrote to Noel today saying is Whit still O.K. at Aunt Ena’s if I’m going to Germany the week after without him. He’s keen to go, but don’t know yet if we’ll get him in.  Will phone you on Friday night and bring you up to-date on my news.

Noel and I were at a  party of people on Sunday night, with his Father.  He’s a very nice man – sweet, but determined.  I won’t say any more, but you’ll see him for yourselves soon, all being well.  I asked Noel to get his Father alone as I didn’t want to ask him in front of the other people.  N. did this, so I asked his Father if he would like to stay with you when he was up in Glasgow.   He said he’d be delighted to call in, but didn’t know if he could stay, as he’s got a very old pal up there who got a house fairly recently and keeps a bedroom vacant which he calls “King’s Bedroom’ and Noel’s Father said he’d never have any peace if he didn’t go there.  And guess where the pal stays – Scotstoun! (1)   Isn’t that good, with Glasgow being so big, for as he’s so handy even if he doesn’t actually stay with you – he wasn’t quite decisive – he should pop in quite a lot.

The week-ends in London are really soul-destroying though, as at least half one’s time always seems to be spent in the tube.  Glad beyond all measure that I’m staying in Salisbury this week-end.  It was so lovely for Noel and I with you two in Glasgow, if we wanted to bustle we could, but we were able to laze as much as we liked – beginning to really appreciate it.   Don’t know if the way I feel has come through in my letters at all, but despite the fact that I feel more settled now, I’d be giving anything to be going to Canada with Noel, and I hate the thought of him going away for two long years.

Haven’t your letters by me to reply to at the moment, but will write a really long screed on Wednesday, then again on Saturday, after our Friday night phone call.

They told me my transfer grant’s through so all being well when I get it in hard cash I’ll send you the £10 (for it’s roughly that) which I’m indebted to you for in a lump sum, for the grant should cover it all right.  (2)   Will that suit?  Hope you’re not offended at my waiting to re-pay, but you’re not croesus (3), so don’t really see why I should use your wee bit of cash – you’re not offended?

Caught the 12.20 again last night and thought little sleep hadn’t affected me, but I feel a bit weepy which I s’pose is the result of not enough shut eye.

Sorry for the comparative brevity, but want to catch tonight’s post  Before I forget, saw a bloke I knew in Cairo on Sat. in Soho – was on Forces Broadcasting, now BBC, also Adam Hunter and two Unity girls, now filming “The Gorbals Story”, felt very far away from them. (4)

The stars shine full of love, from me to you,

Len. xxxxx


1.  Scotstoun is about a mile from Yoker and Coldingham Avenue.  It is also where “Wee Maggie”  lives.

2.  Assumed to be a MoS/Civil Service grant for her transfer from Cairo to the U.K.

3.  Made of money.

4.  “The Gorbals Story.  GB.  1949.  75m.  Well meaning, low budget proletarian melodrama, featuring actors from the Glasgow Unity Theatre.  Set mainly in a couple of tenement rooms…”  – Halliwell’s Film Guide.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png11 May, 1949

PA to CS(P), CDEE Porton, nr Salisbury, Wilts.

Wed. 5ish.

Northern Delights,

Don’t know why I never seem to get a decent length letter written to you nowadays. This too will have to be comparatively short, for it’s almost time to go and once I’m home, it’s a long way to the post and back – 40 – 50 mins walking, so I like to post it en route back to ‘No.7’, but will write a really long letter on Saturday – insh’Allah.

How I wish you were coming to Germany, heard from them last night to say a £5 scholarship’s been granted me, making it only £11 London there and back; schooling and maintenance – isn’t it terrific?  Just wish I knew some German.  I s’pose there’s no chance of you coming is there?

D’you know at Noel’s Aunts’ on Sunday and in fact generally in the south I’ve noticed real antagonism to Scotland.  Isn’t it odd, for abroad, Scots are far and away more popular than the English.  It’s funny too, the way they divide up the country.  I said to the Aunt (this was in Surrey)  “You belong here?” and she replied, Oh no, that they were Cambridge.  Personally, I lump everything together.  Can’t get over the antagonism to the Scots, for being abroad, I imagined everyone just adored them everywhere.

Please, stockings from Macdonalds.(1)   And if I can’t collect them from you at Aunt Ena’s I’d like – white sandals, toeless skin, browny skin (being ‘rubbered’) and navy court shoes. No hurry though.

No time to get gossipy, for I want you to have this before I ring on Friday – 6.30 – 7, probably.

All the love in the southern command.

Len xxxxx


1.  Macdonalds in Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street.  No longer in business.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png17 May, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E., Porton, Nr. Salisbury, Wilts.

Dearest Western Wonders (of that little grey home),

This letter is going to be disjointed to say the least.  Various items popping up here and there.  Firstly, please bring Egyptian tablets and necklaces for valuing at Brit. Mus. in first week-end of hol. in July.

Must tell you of Saturday, after breakfasting and washing ‘medly’ and then ironing a few of the earlier washed things, I went into town.  It was all county and market and sunny and super.  Got all my rations including sugar for week.  The butcher gave me two chops and offered (!) me two kidneys – this, I’ve since been told is most unusual.  I got Vogue’s Smart Book of Dressmaking – like a thick mag. – 2/6 and also a Vogue pants pattern, not so much for the pattern, as that I really feel I ought to get used to working to a pattern.

Vogue patterns book cover png

Vogue’s Book of Smart Dressmaking.

Want to make a jacket for my skirt the same as that one we saw Mum, with a roll collar to waist, faced with velvet, also straight split skirt, so that I can wear either with the jacket. If you see a pattern for either please send  it to me, please.

But my dee-yah, enquired for your hat – having phoned and knew it was in earlier in the week – and they said yes and a girl fetched another woman, who said Miss Gale was away sick with heart trouble. Was sorry about this, but the girl I spoke to started to natter to me and didn’t stop.  She said looking at the label on ye hat – “Ah, which part of Scotland?”   Well I told her.  She’s Edinburgh, or somewhere near and is down here with husband – a Scot too.  He’s an Army Officer and they’ve just bought a house and she used to be a window dresser for Jenner’s in Edinburgh, and S & G’s manager met her at a cocktail party and as her husband’s away a lot, she said “Yes”, when they asked her to take charge of window dressing there.  People kept interrupting, but she seemed sorry as I went, and can quite see me getting an invite to her house if I go in again.  Should ‘No.7’ fail us, wouldn’t it be super if you got part of her house for the hol?  I shall have to speak re. your staying at ‘No.7’ soon, so unless there is any reason to delay a reply, p’raps you could thrash it out between you and give me your decision on Thursday night.  You see if you don’t make a move soon you’ll fall between two stools and might find diff. in getting a place at that busy period.

Your hat is super Mum and I only hope you come to Leicester to take delivery.  I tried on the hat of Val to-day which she brought in for me to see. (1)    It’s cloche, dove grey with an enormously long feather and a veil – it really does things to my face and really has made me wonder if I should join the hat brigade.   Wonder if Aunt E. would like to make one for me?

Saw Mrs.H. on Sat. and she seemed cheerful and could see quite well – they don’t know now, it seems,  how her eyes are going to react to treatment but told her it will be a long job.

Cash – as I owed you say £10 and hat was 45/- say, £2, that’s £8 now coming up as quickly as I can manage it.  Also, please d’you mind if I reverse the charges, but Mr.H. was worried about my p’raps going on beyond the pips and the ‘phone being his mother’s, so feel it’s better this way and I’ll send you the dough, for calls.  Extra 2d. I pay them each time will be obviated too.

I have masses of spare marg. and lard and a wee bit of sugar – could you use it?  As I hate making up parcels – and don’t do it too well, p’raps you could collect it at Whit all being well Mum – you see how necessary that trip is for you – don’t you agree Dad?

I wore my navy skirt for the first time on Sunday and got it really soaked at the bottom in a cloudburst, but it did look good, with Nylon blouse and multi-coloured beads.

I’ve started on Noel’s socks and as I’ve got into quite a rhythm, don’t feel self-conscious doing them in the bus in front of people.

Also, what should I ask Mark (who hasn’t offered but who’d be most willing) and Jack (who offered in his last letter) to bring back from Cairo?    So what do you think from each, paying of course (or at least really offering).  Please say soon, as I want to write before I leave for Germany  and Mark I especially ought to write soon as he might be here by the time I’m back.

Please, prickers for primus, the ones I took with the primus are all rusty and I can’t use it till I get some more and so far my hunt’s been unsuccessful – so if you come across any in Glasgow – thanks.

Do you want anything dry cleaned?  For on the station in one of the sections, we’ve a cleaning service which is just as good and much cheaper than the shops as well as being more speedy.

Stockings from MacD’s sometime please.

Funny your mentioning that “Personality Unlimited” Mum, but only last night when waiting to register at a doctors, I picked up a “News Review” and read a crit. about it. (2)  The doc. saw me and I told him about my met. arch, but he said it hadn’t really dropped, that heat wasn’t necessary and merely bound it up with elastic and said exercise, not just standing, was good for it, mentioning “Pranella Stock” stuff?  (3).  I’d like to be able to wear high heels, but that’s the only way I’m inconvenienced now, I must admit.

One of those letters is a redirection of the elec. bill paid in Cairo and another is an income tax rebate so can’t complain on the score of cash, whilst yet another is from Harris saying he’d sent two others, but no reply and it’s very warm, so must give him a ring for I’d like the news of how he and the rest of the Old Vic gang are getting on.

Daddy, don’t you remember going into Kodak’s with me and asking them to notify us when they’d 118 films in?  (4)   And of course we gave your name, knowing I wouldn’t be in Glasgow. This evidentially means two 118 films are being sent you and keep them for my camera please to take snaps of you in July – insh’Allah.  If there’s any difficulty ‘phone Kodaks.

That’s all for now, all the love in the world to two Super Types.

Len xxxxx


1.  Val is a fellow MoS shorthand typist, possibly a PA too, based at the nearby Winterbourne Gunner facility, where, amongst other activities, soldiers took part in gas warfare exercises.  Len has, it is assumed, already told Mum about meeting Val in one of their telephone conversations.

2.  Personality Unlimited was an American book, published in the UK by Faber & Faber in 1949.  It was a guide to health and beauty: “Diet, exercise, cosmetics, clothing and grooming”.

3.  Pranella was a brand of ladies’ boots and shoes. 

4.  Presumably at some point when she was up over the Easter week-end.  118 roll film was quarter plate size film: 3¼ inches by 4 ¼ inches.  Kodak Autograph No. 3 camera took it, plus some British manufactured Ensign cameras.  Many of Len’s negatives and photos in this collection are quarter plate   Kodak discontinued 118 roll film in 1961.

len, noel and camera

Street photographer snap of Len and Noel, probably London, 1949.   Note the canvas case of her camera she is holding.  This is a quarter plate size camera.

Salisbury cathedral png

Salisbury Cathedral, 1949.     Quarter plate photo by Len.




 len on Luneberg heath crop pic png20 May, 1949.

 Address as always.


Lights of my Life,

Hail and how are you?  Yes, spoke to Mr. H. about ‘No 7’ and he was very vague, saying “A lot can happen in 7 weeks”.  Must see the woman at S & G and suggest your staying with her,  if he’s not more clear by next week-end as to what he thinks you can do, as you don’t want time to go on and not get fixed up anywhere.

This week-end all being well I’m staying with the Brandleys and am taking up ¾ lb Marg. and some cooking fat to Mrs. B., as that should please them.  Please Mum, what ply or kind of wool did you use for Daddy’s famous maroon pullover and how much, for it’s not terribly easy to get and I should be on the look out for it.

My boss  offered to take me up to town to-day by his M.G. Coupe, but I said ‘No’ as it meant taking half a day’s leave.  Miss Wells in London told me that he sent away the last girl he had, so feel quite pleased I seem to get on all right with him. (1).

As I hope to leave on the 11th June for Germany, if you propose writing to Ernst could you do so soon Mum please.  Sure he’s still in Tel el Kebir.

Got some nail polish on the tip of my Parker inadvertantly and its’ gone a bit funny, which is putting me off my stroke.

There doesn’t seem to be any more news at the moment.  Let me know all queries re. holiday (twould be a prohibitive price with b&b 9/- a night!).

In the meantime, all love,

Len. xxxxx

Daddy, thanks for your letter, will reply soon.

Love, Len.


1.  Miss Wells is assumed to be a Civil Service appointments officer at the Adelphi head-quarters.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png23 May, 1949.

‘No.7’, Monday evening.

Dearest Sweethearts,

Now to answer your letters and tell you how I enjoyed the week-end.  Firstly though, that £15 grant has just disappeared between, my Germany money, the hat, food, wool for Noel’s socks, etc, so I can’t see myself giving you the other £7 (8 enclosed) plus my telephone call money, till July. (1)   I can easily take some out of the bank, so if you need it before July, tell me, after me leading you up the garden about giving it to you now.  May have some after Whit, but I don’t want to indulge in my pet habit of going around with the cash I need minus 2d when up at the Reids.

Asked all over London for “Personality Unlimited”, but just couldn’t get it, think I’d better order it down here.

Got in last night to find a letter from Steena my Swedish girl friend awaiting me and also one from Aunt Ena – very welcoming and warm.  “Marie Rose” says she’d like me to bring a tennis racket, well she’s had that, much as I’d like to please her – on a train here, off in London, all over in the tube, dumping my bag wherever I’m staying and the next morning repeating the process to the Leicester train is bad enough without a racket as well.

Must tell you something funny, had £1, a ten shilling note and 1/6d odd, when I went into the chemists to-night to dump the roll of film taken at the week-end and to see if the extra copies were ready for you and Noel of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge png

Stonehenge, 1949. Photo by Len.

As they weren’t I thought “Oh, now I can send the 10/- to Dad and Mum in the letter after this as it’s unbroken”.  Then thinking I’d have no more expenses till Friday and pay day, I thought I’d blow 1/6d. odd on some hair oil, as I do want to look good for the Reids.   I remembered what macassar oil had done for your hair Mum and ordered a bottle, thinking it would be cheap old fashioned stuff. (2)   It’s old fashioned all right, but the price – ooooh – it’s 6/11, I paid without a murmur, but shall cherish that bottle as one of 1949s luxuries.

I heard from Esme during the week the news that Lyn had just had a letter from the Pop asking them down to Ely at the week-end.  They insisted I went too, so I spent the Friday night with the Brandleys, the morning shopping with Esme (saw someone in town, yet again, I’d known in Cairo, isn’t it amazing?) and in the afternoon was Eastward bound with L & N.

The Pop met us at Ely (doesn’t know when he’s Glasgow bound).  Met the Aunt there who’s nicer than the Oxshott, Surrey Aunt and Lyn and I had a double and Noel a single room at “The Bell”.

We all went to the fair and Noel won an orange and a glass dish which he gave to me and we went on the dodgems and everything.  Saw Lyn and Noel’s old school and N & I between us took masses of photos of Ely Cathedral on the Sunday and also went to see Ely playing cricket on the green and I helped the Aunt do the teas for the cricket X1 – so English and so wonderful.

Len, Lyn, Noel's Dad png

“Noel’s Uncle, Father, cousin and Lyn and I.  Though-I-says it-though-I-shouldn’t – L& I look the goods.”


Ely cathedral png

Ely Cathedral, 1949.   Photo by Len.

That’s all for tonight. How’s the hol. preparations going?

All my love in the world. Len. xxxxx.


1.  Her transfer grant.

2.  “Macassar oil is a compounded oil used primarily by men in Victorian and Edwardian times as a hair conditioner to groom and style the hair.

Macassar oil was so named because it was reputed to have been manufactured from ingredients purchased in the port of Makassar in Indonesia.  The poet Byron called it ‘thine incomparable oil, Macassar’ in the first canto of Don Juan, and Lewis Carroll also mentions ‘Rowland’s Macassar Oil’ in the poem ‘Haddocks’ Eyes’ from Through the Looking-Glass.

Due to the tendency for the oil to transfer from a gentleman’s hair to the back of his chair, the antimacassar was developed. This is a small cloth (crocheted, embroidered or mass-produced), placed over the back of a chair to protect the upholstery.”  – Abridged entry from Wikipedia, with grateful acknowledgement.

It was thus, very unusual to be used by women, and Liz Willis (see Acknowledgements) originally from Scotland had never heard of its use amongst Scottish women of Len’s mother’s generation.  Neither has Mrs Alison Coleman of Carnwath, (see Acknowledgements),  who was an ATS officer during the Second World War.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png26 May, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E., Porton, Nr. Salisbury, Wilts.


North Stars of Mine,

Your 20 came in yesterday and some other mail to-day.   I’d a lovely letter from Noel and other mail, so really can’t complain.

The Kings are so vague and though I asked Lynda if they were giving up the flat in July and she said yes, don’t know exactly when they are going, but felt it was better to book at Highgate, didn’t have time to phone before Ely, so wrote on Monday.  Pop King has almost got a flat landed and as he’s less vague than Lyn or Noel (though actually all three know just where they’re going) think the subject of you two staying there in London (his flat) might be introduced when he comes to you.

Don’t know why you worry about my sleep, for I’m getting more than I’ve had for years – always in bed between 9.30 and 11 pm, apart from the occasional Sunday when I’m late in from London.

– Since writing that I’ve had a 6 min. call from Zaki – Glencoe Aug ‘48 – from Lancashire! (1)    He must be nuts. He’s nice though, but the only person I’m interested in is Noel.   The last thing I want to do is rush him with getting officially engaged, but otherwise how can I keep other people away?  Should I speak, or keep quiet or not bother to keep the other people away?  Don’t know what to do – this sounds like something from the back page of “Woman”- but I do need advice.  (2)

Course I remember the Oykell and only wish I could go up there again now, but living as far south as this makes you realise how difficult it is to get to Scotland from the time and cash angle – you’ll think of it the other way round spending your holiday here – it certainly is some effort and how I hope you enjoy it.  Saturday must have been super – did you take snaps as planned? I’m longing to see them.  Noel tells me in his letter he had a p.c. from you too – mine made me homesick. (3)

The enclosed is a bit of a letter from Jimmie Shanks. (4)     He asked me why I seemed to have such inward calm and knew where I was going and his p.s. is a comment on my reply – thought you’d like to see it.

jimmy shanks letter May 49 png_edited-1

“P.S May I be facetious (or do I mean fatuous?) for a moment but remark about being ‘very much with parents’ when literally you almost never are, struck me as an odd choice of phrase. However I know just what you mean and rather envy you for it. – J.”

I plan to write to Mark to-morrow insh’Allah, so it’s too late for your requests from him, but still waiting to know about what Jack’s to bring – not writing to him till next week, so please reply by letter.  Suggest you write to M. giving him personal invite to W.4. – wouldn’t say this to anyone but you,  and you’d better burn this letter afterwards for containing such a sentiment – but apart from Mark being a real poppet, I know him and it would pay you in the long run, for he’s very generous and appreciates little acts of kindness.

Daddy, did you get those 118 films as per invoice returned to you?

Don’t know why on earth, ‘cept she evokes my sympathy and is pleasant and kind, I asked Esme if she was interested in coming to Scotland at Hogmanay and of course she’s said yes – hope you don’t mind.

I took marg. and lard to the Brandleys as I never eat my marg, and my suet from the kidneys is enough for my cooking for a long time. – Hate their (Brandley’s) breakfasts of tea and toast – really strongly hate, would rather starve rest of day and have an honest to goodness meal at Breakfast time.  Intend to take some to Aunt E. too, but will have marge and lard, and tea and sugar for your use in July and to take back with you.

Esme’s due at 8.23 p.m at the bus station to-morrow night, seems it’s less than 10/- return to Oxford from here – July trip?  (5)

Hope your visit to the Infirmary is a cheering and successful one next month Daddy.

I said to Noel at Ely I was a wee bit tired of Lyn and he being made a fuss of by relatives,  and was looking forward to being made much of at Leicester.  He said his Aunt liked me, in fact told him she approved of his choice – as you can guess this cheered me more than somewhat.

Will give measurements for Zephyr over phone Sat – left inch tape at night school – can you get it to me for Whit?

All love from south to north,

Len. xxxxx


1.  When she was on home leave from Cairo.

2.   Woman, owned by Odhams Press, had the largest weekly sales of British women’s magazines.  According to the magazine’s editor, Glaswegian Mary Grieve, in her book Millions Made My Story,  there was a huge post-war post bag of worried letters that she says were all answered.  They published what were most representative. “Doubt and despair may be averted by a word of friendly advice.  If you are worried let Evelyn Home help you – write to her c/o WOMAN, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for her reply’”.

In the December 4, 1948 issue, for instance, Evelyn Home answered letters amongst which were one reader asking where she could get information about the ‘facts of life’ as she didn’t know anything about them; another was being pressurised by her boyfriend to have intercourse before they were engaged; another suggested that parents worried too much if their daughter had a friendship with a married man and another, saying she was 24 and bored with being a popular girl and would rather get married and have children – friends were telling her she’d better watch out as she was getting too old, and was too choosy about who she got married to.

In a regular Woman column Frank Mansfield gave the “man’s” view, and in the same issue reminded the reader, male or female, that a man’s greatest asset was his wife, and how much men owe to them “Every man’s mother makes a man of him and his girl takes on from there and tries to make him a success”.

The ‘Facts of Life’ were not that easily available in 1948, and Evelyn Home suggested the enquirer wrote to the Central Council for Health education at Tavistock House in London, enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope for the answer.  There had been a continuing hostility  (backed up by court cases and fines)  to sex education and family planning.  Some Labour controlled councils mindful of their Roman Catholic support had been part of the opposition to a more enlightened approach.  However, the hostility was inter-denominational and cross-political party.  In 1948 Salisbury Council had banned the screening of Birth of a Baby in Salisbury cinemas.  It was shown in nearby Amesbury, however, and the Salisibury Times noted the strong interest and numbers visiting the cinema in Amesbury.   Letters were published in the paper in support of the film and critical of the Salisbury Council on 10 September, 1948.

Mum had sent Len when in Cairo a cutting from the Glasgow Evening Citizen in October 1947  featuring an advertisement for Birth of a Baby.

Birth of a Baby png crop

Birth of a Baby and the Plaza, Eglinton Toll.

3.  Strath Oykell in the  north of Scotland is approximately half way between Ullapool on the west coast and Dornoch on the east coast, to the north.  It seems Mum and Dad were away for slightly more than a weekend as it is not in striking distance from Glasgow using public transport.  As will seen in a future letter, there was another strike on, at Dad’s works, so this may explain how they got away for a few days.

4.  Jimmie Shanks was possibly part of the hiking and hosteling fraternity that Len and parents were part of during the war.

5.  The Oxford – Salisbury bus.  Didcot, where Esme worked is 15 miles from Oxford.  _____

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png30 May 1949.

7 Barton Road, Salisbury, Wilts.

Monday – 6.30ish

Dearest People,

So much to say I just don’t know where to start – hope the enclosed cheque will lessen my debt to you a little more.  I have hopes of more than completely paying you back in kind as it were, but will ‘say nae mair’ in this letter, merely hoping it comes off.  The next week’s emergency card may help you out a little, but honestly at the moment my lard and marg are piling up as well as my tea and this week I’m not in the house after Thursday morning and won’t be back till Monday night, and am off at the week-end for Germany, so don’t want any rations lying around.

Should my R.B. (1) ) not be taken from me at the Customs (shades of Nov ‘45 and Aug ‘48) I’ll post it back to you to collect an e.card for each of the two weeks I’m to be in Germany.  That should help you a bit more.  Will take Aunt Ena all my marg. and lard as it’s difficult to send through the post, but will send on my tea and sugar to you. Even so, should be able to supply you completely from my current ration when you come down in July.

Will I see you at Whit Mum?  I’ve got Personality Unlimited and it seems terrific, but I fear it will have to be your Xmas present as it was 18/-  – you can collect it in July if you like though.

Also taking to Aunt E. all rendered down fat, seem to do nothing but render down, what with kidneys a fortnight ago and this week’s  3/9 worth of meat!  Yes, Esme and I had it stewed and fried on Sat. for a late lunch and stewed some more (‘twas a bit tough) and roasted for Sunday dinner and I had the rest cold with cabbage for my lunch – ‘loin of lamb’ or something like that the butcher said – chop shape with a flabby bit at the end.

Had a letter today from Betty Baxter – she’s in hospital – the London Chest Hospital near Victoria Park,with TB, but she sounds cheerful in her letter – as if she’s only got it a wee bit – and wants me to go and see her.

The woman in S&G will be half moved at the date of the your hol. with the painters in her new abode.  I got the impression however that I can send her an SOS if the woist comes to the woist. However she gave me an address just near me which I’m off to see to-night.  As you can see I’ve got my scouts out.  Suddenly struck me I’ve only got a bit of this week, a bit of next and the few days after my return from Germany (insh’Allah) in Salisbury myself before you two are due down here!

Is it possible Mum, for you to take in – a lot – my navy checked jacket and get it down here by Thurs. or Fri. of next week?  It’s the only thing I can visualise wearing as a top thing to Germany, carrying a rucksack on my back as I propose to do.

Pinched your idea Mummy and in a parcel to Noel to-day put rhymes in each article – the new socks, a darned khaki sock of his, tie he pointed out in a window, green socks of JF’s,(2)  cigs. returned to me by Esme as not delivered, old chamois glove of mine – shrank after many washings to clean his camera lens and a tablet of Cusson’s Imperial Leather.  I’d another letter from him this morning incorporating a drawing of the Taj Mahal.

Are you sporting your beret down here Daddy?  I’ve always liked it and it does look super in that photo where you hit the headlines. (3)

Apart from my French Dictionary, I’d like my Oxford Book of English Verse.

They showed me some awful quicknit in a shop on Saturday, must hunt a wee bit in Leicester for Double Knitting.  They said I’d need 20 ozs. of Quicknit – cost £1.1.  Like the wool for Daddy’s pullover and looking forward to seeing him in it.

Hoping to see you a lot on Friday Mum, but otherwise – or if you’re there we can both ring Daddy – will ‘phone on Saturday from the Reids all being well.

Blue skies of love to you this May day.

As always your own, Len xxxx


1.  R.B.  Ration Book.

2.  J.F’s:  John Findlay’s

3.  Dad “hitting the headlines”.  Despite looking in the archives of the local Clydebank weekly newspaper, the Glasgow Evening Citizen and the Scottish Daily Record of the time, nothing has been found.  With evening papers, such as the Evening Citizen, they had a noon edition and a later edition – and some stories in the Noon edition would be dropped for newer stories in the Late edition. Only one of those editions would be  archived.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png2 June, 1949.

P.A. to C.S. (P), C.D.E.E., Porton, Nr. Salisbury, Wilts.

Thursday afternoon.

Hearts Delight’s,

How are you?  At the moment I’m trying to recover from the blow of not borrowing a hat. This may seem very trivial, but the girl offered to lend the hat to me about a month ago. It seems she told her Mother last night, who said the girl would want it for Church on Sunday.  She never told me this till this afternoon, pretending this morning she’d forgotten it and that she’d bring it after lunch. (1)   I’d never have asked if she hadn’t been captivated with it on me, and I built up my week-end wardrobe with it in mind.  Can’t stand a person who’d break their word though, even over a little thing, it shows such a defective character.

Thank you very much for everything.  As yet I haven’t had time to try on the Zephyr which arrived with other dress and shoes yesterday but I’m enchanted with it and have such faith in your ‘remote control’ dressmaking Mum.  I can’t visualise it doing other than fitting perfectly.  To-day I’m wearing the navy skirt I made myself and my old navy Morley jumper – the effect is to make me look quite a wraith – or as wraithish as I can look.

Yesterday – or was it the day before?  Sent off little food parcel to you, hope you like the stuff and it helps.

Writing a longer letter fairly shortly.  As always every bit of my love,

Len. xxxxx


1.  It sounds as if she is a Porton office girl.


Len’s letter was written on the Thursday leading up to the Whit week-end.  What follows is the next letter in the collection.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png6 June, 1949.

In front of the electric fire at Aunt Ena’s.

Whit Monday.

North of the Border Precious Ones,

Said and thought I must write, and here goes.

I think it was mean of Noel and you to desert me, for my nerves are being attacked by being here. The chief cause is Marie Rose, I can’t bear inefficiency and she is inefficient and has no charm to offset this failing.  She’s a bundle of nerves and can’t think properly after she’s had a fit of the giggles. The three of them seem devoid of a sense of humour and don’t seem close knit at all.  Uncle Bill goes out for a drink alone on a Sat. always (inc. last Sat.) which I think is shocking.  To crown all this, I’ve been cooking for the whole family up to now with Aunt E. being ill.  I like them notwithstanding, but for the sake of my nerves shall be glad to leave.  More than ever I’m looking forward to Germany  as a period of peace and being cut off.  Whitsun has certainly not been a relaxation.

D’you want me to phone about 9 pm. on Thursday or between 6.30 and 7.30 on Sat?  That’s the latest I can phone before boarding the train for Germany.  Thought you might think of something else to say between Thursday and Saturday and also ‘twould be nice to hear your voices before leaving.  Those are the pros.  The cons are, that it would be inconvenient for both of us,  your usual Sat. of pictures and Sat. night theatre (1)  being mucked up and me looking for a ‘phone box just before leaving with Noel moaning in my ear.  These are the pros and cons, just hope this letter gets to you tomorrow, so that you can make up your mind on the spot and let your reply reach me at Porton by Thursday.

All your mail has come in, but this house doesn’t provide the bright relaxed atmosphere for writing.  Can’t go into it all just now, but will give you the little titbits when I see you next, in London in July all being well.  Replying to your letter very shortly insh’Allah.

All the love in the Leicester zone,

Love Len xxxxx


1.  The Home Service Saturday Night Theatre was going to be “An English Summer”, between 9.20 p.m. and 10.45 p.m. followed by 15 minutes of “Family Prayers”.    – source, Glasgow Evening Citizen, 11 June, 1949.


Len was taking pen to paper the following evening, back in Salisbury.


Len June 49 Ena png

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png7 June, 1949.

Front room of ”No.7”.  Tuesday night after ye ‘phone call.

Dearest Hearts,

Just back from the ‘phone, remembering we didn’t arrange whether I should ring again Thursday or Sat.  Still, p’raps I’d better make it Saturday now and will do so, unless I hear from you to the contrary.

Just what’s made Aunt Ena like that?  Besides being utter snobs, all three of them are completely devoid of a sense of humour.  For your inf. – she told me so I’ll pass it on – Uncle Bill gets £1,500 a year, which is £30 a week and they don’t save at all!  Of Daddy, she said sweetly and rather sadly, wasn’t it a shame about his leg?  By that time I must have been geared to her almost insane jealousy, for I said “Yes, but didn’t he look fit in his newspaper picture and must have been pretty fit too to handle all those people all day long”  Course she said “Yes” – didn’t realise till just now my remark in all innocence must have taken the wind out of her sails.

Furious at the waste of my lovely long Whit, but I can’t complain at giving them one week-end in nine years.

By the way in answer to one of their innumerable questions I told them Noel’s Mother was dead.  Thought I’d better brief you both (1)    Brought up your lovely carpet, but she showed complete disinterest.

The hurt’s going away now, but I’m furious she knows about Noel.  About Noel, she said “What does your Mother say?” I replied you thought it was very wrong to give advice Mum,  with suitable trimmings.  I don’t like the thought of any of the Reids being near or knowing anything or anybody I care for.  Will have the effect of staying out of their sight from now on.   I wouldn’t take a cent of their cash – Aunt E. telling me that most of Aunt Jean’s £40,000 will come to MR  someday. (2)   They seem to envy Denny and Phemie, ‘cos they’ve more money than they have.

Aunt E. says she thinks her husband, home and children are enough for any woman, well it’s certainly all she can talk about.  Why all the talk of men and marriage?  I think it’s shocking.  It’s the natural and loveliest thing to get married but many other things in life are important too and she never talks of them.  And who wants to hear not one, but countless anecdotes of the boys she went around with?  I almost have difficulty in getting you to tell me the various anecdotes you have to recount Mum and I’m anxious to hear them!  I think it makes her seem awfully old,  living in the past like that. She may be slimmer, but looks devoid of energy and is horribly round shouldered.

I longed for Noel’s Aunt at Ely, with her small house and sincere friendliness.

They adored my Zephyr, Aunt E saying immediately on seeing it said how grand it was.   She gave me 7 eggs and a lovely cake to bring back with me, but oh, how I’d rather have kind words than material gifts.

Must say I looked carelessly (carefully!) good all the time I was there.  Marie Rose kept raving about my hair, personally I can’t see anything in it, but for weeks before I went, was shampooing, oiling and brushing with more method than the makers of Rolls Royce engines.

I hope Daddy the strike isn’t getting you down. (3)   Uncle Bill thinks Unions are the cause of all the trouble (little voice “What trouble?”) can I say strongly “Gertcha?”  I think you’re so right Daddy.  Don’t want to get mixd up in politics again, but my sympathies could never be anything else but left.

They (MR, E & B) shan’t point a finger at me from a political angle – will write a brief sweet ‘thank you’ note to-night and send them some Danish Blue cheese and milk chocs. from the Naafi tomorrow insh’Allah. They won’t poor relation me. (4)

Sorry to waste so much paper on this, but I can’t get over it.  Her parting shot was – as the train drew out “I’ll write and tell your Mother all your bad points”.

Thought I could be extravagant with ‘phone calls this week as then I shan’t be making any for a fortnight all being well.

Thanks so much for all the stockings.  Haven’t you slipped in some of your own by mistake?

I’ve applied for a job in Rhodesia – Crown Agents for the Colonies and they’ve sent me an application form to fill in which I’ve now had over a week.  Minimum age is 25, but even if I was accepted I wouldn’t go, for I don’t want to be separated for a long period from you two again.  Am just doing it to feel I’m keeping my hand in.  England too, apart from Aunt E. is pretty good.  Also, from Noel’s point of view, I think he should have a picture of me sitting demurely with hands clasped in England as he toils in Canada and me not going gay under tropic nights.

Plan to take my Zephyr with me to Germany – feel it’s kind of “Fraulein-straight from- Dior-in-Paris”.  Gailly talking of G. but haven’t got my passport back yet with permit to enter G. (5)

Len, Lyn, Noel's Dad pngRe. photos I will get a reprint made for you of  super one of Noel’s Uncle, Father, cousin and Lyn and I.  Though-I-says it-though-shouldn’t  – L & I look the goods.

Jimmie Shanks arrives back 4th July with films (118s – Daddy did you get the ones from Kodak’s? – they’re worth their weight in gold) and nylons for me – I wish Noel would do something. (6)

Thanks for the notes of Radio ME (Middle East) Memories talk.

A gain’ fits’ aye gettin’ , so I’ll ask Jack for a small but nice hearthrug – preferably Persian, but not at all if it’s any trouble, hoping he’ll trouble a lot and bring something super.

I mixed the facepowder samples, making a super shade and I keep it in a wee box in the office and use it there – thanks a million.

 Longing to see you in your pullover Daddy, or will it be too warm in July in it?

After Aunt E. telling me a straight skirt would suit me better she had me draw a pattern of my navy one so that she can make one for MR!

I’ll rely on you fixing up the London acc. Mum.  Me for Friday Ist July and the three of us for Sat. 2nd July.

If you’re at all short of cash, let me know, as I’ve had an income tax rebate of £12!

You’re wonderful to get my navy jacket ready like that Mum – just wish you two were coming as well – the crossing is Harwich to Hook of Holland overnight.

Do hope you’re both feeling good. Hope too the strike soon passes, for it must be a depressing thing.  How does the garden grow?  And how’s Hutch?  Have encountered lots of cats lately and am getting to like them more and more, but I still think Hutch is the ‘nicest cat I know’.

Won’t start to reply to your 25, received to-day, or I’d need a cloth envelope.  Will try to write another long letter before I leave.

The sun takes my love north west to you.

Len. xxxxx


1.  From a future reference, it seems that Noel’s parents were divorced.  At the time there was  a strong stigma about divorce.

2.  £40,ooo was a huge sum of money: in 2014 it is the equivalent of just under one million British pounds.  We have no indication on which side of the family Aunt Jean is.

3.    “India Tyre Works Still Idle:  Production was still at a standstill today at the Inchinnan works of the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., where the maintenance and production staffs have been on strike since Friday.

Tonight, production workers hold a mass meeting in Central Halls, Paisley, and another meeting of all the men involved, will take place tomorrow afternoon.

About 1,400 workers, including engineers, electricians, plumbers and members of the Transport and General Workers’ Union are involved in the dispute.

The trouble had its origin in the dismissal of several maintenance men on redundancy grounds, and spread to the works when foremen made other arrangements to operate the essential services in the factory.”  – Evening Citizen, Monday 6 June 1949.

4.  Len’s wooing of the Adjutant at Porton to be able to use the Naafi has paid off.

5.  Two weeks earlier, on May 23, 1949,  the Federal Republic of Germany  (the former West Germany) came into existence when the constitution was signed by members of the German Parliamentary Council in the presence of the Allied Military governors.

6.  This suggests that Jimmie Shanks is in the Merchant Navy.



Next:     Part Three Chapter 3    Goodbye Noel, Hello Teaching

Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Porton Chemical and Biolgical Warfare Centre, Social and Political History, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Three 1: Sht.Hand Typist, Porton. Transferred from Overseas Duty.

Part Three   One:   Sht.Hand Typist, Porton.  Transferred from Overseas Duty. 

“It’s funny, but I feel at home in Scotland and definitely a stranger here among foreigners…”


Salisbury map png

Salisbury, Wiltshire.


Porton entrancepng

Sign at one entrance to Porton Down Chemical and Biological Warfare Research Station, 2008.  The site is now known as the Defence Science and Technical Laboratory and operates within the successor to the MosS, the Ministry of Defence.  One source describes it as “one of the U.K.’s most sensitive and secretive government facilities for military research”.


Len arrived home in the U.K. at some point in early to mid February, 1949.   At the interview at the administrative headquarters of the Ministry of Supply at the Adelphi, London, she discovered that she was going to be assigned to a straight-forward typing post.  She recalls kicking up a ‘stink’ about this.

Kicking up a ‘stink’ had results.  Still within the Ministry of Supply she was appointed to the post of Personal Assistant to the Chief Superintendent of what was then known as the Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton, Salisbury.  It is not clear whether it was suggested she applied for the post, with others, or whether she was appointed directly.  Her temporary stint PAing in Cairo whilst Iris recovered from her horse fall, plus being appointed a Typing Supervisor at a young age presumably helped her in getting the post. She was twenty three.  However, it is not known whether she got an additional allowance for being a PA, as her official grade was still Shorthand Typist.

Her plan to get out of typing, hatched in Cairo, to get health certificates from the family G.P., Dr Gilston  came to nothing.  It is not clear that she went to see him.   Nor did she head off for the Scottish Highlands.   Despite her close attachment to her parents, it seems that she did not look for a job in the Glasgow area.  Noel’s plan was still to go to Canada.  She spent some days with Mum and Dad in Coldingham Avenue before Noel travelled up from London.  We have no idea what he made of her parents, or what they made of him.   He would have brought the legs of the Cairo bought coffee table with him.  And Len, somehow, would have bought the carpet.

Arriving back in the UK from Egypt she was due some additional leave.  She took up the post on 17 March, 1949,  so it is unclear if she worked at all at ROF Dalmuir, before travelling down to Wiltshire.

Porton Down, New staff

Porton.  Movement of Staff.  “Bryers, H.A.C. Miss     Sht.Hand Typist    Transferred from Overseas Duty   17.3.49.   H.Q.”

On the whole she settled reasonably well back into a bleakly austere Britain, that, apart from her short home leave in 1948, she hadn’t seen or experienced for almost three and a half years.  Within a month of her starting at Porton rationing of clothes ended.  The Board of Trade President,  Harold Wilson, advised that clothing coupons could be assigned “to the appropriate salvage channel.”   In Europe the Cold War was hotting up.  Although there was no reference to the Berlin Blockade in the surviving correspondence between Mother and Daughter, the Allies had been flying in food, medical and fuel supplies since June of the previous summer.  This was a response to the USSR blockading land routes to Berlin.  The airlift would continue into the late Spring of 1949, when, defeated, the USSR lifted the blockade.

Although the gassing of civilians had not happened during the Second World War, the Allies and Axis countries had continued with their research and development of chemical, and also biological warfare systems, and in the years after the war the former allies, now adversaries, continued this work.

The British research and development had started in 1916 at  what was known as the Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment in the hamlet of Idmiston, near the village of Porton.  At first it was a British Army Royal Engineers Experimental Station – a few nissen huts by the side of the main railway line between Salisbury and London. The experiments were in developing the use of gas as a form of warfare, which had already been used  by the Germans and then British and French the year before, at the Battle of Loos, for instance.

Porton grew in size and importance and work that had also been developed in the London area was transferred down to the rolling countryside of Wiltshire.  The research was into offensive and defensive ways of dealing with chemical warfare attacks.

During the late 1930’s all belligerents believed the other side would use gas on a mass scale, and against a civilian population, besides military targets.  Gas had been used against civilian populations in the 1920’s and 1930’s.   The USSR used gas in 1921 against a peasant uprising in the Tambov area, 300 miles south east of Moscow.

A year before, Churchill, as First Secretary at the British War Office, had argued for gas to be used in Mesopotaia (modern Iraq) against Arabs and Kurds who were rebelling against the British occupation of their land.  It was to be used as a last resort if the British were unable to surppress the challenge to their occupation. The use of conventional bombing and the burning of ‘rebel’ villages achieved the British objectives and gas was not used.  (There are still those who claim it was.)

In 1926 sixteen countries,  including the UK, Germany and Italy signed a Geneva Convention committing themselves to not using gas as a weapon of warfare.
However, research and development continued by all countries, with the lead being taken by Germany.

Despite signing the Geneva Convention, Mussolini’s fascist army used gas against native Ethiopians in 1936, and the German Luftwaffe and Italian airforce specifically bombed civilian targets, the Germans for instance at Guernica, using conventional bombs, during the Spanish Civil War.

The expectation of canisters and bombs of gas raining down from overhead on a civilian population was thus reasonable, and both Germany and Britain distributed millions of gas masks to their populations, along with leaflets on how to make at least one room in their habitation ‘gas-proof’.

Curiously, there has been little discussion about why the threat of mass civilian gassing never happened during the Second World War.

After the First World War there was a revulsion about using gas, and not just amongst civilians.     In his advocacy of using gas in Iraq, Churchill said that he couldn’t understand why there was a ‘squeamishness’ about its us.   He was opposed by many in Political and Military administrations in British occupied countries  who felt the use of gas would “have a serious implication, both moral and political”, and was seen as a last resort, to be used only if they were first attacked with chemical weapons.

Mass gassing of civilians didn’t happen during the Second War World because, it would seem, all sides had no hard intelligence about their opponents capabilities, either in types of gas or other poisons, or in their ability to deliver them. The Germans had developed some particularly lethal nerve agents, such as tabun and sarin, but believed the British chemists had also done so. But they hadn’t.

The Germans would be fearful of Soviet chemical warfare capabilities too, their Military being aware that there had been active (and very secret) cooperation in the development of chemical warfare between the German Army and the Soviet Army before 1933 during the pre-Nazi Weimar period.

All sides assumed the other side were as ready as them to launch gas warfare, and therefore both sides, it seems, backed off.  In Britain the reality was that half way during the war Churchill was sending frustrated memos about the lack of shells for gas warfare, and demanding that greater effort was required to produce them.

When Len took up her post – although still called the Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment  – means of biological warfare, and its containment,  had been developed on the site,  at least from 1939.   The development of a particularly lethal strain of anthrax had already been developed, and tested, as footnoted earlier, on sheep on Gruinard in Scotland.  Photos taken at Porton in 1942 (not released at the time) show the assembly of cattle cake impregnated with anthrax. Those on the small production line seem to be locally recruited women from Salisbury and surrounding area.

Although Britain was developing its atomic weapons in relative autonomy from the American administration, (and in secrecy from the British people) in the area of chemical and biological warfare, post 1945, there was a high degree of pooling of knowledge and experience between the British, the Americans and the Canadians.

The development of biological  warfare research near Salisbury was no secret – locally, anyway – by 1948.  The Salisbury Times (now defunct), on 10 September, 1948, ran a short news story on an inside page:


Porton Research Station Expansion

Under Government sanction there will be a big expansion of the research department responsible for defence against germ warfare. Doctors, bacteriologists, vetinary surgeons and bio-chemists are being recruited in large numbers to work at Porton Experimental Station in what will be known as the Microbiological Research Department……

…… Dr D.W.Henderson, a prominent bacteriologist, will direct the work for which bacteriologists are needed to test the virulence of new strains of germs which may be used by an enemy; bio-chemists will try to develop antidotes for them; vetinary surgeons will make the first experiments on animals with the antidotes; and doctors will finally test them on human volunteers.

The Germ Warfare story would have been based on a Porton Research Station press release, cleared or originated by the Ministry of Supply in  London.  Its publication caused no interest or concern in the ensuing weeks amongst Salisbury and district readers: no reaction, no comment in the Letters Columns of the newspaper.  The other Salisbury weekly paper – still in existence – the Salisbury Journal, didn’t even bother to run the story.  It was only when Daily Express journalist Chapman Pincher picked up on the Salisbury Times story, and re-vamped it a year later for the Express,  that the Porton establishment gained some notoriety.

There are few further references to Porton in the local press at the time, although one story  of interest was in the 5 November 1948 (Gunpowder Plot night!) edition of the Salisbury Times.


Silverstar buses, a local company, was reported as having carried 70,000 passengers to the Chemical Defence Establishment over the last 12 month period.  A competing bus company – The Wilts and Dorset –  didn’t see why it shouldn’t have some of this lucrative trade and was objecting to Silverstar’s continued monopoly.  It seems that Silverstar continued to have exclusive rights to the Porton route, despite the Wilts and Dorset complaint.   A few months later Len would be taking the Silverstar bus at eight every morning, from the stance in Endless Street, by the Salisbury bus station.


Bus, Sal png

Silver Star bus, Salisbury.


It is believed that Len had never been to Salisbury before or  to the nearby Stonehenge Stone Circle at Amesbury. Her friend Betty, from Dagenham, it will be remembered,  had sent Len a postcard from Salisbury in the summer of 1944, a few weeks after the first D Day landings.

Salisbury Cathedral, '44 png

She and her family were staying in the town, she said, taking a rest from the Doodlebugs that were raining down on London.  She thought that, with Len’s admiration of scenery and of antiques, she would love Salisbury.  Betty also noted that Salisbury was crowded with Canadian and U.S. troops.

Salisbury Plain and the area around Porton was then, and still, is the largest military training area in the U.K., with the Ministry of Defence owning a substantial part of the Plain.  During the war inhabitants of the village of Imber were forcibly cleared from their homes to facilitate house to house and street fighting exercises for American and British infantary, in preparation for the Allied advance through the Normandy villages. Despite a promise that they would be able to return after the war, the MOD has never allowed the villagers and their descendents to return, and the village and nearby hamlet of Par Hinton are still Prohibited Areas, ‘within the meaning of the Official Secrets Act’.

It is reported that the MOD land on Salisbury Plain is a haven of wild life, flora and fauna. Two National Nature Reserves are within its boundaries. Live artillery shells are fired on the Plain, the MOD reports, on 340 days of the year, which doesn’t seem to leave much of the rest of the year to enjoy the song of the skylark overhead.

In a strange coincidence two villages within shelling range of this area have place names associated with British military activity: Palestine to the north east, and Nomansland to the south east.

Although some military facilities have, over the years, been and gone, present installations still include Larkhill, Bulford, Tidworth and Warminister.  Boscombe Down (hard by Porton and close to Stonehenge) is a RAF base, used by all three services as a Military Aircraft test and evaluation unit.

Army personal have over the years been ordered to take part in gas and germ warfare scenarios, conducted particularly at the Joint School of Chemical Nuclear and Biological Warfare Defence, at Winterbourne Gunner, a short distance from the Porton facility. Conventional gas (mustard, tear and phosgene) and a gas substitue for nerve gas were used on service personel.  Most, prior to 1960 were conscripts.  A ex-conscript soldier has observed  on an online site  battle hardened men ‘spewing their guts up’ after these exercises. (Key in JSCW Winterbourne Gunner on your browser to search for over-lapping sites)

Other servicemen in the area were exposed to chemical and biological warfare experiments under the guise of research into the Common Cold.  Lawyers representing the servicemen,  stated that the servicemen were tricked into taking what they believed were cold remedy tests, when in fact nerve gases such as sarin were tried out on these ‘volunteers’.

In response, the British press reported on 1 February, 2008 that the Ministry of Defence had finally made a one-off compensation payment of £3 million to ‘‘Cold War veterans who were subject to chemical warfare tests’’.  A Defence Minister in the then Labour Government, a Derek Twigg said that 369 victims would each receive £8,300. This was, stated Twigg, a full and final settlement, and it was further stated that the Ministry of Defence would not admit liability, saying that mistakes unfortunately were made.

Although not a barracks town itself, Salisbury had its usual problems associated with concentrations of army personnel.  Local papers of the time had a running theme of soldiers from the various barracks and bases around Salisbury in for a beer or two at the weekend beating up locals after the hops went to their head. Magistrate Court reports in the Salisbury Times repeated familiar scenarios, with familiar headlines:


‘Soldiers used belts and boots when….’

With some exceptions,the traditional inter-Regimental and inter-Service punch-ups within the town were dealt with by the Military Police, and punishment meted out by their own Military.

Forces welcomed png

Salisbury club, 2008.        ” Armed Forces Personnel Welcome.    This door is monitored by close circuit television.”


This then is the background to Porton, and Salisbury and the Plain when Len arrived in February, 1949.

Salisbury post card png



When Len arrived in Salisbury to start work at Porton she stayed at first in the YWCA in Shady Bower, just up the hill to the east of the Market Square in Salisbury.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png17  March, 1949.
Forncett House, (1)
Shady Bower,
6.45 – after dinner.

Dearest Ones,
How are you two darlings and the wee Hutch?  Don’t think I’m unhappy here – I’m not, but I do realise in a way I never have before exactly what you two and home mean.  You see in Cairo although I had various dig’s and adventures we were comparatively wrapped in cotton wool.  It’s funny, but I feel at home in Scotland and definitely a stranger here among foreigners, though I enjoy being here.  I’ll write again on Monday my very own ones.

As you can see the above was written before to-day’s phone call – it was lovely to hear both your voices.  Happy birthday Dad – I said it over the phone, but my next letter may not get to you before it, so I’m saying it again in this.

Before I forget Mum, there’s a sewing machine in the Y.W. here, which we’re allowed to use and could be used for altering the dress. (2)

D’you think it’s a good idea Dad, Mum coming down?  She’ll be able to see how I’m making out away from home and it will be help from the dress angle.

How on earth are you going to manage for cash Mum?  I mean,  to pay your fare to Salisbury and buy the dress? Of course I’ll refund it all to you, but how are you going to manage to fork out the cash just now?  I’d send £3 a day, but the lack of my bank-book at present prevents that. They took it at Waterloo P.O., because the page was finished and each time that happens it has to be sent to HQ Savings Bank who’re sending it to Glasgow (c/o 26 Ave.).

From what you say Mum, to buy the dress you saw rather than make one seems to be the solution and wouldn’t rush you so , then too, when you’re down, you could look around and see which place you fancy for Daddy and yourself to stay at later in the year.   The Coach and Horses where I propose booking you is picturesque, rather than big and modern, or even big and old like the more expensive hotels.  The woman there though seems to be a pet and said “It’s 9/6 a day though I generally charge 10/6” and I believe her from what I enquired and found at other hotels and inns.

You could eat at all the different super-duper places Mum and meet people at them. Saw the name ‘El Hakim, Iraqi Embassy’ in the Cathedral Hotel’s register. Salisbury’s a terrific centre – there seem to be a number of visitors here even now and there are no end of super places to which one can go from here.

I’m enclosing my sweet coupons as I never bother to buy sweets myself, also the Red Lion brochure and also the timetable from which you will see that you could catch the 10.00 from Glasgow, get into Euston at 6.30 and take the 7.30 from Waterloo which gets into Salisbury at 10.00. It’s a heck of a lot of traveling to do in one day, so perhaps you’d like to travel on Wed. stay with the Brandleys (3) and come on the Thursday at a time to suit you, though as I don’t finish till 5.18. I couldn’t meet a train getting in before 6.00.   I’ll book you up at the C & Hs for Thurs. 24th, Fri. 25th, Sat.26th and Sun. 27th.  If you want to stay longer or come later and stay longer that’ll easily be arranged.  Noel will probably be coming down on the 28th to stay for two days, us both going up to town to the dance together and you may like to stay and see him.

I’ve already sent in 7 replys to adverts re. digs, but now that I’ve got over the first shock, this place isn’t so bad. (4)

Went to see ‘Paleface’ with Noel when we got in to London  and it’s a joy, but not a scream from beginning to end. (5)   Got to the Brandleys all right and nattered away to Joan. Then the following day, delivered Pat’s (6) tennis racket to her, bought a Jaeger non-utility slip which was expensive – £1-7-6, but is gorgeous and saw Joan for lunch, catching the 1.30 to here by the skin of my teeth. (7)

Today Daddy and I nattered after the second pips had gone, so I s’pose that means you’ll have to pay 6 mins of reversed charges – first three minutes I paid for – I’d exactly 3/11 in change which was lucky as that’s the charge.  Must make my regular weekly call on the cheap rate, in case we have more 9 mins. worth.  Don’t know how on earth I’m ever going to save in this country on my salary. (8)

Won’t go into details about the ‘Y’ now, as I’d better get down to the Coach and Hosses and anyway, would rather tell you when you come and you can relate it to Daddy when you get back.  Will finish this letter now.

All the love in the Southern Command.
Len xxxxx


1.  Forncett House is a late Georgian/early Victorian building in a residential area. It is now, it seems, converted to private flats.

2.  Len has an invitation, through Noel’s sister, to the Annual Ball of RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in London, and Mum is buying her a gown and bringing it down to Salisbury.

3.  Joan Brandley, and her Mum and Dad’s, in Dagenham.

4.  The Salisbury YWCA and its warden has been a shock for Len. Presumably it was more spartan and not as comfortable, and had more restrictions and less of the free and easy atmosphere compared  to the YWCA hostels she was used to in the Suez Canal Zone.

5. “We got into London”.  It is likely that this was Len travelling down, with Noel,  after her leave in Glasgow, about to take up her post at Porton.  She stayed a night  with Joan Brandley and family in Dagenham.  Paleface, starred Bob Hope and Jane Russell.

6.  Pat from Cairo, now living in London.

7.  Utility clothing was introduced during the war and, although well made, styles did not vary very often.  Utility clothing continued after clothes rationing was scrapped.   Joan is probably working in an office in Central London and presumably able to pop out to see Len in her lunch break.

8.  “My salary”.   Even if Len was getting a PA’s allowance on top of her shorthand typist pay, her total pay is obviously less now that she is not getting the generous Foreign Service Allowance  she had in Cairo.


Besides that Len and Mum, and Dad, talk to each other once a week on the newly installed telephone, Part Three is also shaped by the fact that Mum’s letters to Len have not survived.


len UK2 envelope png

len on Luneberg heath crop pic png21 March, 1949.
My half of the room, Forncett House, Shady Bower, Salisbury, Wilts.

My own loved ones of the West,

I’ve been thinking about you all day to-day Daddy – was it a good birthday?  Down here the weather’s been wonderful and I hope Scotland proved just as kind on your own very first day of Spring.

This has got to be brief, because one of the girls is coming to take me to some club – my first night out in Salisbury and she’ll be angry if I keep her waiting.

My phone number at work is Salisbury 2471, Ext.8. – 8.30 – 12.40  &  1.45 – 5.15.   You can ‘phone if there’s anything urgent to say, but otherwise I’ll expect you Thursday night Mum – wire me when you’re due.

If possible could you please get a receipt from the taxi people who took me to town that last day in Glasgow – if you can’t bring it down, it doesn’t matter.  I can get it sometime.  Could you please bring a cup too?  It’s for tea in the office.

What of Easter?  I’ve realised it’s very close and I just can’t manage the fare to Glasgow – how about my writing to the Reids? (1)   If I contributed, could you manage down there for a bit of a holiday Daddy, for I didn’t see much of you on leave. (2)

My boss is a pet. (3)      Hear my name being called, so had better go.

All the love on the south to north line,

Len xxxxx


1.  Easter Monday was on 18 April in 1949,  just four weeks from Len writing this letter.

2.  Meaning, that he was out at work, during the day. 

3.  Her boss was Mr A.E.Childs, Chief Superintendent, Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton.  He was the first civilian superintendent at Porton.  By the end of 1950 he had become Director of the Chemical Defence Experimental department in the Ministry of Supply (which was responsible for the Porton establishment).


 len on Luneberg heath crop pic png22 March, 1949

Forncett House, Shady Bower, Salisbury, WILTS.

Dearest Own People,

What a life.  Here’s £2.10s. – just hope it gets to you all right unregistered.

Please try and be here Friday night or Saturday morning, as I’m off all Saturday. I should have cash soon with bank book brought by you, Friday’s pay and P.O. made out for here.

More to say, but must get this in the post.

Every bit of my love,

Len. xxxxx


Helen’s next letter (she was now numbering her letters UK I, UK 2, and so on) was written 12 days later, and in that time Mum has been down to see her daughter in Salisbury, bringing the ball gown.  She stayed at the Coach and Horses.

Mum, coach and horses-small

Coach and Horses, Salisbury.   Mum leaning out of her upper room, March 1949.


Coand & Horses window png

Coach and Horses, Salisbury. The same window, 2008.

Coach and horses window png

The Coach and Horses, Winchester Street, Salisbury.  2008.


Mum left for London and Glasgow on the Monday, the 28th of March.  Although Len had written that Noel was coming down to Salisbury on the 28th, he delayed it until the following day.


Noel t'gram, 29.3.49 png


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png4 April, 1949.

Forncett House. Shady Bower, Salisbury, Wilts.

Darlings of the North,

Have your ‘4’ and ‘5’ by me and don’t know where to start answering.  Firstly, thanks for forwarding everything on – I’m hoping to hold on to my ration book till I go and thus have an extra week’s rations. The old so and so who runs the place is making me pay 10/- extra on the 35/- for not giving a full week’s notice – couldn’t; I didn’t as I was in London, sure she’s only doing it to be nasty, but I don’t mind as long as I can shake the dust of this place off my feet. (1)  Popping down to Mrs.Hemmons  after I finish this. (2)

Can’t get over all Aunt Ena’s assumptions about Noel and I, however, it’s just like her and she is kind. (3)   It’s so wonderful to be in this country, for apart from our immediate family circle, there’s the thought of the rest of our family like the Reids also being on these shores.

 We did have a wonderful time in London – saw Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier, Paul Robeson, Getrude Lawrence, the ‘Jolly D’ man from Much Binding and little Julie Andrews the new singing discovery in the cabaret and giving out prizes. The dress – it was a perfect hit – at a do like that unless you feel good in what you’re wearing you feel miserable – I felt terrific and Noel said I looked wonderful. Didn’t see another dress there cut so superbly as mine – “Model by Madame Bryers – Glasgow and Salisbury” – can’t say thanks enough. (4)

London I liked much better than on last years leave and earlier this year, the only drawback was staying in three different places over 4 nights.  Lynda’s (she’s a pet, not the least bit wild as Noel painted her – is bringing me a present back from Belgium), Overseas House and Pat’s. (5)   Pat even brought me my breakfast in bed – it’s a pretty good flat by the general London standard. 25 mins. to Charing X, ‘phone, 4 rooms and kitchen – good eh?  The only trouble was she and Mac – her Scots vet friend a super type – (she’s been in the States but doesn’t like it) would talk to me and I kept Noel waiting 70 mins. at Hayes – Oh.

However apart from the Rada Ball we saw “The Laughing Cavalier” – NTB (6)  “Whispering Smith” – grim;  visited a cartoon series picture place and saw “A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” – Good, or at least much better than the slamming crits.  We also went to a dance at Overseas House on Saturday night which was most enjoyable.

Any more details of my really super trip I’ll tell you at Easter.  By the way is it O.K. if I phone Saturday about 7 – or say 9 rather, thus you’ll be in from the pictures and waiting for the S.N.Theatre. (7)   If some other time is better write and say so. By then I should know my exact movements at Easter.

You’ll never guess but Noel’s given me the most superb “Parker 51” – with which I’m writing this, as a keepsake. Isn’t he a pet?  Noel will enjoy hearing from you Mummy. (8)

Parker 51 png

Have some superb hankies which I’m bringing up as your birthday present Daddy – insh ‘Allah.

Please get taxi receipt.

All the love off the Downs,

Len. xxxxx


1.  “Dust of this place”: the Salisbury YWCA.

2.  Mrs Hemmons, her new landlady.  Mrs Hemmons is not her real name.

3.  Presumably Aunt Ena has assumed that Len and Noel are to get married, though, equally presumably, nothing has been said by Mum or Len to her. 

4.  “Cut so superbly”.  It is still assumed that Mum bought the dress and then made alterations when fitted to Len.

5.  Lynda, Noel’s sister studying at RADA.  Overseas House, where Len spent one night and went to a dance  was a membership organisation that in 1949 was for those from the British Empire.  It is now known as the Royal Over-Seas League, membership open to those from the British Commonwealth.  Its ethos is to “Support international understanding and friendship through social, musical, artistic and welfare activities”.

6.  NTB: Not too bad.

7.  SN:  Saturday Night Theatre on the BBC Home radio service.

8.  Mum writing to Noel, presumably in the way she used to write to Ernst.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png5 April, 1949.

Please write to:   7 Barton Road, Salisbury from now on.  ‘Phone Salisbury 8003. (1)

Sit’n’ by the boiler in the ‘Y’ for peace and warmth.

Northern Delights,

Now, sitting at peace, I can say all the things I didn’t put in last nights’ hectically rushed letter – anyway as I raced down to the Market Place and started to cross it, the church began to strike the hour, so though I dropped it in the box only about a minute earlier, p’raps your letter wasn’t collected with the 8 pm (and the last) post despite all my rushing.

Mum, have you made any enquiries at the SYHA offices about working parties in Norway or Sweden.  But also there are some wonderful and incredibly cheap WEA classes abroad this year – might switch to one of them. (2)  Are you two interested?

Please could you book me a sleeper from Glasgow for the night of Sunday 17th April – thanks. Thought to get to London about 3.30 – 4 (we stop at 12.45 here) on the Thursday,  spend the rest of the day with Noel, catch the Thursday night train and have Friday, Saturday and Sunday with you at home, spending the Monday in London with Noel and catching a very early train to here on Tuesday morning.  That’s if Noel can’t come up North too. (3)

Gave Mrs. H. my ration book, so that she’ll get this week’s rations, so (unless they withhold my butter and sugar to-morrow) that means I get two rations this week – though only consuming one myself and similarly last week with my r.b. and emergency card – the latter was given me by Mrs. Blatchford – the warden here, just as I was leaving the ‘Y’ for London.  As an institution, she can issue them. (4)

Have you seen Tabriz – source of ye Tabrizi carpet of ‘26’ on the map of Iran? (5)

Yes, I plan to take up your case at Easter – insh ‘Allah.  Glad you enjoyed the pictures with Mrs. Bovey – how much per day did they eventually charge you with teas etc. thrown in?  (6)


Forgot to tell you, Noel wants me to knit him a pullover – maroon, polo necked. Daddy’s is so exactly what he wants, but can’t visualise myself knitting anything as super as that.  Is it 4 ply, quicknit or double knitting?  Feel I’ll have to warm up first on a pair of gloves.

I’m enclosing one of the two receipts for the carpet.   Believe this is the one saying it’s Egyptian and bought in ‘46 for the benefit of the customs authorities, however you may like to have it.  Sorry for the shorthand on the back. (7)

P.C. Beavan rang me at work full of enquiries about Ernst, so if you have occasion to write to E, p’raps you could mention this bod and say he’s most anxious to get in touch with Ernst.  (8)

Noel’s phoned and I’ve missed the post.  Says he’ll have to miss out Easter and come down this week-end (to-morrow – Friday), seems he’s got a job in the offing and wants to know what I think of it – and if he starts work, would probably be working over Easter.  Anyhow, you may have my phone call before you get this letter and I should know most of our ‘ mov. control’ by then. (9)   Have just realised, Noel should be with me when I call you, so you’ll be able to have a word with him too – nice, eh.    Just off to post this and book him at the Coach and Horses.

It’s been snowing, but now the sky’s blue.

Love my own ones, Len. xxxxx


1.  This is the (fictional) address and telephone number of her new digs in Salisbury.

2.  WEA:  Workers’ Educational Association.

3.   These are Len’s plans for the Easter week-end.

4.  “Mrs H.” – her new landlady.  An Emergency Card, also known as an “E” card, was an emergency food rationing card for when the recipient was away from their usual suppliers i.e. on holiday, on honeymoon, and so on.

5.  Tabriz, Iran.  The carpet seems to be a genuine Persian that she bought in Cairo.

6.  “Taking up your case”.  Mum, whilst in Salisbury, ordered a hat for herself. (Shades of Maud’s hat.)   Mrs Bovey is the landlady of the Coach and Horses.  It is assumed she and Mum went to a matinee film performance one day when Len was at work.

7.   The receipt is not in this collection.

8.  These enquiries are assumed to be in connection with  his application for British Naturalisation, which was to be successful,  and was issued on 4 November, 1949.

9.  ‘Mov.control’ – using the military term and name of the camp in the Suez Canal Zone.


 len on Luneberg heath crop pic png11 April, 1949.

At my office desk.  Monday,

Dearest Pets in Glasgow,

To begin with, if I sound mopey in this letter, take no notice, for its just that I suddenly feel awfully alone in Salisbury. You see Noel came down and stayed Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, so I don’t feel at all bright and gay now that he’s gone, but propose to go to bed early tonight, so as not to have to think.

It’s nice at ‘No.7’,  but the way I feel here makes me wonder how I managed without loved ones around me all that time in Cairo. Think I’ll stay here a year  then ask for a transfer to Glasgow and home – s’pose I’m contrary, being thrilled at first at the thought of coming south.  I know I felt shocking at first in Cairo, but can’t imagine this feeling wearing off and if I go away week-ends comparatively often, it’ll be U.S. for establishing myself with people and organisations in Salisbury – yer pays yer money, yer tikes yer choice.

I’m still, all being well sticking to my plan of spending Thursday afternoon with Noel, night train to Glasgow, then Fri, Sat and Sun. with you and night train back to spend Monday with him.  Yes, I’m still sticking to my original plan, despite the fact that Noel’s suddenly woken up to the fact that he won’t be seeing much of me at Easter, but he says he doesn’t have the ackers to come north. (1)

Thanks so much for writing for the taxi receipt I’m hoping gradually to get my personal business affairs straightened out.  I’ve sent the cash owed to Jack Owen so feel better now about that. (2)

Mark’s address is:-

c/o Speco, Ltd.,
32 Sharia Malika Farida,
Cairo.  (3)

Mrs. Bovey says thanks a lot for the card.

Despite Noel’s moans at trailing him around the shops, I went to the Food Office on Sat. – Mrs H. couldn’t get my book changed as they needed my date of birth, then went to the Co-op self service and got my rations – but no ‘divi’,  for you have to quote the letters representing the Soc. to which you belong.  By the way have ¼ of tea for you and 1 sugar ration, having given the rest to Mrs. H.   Also got gorgonzola on points which I ate on the way to Stonehenge – I love cheeses.  Noel doesn’t, so I happily ate the ¼ of gorgonzola neat!   Before getting the bus to Amesbury and walking on to Stonehenge, I dragged Noel into Style and Gerrish  where I found from that charming Mrs.Gale, that your straw hat is in the making, but they have their doubts as to whether it will be ready by Wed – as I’ll be going straight from work on to the train on Thursday – insh ‘Allah.

Have you yet booked me up for a sleeper for this Sunday night – please do, otherwise I’ll be going about London in a daze – I’m relying on Noel to do likewise for me so that I’ll arrive full of joie de vivre in Glasgow all being well.

Hope to catch 11.35 getting in at 9.35 Friday morning, then want to go shopping, but in any case will wire you on Thursday.  All love speeding to you.

Len xxxx


1.  She is writing on the Monday – the Friday of that week is Easter Good Friday.

2.  Jack, in charge of security at the British Embassy in Cairo.

3.  This is Mark, the Swiss architect

Enclosed with the letter, but not mentioned by Len, are details of the WEA courses that she has sent for.

wea letter png

WEA 1949 National Summer School Enquires letter


Note that Len has ticked the Anglo-German School in Gohrde.  As can be seen in the prospectus below, Item 1,  the summer school in Gohrde is about Adult Education, and how to develop it in Germany, tentatively basing it on the Folk High School idea.

WEA prospectus png

WEA Prospectus of National Summer Schools 1949


Len’s next letter to her Mum and Dad is written on the Thursday of the same week as the Easter Monday.  She has been to, and returned from staying in Coldingham Avenue.  It seems that on the Easter Saturday Mum and Len went down to Ayr for the day.  It is assumed that her Dad had to work the Saturday morning at the factory.




len on Luneberg heath crop pic png21 April, 1949.

The Office, 9.20.   Thursday morning

Well Loved Ones,

 Sorry I didn’t get this off last night, but by the time I’d done my washing, nipped up to the YW to make arrangements for going to see the ‘Desert Song’ with Collie – one of the girls,  next Monday, then came back and had cocoa with the Hemmons – just in, it was late – for England – and I did want to get to bed.

I ached all over on Tuesday with coughing so much I went straight to bed after phoning you.  Yesterday the aching had gone but I had an awful headache, however, having gone to bed shortly after ten last night, the aching and headache’s gone and I’m only coughing a little.

Having tea (high) at the Cadena with Pamela Lennard (the flat girl) to-night. (1)

Sal. PO png

Salisbury, Chipper Lane.  The Cadena was at the bottom of Chiipper Lane, on the left underneath the sandstone coloured building.   Around the corner of it, to the left, was and still is the bus stop in Endless Street for Porton.   In the foreground is the entrance to the main Salisbury Post Office.  Half way down, also on the left, is the entrance to the library than Len used.

Picked up the phone this morning with my usual “PA & CSP” and lo and behold it was Esme on the other end sounding completely lost.  She was phoning from her office – Atomic Energy, Didcot, Berks. (2)   A good job I’ve fixed up to go up to town to see Noel the week-end after this, as she was trying to get me to fix something up, so it’ll have to be after that.

As I’m going away on Friday (to-morrow) insh ‘Allah and then on Monday am at ‘Desert Song’ with Collie one of the girls from the ‘Y’ and Tuesday hope to start Dressmaking at night school, I’ll phone you Wednesday, for Thursday I’ve French and then on Friday am away to London again.   As Noel’s working Sat. it’s better for me to go up.   After this we might meet halfway, or he’ll come down here again as he’s probably stopping work when his father comes home and I can’t pay 22/9 return to London as gayly as I would have done on a Cairo salary. (3)

Received my account with interest slip last night on that £1 banked in ‘38 – it’s now £1-5-5d – good going, eh?  Hope to put it in present account.  By the way, you know ‘me and money’ and I’ve completely forgot how much I owe you two. There’s the dough I borrowed from you for material Mum, then there’ll be the shoes when they come out of the Co-op, and the sleeper and the £5 you lent me when I left here for London. (4)   Feel sure I’ve missed out something, but you put in anything else you remember and bring it up in the next letter, then I’ll attempt to pay back some of it between now and your holidays and the balance when you’re down in the sunny (we hope) south.

Mr Bovey was standing in the doorway of the C and Hs. as I went up to the ‘Y’ last night, so I showed him the photos and he thought they were good. (5)   Are you two staying there for the hols, or would you like Mrs.H’s front room –  haven’t said a word to her.  On thinking more of it, the Bovey’s or somewhere in the centre of Salisbury would be best, as I’ve a season bus ticket and could come in and out from ‘No.7’ on HMG, (6) whereas you’d have to pay two fares all the time, besides which it wouldn’t be so easy for you to make your way to the surrounding countryside. (7)   Should Lynda’s fail as the ‘opening week-end’ resort, we could go to Central London YH in Gt Ormond St., or to the Highgate YH – the latter’s like being in a village in the centre of London and you can see St.Pauls and lots of London spread out before you from the dorm windows. (8)  Write and say what you think.

Look, I’m not living out of tins and during the summer I intend  to eat masses of green stuff.  (9)  I do eat my fats and will ask Mrs. H. for a chop occasionally for breakfast, but remember each time I go to the canteen or British Restaurant I get meat. (10)

As a concession, let me take sacs.  for six months?  (11)   Here again, I get sugar in my tea or cawfie  at the canteen, but though I’m not a pudding or almost any kind of dessert fan, will probably buy sweets now that they’re coming off the ration. (12)

 I feel very unsettled, I’d love to have a husband (only Noel), home of my own, kids and dogs, but as it is, I shouldn’t like to cook in Mrs. H’s kitchen. I don’t mind about washing and ironing, but otherwise, I’ve got an all or nothing feeling.

Why not let the front bedroom with advt. as following ”Spacious, light room available May and June in W.4 district. No attendance. ‘Phone. 25/- (or 30) per week.”  That would be about £10 for two months.

Love your story of your aga-day and am looking forward to hearing full details of your great coincidental meeting – you should write to ‘Woman’ about that – a guinea a letter. Don’t worry, I’m thinking hard how I can earn one for myself and to think once I would have scorned a guinea prize! (13)

‘Bout the dress, told you over ‘phone Noel was worrying me to go out and wouldn’t let me sew.  So I wore the Rembrandt – which he liked a lot and the Zephry will be coming back to you très vite (being quickly – had to say it in French to suit its nationality).

 Sorry for the brevity, I feel gracious inside, but as always am rushing to catch the mail.

Will phone S. and G. re. your hat to-morrow, Mum.

All my love south of the border to my Northern Delights, Len. xxxxxx

p.s. Never said over the ‘phone – thank you for all you did and for giving me such a lovely Easter.

p.p.s. We went to see Disney’s latest “Melody Time” which was lovely.


1. “Pamela Lennard, the flat girl”.  Not clear whether this is a YWCA met acquaintance.  With the weekly telephone calls some things mentioned in the letters will be relating to information already given in a previous ‘phone call.  The Cadena, now a bingo hall, was in Chipper Lane, as was the main Post Office and the Library. Endless Street and the bus stop to Porton Down was at the bottom of Chipper Lane. On September 10th 1948, in the same edition of the Salisbury Times that had the news item “Germ Warfare: Porton Research Station Expansion” the advertised band at the Cadena was the Merry Macs Dance Orchestra.

2.  One of those extraordinary coincidences that whilst Len was working at the Chemical and Biological Warfare Research station at Porton, her Cairo colleague Esme was working for the AWE predecessor of the secret development of the British atom bomb at Harwell, Didcot.  The work was transferred on 1 April, 1950 to the newly opened Atomic Weapons Establishment on the site of a RAF airfield at Aldermaston, Berkshire.

3.  22/9 = £1.13p

4.  It’s assumed she took a pair of shoes into the Clydebank Coop store for repair.

5.  Apart from the one of Mum leaning out the window, the rest have not survived in this collection.

6.  HMG : His Majesty’s Government.

7.  Where Len was in digs was a 20 to 25 minute walk into the town centre.

8.  “Should Lynda’s fail”  i.e. staying in Lynda’s flat in London.

9.  “Living out of tins”.  Len has either had a discussion with Mum on the ‘phone, or when she was staying with them at Easter that has concerned Mum about her daughter’s eating habits.

10.  British Restaurants were introduced by the British Wartime Coalition Government in the autumn of 1940. Because approximately 70% of Britain’s foodstuffs were imported, and because the Nazi U boats targeted vessels bringing in food, food rationing had been introduced that  year.  Restaurants were exempt from rationing.  They offered a decent meal at a budget price.   Because food rationing became ever more severe in the post-war 1940’s British Restaurants continued.

 11.  Saccharine.

12.  Three days after she wrote this, on April 24, 1949, chocolate and sweet rationing, in place since July 1942, ended.  It was a brief honeymoon, though.   Because of the continuing financial crisis in Britain Stafford Cripps reintroduced sweet rationing, at 4 ounces (93 grams) per person per week 3 months later. Chocolate and sweets did not become freely available until 1953.

13.   In 1949  Woman was the best selling women’s interest magazine in Britain.   It was edited by Mary Grieve, who was brought up in Hyndland, Glasgow, where Jack the Norwegian’s grand-mother lived.  Hyndland is just a few miles from where Mum and Dad lived in Yoker.


len on Luneberg heath crop pic png26 April, 1949.

The Office Tuesday lunch hour

Nicest People, Hello,

At last I’m getting down to the epistle I meant to write yesterday, though at the moment I feel uncomfortably full, but that will pass off.  Thanks so much for your lovely and long Sunday epistle received this morning.  Thanks for your enquiries, but my cold and ‘hacking corf’ have completely gone now.

Don’t make me envious by describing your food.  I just can’t get near the shops to get anything green, but I’ve a free morning in London this week-end all being well, when I hope to buy a lot including masses and masses of lettuce.  It is difficult finishing work, or rather being back in Salisbury after the shops close and I hate being beholden to anyone.

Before I forget, you didn’t say how much I owed you all in and no don’t forget to add on two thirds of the telephone bill.  Now please add up what I put in my last letter and tell me – no shinanegin’.

My address in full would be (mind you, it’s you who hated, or thought silly abbreviations being explained, but here it is:) Personal Assistant to Chief Superintendent (Porton), Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment and the rest is in plain English.

Really struck a blow at the thought of not seeing you at Whit, but I guess you know best about your own finances and at present I really would like to get myself a bit straight before going gay with mine as I would like. (1)  However, if some or most of the cash I owe would get you down there, do let me know. This I really mean, so tell me and cash is cash and I do owe you a bit, so tell me. If you feel badly about it, remember I wouldn’t think twice about coming to you if I needed even a very large amount of cash at any time – think of it as an investment for me if you like, but at the moment it’s on my conscience and I’d be happier if it weren’t.

Could you send the repaired shoes as I’d like to wear them with my navy dress, especially if I’m to be at the Reids for Whit.  I feel almost scared at the thought of Noel and I being there without you two, but daresay we’ll manage if we get an invite!  Do please write to Aunt Ena Mum, as I’d like to know whether or not it’ll be O.K.

Another thing is Style and Gerrish, I’ve never been in the shop since last Sat. I went into the shop with Noel the week before Easter and they don’t like us making private calls from work, but I think I’d better in this instance. (2)

Listen, is the rhubarb still being given away quite a bit and is 26 the ‘Grand Central Phone Booth’? (3)   I paid the Hemmons an extra 2d. for my call to you, as I think it’s only fair as in a call box it would be 2d. more.

By the way, on Monday, after work, I returned to ‘No.7’ to find Mrs. Hemmons in bed.  It’s dreadful, but she has hardly any sight in one eye and when the eye started to go funny she’d a sort of nervous breakdown at the same time.  All this was some time ago – before she was married, but last week her eye started to ache – the other one – and worrying about this made her all strung up, so she has the pain in her eye as well as being nervously sick too.  A sister at the hospital (think it’s a gross breach of Medical etiquette for a sister to so speak) told her in all probability the same thing was happening to her good eye as had happened to the other and Mr. Hemmons had to phone the doctor for her in the middle of the night as she was all quivering.  Poor soul, so you see as I was going out to the ‘Desert Song’ last night with a ‘Y’ girl – date I couldn’t break, I felt I had to sit with Mrs H. from 6 when I came in, till 7, when I had to leave to catch my bus.  She seemed fairly normal, yet underneath, I felt she was pitifully glad to talk to me.  I felt so ineffectual, for it’s not like comforting someone about having a broken leg. (4)

Mr. H. (who’s proved nicer than I thought at first), said she’d probably be taken to her people in the country or to hospital and of course my mind instantly sprang to the fact that I couldn’t be alone in the house with him – the kids are with her mother. (5)   But he said he’d be practically shutting up house, but that I could stay on and do for myself if I liked. The idea has just struck me, that if I’m to do for myself completely, that I can get my ration book changed, for if one’s registered with the NAAFI here one gets a permit to shop there, but not for casual shopping.  Then I could nip out during working hours to shop.  You see, there are no other people in my position as far as I know, men from elsewhere yes, but their wives shop for them. I’m the only office girl posted from elsewhere as far as I know, so hope they’d let me nip out.  Say I changed to self-catering, should I pay the same amount?  No breakfasts, but all the cooking facilities instead?  Please write and let me know – your reply won’t get to me till next week though, as I’m leaving here Friday night, straight for London and I may not be able to ask you on the ‘phone tomorrow.

People up here go out picking flowers – it’s an activity which would never occur to me – and you?  The head messenger, sometimes brings me flowers and occasionally a chocolate, but every day he brings me an apple and says I can go and help to pick them in the summer. As I adore apples this is quite jammy.  The messenger I should add has no ulterior motive that I can see as he was at Gallipoli or something in 1900, but he’s sweet.  (6)

At the moment I’m very, very angry at Noel.  You see he said “It’s your turn to write” and exhorted a promise from me to write last Tuesday, which I did. Narry a letter did I receive, but as per promise sent him a p.c. from Bournemouth, giving him the times to ring me last night, as we’d agreed he should ring, but I didn’t know then, or rather realise I was going out to the ‘Desert Song’, well he rang and sounded tragic as only Noel can sound tragic, saying he’d only one letter from me and hadn’t been able to write to me because I hadn’t put my address at the top.  It was written from the Office, so in my usual way, I’d just put ‘Office, Morning’, thinking he’d have or remember my ‘No.7’ address from my other letters.  These he said he couldn’t leave lying about, so he hadn’t got it and was on the point of writing to you for my add.  Mum! We spent most of the three minutes explaining things to each other very quickly and completely misunderstanding them, but it’s so difficult to be slow when one only has three minutes, for he’d no more change and I forgot to say ‘Reverse the Charges’ going on to do more talking.

I don’t know where I’m staying or what we’re doing, as to save the expense of O’seas House, or upsetting Lynda, I suggested we both stay at a London YH – either Gt.Ormond St., or Highgate (by the way what about us there in the summer?), as this conforms with the proprieties, be cheap and save him nipping all the way in from Hayes. (7)    He said this blessed job of his didn’t give him a minute and in the rush I forgot to say “phone them”.   I dictated this address to him here in the E for Ethel fashion, but as I’ve had no letter this morning wonder if he got it down all right and anyway has made me more angry at there being no mail from him yet.  He did call me ‘darling’ more than I did him, and did sound tragic, but Oh Noel. I know he can organise, because he was an Army Officer and produced revues, but I wish he’d organise me!

Noel drag 2 png

Camp Follies.  Noel is on the right.

Hope you two aren’t getting too rash over your spring-cleaning and straining yourselves at all, and also that you’re keeping well.  In view of the foregoing, this is a contradiction, but if you could spare a minute to write to Mrs.H. thanking her for looking after me so well and hoping that she’ll be better soon, I’d be most obliged, and I think it would cheer her up.

Looking forward so much to talking with you to-morrow night.  You’re the most wonderful people I know and I love you.

Len xxxxx


1.  Whitsun in 1949 was on the week-end of June 4th to 5th.  It seems that Len had planned that Mum and Dad would come down and be with her and Noel at Aunt Ena’s.

2.  Style and Gerrish department store, in Market Place, Salisbury.    Style and Gerrish in 1949 also advertised  their Funerals and Cremations service, with “Private Mortuary”.  Debenhams now occupies the former Style and Gerrish store.

3.  Rhubarb in Mum and Dad’s back garden.  And the telephone is being used by Mum and Dad’s neighbours in the avenue.

4.  A news story in the Salisbury Times in autumn 1948 had reported that a 33 year old doctor had been appointed as a “Mental Health Officer” for the town.  Mental Health Officers were an innovation throughout Britain, created as part of the implementation of the new National Health Service.  Mental illness was still for many a taboo subject, and mental healthcare provision was still very limited.  Anti-depressants were not developed until the early 1950s and specific medication  for anxiety was also not developed until the 1950s.  Before then some very unsuitable medications were prescribed, amphetamines being one example.   The relative youth of the appointed doctor may suggest that more senior medics did not regard it as a plum or worthwhile appointment.  Although there were some outstanding exceptions, the British Medical Profession in general were not that concerned with mental health, and  amongst some medics there was also the attitude  that many who became mentally ill were emotionally or morally ‘feeble’.  During the Second World War, for instance,  a RAF bomber crew member could be discharged for LMF: Lack of Moral Fibre, which would be stamped on his pay book, and the disgrace could haunt him for years.   The Americans had a more enlightened and humane approach: a USAAF bomber crew member would be rested because he was suffering from ‘Combat Fatigue’.

6.   Len’s date is fifteen years out.   Gallipoli is on the Turkish coast.  During the First World War Turkey was an ally of Germany.  Gallipoli had a strategic importance and at Winston Churchill’s urging, British, French and Anzac troops landed at Gallipoli on  May 1915. They were faced by the Turkish army. There were to be heavy Allied casualties and the Allies finally withdrew in December, defeated. 

7.  The Great Ormond Street and Highgate youth hostels no longer exist.


Next:    Part Three  Chapter Two  Whit week-end 1949: Mean Mum and Mean Noel

Posted in Britain Austerity 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Porton Chemical and Biolgical Warfare Centre, Social and Political History, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Two 11 Marriage and the Scum of the World

Part Two 11  Marriage and the Scum of the World

“Never in Egypt… The very way in which the scum of the world gather here is depressing…”   Len to her parents, letter of 12 December, 1948.


Noel, i50 x png2 December, 1948.  Thursday.

Dear Helen,

In my last letter I was cold because that’s the way you like it, in this letter I’m still going to be cold, only this time voluntarily.  I’m hurt and annoyed because I haven’t heard from you yet.  But seriously, I know you’ve got quite a few appointments and not a little entertaining to do, but please try to send me a postcard.

At the moment we are surrounded by a lot of “green zombies” just in from the U.K. who are enraptured by the Middle East.

I’m wondering if the fact of your first letter arriving so soon, wasn’t just a lucky break. Anyway I hope you get this before Monday, otherwise you may think I’ve gone.  But still we understood you’d come unless you heard that I’ve left.

Tony is getting really worried over our prolonged stay as he has booked a room at Torquay for himself and wife for Christmas, as a sort of second honeymoon & the prospect of Christmas here for him isn’t a happy one.

Well it’s getting on for half past seven now & it’s well past my bed time so Cheers for now.

All my love,


p.s. Please write soon.

xxx xx
xx xx


Noel, i50 x png4 December, 1948.  Saturday.  156 Transit Camp.

My Darling Helen,

I have just received your Monday’s letter & consequently I’m a very happy person.  I was beginning to think you’d given me the brush off.

I’ll book you in at the Leave Camp today for Monday.

Look sweetheart I hope you don’t think I take your coming and going for granted or as a matter of course.  When you first came I was too staggered at the fact you’d bothered to come and see me.  I’m so looking forward to seeing you on Monday.  I won’t wire you or go to the B.S.D.M. character unless I’m leaving before Monday as we arranged, although I’m more than confident that I won’t be leaving for at least a couple of days after.  I must confess I took your tip and moved on to a cabaret last night with Tony and another character.  I can’t say I was impressed by the Sensuous Dance.  It got somewhat embarrassing because one of the dancers came over to our table & kissed the character we were with.

Well Dearest I’ll close now. I’m longing for Monday.

All my love,

Noel. xx xxx xx.

p.s.  Thank you very much for the Photographs.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-14 December 1948.
BSDM Cairo,
c/o Det. APO S.299
Tired Saturday, 11ish in the morning.

People My Own,

Yes almost asleep in the office as I’m just back from a ‘do’ at TEK.

On Wednesday I went to dinner with Mark at the Metropolitan.  Must tell you of the food, though it’s mean with your having so little.  Before dinner we’d sherry, then: we’d two plates each of asparagus soup, then had some very tender cutlets & lots of mushrooms with spinach & lettuce dipped in caper sauce.  Next came pêche melba with ice cream, followed by Turkish coffee & a Dutch liqueur – it was perfect.  But I really felt uncomfortable with eating so much.  I can’t eat half the amount I used to knock back with ease.

Thursday was full of excitement as we tried to foist off the landlord from taking this month’s rent – which in effect is our deposit returned to us – & also trying to get a reply from Jack as to whether he’s coming into the flat & giving us key money for doing so – this has all been postponed till to-day – in fact I must ring him in a minute (1) – the other tenant the landlord has in mind is someone Security are trying to run out of the country!  Apart from the cash, if J & his pal (also a branch of Sec.) come in, I’d be able to go on living in the flat. (2)   Will keep you abreast of all events.

Yesterday I went to TEK with a crowd of girls by car & came back early this morning. Had a grand evening of dancing & ‘social’ including blow football which was most energetic. Saw Noel’s C.O. there who said N. may still be in Egypt at Christmas & if so I’m to come up to their mess for the Festive Season.

Mailbags of love,

Len. xxxxx

p.s. Had two letters from Noel from 156 Port Fouad.


1.  Using the office phone, in office time – a classic practice.

2.  “Sec.”   Security.


Noel, i50 x png9 December, 1948.   156 Transit Camp.

My Darling,
For once I am at a loss to adequately express myself on paper.  I’m missing you more each moment, and hoping you miss me a lot too.

I hope you arrived back safely.  I must confess I feel guilty at being the cause of you jeopardising your job, but on the other hand I’m more than glad you did.

I’m feeling very depressed today for obvious reasons.  My one desire now is to go home & get it over with & then wait for you.  Two months seems an awful long time.

I’m wondering if I’ll get a letter from you before I leave. I think I asked you to write to the U.K.  I’m wishing I hadn’t now.

Please write & tell me how you get on over your flat & whether you get fixed up somewhere else.  I hope Esme’s out of hospital now.  What exactly was the matter with her.  I will try & get through on Saturday, I think I’ll be on the Orbita but with luck I shouldn’t embark before Sunday. (1)

Well dearest I’ll close now please come soon & redeem your legs. (2)

All my love,

Noel. xxx xx
xx xxx
p.s I love you.


1.  The ss Orbita, built in 1914 and scrapped in 1950.  Used as a troopship throughout the Second World War.  The appalling conditions on board in 1943 are online at the BBC WW2 People’s War ‘site.  They were recorded by an 18 year old RAF airman in his diary at the time.

2.  Coffee table legs.


Len Gezira envelope png

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-110 December, 1948.
BSDM Cairo,
c/o Det. APO S.299

Eternal Blue Sky,

My Dearest Darlings,

Here marks the spot where I step out of chronological order to tell you something that warrants it.

I was down at Port Said to see Noel – pretending to be sick from work – for two days & we’d a wonderful time.  Actually, we did nothing really, but were with each other which was all we wanted.  He asked me to marry him on Tuesday 7th and I said “Yes”.  The whole thing’s happened so quickly I can’t believe it myself yet, but as always I want to keep you abreast of events, so feel it’s better to give you a shock now than later.  Noel’s taken the coffee table legs, but doesn’t want to go to Glasgow until I come back – he’s nailed me down to saying that will be March.  His idea is to get into agricultural college then on to fruit farm in Canada, or if he can’t get into ag. coll. to dash across & have a shooft at Canada, then come back & meet me in March.

At first I thought it a bit much him not going to see you in Glasgow, but I can assure it’s only his diffidence that’s stopping him.  However, he’s phoning me from Port Said this Saturday, so I’ll try to do some persuading.  I do love him & I hope you will too. He’s got a super sense of humour, and lovely light touch & loves me an awful lot.  I’ve no rhyme or reason for loving Noel, I mean if anything he’s an Empire Builder, but he’s definitely the person I want to live with for life.

Esme last Saturday was going straight to Fayid from TEK (where we’d been on Friday) but I came back to Cairo.  I saw the agent – the fate of the flat is still not settled, by the way, and I went on afterwards to Zamalek calling at Jack’s office en route.  On Sunday Esme came back at night & Jack came round & we all nattered together.  I’ll tell you the full story of the flat when I come home – it would lose half it’s value if written down, but I may say the Brig. whom Jack is still running out of the country is still after the flat as well.

Monday after work I got the 2.45 for P.S. – remember my hustling you onto it Mum? As I said, I had two super days there with Noel.  We were both at Port Fouad – he at 156 Transit Camp & I at the Married Families’ & Officers’ Leave Camp.  I phoned Esme on the Tuesday & discovered she was going into hospital (!) but would continue to cover up for me.  We knew something would come up we hadn’t thought of!

Wednesday night I came back to Cairo.  Met some Italians on the train – a bloke & his mother. Invited me to his wedding in P.S. this week-end.  If I’d the cash I’d have gone again.  It would have been nice to have gone with Noel.  Esme had sent Mark to me, so I got safely back to the flat and her note of instructions.  I went to see her in hospital yesterday.  Iris came to see me and we’d tea, and Jack came too.  He’s sacked Abdul for us this morning to cut down on expenses. (1)

Must go now – sorry for such a scrappy letter, but I’ve a quiet week-end coming up – I think I shall write a screed then.

Every bit of love,

Len. xxxxx


1.  It is not clear if Abdul is an additional servant within the flat.


As will be realised, letters from Mum during this period, and until mid-January 1949, are not in this collection.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-112 December, 1948.
BSDM Cairo.


Sullen Sky. (Yes, we’ve had some rain here recently)

My own dearly Beloveds,

Have just realised that last letter of mine was a bit sudden to put it mildly, but remember it’s only December now & we’ll have lots of time to talk about it in letters. I’m really dying to get home to have a good natter with you both – there’s so much I’ve got to say about everything.

At the moment I feel I just want a bit of grass & some chickens in the back of beyond to let me get my breath for a few years.  If Esme gets up north to see you as she very much wants to do, she’ll tell you half the story.  I know from your letter (1) you don’t ‘feel’ for her, but she’s O.K. really & most warm hearted – so if you could put her up for a few days & tell her about hostelling both she & I would be most grateful.

It’s lovely, for I’m alone in the flat – and you know how I like being alone in houses – & as it’s a Sunday morning it just makes it super.  My energy, or rather mood for doing jobs of work dwindles during the day.  In the morning I want to tackle everything, in the afternoon I’m quite keen & as soon as darkness falls (5 pm. here now) I have to stir myself to do anything.

I’ve finished boiling some of my own clothes & have washed my stockings.  Now I’ve got Esme’s hankies on the boil to take into her later.  She’s still in the Anglo-American. Yesterday she went to the operating theatre to have her sinuses drained.  I propose walking over there in a shwoya – must remember to take in that sheet before I go, ‘cos it looks like rain – visiting her, then going to Gezira for lunch & walking back to get here before 2 p.m., as Noel didn’t phone yesterday & I said in my last letter if I didn’t hear on the Saturday I’d wait in from 2 p.m. onwards on the Sunday.

Sunday evening.

Didn’t get back here till 4.30, but am not unduly worried about missing the call as I somehow feel Noel went on the “Lancashire” bound appropriately (as the bloke who told me said) for Liverpool. (2)    It sailed on Friday & would thus obviate my having a call at all if N. were on it.

Thank you so much for the little sequins on black net. I haven’t determined yet whether to use them on the back of my gloves or on something else.  They’re fun and thanks a lot.  Thanks too for the Silvikrin shampoos – they certainly are super.

Before I forget, with Esme going,  either I buy her out of half the electric kettle, or someone (presumably the next tenants of the flat) buys us both out.  Can you tell me if you think it a good thing for me to do the buying out, which would mean paying £1 for her half, or to receive £1 for my half from someone else.  It’s a Swan Brand kettle & I don’t know how scarce they are at home. (3)   With her being in hosp. E’s sailing’s probably being delayed to the “Maloja” on the 3rd Jan now, but if other people are coming in the flat, I’ll want to know what to do.  Please reply to this straight away.

I don’t agree with you at all about the ‘house of dreams built upon the sand’.  It was the tenor of your letters being like this early in the year which made me feel I had to have a leave at home to have a shooft was necessary.  I’m very glad I had the leave, but only found U.K. as I had expected.  I admit I had all the joys of being free all day & enough cash to be gay with it, but on the other hand, being only a visitor I didn’t reap the advantages of being of the community.  Is it just the Scottish winter which makes you so keen on coming away Mum?  Living abroad, perhaps yes, but never in Egypt, the very way in which the scum of the world gather here is depressing in itself.

No, to answer your question, Esme is not a Jewess.  She has some Spanish blood way back, which may account for it.  I always thought she had a jewish look myself – however, her eyes are blue & I think in details she looks less of a Jew than in snaps.

Can’t get over the story of Hutch & the quick mouse.  I miss H, so tell her to keep herself well licked for me.

Appropos of the weather, can’t you take your holiday in the winter & go to the south of France or to Italy?  I probably sound horribly impractical saying that, but surely Daddy could get a week or rather a fortnight off work on health grounds.  How’s your circulation Dad? I realise you’re being most fashionable, but I’d rather you left the complaint to His Majesty. (4)

At the moment I’m sitting in the flat with my feet up.  I’m wearing my blue woolen frock & also my red woolen dressing gown & over my feet is my matching blue jacket, for though there’s a fireplace we’ve nothing to burn.  That’s not strictly true, for the ironing board Ned made was a fiasco & it’s out on the balcony waiting to be chopped up.  We’re saving it for a special occasion – but what, we don’t yet know.

In view of the warmth, are you getting the phone put in the living room, or as is usual, in the hall?  I think phones by the bed are super, but then that’s only suitable for a flat or bungalow, otherwise one would have to race medly upstairs before they stopped ringing.

Thanks for Stanley’s letter – must drop him a line. (5)

Here’s “PV”.  (6)

Flat plan rev. png

Thanks so much for despatching the parcel.   I understand about your names being in full on the cable – it’s been a requirement of the Eg. Govt. since the start of the war with Pal. (7)    Remind me to send you Esme’s  & my parody of “Doing What Comes Naturally”. It’s called “Doing the Para-Military”.

Lots of love to the Best People.

L .
p.s. Picturing you at Blairgowrie – do go with or without J. (8)

p.p.s Fancy you listening to Gerald Shaw. We think he & his organ are ghastly here – it always pops up and has colours whirling all over it , just as you’re enjoying a quiet evening at the pictures. (9)

p.p.p.s One reason you ought to see the Findlays is that I gave them a bottle of Haig’s to take to you!


1.  This letter is not in the collection.

2.  Change of boat.  Noel was originally to sail on the ss Orbita.

3.  Electric kettles were still a luxury item in Britain of the 1940s.

4.  King George 6th had circulation problems in his legs, caused by heavy smoking.  He was to die of smoking related causes in 1952 at the age of 56.

5.   Stan was the brother of Len’s friend from the SE Essex Tech College days, Joan Garnett.

6.  The flat she is sharing with Esme.  P.V. will be the abbreviation of the flat name.

7.  A birthday telegram for Len from her Mum and Dad on her 23rd birthday, on November 29.

8.  J. – Joan Brandley.  It seems Mum and Dad were considering going to Blairgowrie for New Year.  Blaigowrie in Perthshire is in the heart of the raspberry growing area.

9.  Well known British Wurlitzer organist who continued playing into the 1970s. He must have had a short residency in Cairo as he usually played in Britain.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-116 December, 1948.


Weak Winter Sunlight.

My very Rearest & Dearest People, (1)

Must tell you I was looking through an Illustrated London News at Gezira the other day & saw that Sir Iain Colquhoun was dead – did you know? (2)  He was such a personality of Loch Lomondside it seems funny to think he’s gone.

Haven’t told you my chronicle since last Friday. I came back from the hospital – as I thought to a quiet evening, but Pen was in on his way back from Singapore & rang me. He took me to the BOAC mess in town & I met the rest of his crew.  Can’t understand men working in something like BOAC – they’re glorified bus drivers & only seem to spend their money in bars.  Pen took me home & became quite boorish when I told him I only wanted him as a friend and he went off in a huff.  I’ve only stayed friends with him all this time to get my coffee table legs flown home & as Noel’s now taken those, I was hoping Pen would take the brass top, but “twas in vain.”

Saturday Stuart Brigstock rang me. He’s now a RAF sergeant but was one of  the two LACs  (3)  who knew Betty Baxter, who came to Cairo to see us in June. He’s a Leicester lad, so if I go down to the Reids for a few days, must pop in to see him. He’d put in an application for early release to study a week before & was flying home that afternoon – if only I’d seen him instead of Pen the night before I might have got the brass top home. Both had rung when I’d been at the hospital on the Friday, but only Pen rang back later.

I’d no phone call from Noel, so expect to hear he embarked before Saturday. I’d masses of other phone calls later in the day. One was funny, from one of the rogues Jack knows in his capacity as Security Officer. Jack had given my number as where he (J) would be as he didn’t want this bloke to contact him. This bod rang me twice & during a talk on how US (4) cash was (& I don’t mean American) said “I don’t want to be a multi-millionaire” – so obviously thinking “Just a millionaire”. I refused all calls to go out & also one from the Brig. next door asking me over to their flat for a drink – talk about “Won’t you come into my parlour…” He and Jack are fighting out the matter of tenancy this morning.

Sunday I chored, went to the hospital & Gezira and had a quiet day at home afterwards.

Monday I sat in the British Institute talking and writing & went on to an amusing American night at the Guild.

Tuesday I went straight to the hospital & seemed to see half of Cairo there. Then I wrote letters at Gezira before going on to a rehearsal.

Yesterday the Brig. tried to woo me again.  I then SOS’d Jack and there was a pitched battle between them the next morning.

Must tell you, Iris told me that the best beauticians here told her to use solid sour milk as a cleanser before she washed her face. I started yesterday & am saving the rest of my Lizzie Arden. (5)   This sour milk doesn’t half take the dirt out & makes your face feel great.

Am dying to hear what you wore & how this business of jurying went – it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Yes, thank you, I received the pictures of Aunt B. & Co. Sorry for not mentioning it. I thought I had.

About Noel, he was christened Arnold Duncan, his fellow officers called him Charlie & his people & I call him Noel – clear? (6)

The nougat I hope to get home with somebody, or through Jack or someone else with Bag  facilities by post. (7)

I like your silliness about the birthday card. (8)   That’s what I like about Noel – he can be so silly, yet is most practical when necessary.

Christmastides of love to you,

Len. xxxxx


1.  As spelt.  Len’s pun.

2.  Sir Iain Colquhoun, clan chief and 7th Baronet of Luss and Lord Lieutenant of Dunbartonshire.  He had died on 12 November, 1948, aged 61.

3.  LACs:  Leading Aircraftmen.

4.  US: Usless.

5.  Lizzie Arden:  Elizabeth Arden beauty products.

6.  Doubtful if Mum has replied yet to Len announcing she and Noel are to marry.  The letters Len has sent since telling Mum are consecutively numbered, so no missing letter, where we would have read her reaction to Mum’s reaction.

7.  Bag:  Diplomatic Bag.

8.  Len’s birthday card from Mum and Dad.  Not in this collection. 


Len Letter 85 png

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-120 December, 1948.
BSDM Cairo.
Start of Christmas Week in the sunshine.

Most dearly Beloveds,
As usual I’m receiving masses of Christmas Cards from lots of people to whom I’ve sent none &  vica versa. It’s hectic.

Last Wednesday & Thursday were quiet, all that happened was that Jack came to lunch Wed. – the day Esme came out of hospital & Esme had a trunk call on Thurs.

Friday I went straight from work to French and then went into town to meet Esme & Morris & we all went down to the Mousky. I got some super bargains & so did Esme. My purchases included a Xmas present for you Dad – no description, surprise – and a flap over skin bag for 17/- and a short haired bag for 6/-  – liquidation stock.  I also got for Noel’s sister a set of silver bracelet, earrings & ring inlaid with turquoises – not real, but you know I like the stones in the blue bead necklaces. Got myself a ring of the set. They were only £2. 8s for the set of three. I also got a gong. Only 35 Pt. It has an Arabic design – the Koran, as specified by you Mum.

We came back to have something to eat at Groppi’s, then all three of us went on to a pre-Xmas party at the English Prep. School at Maadi. It was grand fun – we had modern & country dancing, including the Dashing White Sergeant. I also met an awfully nice Swiss girl, so it was a good evening

On Sunday Jack rang and he offered us two ducks which I went round to collect. I also got a letter from him to the Brig. (the rogue) who’s trying to get the flat & this made the Brig. most irate & rude, so Jack’s s’posed to be coming to-day to pour oil on the water with the Brig. & fix tenancy for himself (J) with the agent.

Afterwards Esme & I walked to Gezira where we had to contend with more rudeness in the shape of Bill Barrett wanting cash for the sheets left in the flat by them when they left.  I personally have only used one of their sheets about twice, when laundering my own, so don’t intend to pay a sou, neither does Esme, who says no contract was entered into, and the main users, the Hurleys are in England.  If only we can hold the fort till Esme sails I can quite truly disclaim all responsibility.

From there we went to the Wiltshires who were most cordial & invited us over there for a Xmas Day Dinner – we’re practically high and dry for the whole Xmas period – angling for, instead of turning down invitations – so it was nice to be asked so warmly & it’s grand to have Xmas Dinner with a family.  Mrs W. hasn’t any children & I do feel sorry for her – d’you think you could possibly write her a note Mum, thanking her having me over there at Christmas?  Thanks.

Business – is it possible for you to get a cheque for £15.7s.6d. to Mr J.Owen at Barclays Bank, Ltd., Grange Road West, Birkenhead?  If any difficulties tell me! (1)

More tomorrow. As always, all my love, Len



1.   It will be remembered that Len is getting her wages sent to her home address in Yoker and that Mum is paying them into a savings or bank account, and that in Cairo she is living off her Foreign Service Allowance (FSA).  The cheque mentioned is presumed to be repayment for the loan of money she had asked Jack for, mentioned in her letter of 30 November, 1948.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-124 December, 1948.
BSDM Cairo.

Christmas Feeling o’er us stealing.

Hail, Loved Ones,

Just back from a brandy (on an empty stomach) from one of the numerous ‘dos’ going on in the office this morning. Last night Esme and I stayed up till 3 a.m. checking the contents of the flat with the inventory – breaking the news to ourselves what wasn’t ‘invented’. I hope to get an ecru tea cloth (yes, motifs and good work) out of it amongst other things.

Just had the disheartening news that the APO has been closed, so shall just go on writing this letter and endeavour to post it from the Canal Zone, rather than wait till next Wednesday (it’s now Friday) when we start work.

Missing you two and Noel horribly, but there’s lots to do here – contrary to first expectations – & I must try and put my mind on it.  Lovely to hear your juring experiences. (1)   Can’t get over your being four days running (!) at court – it must have been a great experience.

We’re allowed to send sweets between 15th Dec and 15th Jan, so must send to you – one package ‘per person’ only though. Trudi hasn’t included crystallised cherries in her parcel as I asked her, but has everything else.

My new lampshade is getting a number of signatures on it and as I hope to get quite an international representation and it’s a better shade than Esme’s, I can’t complain.

I forgot to say, haven’t heard you mention the MoS cheque of late, is it coming in all right every month?

I love the long straight skirts with splits at the bottom, and thought of having one half cream oatmeal and half chocolate – you know, longways, then a little chocolate jacket fitting and with a very short bit after the waist and with cream oatmeal introduced somewhere on it – Yes?

So glad the Cyprus parcels arrived safely and at such an appropriate time. I know those tins of Australian cheese, no wonder you polished it off quickly.

You are so good to be so super about Noel and me. After I sent the letter, I thought it was a bit much, but just wanted to let you know.  Don’t know why his family call him Noel, for his birthday’s on 18th November.

About your present Dad, it’s to do with what you’re giving up – yes, smoking. But listen. it’s a tobacco jar, for pipe tobacco, for you know a pipe’s much better to smoke if you have to smoke occasionally, than cigarettes as one doesn’t inhale pipe smoke. Esme’s bringing it with her, but refused to bring your stockings Mum as she has so much to carry already. Jack’s caused us such a lot of trouble that I’m hoping he’ll try to earn our forgiveness over the flat by taking the top of the coffee table home, as well as your stockings Mum.

Noel’s surname is King – you know, the person I dashed off to see at P.S. in response to his frantic letter.

The night before last Jack phoned me to say my parcel had arrived and he sent it round to me at the office, yesterday morning – can you believe how quickly it came – 25 Nov to 22 Dec, and you know how long ‘bag’ parcels generally take. (2)   It’s a dream. The girls had me open it in front of them and as each item and rhyme came up. (3)

mum poem 1 png

They said “Oh, how she must love you” – it was almost embarrassing, but you know I appreciate it tremendously and as for the birthday present itself, I was terrifically thrilled. It’s so exactly what I need and will look lovely with the ballerina. Looking forward to doing the yellow dress, but at Xmas would like to wear my ballerina, as so far, I’ve only worn it for half an hour at our party.  This week’s been hectic and the thought of packing to go away is wearing with emphasis.

transit note  rev png

Monday we’d lunch out at an Egyptian restaurant with an Egyptian from the Embassy and then went back to the flat, when the agent came, and the question of who’s getting it was settled once and for all, even though Jack was there, cheeky as usual and almost put his spoke in the wheel. In fact he may not get the telephone bill till March re-paid us by the next tenant through him. All this business is too complicated to put in a letter, but Esme will tell you the whole story.

At night we went to dinner at the Wiltshires, but they’d thrown out the ducks which J. had given me and which they’d offered to cook, and fed on another duck they’d bought. After which we went to the CTG and had great fun with guessing games in mime. I had to do ‘Crime Passionel’ and ‘A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse’ which were both quite energetic.

Tuesday I went from work to French – where Vera told me I was fluent, then to Gezira for a bath (no hot water in the flat) and back to PV where Morris came to tea. Then I went to Cook’s with Esme to arrange (as per my idea) for her to get off at Marseilles and meet her sister of the CCG in Germany in Paris. (4)

Evening at P.V.

Back from the office to-day & went to bed to catch up on sleep. Then I got up and Esme started nagging me about going out & I can’t stand nagging. She was in a hurry & flapping about getting to Cooks, so I suggested she phoned them. She did this and learnt they were closing shortly after, so she just went out of the door of the flat and hasn’t been seen since. As we’ve got an international Xmas on, starting with dinner at the Bougrains to-night & I’ve very little money, I’m most annoyed. You see, with another you can tram & walk about the streets, but now I think I’d better get a taxi as the Bougrain’s street isn’t a main one & anyway I don’t like the fireworks they throw under your feet in Cairo at Xmas. To make matters worse I rang the duty officer at the office & learnt he’d just left & he could have given me a lift into town by car. Thanks for letting me moan.

Back to the earlier chronicle – Tuesday and going to Cooks with Esme, afterwards we called for Helga, the Swiss girl I’d met the Friday before at Maadi & all tootled along to an Embassy dance which was quite enjoyable & at which I jitterbugged as I haven’t for years. (5)

Wednesday we’d Trudi to lunch – don’t wonder, only spinach & scrambled egg cooked by me. Then the Pool came to tea. (6)   We provided tea, milk, sugar & lemon & they the grubstakes – plain and fancy pastries.

Then we chored & phoned Fanara & they seemed most keen on us coming to the evening dress do on Sunday. Hence our international Xmas – French people to-night, Americans to-morrow (we propose going off on our own to Suez later tomorrow) & English on Sunday.

Yesterday I walked over to the Swedish legation on the other side of the river, and had to walk round that awful part where we had our Great Fright Mum, as the road across the island was closed. (7)    I had with me a letter from Steena, Swedish girlfriend which Ulmar was sending through their ‘bag’ & my lampshade to be signed – all as per phone call with him – he’d said ‘Come any day’.  Lo and behold he was off sick, so Ieft the letter at the legation and had to cart my lampshade all the way back to the Garden City on foot in the gathering dusk, after my vision of super French coffee and a lift home.

Last night we went to the recital at CDG and learnt one of the people there may be getting an exit visa & he’s thrilled beyond measure as he wants to study medicine in U.K. He also said ESR (8) may have a small part in a radio play for me shortly, so here’s hoping.

I’m having to cut this short, as much as I hate to, as the French Christmas Dinner calls. A wonderful New Year to you my poppets – insh Allah we’ll think of one another.

Christmastides of love & kissses from Len. xxxxx

p.s. The letter I am enclosing is rather interesting & I’d like you to keep it for my scrapbook please.


1.  Jury service. “Juring” – Len’s spelling.

2.  “Jack sent the parcel round…”   The parcel has been sent by Diplomatic Bag to the British Embassy in Cairo.

3.  “Rhyme came up.”   Len’s Mum would often attach a small piece of paper to an item with a verse relating to it.

Len on Luneberg Heath, looking towards the Russian occupied zone, 1948

Len on Luneberg Heath, looking towards the Russian occupied zone, summer 1949.

 4.   CCG:   The Control Commission for Germany.  Germany was divided  into four occupied zones after the defeat of the Nazi regime in May 1945.  The British zone extended to Flensburg and the Danish border in the north, and covered cities such as Dortmund, Essen, Dusseldorf and Cologne to the south.  Bremen, Hannover and Hamburg were in the centre, with Lüneberg Heath one of the areas butting onto the USSR occupied zone to the east.  The United States and France occupied and administered the other zones to the south in Germany.

5.   An early form of rock n roll movements, with more scope and more vigour.  It developed in the US in the late 1930s.  Many dancehalls in the UK banned it when it first arrived in Britain from America with the U.S. D Day  troops in 1944.

6.  “The pool”.  Len’s typing pool.

7.  The Swedish Legation was across the Nile, to the east of Gezira island.

8.  ESR.  Possibly  Egyptian Services Radio (Forces Radio), which tends to be confirmed in references in Part Three.

_ _ _ _ _

“Blue Sky over” California.
7 November, 1948.

Dear Helen,

I was glad to hear that your trip to the U.K. was such a success. We too were caught by the “sciopero” in Italy. (1)   As you will remember,  we left Cavi di Lavagna at about 1 P.M. on July 14. (2)   We arrived in Pisa at 7 P.M. and started toward the “Leaning Tower”. After walking a few blocks, we noticed that all the shops, theatres, restaurants & bars were closed and that the streets were full of well-dressed, expectant looking people. When we reached the bridge through the centre of town we saw huge groups of police & ambulance attendants. Then we found the cause.  Large posters all over the main square told the people that Togliatti had been shot & that the “sciopero” would be effective at 6 the next morning. (3)

We managed to get a dinner in the back room of a little side-street restaurant with the help of a perfect stranger who did not sympathize with the “Commies”. We ate by candle light in the middle of the hushed, frightened voices. Finally we finished, paid the bill & after the lights were extinguished we were ushered out into the dark street where we scurried back to the railroad station.

At midnight a train left “for Rome”. They told us it probably wouldn’t get through. We took a chance. After sitting up all night, we were still moving toward Rome at 6:15 so we thought our worries were over. Instead at 6:30 our train was stopped in Civitavecchia by a singing, marching mob carrying red banners. (4)

Our train was held in this little town for 1 and a half symbol days during which time we had two roles, (5) a piece of cheese full of maggots & a glass of boiled milk. The mob went through the train but fortunately we were in the 3rd class section & they didn’t bother with it.

Of course we made many new friends during this time – you should see the list of people with whom I now correspond in 7 languages & in 12 countries. That besides my school work keeps me very busy.

My latest project is playing the lead in an Italian production of “La Locandiera” by Goldini. (6)

I’m also putting a great deal of time to a study of Shakespeare this semester.

I was pleased to hear you found such a wonderful apartment in Cairo. If I ever do get down that way, I will surely let you put me up for a few days. My latest plans are to return to Switzerland next Sept. for a year at Zürich  University.

Sincerely, Bob.


1.  “Sciopero” – strike.

2.  Cavi di Lavagna is down the coast from the port of Genoa.  This tends to confirm that Len on the outward part of her UK leave sailed to Europe, and then hitch-hiked  to the French channel ports.

3. Togliatti, leader of the numerically large and politically powerful Communist Party in Italy had been shot three times by a lone assassin that day, 14 July, 1948.  Critically ill in hospital the assassination attempt created momentary political turmoil in Italy, with a General Strike called for the following day.  A few days later, from his hospital bed,  he called for calm.

4.  Civitavecchia is on the coast, north west of Rome.

5.  “Roles”  American spelling for the British spelling “Rolls”.

6.  La Locandiera, written 1751 by Italian dramatist Carlo Goldini.  This suggests Bob and Len knew each other through the Cairo Drama Guild.

_ _ _ _ _

Mum’ writing on the back of Helen’s above letter.

six honest men, mum REV png


I keep six honest serving men

They taught me all I know

Their names are why & what & when

And how & where & who


Noel env 26 Dec png

Noel letter 26 Dec png

Noel, i50 x png26 December, 1948.

Lt A.D.King. R.A.S.C
c/o Grindlays Bank Ltd
59 Parliament Street

My Dearest Helen,

I arrived here a couple of days ago, complete with legs (1).

I left very suddenly on the Lancashire on the 11th instead of the 13th & that’s the reason I didn’t phone at 2 on Saturday. I hope you understand. The ship didn’t stop until it reached Liverpool. We got off at night & travelled to York for a day & I was demobbed forthwith.

The trip was pretty deadly. We ran into a gale in the Bay  so I went to bed for a couple of days. (2)

The weather here is chronic, cold as hell, there’s a thick frost & fog outside at the moment. I just leap into bed, clothes and shoes on.

The first thing I did yesterday was to see if there was any mail for me at the Bank.(3)   I think they’re pretty clueless as they must have sent any mail to my unit. I suppose I’m to blame really as I should have written to them. Anyway I’ve told them now.

This isn’t a very inspiring letter, because to tell you the truth I’m more than browned off, as you know I didn’t want to come home & the first day back more than confirmed my viewpoint. The only thing I want more than anything at the moment is to see you Darling.

All my love, Noel
xx xxx xxx xx

1.  The coffee table legs.

2.  “The Bay”.  Assumed to be the Bay of Biscay.

3.  This is Christmas Day, unless the cold is affecting his memory, and he means Christmas Eve.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-130 December 1948.
Almost the end of the year.

BSDM Cairo.

Nearest & Dearest,
Honestly, it’s a disgrace sending a short note like this, but feel it’s better than nothing. However I’m sure you’ll understand that between Christmas, Esme going, us winding up the flat, me packing, finding somewhere else to live & Hormanay coming up to-morrow, I’ve no time to stand & stare. That promised long epistle is coming up though. Sorry you couldn’t make Blairgowrie but hope you have a super Hogmanay & all you wish for in the New Year.

Calenders of love,

Len xx xxx

TEK M Police png

Royal Military Police, Tel El Kebir.  “One we didn’t go to.” Len’s hand writing on reverse of invitation.


Noel, i50 x pngI January, 1949

LT. A.D.King R.A.S.C
c/o Grindlays Bank Ltd,
59 Parliament St.,

My Dearest Darling,
I have just received three letters from you & don’t quite know where to begin to answer them.

I must say I feel pretty mean for not sending you a Christmas card, but I hope you understand. I get more browned off as the days progress. I’m glad you’ve got yourself fixed up. No I won’t contact Esme till after the fifteenth & I think it was very sweet of you to go to all that trouble, please tell me how much I owe you (1).   As it is I owe you more than I can ever repay. I think that’s rather poetic.

I more or less told you my impressions of the U.K. in my last letter. At the moment it is hailing outside & the blasted buses have gone on strike so one has to travel by train or walk.

Please send me this long awaited photograph of you to remind me. Send it to my Bank address, you know how it is with me, no fixed abode & sponging on various relations. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are no such people as friendly relations.

Last night I went with my cousins & sister to kick the gong around as it was New Year’s Eve. We went to a very conservative hotel & they took a somewhat dim view of me starting a Conga.

I’m glad you’ve given the Brig. the brush off.  I never did like the sound of that character.

I hope you’ll excuse this letter but the room is full of people doing and saying all sorts of things & it’s not exactly conducive to letter writing.

I hope this Swiss woman doesn’t turn out to be another affair like the Greek one.

They seem to be running out of Prime Ministers in Egypt, I hope you are staying away from all the trouble. (2)

I wish you wouldn’t keep reminding me of your ex friends, and the ex European tour, you make me feel a heel.  However I must confess I want you all to myself, do you think that’s bad?

When are you coming home honey chile?  At the moment I’m finding out the form about the College.

I’ve just realised with horror that I forgot to number my previous. Finally a quotation from a poem which I learnt the other day. “Sweet Helen made me immortal with a kiss.”

Please write soon my darling.

Noel. xxx xx

1.  We have no idea what Len has done on Noel’s behalf.

2.  Crises were continuing in Cairo in relationship to the defeat of the Egyptian intervention in Palestine.

Noel-short-h png

The back of the envelope that Noel sent his letter in. He’d run out of space on the front for the ha’penny stamps he was using to send the letter. Plus shorthand notes written  by Len.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-13 January 1949.
BSDM, Cairo.
Full of Homeward Bound Thoughts.

Most dearly Beloveds,

Yes, this morning I was told I’m almost on my way.  Of course I’m fighting for the first week in Feb. from a financial aspect, but feel somehow I’ll be lucky if I get put on a boat at the end of Jan. for they wanted to know if I was prepared to go on the “Caledonia” on 9th!

Isn’t it too wonderful to be true?  I’m just dying to get home to see you two again, to see Noel, to be in Britain & see the rest of my friends.  I’m just marshalling all my forces for the changeover from living a full life here to devoting all my time to home-going preparations & getting my affairs in order – you know, clothes mended & the like.  You see we get £30 FSA a month – a £1 a day & I’ve just put in for all my salary to be paid out here this month, but the earlier in the month I go, it means the less FSA I have & oh boy, the things I ought to buy according to my list.  However I shall borrow out here & pay back in the U.K., rather than go short on stuff.  It’s the carpet I’m thinking of most & I want to try to get it first.

My one horrid thought is – “Will this mean Esme coming up to see you when I’m there?”  I’m sure she’d grasp at the opportunity of coming up to Scotland when I get home and was there & she’s so possessive I couldn’t bear it.  I thought a shwoya hiatus would occur ‘tween her departure and mine, meaning we could have ‘drifted apart’, but as things are, it’s negligible.  Perhaps you could say you’ve got to nurse a sick cousin in Sweden, but as an excuse I must admit it sounds a bit steep.

All being well I hope to play ducks & drakes with the Civil Service before I resign from it & just hope Dr.Gilston will give me nice certs. re my arch & my shoulder – just couldn’t bear the thought of typing again in Britain. (1)

Now Sweden.  Daddy, you simply must get a week’s or preferably a fortnight’s leave in Feb for the three of us to pop across there – I’m fed up going places without you.

Haven’t told you of Xmas yet, have I?  Xmas Eve we’d masses of parties at work, then I slept a little before getting up to write that last letter to you.  Then came the Bougrain’s where we’d pork jelly, mutton, nuts & lots of things, then we went to the midnight service at the Cathedral & came back to champagne, finally getting home about 3 am.

We got up at 9 & got ready for going away, taking our bags with us to the Wiltshires where we’d a Christmas dinner, though actually it was the duck.  Then we caught the bus to Suez where we saw what a ropey town it is, then as the Welfare Bus service had collapsed two MPs took us out to the YW by jeep.  There we’d a quiet night singing carols & the next day hitched on to Fayid.  There we went to the mess at Fanara to which we’d been invited & I wore my ballerina.  It’s skin tight  & by the time I’d eaten a real Xmas dinner of 9 courses with turkey and all the trimmings I didn’t dare to sneeze. We congaed, did the old fashioned waltz & the Grand Old Duke of York.  E & I were rather gay, so that our original escorts took offence & other people brought us home. We got back to the Officers’ Club at 7 am, slept till 1.30 then we just played around till the evening, when we went to the O’s Club dance with the blokes who’d taken us home the previous night.  We danced till 4.30 am, then this bod & I went in swimming, coming out to a big breakfast.   He left & I went to bed about 6ish, getting up at 10, then E & I went to visit a BSDM bod in hospital there before bussing home. We met a bod on the bus, a Cpl in the RAF who was flying home to get married the next day. We had him up to the flat for a drink.

Wednesday E & I did a bit of the inventory of the flat, then I went out to a Swiss woman where I thought of letting a room. Came back to chore & so to bed early.

The next morning (30th) it was really funny as E & I have taken all the stuff surplus to the inventory – though I may say I forgot the eye lotion & that adorable little yellow eye bath you gave me.  If you see another Mum, d’you think you could get it for me? Maybe you think it’s bad leaving something behind, but the struggle in that flat would make people forget more than an eye bath.  Amongst my share of the surplus was a little ecru lace tray cloth & three solid silver – I think & hope – fish forks.

Anyway the combined surplus was lying on the table early in the morning, when the bell went.  Thinking it might be the agent, we raced to & fro shoving forks & the like into dresses.  By the way an old pouff was amongst the surplus & I emptied it of the stuffing & posted it on Hogmanay, though it looks now as if I’ll be there before it.

Mark and Helga came to lunch that day & he brought my Bernardelli (2)  and a little rug which I must also send home as ‘personal effects’.  As for the carpet proper, I’ll just have to try & borrow the money for it & use my judgement of choice of colour etc., but I’ll try not to rush it.

At night we stayed in. The next day – Hogmanay – I went to French, then visited Chayanne & did some odd jobs in Zamalek before going back to PV to pack.  After we’d had a good session at this we went out to the Bougrain’s & I thought of you as the old year passed.  We all sang “Old Lang Syne” & drank champagne, then later went on to the flat of one of the sons & his wife.

We eventually got back about 4, having Henri, one of the brothers as a first foot – he gave us a Libyan note each as his threshold gift.  We packed till 6.15, then went to bed till 7.30, when we got up & I washed my hair before going to work.

There were more parties in the office & we finished at 12.30.  Back at the flat the agent came up to take the inventory & we were kept by him & had to sign a thing saying we’d pay the electricity bill – that flat gives me the willys.

We got away at last, but so late it meant we didn’t get to TEK till it was dark, so hitched into the garrison – as no transport was there – our benefactor being Col. Kirkpatrick – a Scot.  Then we danced – I wore my ballerina & Helga had a grand time. E. had gone into a tantrum when I’d suggested taking Helga, yet on the Sunday when I got back to the C of S about 6 & went to bed early,  E never tried to contact me – she was at another mess. Helga & Dorothy the only two other girls had gone, but as E. was with a bod she was quite happy – so much for our “last evening together”, with all the stress she’d put on it.  Her behaviour certainly was an eye opener for me.

Yesterday morning I bade her adieu & got a hitch – whilst I was waiting for the bus – with some French people, right to the door of Disposals.

About 12 or so, they broke the gladsome news to me & half of me’s been in the U.K. since.  However I want to see Vera to cancel my french from now on & also went out to see Major Wallace who’s not well, but this chap told me he thought the Wallaces had to go out that evening, though Major W’s not fit, so we just had a coffee, then I came back to bed. (3)

So that’s the end of my news. I’m not going out tomorrow night so will endeavour to reply to your letters.

Write to tell me any musts in the buying of Egyptian ware or food which occur to you, though as far as I can see I’ll be practically on the boat – wonderful thought – by the time I get a reply.

Forgot to say that Trudi was offering me asylum for a few weeks till I found a room, so called at the flat yesterday to collect my trunks & moved to her.

All the love from the bit of me that’s here – the rest’s already with you darlings.

Len xxx xx


1.  Although it looks as if Len is planning leaving the Ministry of Supply, and giving up being a shorthand typist we have no inkling on what she is planning to do, now that she has gone off trying to get into a drama college.

2.  Likely to be a Bernardelli fashion item, rather than a Bernardelli hand gun!  Helga may be be a new female companion of Marks’.  Len had previously said she met Helga in Maadi, and Mark lived in Maadi too.

3.  This is the Major Wallace who Len first mentioned in her letter of 18 August, 1947 where they had talked about Gruinard Bay, and who was running an Export scheme via Cyprus, besides working in insurance.


Lens 5.1.49 png

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-15 January 1949.

BSDM Cairo,
c/o Det. APO S.299,

Waiting for tea at the Solovieffs’ – Vera gone out to buy bread.

Dear Beloved Ones,

How goes it in Yoker?  Cairo reporting t’ards end of tour of duty.  Here’s the name of my ship “subject to confirmation & authorisation” – as they told me – the “Moreton Bay”, Commonwealth ship, tourist class of 15,000 tons, stopping at Malta & docking at London (do they mean Tilbury or really the Albert Dock?).

Isn’t it exciting, was offered a first class passage on the “Lan” – something,  on the 21st, but that extra 9 days gives me almost £E.9 (FN £E) more FSA, so it’s worth staying for and tourist class should be good fun & as I came straight through coming out, I’d like to stop somewhere on the way back. (1)

What I’m wondering at the moment is will the ‘phone be installed by the time I arrive all being well approx. Feb. 10th?   Wouldn’t it be super, then I could ‘phone you on arrival?   Would you like to come down and meet me?   At present I propose to have Noel meet me on arrival, then after spending a few hours with him, take the train north, for a week alone with you two before he comes up for a week with us all – after that my plans are fluid.

So funny to hear of Glaswegians celebrating Xmas – it certainly makes up for an exhausting time.

The electric kettle has little feet & can be used on the table, but I shall try to sell it for £E.2.50 or £E 2 & if I can’t sell it at that price, bring it home.

About Esme, as you know my approx. date of arrival now, unless you’ll be well clear of her by then, write to her to say I’m coming home, and that you two are coming to meet me & therefore can’t have her.  At all costs I don’t want to see her, so if she’ll be in London at the time the boat docks, please don’t give her the name of the ship. Thanks. I’m sorry the way I always seem to wake up to what people are really like at the most awkward moments. (2)

Wonder why the Findlays brought you ‘White Horse’ instead of the ‘Haig’ I gave them? They probably drank the latter & have been searching for another bottle in replacement during the intervening months.

Trudi hasn’t got your letter yet, it seems they’re sending a lot of their mail by sea bag now, hence it’ll take ages.  I sent a BOAC card to Marie Rose showing the ‘Solent’ – my type of flying boat and wishing her well. (3)   Would like to visit the Reids during my leave & also the Frasers (but not so much), the only people I’m not thinking of going along to are the Ballantynes (4). Talking of that name I saw a rose twinset by Ballantynes of Peebles for £E.12! in a shop last night! (5)

Regarding despatches, I sent about 3 lbs of sugar & one or two barley sugars as “B.S’s & sugared almonds” on the 5th, as we’re not allowed to send anything in the food line but sweets.  On the 6th I sent a small Persian rug Mark gave me for you Mum. Remember I told you?

Don’t want to reply to some of the bits in your letters as I feel I’d rather hold on & discuss with the two of you bahdin.  Fancy it snowing so early in the winter – keep yourselves wrapped in cotton wool for me.  Dying to go to the local pictures with you – so hope the Ascot, Odeon, Bank & Empire have good shows on – ‘shuffle ‘em up’ as they say when they play housey-housey out here.

This office is like Euston Station, (6) so I’ll give you news of my doings shortly. Suffice to say for the moment I’m in a broadcast play – & they say, why didn’t they know about me before, so I gently explained about the three years I’d been trying to get on E.S.B!.

All the love from the East to West.

Len. xxx xx


1.  £E: the symbol for Egyptian Pounds.

2.  Len’s antagonism to Esme will blow over, as will be seen in Part Three.

3.  The Short Solent flying boat.

4.  Len’s antagonism to the Ballantynes continues.  As she refers specifically to the Ballantynes ( and not the Mackays, the surname of her Uncle Dennis) she must be referring to Phem’s Mum known as  ‘Wee Maggie’, who lived close by in Scotstoun.   Uncle Dennis and Phem were back in Iran.   The Reids seem to have been rehabilitated in Len’s affections.

5.  Ballantynes of Peebles are still manufacturers of fine woollen wear (at the time of writing, 2014)

6.  Euston Station, London was the terminus for those travelling down from Glasgow Central station. 


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-110 January, 1949.

BSDM, Cairo.

June in January.

My own Darlings,

How are you there in the snow & melted snow – funny that it came so early this year. Just hope there’s some left for me as I’d like to do some ski-ing.  D’you think one of you could find out for me when the Scottish Ski Club are having meets – I ask you to do it now ‘cos one might start shortly after I get home.  Having leave in the winter I might as well turn it into an advantage.

Your letter is just in Daddy & the description of Uncle Albert made me laugh no end. I’m absolutely furious about that whisky & am only glad I hadn’t given back the sleeping bag I used on the journey over – at least I believe I hadn’t. I’ve been asked by a friend of theirs to take a pair of stockings & some ashtrays to Jean – I can’t very well refuse, but there had be a darn good explanation given as to what happened to the ‘Haig’ before they get them. You don’t think it was all a joke do you, & the ‘Haig’s’ still forthcoming? (1)

On Saturday – 8th – I sent off some books, in fact most of my books as I want to have as little as possible to put through the censor.

Haven’t told you of my doings for a while – last Tuesday I rehearsed on & off (for the ESB play) most of the day & also went with Raoul – whom I know from recitals & who got me into the play, to his house & looked at his study-cum-laboratory.  He’s got a wonderful microscope & I looked at masses of diseases on slides through it.

In the evening I went to the British Embassy dance – in the same place where you came Mum – with the Wiltshires.  It was one of the best I’ve been to there & the W’s were overwhelmed. Jack stopped being cheeky for a little while & introduced Mr.W. to Sir this & Lady that, and Mrs.W. got really gay in the Paul Jones.  Aftrewards Mrs W. said she ‘Never knew the Bridish could be so frenly’ & it was the best ‘purty’ she’d been to & the American parties weren’t good & not at all ‘frenly’.

Thursday I’d lunch with Helga, went down the Mousky with Morris (no news of purchases, all to be a surprise), then to the Ballet with Jack & Co. – we were five and had a box – I wore my ballerina, green cape with fur collar & black elbow length gloves with Esme’s diamanté  over the gloves at my wrist. Yes, the ballet itself was good – ’twas at the Opera House.

Saturday I’d rehearsal, then tea with the gang – of the play – they’re awfully nice & shopped. Then at night I went to see “The Man About the House” with one of the announcers – enjoyed it, but not enamoured.

The mail’s almost on it’s way, so must run.

Planes & planes of love to you.

Len. xxx xx


1.  Len’s antagonism to the Findlays (and to Esme) may be an outcome of stress she is feeling in getting the asked for carpet for Mum.  The Findlays had been good to her during her stay in Cairo.  In 2011 Helen indicated that Mum had not been entirely appreciative of the carpet when she finally brought it home – that it was not large enough.  That Helen’s memory of those years is not good, yet she remembers this detail is probably significant.  In the 1960s Helen would visit the Findlays in Glasgow, with her children, so as with Esme, her riled feelings would blow over.


Daisy png

Daisy Bulbeck CU png17 January 1949.

My dear Nell,

First of all forgive me for not having send you greetings for Christmas, but I was so sure I did sent you, and I’ve seen your and few others letters written for Christmas and not sent. Oh! I know you are sweet and will forgive me.

Your letter made me so happy as usual, and those pictures reminded me those lovely days we had in England and Scotland, I do thank you very much. Yes, I would like to see Scotland again, I hope it will be not next summer but the next one. I did promise and I will keep my promise, and we will be 2 couples, my husband and me, my brother in law and wife, because I just had the news that he is engaged to a nice girl. He’s a nice boy, they make a nice couple.  They are going to marry end June or July, what is troubling them is the flat, cannot find anything as they like to live in town, anyway I suppose they will find something with the time.  And I hope food rations will be much better.

You wrote having your brother in law, I suppose you must have had a hard time with him, (I share a brother with the name Albert and I like it).  Pity he did came in winter and felt so cold, I personally felt just the job, I got crazy when I saw the snow, and the snow lasted nearly 10 days, and I was all day out, my husband brought me with the car everywhere, we stopped nice places (very high hills) and I did play with the snow like mad, throwing snow balls to my husband like children, and every place we could find more and more. We went near the sea shore and the snow was blowing terribly. Oh! I was happy, and I did enjoy every second. My nose was red, my face too, my mother in law was sorry for me (but not me!…..)

I’m glad your husband is much better, its so sad see people you love suffering, you want to do so much for them.

You certainly had a good time when Helen was home, you are lucky to have such a sweet girl like this, joy full, gay, smiling all the time, and you are right we are talking (and how!) like parrots!…. in a gay mood.  And we are very sorry she is leaving, oh! I’m not selfish I know what it means for you but we are going to miss her terribly especially I do like her so much, she is very good heart, soft, understanding, in a word she is perfect, a sugar to eat.  We do talk about England, and I feel English because I feel terribly upset when someone say something about it I don’t like. I do jump like a cat. And believe me they don’t talk twice with me to upset me.

With Helen it’s nice to hear her talk, she likes cooking, sewing, isn’t she nice, you have a cold and she wants you to be in bed, she is a darling.  She look so radiant when she have one of your letters, she run, she read, laugh, tell us always how nice, sweet you are, loves you, and kiss and kiss that letter, she certainly loves you, its so nice to see you loving each other like this.

Its nice to see Christmas and New year, shops busy lights everywhere, crowds everywhere. I’m sure Scotland was very busy but you should see Cairo, made you feel so happy just to see such crowds, and the lights.  I wish you a very happy New Year, it will start very well with Helen back to you, it’s a good start. I hope she finds a nice weather and have a lovely time.

I’m writing this letter in the office, as we have not much to do, oh!… I did like sitting near the fire writing in England, I remember myself sitting near the fire writing all my letters in the evenings.  I was writing or sewing, my husband reading, my father in law reading, in a word everybody was doing something, and lovely plays or songs in the radio, 20 Questions never missed, (1) and we gave the answers before them, not always right our answers, my father in law guessed nearly always, and you can imagine, it was fun, oh! it was lovely times, I never forget, we like each other so much.

My Mother, she is so happy, because they love me so much all of them. They are so good, if it was not for my Mother, I would not so much want to stay here, England is a lovely country, my husbands family are all as sweet, and he is a dear husband.  My sister and family they will go to America, sure with God help.  And so if I have the opportunity to stay  with her, my mother,  that is what I do.  We love each other so much. (2)

Well dear Nell I suppose I have to stop writing, I could go on and on, but I have to stop. I wish you and your husband so good and happy New Year, good health and prosperity, and all the best luck in the world. Helen is thrilled to see you soon. I’m staying with her in those last few exciting emotional days, you need someone to help you mentally.

Again many good wishes and many kisses, and may God bless you all.

Yours affectionately, Daisy Bulbeck.


1. 20 Questions: a popular BBC radio quiz.

2.   Although Daisy’s mother may be Egyptian it is more likely she is European.  Besides the British and French ‘colonies’ in Cairo there were others, including a sizeable Greek population estimated in 1940 to be 250,000.  They had their own Greek language periodicals and mostly lived in Alexandria and Cairo. They were mostly the descendants of mid nineteenth century immigrants.  During the Second World War there were volunteers from the Egyptian Greek community who fought with, or assisted, the Allies.  It will be remembered that the Companions and their young daughter Lita were Greek.


Len 18 Jan png

British Stores Disposal Office, Cairo.    This ‘get carpet’ letter is not in the collection. Other ‘Get carpet’ letters are.


Mums tel.no letter png

At last, the telephone has been installed at Coldingham Avenue.


Mum letter image png_edited-119 January, 1949.
Tel. Clydebank 2138
Wed. Like being in NOAH’s ARK in Gales of wind and rain.

Our Dearest Very Best beloved,

We are getting very excited and we see its just three weeks tomorrow till you may be setting foot once more on Britain’s shore – wonder if you’ll be singing “I see the old homestead & faces I love, I see England’s valleys & dells” or will it be “My heart is in the heart of Loch Lomond, with the hearts that belong to me” or maybe just “I belong to Glasgow”.   Daddy and myself are running around in circles, assisted by Hutch, wanting to get this & that done before your much hoped for homecoming.  We keep saying we wonder what you’ll think of the climate!*?!!!

Yesterday I “coped” with some washing, what a business! I’m still drying everything off in relays in front of the fire.

with Mummy at the fire December '44 png cor

On Monday I was in town & came home drenched & cold & miserable and it was a great comfort & joy to find your 338 & 339 both on the mat, I read them while the kettle was boiling for a cuppa.

Lucky girl to have been at the ballet at the Opera House, how I’d have loved to have seen both – did you know I’m very interested in ballet, I think its a wonderful medium and I am also very interested in Cairo’s Op. House ever since Mr Serafi told us of its amazing history. Tell yer the trewf, mate, I’d love another trip to Egypt.

Maud was over last night. I gave her her “New Year” – first of all some real Haig and then some of that ghastly concoction John F. brought & it nearly knocked her out altogether!

About what you are buying before you come home, please concentrate on the CARPET.  Have you bought it yet? No, don’t tell us if you mean it to be a surprise.  Re. tweeds, suitings, etc,. well, I’d say don’t buy any of those, after all, Britain leads the world (ahem!) in their manufacture and there are a few items creeping back into the shops and we sh’d have plenty of coupons.  Don’t buy anything for Collinsons as we are giving wee parting gifts to Joyce & Gordon before they leave next week.  Get some wee gee-gaw for Maud, something personal I think (she worships anything from abroad) a brooch, ring or string of beads, if you can get anything very cheap.  Go over this page carefully, honey, as this will be my last opp’ty of giving you buying instructions.

About meeting you sweetie pie, you say its up to us and you have arranged for Noel to meet you.  Dad & myself have talked it over & decided that as someone is meeting you & you want to spend a few hours with him and as you then will most likely be coming straight to Scotland it would serve no purpose for us to be there as well. We are quite matter of fact about this, my darling, and not the least bit offended or put out by Noel’s meeting you, indeed it is very kind of him as he can see you thro’ customs etc. at Tilbury if you come in through there.  Daddy & myself will meet you at Glasgow, oh joy!; we can then leave on good fires so as to give you a cheery welcome home – your own home. I plan to get both your own wee room & the big bedroom ready so that you can “take your pick” as the hostess said when she offered her guests home made rock cakes! Of course all and any of the foregoing arrangements can, and may be altered at practically a moments notice by telephone by either party.

I got a lovely long letter from Ernest yesterday, he says he must be in U.K. by the end of March, he said he got a note from you & will try to see you before you leave, but in any case he hopes to call & see us all in Scotland.  Just be airy fairy with him if you see him in Egypt – I mean don’t tell him any of your plans, its much better than laying all your cards on the table, believe me.

Hope your plays are a great success and that you manage everything before you leave. Don’t bother with people or things that don’t matter – concentrate on the necessaries & above all, do keep well and happy.  Hope you manage ye carpet without too much bother.

Gales of love to you, our darling.

Dad & Mum. xxx

p.s.  Boy! You should see the rain & hear the wind!  Hutch is getting nearer the fire.  All our love. xxxx

p.p.s.  Got a letter from Aunt Kitty this morn – wonders will never cease, truly. They are moving upstairs at Kelvingrove to another flat; they got a Christmas card from you and Aunt. K says she will write to you. xxx  (1)

1.  Kelvingrove is only a few miles from Yoker.   It seems Kitty is not so close to her sisters and brother.  ‘They” may refer to a woman companion of Kitty’s as there has never been a mention of a husband. 


Mum's last png

Letter 341, Mum’s last since Len arrived in Cairo in November 1945.

Mum letter image png_edited-121 January 1949.
A hint of Spring in the air

Hello! Very Best Beloved of ours.

I wonder if this will be my last letter to you at BSDM also I wonder if it will get to you in time. We can just guess (or can we?) at how busy you’ll be with all the very last minute matters which will crop up no matter how we try to arrange everything beforehand.  My head is full of “wonders” but will try to keep calm.  I wonder if I sh’d start to paint the kitchen – I want to do it Dutch Blue – I wonder sh’d we spring clean the living room before your hoped for homecoming – guess I’ll leave it all so as you can lend a hand – would you like that?

This noon a lovely parcel came in from Aunt Ena – our Christmas gifts a bit late on account of M.R’s op.   There’s a lovely big cake with marzipan & walnuts on it, 2 tins steak & kidney pud. and 1 plum pud. very tasty, very sweet. We’ll keep the cake for you.  Must tell you Maud gave me a lovely shoe lift & button hook combined and a glove stretcher all in ebony for Xmas.

S.O.S S.O.S S.O.S  Please bring a piece of stone (or something like that) from the Pyramids & Sphinx.  I was reading of a man who built a fireplace in his house with stones from all over the world – a great idea; I don’t say we’ll build anything but I’d really love a piece of the Pyramids & Sphinx.  All those souvenirs will mean so much as time goes by so do try for a lump or lumps.

I feel I’ve so much to say but cannot seem to get my thoughts collected so guess it’ll have to wait till we meet. Needless to say our thoughts and love will be all around you on every mile of the journey home – “the journey home” doesn’t it sound good?


May every wave on your homeward sea tell you of our love.

Your very own Dad and Mum – and Hutch. xxx


CS envel png

CS letter png

This letter shows that three weeks after her ‘demotion’ for over-staying her UK leave she has been made supervisor of the typing pool of BSDM in Cairo.  However, apart from getting an allowance for her supervisory role, it does not promote her on the career ladder of the Civil Service.  There is no mention of her demotion, so it is still not clear what form this took, unless she was down-graded from Clerical Officer.  She clearly isn’t a Clericial Officer at the time this letter was written.



Len's last png

In a curious coincidence, after three years in Cairo, Len’s last letter is also her three hundred and forty first, as is Mum’s above.

Last Cairo letter png

BOAC Augusta Sicily

Len Gezira envelope png

Gezira Sporting Club Cairo

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-124 January, 1949.

 Still without a Ship

Dearest, Nicest, Most Delightful Parents,

Your 340 in this morning & all instructions noted.

Everything’s too much up in the air for me to write about anything but as soon as/& if the position clarifies I’ll write a screed. Excuse my unloading ancient photos etc. on you with every letter, but I want to have as little as possible for the censorship. (1)

Once again, all news as soon as I know myself, Best Beloveds – Oh, in case I forget to say later, our instructions are to report to London if our homes are there or if we arrive there.  As all the ships on which I’m likely to travel are scheduled to go into London, this means I’ll have to go to Adelphi for an interview before going north & may necessitate my staying in London overnight if the office is closed when I disembark.  I’ll ring you from the first phone I see after landing.  You should know to be in for the call, when all being well I tell you the ship, for then you can follow its movements through Cook’s in Glasgow.

Over to you Scotland, over to you.  Don’t, repeat, don’t work like demons.  That’s the good thing about not telling people you’re coming – they can’t prepare, so please take it easy.  All instructions have been noted.  Part reason for not replying is fluid state & part surprises for you two.

Ever loving, your Len. xxx


1.  No photos survive in this envelope.


As the Minister of Supply, G.R.Strauss,  had said in early 1949 in  a written answer to a question in the House of Commons concerning the Stores Disposal Mission in Egypt:

“On Ist January, 1949, 1,328 people were employed. Salaries, wages and allowances were at the rate of £267,000 a year.  By 1st April, 1949, the number will be reduced to about 265 and the rate of annual expenditure to £87,000. During the last two years 772,000 tons of surplus stores and 29,000 vehicles were disposed of, bringing in £18,700,00. In addition, about 208,500 tons of stores and material in short supply were sent to this country. It is not practical to give the cost of production of the goods sold”.

From Len leaving Cairo in late January in the eight weeks  to the 1st April deadline the British Stores Disposal Mission personnel would be slashed by 80%.   She was not the only one returning to Britain.  The Sergeants and Officers in the Suez Canal Zone would suddenly find even less women to invite to their dances, or to fall in love with.  (Other ranks may have availed themselves of brothels in Port Said and Alexandria, if any survived from the Second World War.)

As noted before, the Suez Canal Treaty ran until July 1956, and most of the facilities that Len  had visited were still in place and needed  until then.  The conscripted British military forces were still fighting colonial movements against British rule – Malaya, Cyprus and Kenya, are examples.  It was the post-war Labour Government that continued conscription after the Second World War and it was a Conservative Government that announced the phasing out of conscription in 1960.

Four years after she returned to Britain the Egyptian Army “Free Officers Movement” co- led by Gamal Nasser overthrew  King Farouk who fled to Monaco.  Even before the intervention of British, French and Israeli forces in October 1956 over the Egyptian State nationalisation of the Suez Canal, rising Arab nationalism was changing the nature of the European communities in Alexandria and Cairo.  The Gezira Sporting Club was nationalised and by 1958 significant numbers of those from the Greek community –  as one example – were leaving for the United States and other countries.  What had been an estimated population of 250,000 Greeks in Egypt in 1940 is currently (2014) estimated to be just 1,000.

Apart from the former RAF airbase at Fayid, used by  the Egptian airforce until the 1980s,   the other British army and airforce bases have mostly left no trace, with the desert, for instance, reclaiming what was the huge Tel El Kebir camp, close to the outbreak of the cholera epidemic, and where Len in November 1948  had inspected the perimeter fence in an armoured car.


Next Thursday   Part Three  Chapter One :   Sht.Hand Typist, Porton.  Transferred from Overseas Duty.  

“It’s funny, but I feel at home in Scotland and definitely a stranger here among foreigners…”

Porton Down, New staff png



Posted in Cairo 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Social and Political History, Suez Canal Zone, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Two 10 Almost Home and Noel

Part Two   Chapter 10: Almost Home and Noel


In the nine week gap in this collection of correspondence between Mum and Len, this is the first letter of Mum’s since her last one of 18 April, 1948.  Len is about to return to the UK on leave.


Ed.Fest env.


Mum letter image png_edited-122 June, 1948.

Tues. Cold like January, but getting warmer.

Darling Own Cuddles,

Isn’t it strange to think this may be the last letter I’ll be sending to you before you leave Egypt!   I have been counting the days – Daddy also – and judge you should just about get this one ‘ere you set sail.  We can picture the buzz you must be in just now what with the jigs & reels – especially the reels – your wee heid  must be going round!  Never mind, honey, remember Mother’s advice, KEEP COOL, CALM and COLLECTED.   We don’t understand about some girl Joan travelling with you, is she only going part way? – she has no hostel card – or has she?  Funny to think you won’t have time before you leave to reply to this letter!   No letter from you since last I wrote, but shall leave this one till the noon post hoping for one then.

We are very, very busy – you know me – I keep saying to Daddy “I’ll bet the honey girl has a few ‘all night sittings’ getting ready for the great homeward trek”, and then I say “and I’ll have a few ‘all night sittings’ getting ready for her homecoming”!  But we are really taking care of each other and enjoying all our preparations.

When (if) you get to Naples look out for the Embassy where Nelson met and fell in love with Lady Hamilton – it’s a large red building on the hill on the left hand side as you approach the pier, try also to see the wonderful General Post Office there, and of course Vesuvius & Pompeii.  Oh! it’s all so wonderful sparkling sea & fairy islands, the Sorrento Peninsula & Capri, how I want to see it all again – roll on, Littlewoods!  I wonder if you’ll feel the same as I did when I got to Italy.  I felt I was nearly home again and that the East was far away – it’s a queer feeling and really brought home to me (far more than when I landed at Port Said) the difference betwixt East and West.  Wish all this cairry oan  re. visas etc. was washed out, I’d take a job then as governess or summat. 

Daddy is feeling and looking very, very well and is quite sunburned but alas! his leg, so far, isn’t reacting the way it ought, but he has been told he must have patience; he is to report at the hosp. on Sat.  We hope next week he will be able to run around – he can walk alright now but the right leg gets painful.  We went shopping in Clydebank yesterday and enjoyed the wee outing.

Our latest burst is in a pipe just at the front gate step where there is a hole in the pavement.  The G’gow Corporation say it’s the owner’s liability so I told Mrs. Mac. who is moaning about the expense of repairs but her remedy is to sell the house (cheaply) to us – must get down to talking it all over on your return.

Let us know when you get to U.K. and also when we may expect you in ‘Dear Old Glasgow Town’.  Isn’t it wonderful to think of.  So thrilled & excited to bits.

12.30.  No letter yet from you, honey so I’ll close this and if a letter comes in tomorrow I’ll answer if required, if not this will be the last the noo.  

 Mucha plenta da love, your own Dad and Mum. Oh! the joy of hoping to really see you soon.  Cheers. 

“My heart is in Glasgow

My heart is not here

My heart walks in streets with old memories dear,

I know all her faults, but she’s my cup of tea,

My heart is in Glasgow

And always shall be.”

p.s.  The above is from an article which appeared in the ‘Citizen’ a few weeks ago.  It was written by a Scotch woman who was somewhere overseas.  I like the bit about “old memories dear”.  Busy Sauchiehall Street & Buchanan street’s lovely shops.


Mum letter image png_edited-123 June, 1948.  Wednesday

Hello Honey,

As I said in my 292 of ystd’y I’d write again today if anything required me doing so, well, this morn a letter came for you with a penny stamp on the en. and of course, it was open.  The letter is from the Cent. Sch of S.Y and D.A. (1) and goes on to give all the partics – copy enclosed.

Well, dearest and best, I really sent our good wishes for a happy, joyous and safe journey home in my previous letters, so I’ll make this brief.  The plumbers are here and I really think they know this is your castle for I’m sure they plan to dig a moat around the old house – we have to close our eyes and jump over a huge hole when making our entrance or exit, also they keep making cupsa  tea which rather holds up the proceedings.

It’s a glorious day today, brilliant sunshine and all the plants and grass are vivid green after the rain.

Hoping this gets to you in time.  I’ll acknowledge receipt of entrance test form in case this doesn’t get to you in time – it’s like Paddy:  “If you don’t receive it, write and let me know”.  I’ll say you’ll write when you arrive.  All our love as ever.

Dad & Mum. 

“The Entrance Test for Stage Students will be held on Thurs. July 29th.  You are requested to attend at the Royal Albert Hall at 9.30. am.

Candidates are required to –

Prepare one of the following speeches:

The Merchant of Venice Act 111 Sc 2

Paulina “What studied torments”

‘not dropped down yet”

Romeo & Juliet,  Act 11 Sc.2

Juliet – “Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face”  – which the dark night, etc”

Prepare a speech, not exceeding two minutes in duration, from any modern play.

Perform an impromptu scene on a subject to be announced on their arrival.

Read at sight a passage of prose.

Vera M. Sargent,  Registrar.”


1.  Central School of Speech and Drama, London.


With one exception, there is now a break in the correspondence, as Len returns to the UK for her leave and then travels back to Egypt.  This period is approximately from late June, 1948 to 22 August, 1948: eight weeks.  Her original plan was a leave period of five and a half weeks.

“I thought of leaving 31st  July and returning to work on 7th September.  Course so much depends on air line times etc., but I’d like to have the August Bank holiday thrown in if poss.

My idea is to spend my time as follows: week in London with you two and I can find about auditions study etc. at the same time and hold a tea party at which anyone who wants to can come – that’ll cover people I can’t or don’t want to devote time to.  Then a week at 26, then toute seul – i.e. all alone I spend two weeks in the Highlands – but you two coming with me to Loch Lomond to begin with.” –  Len’s letter 2 April, 1948. (Part Two Chapter 9)

It is guesswork how she travelled home to Britain. In her letter of 2 April Len had talked of airline times.   Mum in her letter above of 22 June talks of her “setting sail”, but she could be talking figuratively.  However, she mentions the possibility of Len arriving at Naples, which suggests a boat.  She also mentions a Joan, who will be travelling with her, but asks if she has a hostel card.  This will be a Youth Hostel card. There is a strong possibility that Len did arrive at Naples, and then hitched via France, with or without out the ‘Joan’ using youth hostels, to Calais or Boulogne for the cross channel ferry.

How she travelled is complicated by this letter from BOAC, replying to a letter she had sent them from Coldingham Avenue on the 20 July.

BOAC letter png

The letter is, as can be seen at the top, from the Import Cargo Section of BOAC at Heath Row, as it was then spelt.   Her Personal Effects  were sent from Almaza.  It is possible that she didn’t fly with them. In 1948 the BOAC Flying Boat  service between South Africa and Southampton,(which landed at Cairo on the Nile and Almaza on the Mediterranean on route), carried cargo, besides passengers.  The Personal Effects may have been from the various items Len was accruing prior to permanently leaving Egypt.  Whether it was also some way of getting around Egyptian custom restrictions is not known.  Almaza on the Mediteranean coast was well west – at least over 120 kilometres – from Alexandria.  It is possible that she was helped in getting these Personal Effects to Almaza by one or more of her Army friends in the Suez Canal Zone.  BOAC also had an office in Cairo.  Renfrew airport is now better known as Glasgow airport.

We think that she flew back with a BOAC flying boat.  Her memory is of the intense blue of the Mediterranean sea moments before the flying boat landed, and  the foam spraying up over the port hole as she looked out.  However, the  return details of her journey are complicated by a reference in a letter she wrote on her return in Cairo about her sending Mum a letter from Aix-en-Provence.    The range of the BOAC Short Solent Flying Boats was a reported 1,800 miles, so there was no need for them to land  for a re-fuel off the Mediterranean coast of France.  In addition, the memory of the Mediterranean foam is undermined by her writing, in the letter just mentioned, of a BOAC car running her into the centre of Cairo.  However, it seems that the engines fitted to the Short Solent flying boats were unreliable.  On one website http://www.aviastar.org one passenger out to Australia remembers the journey took 4 weeks because of malfunctioning engines.  Another online memory of a journey from Southhampton to South Africa, via Cairo, revealingly mentions that engine  trouble forced the seaplane to land at Marseilles where running repairs were made.  So it is likely that Len was right in remembering the Mediterranean foam – French Mediterranean foam – and that she had time to visit Aix-en-France, when her plane also developed engine problems.  As it is, despite their flying range, when flying out from Southampton,  the flying boats first landed at Augusta, on the Sicilian coast to refuel, before flying on to Cairo and landing on the Nile.

Amongst recollections of BOAC Short Solent trips, from the http://www.aviastar.org site: (reproduced with gratitude)

Anthony Craddock, 12.04.2011
In 1950 my father and I emigrated to East Africa on one from Southampton waters owned by BOAC. Two engines had problems over France so we did a forced landing in the harbor at Marseille France where they were patched up and we flew on to the first scheduled stop in Augusta, Sicily.  There we waited for a week in a hotel at BOAC’s expense for the next weekly flight to bring us out new parts. Then we continued on to Nairobi via Alexandria and I think Khartoum. I remember I was airsick over France, and then seasick in the choppy waters of Marseille harbor.

Although flying by a BOAC flying boat might seem romantic, the reality could be more like an adventure from Tintin.

Zelda Wilkins, 03.04.2013
In November 1949 I flew with my brother (14) and my parents to East Africa from Southampton. I was 9 so do not remember it very well. The weather was very bad so much so that we had to fly through the Alps because we could not gain enough altitude to go over them. We were not fed on board only when we landed subsquently because it was so bumpy we were all very sick. They ran out of sick bags! In fact my parents told me there were only two people not sick on the flight – one being my mother. Even the stewards were sick. We landed on Lake Naivasha and were transported to Nairobi in a bus with wooden slated seats. The journey took 36 hours and was one I will never forget.

As will be seen as the narrative unfolds, Len being Len, she picked up contacts and friends amongst BOAC employees.

“Let us know when you get to U.K. and also when we may expect you in ‘Dear Old Glasgow Town’.“, wrote Mum.  Again, besides the change in anticipated dates Len thought she would arrive in Britain, the idea of her and Mum and Dad spending a week in London when she arrived has changed.  As far as we know, Mum and Dad did not come down to London during her leave in Britain. Neither do we know whether she stayed with the Holts, or Joan Brandley and family in Dagenham, after arriving in Britain, or on her way back down to Southampton to get the flying boat back to Egypt.   Nor do we know if Joan Brandley travelled to Scotland.  We do know she stayed with Pat off the Finchley Road in Hampstead. 

Len had travelled down from Scotland for an audition with the Central School of Speech and Drama.  It seems her audition was not successful, but as will be seen, it didn’t put her off drama and the theatre, for a while.  We do not know whether she also had an audition with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.  Her audition at the Central School of Speech and Drama was the day following the date of Mum’s letter.


Len with Pat

Mum letter image png_edited-1 28 July, 1948. Wednesday.

Hello Darling!

It’s 10 p.m. and the jobs are finished for the time being so thought I’d say a ‘how do’ to you.  Out thoughts are with you all the time and we hope for the greatest success for you in all your wishes and plans.

We are sweating and sweltering here in this terrific heat and we hear this is just nothing compared to what you are enjoying in London.  We’ve been listening to the radio and hearing about the crowds in London for the opening of the Olympic Sports.  (1)   I guess you think the Old Big Smoke is a rather busy place after all – how does it compare in your mind with Cairo, I wonder.  Take note of the shops so as you can tell me.

So far the enclosed is the only letter which has come in for you, and, as you can see, it refers to the collection, etc. of your canvas bag.

I’ll leave this letter open till the morning to see if there’s any more mail for you – if any comes in later I’ll send it on or wire you the gist of it.

I was in town this afternoon, left my Pythons at Bayne & Ducketts who are to make the button holes in the straps.  The shop girls were in ecstasy about my python shoes.  I was quite summer gloveless so bought myself a pair in Lewis’s, very nice white thread ones ‘hand made in Italy’ price 4/4d. and containing about sixpenceworth of material – they were selling in thousands – the heat – so Italy sh’d be busy!  I got quite a lot of eats in Ross’s including a remnant piece of Spam for no points!  I also bought a bottle of ‘Elasto’ tablets for Daddy and do hope they’ll do him good – I worry about him.  I mean to try them myself also, so sh’d you.  I also bought a bottle of Blackcurrant Syrup in Boots – my Deah! – it’s the most wonderful stuff, full of Vitamin C.  The dose is 2 tablespoons per day – we are weeks ahead!   You sh’d get yourself a bottle at a London Boots, price 2/9d. for about a pint. 

Good night now, honey, bless you always, Mum.

p.s. Gloves are off coupons so do get yourself some.  Tell Pat Brown to send on the stockings you gave her for me, or you can bring them.


1. The first post war Olympic Games were held in London.  The previous had been stage-managed by the Nazis in Berlin in 1936.  At the London Olympics several athletes from the east and central European communist states , including four Czechs, applied for asylum.


In Len’s itinerary for her holiday in her letter of 2 April she also spoke of having a party in London.  Besides Pat, other returned Cairo and Suez Canal Zone friends included Harris, Peter and Malcolm.  We have no indication whether they all met up.  Harris was to start at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in September.  And by the summer in 1948 he should have returned the forgotten items to John Gielgud’s cousin, and perhaps have got the invitation to John Guelgud that he had hoped for.

Glencoe village png

Len, Glencoe village, Feb 1945 png

Len in Glencoe February, 1945, with the Pap of Glencoe in the background.  The concrete signpost behind her has the initials of Arygll County Council on it.  In both photos there are telephone poles and wires, but no electricity. The far seeing post-war North of Scotland Hydro-Electric power scheme that was underway would change this.  In the 1945 photo the curb stones at the junction are painted white to help drivers in the blackout.  Their own car lights, because of the blackout regulations, would be permantly dimmed.  Glencoe seems to have been one of her favourite places.  From a letter of Mum’s, sent in October, it seems the whole family stayed at Glencoe.  This was either a weekend holiday for Mum and Dad, or a longer holiday.  They would have travelled from Glasgow by train and got off at the now closed Ballachulish station, to the right in the postcard below.

Glencoe png

Acininver png

Len had said that she wanted to be alone to think in the Highlands.  Being in remote and unpopulated Achininver was the perfect place to think, and figuratively, a million miles from the Auberge du Turf in Cairo, with King Farouk at the next table.  We also know, from a future letter,  that she had also been on Skye.

She’d also been to the far north east coast, at Dornoch.  As with Mum and Dad’s visits, and Ena’s cancelled visit, we do not know whether there were relatives of theirs that they could stay with, or with friends of their former family.

Dornoch Firth png

This postcard view from Struie shows the Firth of Dornoch.

It is unclear what thoughts she had alone in the Highlands, and what conclusions she came to about the direction of her life,  as she was coming up to the age of 23.  We do know from a future letter –  in Part Two Chapter 11 –  that she didn’t intend to stay a shorthand typist for the rest of her life.  And though she seemed to have dropped the idea of studying at a drama school, we do not know what her alternative thoughts were.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-124 August, 1948.  The Old Firm.

BSDM Cairo, c/o Det APO S.299, MELF.

Most dearly Beloved Ones,

Back again & how I wish it were Scotland – a leave completely spoils one for this place.

How did you get on at Motherwell – hope you got some good food there, then got back to Glasgow all right.  That was the coldest train journey I’ve ever had – I chittered all the way to London – but after that I’d warmth all the way, so was O.K. (1)

BOAC’s car took me straight to Garden City,  for I didn’t see Mark at the BOAC offices en route – he arrived at the flat later having  waited 2 hours at the Air Booking Centre by mistake.  I just said hello to him and gave him the tie with which he was overjoyed and then bode him adieu, to have dinner, do my unpacking, talk to Esme and get to bed.

Disposals have been far more petty & nasty than I thought, but with Britain in the forefront of my mind I couldn’t care less.  They’re demoting me, as Esme said in her letter & moving me from this job. (2)   They’re furious about my over-staying my leave & though they don’t say so, about my having a super time.

Actually I arrived here on Sunday night, but the thought of coping with Cairo made me forget to cable at first & so I sent off news of arrival the following morning (yesterday – Monday) – hope you received it & my letter from Aix-en-Provence.

The flat is simply gorgeous & between it & my friends life here is greatly improved. (3)

What’s the latest from Uncle Bert?  (4)   We mustn’t let him cancel his trip altogether & in view of my official reception here I’m prepared to come back at any time to see him.

I don’t need the letter about my not being educationally qualified now, but could you please look amongst my papers for me ‘three-months-either-side’ notice.  I know it’s somewhere & will look in my trunks but am not at all sure where it is.  Feel I ought to have it from the point of view of protecting myself with its three month basis. (5)

Honestly though, I feel a different woman from when I left & everyone says how well I look.

Love, every bit of it,

Len. xxxxx

p.s. All the trouble happened when I was on leave – things are quieter now. (6)

p.p.s  Esme said Ernst was all chummy & says he’s coming to Cairo to see me – he’ll be lucky if he does.

p.p.p.s  Could you please buy & send me by air mail another tartan wool tie – completely forgot I’ll have to give something to the bloke who lent me the air travel bag.  Thanks a lot.


1.  It is not clear why Mum would travel with Len to Motherwell, on Len’s train journey down to London.  The Express would stop at Motherwell to pick up further passengers, and that is where Mum would get off.  The local stopping return journey to Central Station would take 30 minutes.  Len says she had a cold onward journey – and this is August.

2.  What kind of demotion this was is not clear. It may be that she was taken off having a supervisory role within the typing pool.  However, if so, a Civil Service letter in a future chapter, indicates she was either re-instated, or that this was not part of the demotion.  The demotion would presumably effect her pay, or, delay her career advancement.  She had passed her Clerical Officer exams and was on the Civil Service Establishment.  It is unlikely that she was stripped of her Clerical Officer grade, and even if that had been mooted, she would have  fought it, involving the local branch of  Civil Service Clerical Association union, that she had helped to set up  in 1946.

3.  She has, on her return moved into a mixed flat.  Unknown to her, she and her flatmates are about to realise they are inheriting outstanding unpaid bills from the previous tenants.

4.  Uncle Bert:  Uncle Albert.

5.  This is the paperwork that spells out that both parties – the Civil Service and herself  – have to give a minimum of three months notice to be sacked, or to quit.

6.  Len is probably referring to the anti-Israel Cairo street protests and the resumption of hostilities, on 9 July, 1948, in the Arab-Israeli war.


Mum letter image png_edited-130 August, 1948.

Monday morn.  Breezy Britain.

Hello Our Own Darling,

Lovely to get your 302 of the 24th this morn, do keep on feeling well and chirpy and on top of the world so that the effect of your holiday will be long lasting.  So happy to read in your last para. “The flat is simply gorgeous and between it and my friends life here is greatly improved”. Keep on being happy and comfortable, my precious, in spite of the old C.S. and Disposals – remember the NORTH! 

It’s pretty rotten they way they are behaving and I worry about your not staying at the Tec. Coll. till you were sixteen, but we considered it all well and at that ghastly time of raids the only thing that seemed urgent and the right thing was to get you to safety.  As I’ve said before, I’m a great believer in the right moment of time, so we probably did what was right as something awful might have befallen us if we’d sent you to Somerset and we pray that your future will be rosy and gay – so many ways and so many avenues leading to happiness in this old world, and that you will find the right one is the only wish and dream of your Mum and Dad. (1)

Glad to learn Mark liked his tie, can he say “It’s a braw bricht moonlit nicht” yet?  Yes, honey, I’ll get another tie for you first time I’m in town.  I’ll get the shop people to wrap it so as I can send it off straight away.  I’ll also look for your “Three months either side” notice.

By now you’ll have my letters giving you the gen on Uncle Albert’s sailing (August 24th from Boston, Mass).  Isn’t it terrific.   As you can guess I’m up to high doe! (dough!).   I’m getting Daddy to write to his cousin in L’pool to be there to meet the ship.  Daddy was going to write last night but just as he was starting Maud came in, yes, about 8.30 p.m.  She was all done up and fully hoped to see you, amazed when she found you’d gone.  Maud had on the 13 guinea hat (2), it’s a large Bangkok straw with a twist of French ribbon on it thus –

CU Maud's hat png

I must be on the look out for a large straw I can do up!  Nothing to it at all.  The hat suited me a treat, also M’s Silver foxs.  It was very funny, Hutch went on the table and went close to Maud and had a good look & smell of the fox furs, then sat back a bit & took it all in.

To get back to Uncle A.  I must get Daddy to write tonight – lovely if they c’d meet Albert, it would be a terrific lift and surprise for him.  Worst of it is he hasn’t told us the name of the ship, and Daddy can’t presently find Percy or Grace’s addresses!!! Must have a shoofti for them mysel.

Got a letter from Trudi Grafton on Sat. to say she is in London and has the sheets and asks re. sending them on – by reg.post or via Joan Brandley or if convenient she c’d bring them (the sheets) to G’gow if I can wait for them till after Sept. 15th.  I shall write back and ask her to bring them and to stay for a few days.  Good to think the sheets are rolling in – I told you we got the pair via the Helensbrough man last week; it now only remains for ye coffee table and wrapping ones to come in – any news of them and it?  Trudi’s address, in case you want it,  is – 509 Duncan House, Dolphin Square, London. S.W.1.

Daddy and I had a wizard holiday at Dunoon on Sat.  It was a glorious day of bright sunshine and the crowds at Dunoon for the Cowal Games was terrific and a very cheery lot, how we kept saying we wished you could have been there, the music and the kilts, however, we have great hopes you’ll see it all next year.  Over 50 pipe bands competed and that made over a thousand pipers, a quite unforgettable scene. 

The strangest meeting took place. Dad & self were in quite good time to get the 12.30 at Singer but were held up by the canal bridge being closed so we had to wait for the 1.18.  I bought fruit and while walking along the platform we saw a woman in hiking kit and a bergen (3) so I went up (as is my wont!) and spoke to her, asking her where she was going and she replied “Ardgarten”.  After a while she said “You’re a sister of Ena Mackay’s” and I said “Yes, how did she know” and she said she remembered me from years back.  We all got in the same carriage to Craigendoran where she was to meet two pals from G’gow & change to the West Highland for Arrochar. 

In the train she told us she was a foundation member of the S.Y.H.A.  We went on to talk of hostels, Loch Lomond etc. and thinking of the Clarkes there I asked her if she knew the Findlays and oh! boy that started it!  She knew John F. very well for years and said “He is in Egypt now” and I told her they were great friends of yours.  She doesn’t remember Jean, but hopes to meet them when they return.  She said John is the best comic she’s ever met & how he used to keep them laughing for days; I gave her our name and she is to send us a winter programme of the Health Culture Assn. of which she is a very active member.  When I said “Bryers” she said, “Oh! you get your coal from us” and it turns out she is head of the Coop coal office, getting Mrs Wick’s job when that lady left to get wed.  Be sure, honey lamb, to tell Jean & John about our meeting this girl – she’s 40ish I sh’d say (but don’t you say!) and her name is Iza Morris.

A letter from Joan B. for you came in this morn. – I’ll have to send it under separate cover, also a P.C. from Sweden.  The number of letters I’ve got to write & send are really beyond telling, but they’ll need to wait as I’m absolutely too busy for words just now getting all fixed for Uncle A. 

I’m giving the house it’s final beauty treatment – well, dolling it up a bit – must never be anything final for I believe in the Chinese saying “What reaches perfection perishes”.  Yesterday & today I’ve been a scrubbing out below the stairs cupboard & ye kitchen dresser – I think I’ll leave the odds & ends drawer for you to tidy!  Wouldn’t you love it!

I told you Uncle Donnie’s great idea for a boarding house at I.O.M.  I wonder what would be best – the select clientele of the north or the tougher, but just as critical masses of I.O.M.  Uncle D. found out practically all about I.O.M. whilst there; went to see the authorities re. taxation and all details – he really does know the ropes – and uses them!

It’s raining now (our unpredictable weather!) and every drop is full of our love for you, darling.

 Cheers, your very own Dad and Mum.  xxxxxx

p.s. Be as sweet as sugar if you meet Ernest – let him see what he’s missed – I must write to him soon, a sugary letter.


1.  Several London colleges and Tech Schools were evacuated en masse to Somerset when the London Blitz started, including, as an example, the Regent Street Polytechnic. 

2.  Maud’s 13 guinea hat was the equivalent of 1½ weeks wages of an unskilled manual worker in 1948.

3.  Bergen: another name for a rucksack.


Ernst Sept 48 png

Ernest, heaf and shoulders copy png10 September, 1948. .  

TEK.  1245 pm.

Dear Helen,

Thanks an awful lot for your kind invitation to the House-warming party tomorrow night, duly delivered this morning by someone from BSDM.

I should really like to come but I’m afraid it’s impossible, as I promised to attend a farewell dance for some four chaps at Moascar tomorrow night.  I am sorry I didn’t know about your party sooner.

I am still intending to pay a last visit to Cairo before I leave, perhaps at the end of this or early next month, and to hear all the ‘Gen’ on the UK from you.  Please let me know if you’re coming up to TEK in the near future.  Will you be at the Riding  Club Dance on the 17th?   

 As you may remember, I should be demobbed on the 30th of this month  at the latest but am held back on a Court-martial for which no date has as yet been fixed.

Hoping to see you again soon.

Yours Ernest.

Ernst env reverse png



1.  Ernest’s return address identifies him  as a Regimental Sergeant Major, in the Special Investigations Bureau of the Royal Military Police.  It seems he has been transferred from Port Said to Tel El Kebir (TEK).


There is now a 6 week gap, apart from Ernest’s letter above in this collection of letters.  Summer has moved into Autumn.  Uncle Albert, and his banjo, has arrived from America, but he has been away for a while from Mum and Dad’s house, possibly revisiting family in the Liverpool area.


Mum letter image png_edited-115 October, 1948.

Hello darling,

I called yesterday aft. at 99 Norse Road. (1)   Mrs Ballantyne, (2) and Rory were at the Modern Homes Exhibition and Uncle D. was in the house all on his own and he showed me several of the “buys” P & he got at the sales – Mai deah!   You never saw such bargains – everything that guy touches seems to turn to money.  They have every conceivable gadget at 99, including two meat safes, gas boilers, two sewing machines – one brand new which Uncle D. got for 10 gns. and a beauty for 6 gns. 

He says he will get four times those prices for them in Iran.  However they are to keep one so that dear Aunt P. can make troosers  for wee Rory.   They got a three piece wardrobe for 11 ½ gns. – absolutely superb.  Uncle D. had brought an incense burner (brass) home from Iran – he’d paid £5 for it there, and he bought two exactly like it at the Crown Salerooms for 30/- and sold them to P’s sisters for £1 each; he got a £7.10/- shop price perfect Parker pen gold mounted for 25/-  – you just can’t believe the bargains he gets and it was wee me who told them about the sales.  P has bought umpteen new dresses and got Rory a brown very expensive Burberry which doesn’t suit him nearly as well as his old blue one.

U.D. must have a wonderful salary; he bought two diamond rings at the sale, one for P. & one for wee Maggie, but I guess he’d make wee M. pay for hers.  Phemie & Rory expect to leave by tanker from Greenock on Monday first and Uncle D. is to fly out on the 25th.  They are busy packing, boxes and crates and trunks all over the place.  I asked them if they had a spare one to put me in as far as Port Said!  Aunt P’s tanker will, she thinks be calling at P.S.  Uncle D. and Aunt P. were dashing off to the Alhambra later, where they had booked seats for Noel Coward’s “Perchance to Dream”.  

 U.D. was saying they don’t plan to come home next  summer but, all going well, will return in 1950. 

Daddy is away to the hospital to make an appointment to see the specialist, then he is going to the Eye Infirmary to get his eyes tested for new specs.  Dad plans to go on a day’s outing to Edinbro’.  It’s arranged by the boys where he works and Daddy is terrifically looking forward to it so I hope the weather will be good.

I’m planning to lift the stair & living room carpets and give them a good beating and clean down the stair case, dust walls, etc. and varnish the stair, then that will be every corner in the house turned out.

 I got an Ox Tail at the butchers on Wednesday, it’ll be a great help with the meat ration.  This morning I was planting bulbs and now we hope for the best results.  I’ve put in two lots of crocuses, one lot each of Jonquils & snow drops  (the flower for Mothers) and two narcissi bulbs – one red, one blue – they are all in the dark in the living room cupboard to wait till the green spikes appear – it’s a fascinating job planting them & watching them.

Just look at this ink!  Must get another bottle.  Uncle A. hopes to be back at 26 next week when we shall get all the news, he has written to you, he says.

look at this ink png

We hope there will be another letter from you with the morning post.  Dashing off now to post this & get the rations.

Bulb bowls of love ever blooming for you.

Your own Dad & Mum. xxx


1.  In nearby Scotstoun.

2.  Mrs Ballantyne is Phemie’s Mum, also known as ‘Wee Maggie’


Mum letter image png_edited-119 October, 1948.

  Tues. morn.. Sunny Cold.

Hello Darling,

Just dashing to get this off after one of the most amazing week-ends – I’d better start at the beginning.  On Friday night Dad & I were just sitting down to a cosy fire side night when a ring came at the door and it was a wire to say “Phone Newton Mearns 2155”.  Daddy dashed out to the ‘phone as I’d got a bit of a cold.  It was Lot Morrison to say their mother had died the day before.  Daddy said we’d likely be out to see them at the week-end.  On Sat.  Daddy was at Edinbro’ with a bunch of boys from work.  It was a lovely weather and they enjoyed the day very much, going & returning by coach.

On the same day I tried to get some sorta wreath of evergreens or flowers to take out to Lot’s on Sunday, but all the flowers I saw (in Clydebank) were a bit blown & tatty as it was Sat. afternoon.  I managed to get some beautiful Asparagus Fern – cost me 6/- for 6 sprays, cheap too.  On Sunday I was busy all morn. as I didn’t – couldn’t get any white satin ribbon but remembered I had some lengths of white taffetas in the house.  I cut some on the cross and made the most gorgeous huge bow: Mrs. Collinson gave me some chrysanthemums, copper colour & I got some out of the garden & made a really super bouquet, twining the fern thro’ the white bow.

I had just finished & Daddy helped me to get lunch when a ring came at the door.  I said ‘Oh! my’ and when I opened it if it wasn’t Ken Dixon!  I wrote to tell him not to come last Sat. but he evidentally thot’  Sunday w’d be O.K!  I said “Oh! we are just going out” and he replied “Oh! it doesn’t matter, I just wanted to see you”.  I put him in the sitting room, gave him a whisky & biscuits & he sat and Dad & I talking to him in relays as I was really hurrying.  At last as we were ready to go & he had made no signs of going so I asked would he like to come with us & he said he w’d love to, so we all hiked off to Newton Mearns.

Quite a crowd of people was there and must say the family had made Mrs Morrison look nice.  She had on a beautiful pale blue satin gown & a large ivory & silver cross – the gown was trimmed with white real lace and everything was in keeping.  She was 86 years of age, a wonderful woman.  After what seemed ages Lot came in, she’d been into town & made us tea.  By this time Ken was starving.  He kept looking at the clock (which wasn’t going) & at his wristlet watch & said he thot’ he’d have to walk from Kilmarnock to Muirkirk  (1) etc. etc till at last I asked him if he would like to come home with us to stay overnight and he said he that would be grand, so we got the last bus home to 26, and I had to start to make a proper meal as we only had sandwiches and biscuits at Morrisons and you know Ken’s appetite!

I made spaghetti on toast with piles of fried tomatoes.  Ken was saying what a lovely house this is and he was in raptures about the comfort of the spare bedroom & said it’s the most comfy bed.  He had no hurry to depart in the morning & says he still thinks Scotland is tops.  He says he was never so entertained as at the Morrisons and what laughs he had about their twelve cats and two dogs!  Ken says he’ll be writing to you & sending some snaps.

Breezes of love drifting to you from us.  You are ever in our hearts & thoughts, Yum-Yum.

Dad and Mum.

p.s.  No word from Findlays or from Uncle Albert.


1.  At the time there was an army camp in the Muirkirk, Ayrshire area.  Presumably he had a weekend pass.


Mum letter image png_edited-122 October, 1948.

October Morn.

Hello Cherub!

It’s the limit! – I solemnly declare it’s the shirt and semmit! (1) Another unexpected visitor in the shape of dear Uncle Albert came in on Tuesday at 5 p.m. and this after I’d written to say write or wire!   I said “What’d you have done if we’d been out and he quite cooly said “I’d have gone  next door” !  However I’m well used to the unexpected guest by now so I take it all in my stride.

At the moment U.A. is getting ready to write another of his endless letters, and, as he has already spoiled three of my pens I’m determined he won’t get this one.  The positively maddening thing is that he keeps on saying how much better the pens and ink are in the U.S.A. and how many wonderful fountain pens he has over there!

Now to answer you.  Re. slimming beauty treatment, all we ask is to make sure it doesn’t damage your health in any way and for goodness sake don’t do anything just because that poor wee Esme suggests it – sounds good buying a really wizard frock – was it your idea or Esme’s? (2)

So glad you liked the snaps. (3)   They are all good tho’ the Glencoe one is dim.  Remember how it rained and yet we were so happy – funny how when one is really merry, weather and finance matter so little.   The suit I have on, on Dunoon Pier  is my old grey flannel – remember I got it years & years ago.

Good that you are to get Trudi to go with you prospecting for carpets, I think she will be very helpful and knowledgeable – tell me all partics. before buying, so as I can think it out.  Trudi will be telling you all about her trip here, she really did enjoy herself and said it was such a relief to get away from Lunnon.  (4)

Re. your request , I drop hints to U.A. to send you more cosmetics – where & how c’d he send them out to you?  Anyway, tho’ there’s few things I wouldn’t do for you, my baby, but asking U.A. for anything I just balk at. 

Please write and give us all the data re. ‘phoning you on the 29th (darling 29th!). We must remember that  Cairo & Glasgow times differ & take that into account.  Ken Dixon was saying the charge is about £3.6.8.  Next time I’m in town I must call at the G.P.O. & ask if there’s any further news of a ‘phone for 26.  I’m frightened to bits of the things but shall do my best for your dear sake.

We would like to give a party for U.A. but he must dominate the talk all the time & Daddy says he wouldn’t like his friends to meet him.  We cannot go out with him as he doesn’t want to spend money at all –  I’ve dropped heavy hints re. going to a show and the necessity of booking in advance but he says he’s seen all the shows from front, back and sides and they are of no interest to him.  Believe me, he is heavy weather.  As we are out of all the dough for his keep we cannot see we sh’d be out of pocket for his entertainment also.  He wants us to have a party so as he can play his banjo – he takes it everywhere – it’s awful.  We are promised pie in the sky in the shape of parcels from U.S.A..  He is a poor soul & we c’d pity him if he acted decently & not such a blow hard – here he is asking for a new pen – what shall I do? – What shall I do!  I’ll hide this one.

All for now, must run to the shops.  Give our best to Trudi.

All our love, Mum.


1.  A commonly used Scottish word for vest.

2.  This letter about slimming and a new frock are not in this collection.

3.  These photos do not survive in this collection.

4.  Trudi Grafton presumably will have brought up the sheets from London.


US Navy Day oct 48 png


Mum letter image png_edited-126 October, 1948.  Tues.

Dearest and Best,

The River has just come in from not getting his innoc. for return to U.S. and is telling me some screamingly funny joke about a Horse and Rabbit in a pie while I’m trying to scribble this to you. 

You said in your 318 of Oct 19 (1) to always give U.A. your love, whether your remembered to send same or not, but, my deah, he insists on reading all your letters unless I hide them first.  He says “I know there’s nothing in them I shdn’t read” so you can react as you please.  I c’dn’t show the last one so he thinks you are a long time in writing.  Please send one I can show him.  He has just demanded tea & I’ve got to get it ready for him.  Now he is asking me to go to town with him some day to help choose presents for the people in L’pool.  However with the memory of his & my last day in town together (when he made me feel thoroughly miserable) I’ve said I don’t think he likes Glasgow and referred to several derogatory things he said about it on our last trip.  He almost apologised & said  it was because our decadent neglected towns have all been such a shock to him!  I just say to myself  “Oh! Bonnie Scotland, what I’m suffering you ye noo”.  You say you mustn’t say anything nasty re. U.A. – please don’t – we’ve said them all.  The awful thing is, we feel so sorry for him, but he makes us mad – absolutely doesn’t give out at all, in thought, word or action & has no interest whatever in anything or anyone outside of himself.

Re. what he said to me about leaving dough between you and James M. I’ve found out he has said the same (with variations) to Getchel’s boys and all the cousins, etc. so it’s worth nothing at all.  His letters which he insists on reading to me, are all couched in flowery language which doesn’t mean a thing – it’s sickening.

Uncle Donnie called on Sunday.  He is flying from London to Iran today & is getting a wonderful day for it.  It’s a 20 hour flight.  Aunt P. & Rory left last Wednesday & were to sail to Swansea first of all.

There’s a letter & pictures in this morn. from Aunt Betty .  I’m trying to make up my mind to show them to U.A. but I quail as one picture shows. A.B. sitting beside U.A.’s bone of contention, Mr Hall.   I think I told you, U.A. makes out A.B.’s friendship with Mr Hall is a scandal but I know the scandal is only in U.A.’s mind.  Uncle Betty has sent me a coat, one of hers, isn’t that lovely, she is really a dear.

You know HOME is waiting for you right here.  Home and welcome and love – this is your own place, steadfast and unchangeable.  I sometimes wonder if this time next year you’ll be clad in Harris Tweed, using a shooting stick and discussing the respective merits of Shorthorns and Ayrshires!  It’s worth having a go at the Ministry of Ag. when you make your much hoped for return (2),   meantime save dough and buy Eastern curios, etc, and don’t forget the carpet.  Above all, oh! above all, keep safe & happy.

Ever your own adoring Mum and Dad.


1.  Not in this collection.

2.  It seems Len is thinking about making a move from the Ministry of Supply to the Ministry of Agriculture.  As we will see, she liked working on the land, and maybe she likes the association, even if she continues to work as a shorthand typist,  within the Civil Service.  It also indicates she has changed her mind about studying at a Drama College.


Mum letter image png_edited-129 October, 1948.   Friday

Winter Yet.

Our Bright Sunbeam,

After reading your 319 (after yr. 318) we are left gasping.  In your 318 you give us the gen. re Mrs W’s freakish hospital lack of discipline, Jack’s neglect and Trudi’s fickleness, then your 319 brings us word that you have been visiting the Wilt. woman, forgiven Jack, and then taken tea with Trudi!  It must be something in the Egyptian air, and we give up! (1)

Uncle A. got his innoc. for Smallpox on Wed. and Daddy told him he thot’ he (U.A.) would come under the Nat. Health scheme and U.A. has this morn found the bit in his papers where it tells him to make enquiries at a P.O. so now U.A. is quite happy thinking he may not need to pay.  He says “Oh! I don’t mind paying” but believe me it’s a case of “methinks the gent doth protest too much”.  He is quite right of course but what have American Citizens done that they sh’d qualify for our free health services?!  They pay no visa guarantee money like my £50 for Egypt – it’s a bit much and another indication of how we dance to America’s tune.

It’s with much alarm we read in your letters of raids, etc.  Do, do keep safe darling. (2)  

How are your finances?  It’s very bad to get a £20 advance unless for the purchase of some big bargain. entertaining, phone calls and all the quite unnecessary  (and uninteresting) trimmings are such a drain on dough.  I have to keep a tight hold on finances here as catering for one extra (used to American food) for a period of two months takes up any surplus there might be.  I’m leaving any further criticism of U.A. until we find his reactions when he returns to the U.S.A..  At present his whole idea seems to be not to spend.  We could have given him such a wonderful holiday if he had shown any signs of generousity.  Daddy & I contrast his behaviour with yours – the way you were so good to us and so kind and you were a very splasher of dough compered to U.A.  After all, after nearly 40 years absence you’d think he’d want to stand us a meal out or something!  We keep telling him you and Uncle Donnie took us to the theatre, etc but he just doesn’t bite.  As you know Daddy and I can take ourselves to a show etc. but if he’d only show willingness!

Got a sweet letter from Aunt Betty two days ago, she is quite settled down in Phila. and she thinks she might be there till the spring when she may sell up Willow Grove to go west to her sister in Calif.  A.B. sent us several pictures.  I’m enclosing two for you, darling, you can send them back any time to us or keep them to look at to cheer you up.  In all the pictures they look so happy.  Betty’s brother, Andy, has quite a look of Bruce I think.  Ruth is Andy’s daughter, isn’t she lovely!  Note the new look shoulder draperies on her and her mother’s dresses. 

Bryers family group

Bryers family members in the United States. Aunt Betty is second left. This is not the photo that Mum refers to (no draperies on the shoulders) but it is assumed that Ruth is at the front, sitting on the grass.

Aunt Betty looks very well we think, she tells me she has sent me one of her coats, I am delighted as I can do with another one – the one James Mitchell sent turned out to be a treat, a lovely blue and all wool but the weight is more suited to warm weather as it is a fairly open weave; I made several alterations to it and it really looks smart, here is a wee scrap to let you see the colour, etc

Mum  29 Oct 48 png

The weather is bitterly cold and U.A. is miserable about it as he cannot walk far or do much to keep himself warm – he is lucky to have a good big fire to sit at.

Ta-ta just now, our own only dear one, all blessings on you always.

Oceans of love.

Dad and Mum.

p.s. Yes!  Dad had a grand day & grand weather at the outing to Auld Reekie.

p.p.s.  Aunt B’s pictures were taken at Willow Grove in the garden.


1.   Mrs W – the “Wilt” woman is American.  She and her husband will invite Len and Esme for a meal at Christmas.  We do not know how they and Len first met.    Trudi is Trudi Grafton, and Jack is someone Len has met on her return from her UK leave, who is part of an Army group providing security cover at the British Embassy in Cairo.

2.  The war between Egypt and Arab allies and Israel was continuing, and there was unrest in Cairo and the rest of Egypt.


There is now a three week gap in the collection of this correspondence.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-122 November, 1948

BSDM Cairo,

c/o Det. APO S.299,


Eyes turned to England. (1)

Best Beloved People,

Your 322 needs to be replied to (2)  & I must tell you also of super week-end – not because of activities but because of the super type I met – a most unusual combination – you know he’d a light touch & was attractive yet is good too.  Nearly always one gets attractive bad people or good unattractive people & the combination (of the better qualities) leaves me gasping a little.

However to your 322.  Uncle A’s conduct leaves me speechless – you get those medals all right.  Now have your “Entertainment of American Visitors” up in my room beside “Whit’s she up in the air aboot noo?”

Had a p.c. from you Daddy today, you know your Liverpool one.  Not quite with you about trip ‘cos from letters it appears you went down after Uncle A., yet saw him off?

Impossible to do anything about parcels from Cyprus – but here’s hoping they’ll turn up yet.  Esme proposes to give me  a collar & cuff set in lace for Christmas from there, so it too will be ordered for despatch to England, perhaps if & when it arrives you could hang on to it for me – you see it’s no good getting it sent to Egypt as it means customs & lots of things.

Dorothy sailed on Saturday, complete with your crochet cotton Mum, so I hope it won’t be long ere she arrives and despatches it to you.  Will now see what I can do about the silk stockings – I’ve just had a phone call from Pen – in Cairo again on the Singapore route this time, so if he doesn’t take the legs of the coffee table, he ought to take the stockings. (3)

There are three of us in the flat – 3rd= Maureen’s father-in-law. (4)   He’s stayed with us ever since he was posted here from BSDM Alex.  We’ve tried everything to find a girl but as yet no-one wants to join us.   I’m stony because Ned ran up terrific bills before they left, from which we’ve not yet recovered & I wash my sheets because I don’t want them ruined by the dhobby.  You see there ain’t no sheets with the flat & up to now we’ve used Bill’s and E’s and me own, changing with one of theirs now & again when one of mine’s in the wash.  Bill wants the sheets back & we’re wooing all Army & Embassy personnel we know, for the loan of 3 pairs to enable us to cover ye bodies & allow enough for laundering too.  The third of my sheets is wrapped round the brass bits  of the coffee table which is finally covered with some black-out cloth.  So just hold on & I hope they’ll all gradually go west – in the best sense.

PLEASE DESPATCH THAT DRESS – Mummy, I asked you to do it there and then without putting anything else in – won’t go on, ‘cos I’ll only rage & you know my sudden gusts – & I know you for shoving everything in parcels. (5)    However, you are wonderful, but I don’t want to get parcels of stuff over here, & then sell the clothes I don’t want, “tain’t economic ducks” – after all, labour is the most precious commodity & plenty needs to be spent to sell anything in Egypt.


Well honestly, it was terrific to say the least.  We bussed down, went to the mess for food (different Sgt’s mess each time) and then to Church of Scotland to rest and wash & change. (6)   Less than two hours later as we were departing for the dance, Mr West (the man who looks after the C of S canteen & hostel) said to me “The boy’ll be over in the morning.”  Golly, I thought the morning coffee was becoming a habit with Ernst, but never thought he’d exercise remote control in that direction.

We went by truck to the dance where a ghastly sergeant stuck to me – I vaguely saw Ernst who was most pally – then had the idea of announcing through the mike.  The people looking after us thought it a good thing so I was duly told by the band what the next dance was & did my stuff.  I turned round to drift back when a young subaltern asked me for a dance.  I danced with him & found he expected me to stay with him.  At this time I was not enthralled, but he was a pleasant companion which the other bod was not.  Then Ernst excused himself at one stage to draw me aside & ask me to come with E & Dorothy (English Embassy girl, not the one taking the e. cotton) to a party at their mess.  I said “Yes”.  You see Esme was fed up & had no-one, which meant she would come back to Cairo the next day (Sunday) leaving me alone to come back this morning.  At the party I thought she’d meet someone.  Later I told the sub. I’d have to leave early as I had to join a party which had been pre-arranged.  He said I left him a broken hearted man, but this I did not greatly heed.

On we went to Ernst’s Mess, where instead of there being a party we had to open it up.  I fumed at him for bringing us down on false pretences (a thing I’d never have done when enamoured) & he said other people were coming & to complete his appeasement gave D, E & me a ½ lb box of Rowntrees chocs each.  I nearly fell through the floor to be blunt – first thing Ernst’s ever given me & the first time I’ve given him a row!?!   The people did come & I went into the cookhouse & made tomato sandwiches & we’d a grand sing-song lasting till about 3.30 am.  Ernst drove us back in his jeep accompanied by Lettie & made a date with me for 11 the following morning. (7)

We slept well & I got up at 9.45 & phoned the MO who without a murmur arranged transport for us this morning – a difficult thing to do, as the checkpoint where we pick up the bus is outside the Garrison.

Then I went to meet Ernst – was wearing the ancient but super navy skirt & the jumper of the twinset for the first time – I looked O.K. & the jumper really does things for one.

Ernst nattered away furiously & when I said I expected to be on the boat shortly said “You can’t do that, you can’t go before me, it isn’t done”.  However, despite his pleas I said I wouldn’t be in TEK for a while, so he said he’ll next see me in Cairo.  I told him he’d better leave me then, as it was 11.55 & I was due to see Duncan at 12 noon (subaltern of the previous evening).

Nipped away to freshen up & came back to find Duncan waiting.  He insisted on taking the girls to the mess as well for lunch, after which Dorothy came back to Cairo with the CO by car & another bod who suddenly took a fancy for city air.  Esme was with Tony another sub & Duncan & I were getting on like a house on fire.  He’s half English, half Scottish like me & and is 5’ 10”, blue eyed, 22 & full of quips.  Later we drove around, had tea in Tony’s tent & a mock seance, then went to the C of S to change, came back for dinner & went  to see “Jassy” at an open air cinema – yes, it was cold despite my stockings, but not too cold.  Then as it was part of Tony’s duty we toured the perimeter (wire fence around the Garrison) in an armoured car after which they took us back & we said good-night.  (8)

The tragedy of it is that Duncan (Lt. King) goes into 156 Transit camp at Port Said on Friday whilst awaiting ship to U.K.  He’s to try to come to Cairo & anyway I’m s’posed to be going to P.S. week-end after next – if he’s still in 156.  This week-end we’re expecting people up from Fanara.  Jack wanted to see me this week-end, but I told him of the bods coming up & mentioned the following week-end, but if all goes as planned I’ll have to postpone it still further – Pen in Cairo 5 days and rehearsals make further complications.  At the moment I just want to see Duncan ‘cos he’s so darn nice & I like him, but I daren’t drop everything else impulsively.  Thanks for bearing with me once more, but you must admit I haven’t raved about anyone since Mark which was a long time ago.  Duncan’s got a sister at RADA & lives at Esher (nr. London) just now & plans to go to Agricultural University before going to Canada to fruit farm.

Has that phone been installed? – I’ve told everyone we’re expecting it to be installed shortly & am just waiting to give them the number.  It would be grand if it could be installed for a week today, but from what I hear the time lag between hearing you’re going to have one & actually having it goes into months – I bet Maud’ll keep you on the end of the line for hours at a time. (9)


Must sign off now kittens – love you as much & more than ever.

Len. xxxxx


1.  “Eyes turned to England” – possibly a reference to her Ministry of Supply Civil Service employers in London, who would determine when she is posted back to the U.K.

2.  Mum’s 322 letter is not in this collection.  She wrote several letters to Len high-lighting Uncle Albert’s ‘behaviour’.

3.  Pen is part of BOAC aircrew, and Len probably met him on her BOAC flight.

4.  Esme is the other flat mate.

5.  The letter in which  Len asked for this dress is not in this collection.

6.  Esme is part of the “We”.

7.  Lettie is probably Ernest’s fianceé.  Ernest married  Arlette P.J.M. Packham in London in 1949.

8.  As footnoted elsewhere, the barbed wired perimeter fence around TEK was 17 miles in length.

9.  “Grand if installed… a week today.”  That would be on Len’s 23rd birthday, 29 November.  There was a telephone in the Cairo flat she was sharing.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-1

30 November, 1948.

BSDM Cairo,

c/o Det.APO S.299,


Uncalm Cairo (1)

What a St. Andrews Day!

Most well loved People,

What are you to think of me?  Haven’t written since the 23rd I know & this won’t get posted till the first, but I hope you’ll forgive when you hear what’s happened in the interim.

Well I’ve been busier at work than I’ve been for a long time which has almost precluded writing there & the rest of my time has been hectic.

Last Tuesday I Frenched & saw “Message for Margaret” put on by CTG & I forgot to say Pen of BOAC dropped in for a morning coffee.  Wednesday Jack came to lunch & Pen to dinner but we spent the time quietly indoors.  Thursday I stayed in to sew and at night refused a BOAC invitation as I was taking a friend of Jack’s to the recital for Security  observations & they never came, so I didn’t go out.

Friday I went to Vera for French & from there to rehearsal at Hope Clayton’s.  She’s one of the cast, runs Cairo’s best pension & gives us wonderful teas.  She’s a grandmother married to a Brigadier, & as well as acting she sings & toured America as a Wightman cup player – not bad eh?

At night stayed in to get ready & also collect some cash Jack is giving me out here that I may transfer to him in England.  You see I meant to gradually cut down my advances to nothing, but they’re stopping them altogether this month which is a bit of a bind & necessitated my action as above much as I hated doing it.  I shall give you the amount & name of his bank account in due course, when I’d like you to send him a cheque. Please Mum – don’t say I’m awful please, because it’s the flat wot’s done it. 

Saturday I’d a busy morning at work, but got away all right & went straight to the station accompanied by one of Disposals local bods who insisted on acting as my escort.  I should explain I’d a super letter from Noel (formerly Charlie, Noel’s what his family call him) (2) on the Friday saying he’d adore to see me at the week-end if at all poss. & that he expected to sail on the Tuesday – it was written from 156 Transit at Port Fouad.  As the people coming up from Fanara were on a scheme & during a trunk call said they’d come the following (i.e this) week-end, it meant I was free to go to Port Said, so I did.

When I arrived at P.S. I asked the RTO if there was a Lt. King at 156. (3)    He got on the phone,  stayed on it for ages enquiring, then said “He’s not there.”  When I replied “Yes” to his query of “Did you come to Port Said especially to see him? – there was a mingled chortle & guffaw from the BOR’s also in his office for they thought it a great joke. (4)   However they looked up their books & he didn’t appear to have come through the station, then they rang the Embarkations Staff Officer, but got no reply, then they wondered if he’d gone straight on the boat & finally they phoned TEK, who said – yes, a Lt.King had left on the Friday.  “Well what’s happened to him between Port Said & here” I asked.  They didn’t venture a reply but took me down to the quay – beside the famous customs shed  & there we waited for a launch ordered for us on the old-boy basis.  Eventually its lights twinkled & it arrived. 

We boarded & it whizzed away – being a speedy craft to Port Fouad & the back of 156.  We got out & on to the black desert & walked forward.  The enormous black back gate loomed up & a voice said “Halt, who goes there?”  I was with two RTOs & they halted themselves & me & one yelled “Friend” – “Advance friend & be recognised” the sentry replied, so he did & left us outside whilst he went in to enquire.  He was gone ages & I began to think Noel was halfway across the Med., when he came out to say he was there. We went in and right across the place that breathes discipline.  At about 6 am. each morning the loudspeaker says – it’s a well known fact out here – “All ranks will rise from their beds, wash, shave and be properly dressed for breakfast.”

However on we went to “A”  Officers’ Mess & there Noel was, just finishing his shift of guarding a deserter.  I arrived in P.S. at 7, & contacted Noel by 8.30, but I learnt later the RTOs didn’t get out the camp (156) till 10.30! as I wasn’t with them – having gone  to the main gate with N.


We walked over to the Married families & Officers’ Leave Camp, where we had dinner, then I at last managed to find the receptionist and booked up.  I’d taken my ballerina with me, but there was nothing on to which I could wear it, so just wore (after washing) another dress, then we went to P.S. and danced in the Eastern Exchange.  We eventually said good-night over at PF about 1.30 a.m., despite the 156 rule of “All Ranks must be back in the camp by 2259 hours” – 11 p.m.  He was going straight on duty at 2 a.m. to 9 a.m., guarding a deserter, whom he told me was a very reasonable bloke.

Sunday I got a super breakfast, then Noel arrived at 11 a.m., a bit late, because they wouldn’t allow him out of the camp whilst the church parade and service was on.  We walked on the seashore – where our famous photo was taken Mum – then went across to the Officers’ Club for lunch and boy, did it rain. delesseps crop png Then we’d a walk along the breakwater, right past de Lesseps statue before coming back into town to have tea at Gianola’s.  Then we ferried back and we sat for a little while in the lounge of the MF & O, before I packed.  We went back to the ferry via 156, where Noel attempted to go in for his greatcoat as it was darned cold and I was wearing my Motoluxe (5), but they wouldn’t let him in as there was another church parade on and if he’d gone in he couldn’t have gone out.  He saw me off by the 7 p.m. train to Cairo – remember us sleeping in it Mum? – and I’d an uneventful journey back to Cairo.

 I let myself into the flat and found your cable perched against the telephone – it was lovely to get it and thank you so very much – I must have got home just about midnight or after (as the train was late getting in), so yours really was the first greeting on my birthday.

Next morning found Esme’s present of the diamanté bracelet and also a card and a rhyme separately.  At work the pool bought me the most superb enormous bunch of flowers, barley sugars – Barker & Dobson’s, and some nougat.  I’ve been giving out some of the barley sugars, but as I’m not a sweet fan, will send the nougat to you.  Then Esme and I toured the town in the afternoon and we’d tea in Groppi jardiniere – me treating her it being my birthday.  ‘Tea’ is an overall term, as she’d meringue with coffee ice cream and French Coffee and I’d a sfogliatella and a hot orange squash. 

I also put a deposit on a dress.  You’ll be glad to know it’s not dark and restrained – one of the girls was lecturing me about wearing brighter things and I think her words coupled with your own must have had some effect.  Esme says “Yes, it gives you a wonderful line, but I think it looks like a blanket”, however, as I don’t think much of her dress taste I’m not worried by that.  It’s a big check – really big – but like you Mum I take no notice of those theories, which are very rarely applicable.  The bodice is cut on the straight and fits perfectly with a dart not coming up the front but from half way up the bodice on the side seam, it has an ordinary plain collar of the material – not peter pan, but ……. like that. 

dress letter 30.11.48 png

The colour by the way is a turquoise and black with a yellow bit in it too.  Don’t be put off by the t & b, for I’m sure you’d like the colours – sort of tartan effect.  I must admit the skirt is cut on the cross, which is the only bit I’m chary about, but it does fit like a glove, but all over my dee-yah.  The sleeves are slightly bouffiant finishing in a highwayman’s cuff – O.K., I admit I made up the expression, but you must admit is sounds O.K. comme ça  …… – it has three gold buttons on the cuff and also a gold buckle on the belt.  The reason for the superb fit, is that it zips up from below the waist at the back.  price – £5. 19s., which you must admit is not extortionate for a woollen dress – the shoulders, I will admit do not slope, but are not determinedly square.  I’m dreadful, for I hope to pay the balance – deposit was £2 – at the end of the week, and at present don’t know where I’m getting it from – just can’t summon up worry about cash.

I forgot to say about the week-end that Noel, wants me to jump on the next boat for U.K., and is horrified when I talk of March – which is the quoted departure date at the moment, but London cables could get me home at any time.  Yes, he’s most keen to say the least and I do quite a lot of reciprocating.  You shall be kept fully appraised of further chapters.

Told you about Noel’s sister being at RADA, didn’t I? 

Noel '47

Noel. Palestine 1948.   Note pistol in holster, and barbed wire fence behind him.

He himself is 22, 5’ 1o” – or rather that’s my guess and has been in Burma and helped evacuate the people from Haifa. (6)   His father’s a Colonel in the Indian Army, but N, though he knows Hindustani – having been in the Indian Army himself – wants to study agriculture, then go and fruit farm in Canada. (7)

After town we went to the Embassy to interview the new servant in Jack’s office and we found him O.K. (the servant.) (8)   

Yesterday was hectic as we were busy beyond belief at work and the axe came down on a number of people, including Esme, for she was told she’s to sail on the 23rd of this month!  As you can imagine we’re moving heaven and earth at the moment to get rid of the flat and get some key money at the same time.   Of course what I’d like is to have Jack and Bob Shields (his pal, also kind of security) come in and let me stay on – we’re just waiting for their decision.  Otherwise I’d perhaps move in with Trudi as she’s asked me to do – sink me pride  – I would if it was convenient, or go back to bed and breakfast.  I’m hoping that although my finances are in this state at the moment, even if I stayed on in the flat, it wouldn’t be as expensive as it is at the present, as J & B don’t want a cook and if I can stay on in the ME another month or two, perhaps I’d begin to see the light. (9)

I’d to cancel my French lesson, to have this conference with Jack when he came, so hope to go to-day instead.  I’d Miss Sullivan – a friend of Liz Lawson’s to tea – who is also interested in the flat, comforted Esme, wrote a bit of this letter to you two and at night  went to a rehearsal.  They tell Esme if she can find a later boat in December she can take it, so she proposes to haunt all the travel agencies.   She’s coming to me for aid like the Dickens and practically doesn’t want me to leave her side – yes, looked suicidal till I agreed to  go to an Officers Mess dance at TEK on Friday.  The idea is to go and come back to Sat’s work by a bus about 6.30 a.m.   I’ve also got the household accounts to do this month, though it’s not my turn and of course Esme wants our full up lampshade – we started another yesterday.  I’m a bit peeved about it as the visitor’s book and lampshade were my idea in the first place and many of the all-over-the-world signatures, we won’t get again, however I am sorry for her being axed so suddenly and suppose I must put on a good face on it, though this possessive helplessness is a bit wearing.

I was a bit disappointed about your not phoning, but feel with you about the usage of our phone and would have hated to think of your stamping about to keep warm in the GPO in George Square. (10)     Feel it’s not worth while having a Trans-Continental call now, as I don’t know when I may get the order of the boat – you see when I suggested the birthday call that was some time back, for a special occasion and before the situation became as fluid as it is now.

About the Cyprus parcels, after all this time, Esme tells me it was only fruit parcels which went direct from Cyprus.  The order for yours must go first from Cyprus to Australia, from where they are eventually despatched and reach U.K. about 5 or 6 months later, so at least that’s more hopeful, December is the fifth month after ordering. (11)

All being well I will try to get some of my photographic friends to do some dark room work on my Syke negs.  (12) 

Could still go on for another three pages, but that would mean my missing yet another mail, so will make this finito.

Always in my thoughts darlings, all the warmth from here to you and all the love,

Len.  xxxxx.

p.s. Received the birthday card. L.


1.  The demonstrations were still continuing in Cairo, and elsewhere.

2.  Duncan – Charlie – Noel.  All the same person.  Len attempts a fuller explanation in a letter to come.

3.  RTO:  Transport Officer.

4.  BORs:  British Other Ranks.

5.  Motolux was a British made moderately fashionable full length coat available in fur or llama wool. 

6.  Operation Polly, as footnoted elsewhere.

7.  Noel – Arnold Duncan King – was born in Kanpur, Bengal in 1926.

8.  It seems that Jack is going to become a flat-mate.  Despite her financial hardship it seems Len, and flatmates, are taking on a new house servant.  This indicates the low rate of pay for such Egyptians.  

9.  “Begin to see the light” – financially.

10.  The large main Post Office was in George Square, Glasgow, where Mum would be able to make a Trunk and Trans-Continental phone call.  The George Square Post Office closed in the 1990s.

11.  Sending parcels via Cyprus is assumed to be another way of getting goods to Britain and avoiding paying Egyptian Customs duties.

12.  Negs:  photo negatives.


Noel 2 envelope png

Noel 2 letter repro png

Noel, i50 x png156 Transit Camp, Port Fouad. M.E.L.F.

Wed. 1. 12. 48.

My dearest Helen,

Apart from the start of this letter, I shall continue in a cold & aloof strain as you don’t approve of people who are warm in letters & cold in reality.

Why I have been so long in writing this letter is because to be quite honest, I lost your A.P.O. address & have been tearing the tent apart trying to find it, luckily I did.

Although you say I’m over expressive in letters I honestly can’t express in this one how glad I was to see you again & how mystified & flattered that you bothered to waste your week end & come & see me.  Nobody has  ever quite taken that interest in me.  I must say I felt that it should have been I who visited you in Cairo & you know I would have done if it had been possible.

This blasted Transit Camp gets daily more depressing, I think I’ll do someone an injury if I’m here much longer, only the memory of seeing you here last week end & the thought that you’ll be here next Monday makes life tolerable.

I won’t warm up any more, but at the risk of offending you I’ll say Please Write soon.

All my love,

Noel  xxxxx

p.s. Ref. your joy through strength friend, you too can  have a body like mine if you’re not careful.


Noel drag png

Noel in Camp Follies. Palestine, 1948.   This photo was in the Memorabilia collection.


Next    Part Two  Chapter Eleven:  Marriage and the Scum of the World.

“Never in Egypt… The very way in which the scum of the world gather here is depressing…” Len to her parents, letter of 12 December, 1948.


Posted in Cairo 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Social and Political History, Suez Canal Zone, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Two 9 Hectically Excited

Part Two  9  Hectically Excited

” To-day I’ve had letters from the Guildhall and Central School and my latest idea is to make it home for leave, and not return if I find I pass their auditions and also that they can’t postpone my entry for a year. ” – Len, letter to Mum, 24 March, 1948.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-121 March, 1948.
Evening in Zamalek.

My dearest Well Loved Ones,

Greetings – hearty & strong & many, many happy returns on your birthday Mum.  Do tell me what you did on yours Dad & you what you do on yours Mum.  What’s the Spring like – is it as lovely as always & have you been out of town lately to Loch Lomond or Rothesay?

Poor Esme is in hospital with jaundice – I went in to see her to-day & she’s so yellow it’s difficult to believe.  She feels fine now – it seems the worst part is over when you go yellow – she was at work during the worst part.  Her main concern is to be well enough to be out of the Anglo-American & at Kabrit for a dance which the RAF gang they met at Luxor recently are having.

Yesterday I went out with Mark.  We drove into town first for chocs. & cigs. & I called in at Esme’s pension, and that’s when I found out  she’d gone to hospital.

Then Mark & I went out to Maadi for dinner & another quiet evening at his place. He’s terrifically good fun & we’ve lots of laughs together.

To-day I got up late & walked over to the Anglo-American to visit Esme, buying flowers at Gezira en route – the wee soul was so glad to see me that I was glad I’d paid her a visit as soon as I could.

Once again, wonderful birthday. The clock’s chiming out all my love for you.



Len for Egypt letters png_edited-122 March, 1948
Hectically excited. BSDM.

Most nearest and very dearest Beloveds.

I’ve changed my mind about not signing on with the Mission. There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip, but here are my plans – to delay entering drama school for a year to try to re-save the dough I spend in another year with the Mission and here’s at the last the important thing I want to do with it: COME HOME ON LEAVE.

As I’ve got my maximum of 6 weeks in U.K., can take a fortnight of it and also loads I’ve got at this end can be added on to it too.  I had this in my mind very vaguely when I was first asked to stay on, then your letter with “see if you can get back” made the idea grow.   My idea is to have a general shooft (1) – see how easy, or difficult it is to get into drama school.  Of course I don’t need to say it, but just to confirm it in your minds, I couldn’t stand another year of not seeing you so that’s the reason that the going home on leave is a must.  It’s all in the melting pot as yet, but I’ve seen Establishments and they say it will be no trouble at all.  You probably think this is a sudden and enormous change of front – please tell me if you disagree or concur and if you’ve any amendments to make.

Want to get this off to you now as we’re almost stopping – what do you both think?

My love as always and in every way,

Len xxxxx


1.  Shoofti (to have a look) is an arabic term that has become current in British English usage.  However, Len consistently in her letters spells it Shooft, though her Mum uses the more common Shoofti.


Mum letter image png_edited-124 March, 1948. Wednesday.

A lovely Spring day.
Birds singing,
Clouds winging.

Darling Bestest,

Writing this against time, darling, so as it to get it in the 4.30 coll.  It’s a glorious day of sun and dainty breeze and I’ve just got in from the shops where I stayed longer than I intended as I saw oranges, etc too good and too scarce to miss.

I bought a pair of shoes on Monday in Manfields.  After the girl assured me they had nothing like what I wanted and brought out umpteen prs. of shoes plain and fancy she had another look and bought out an odd pair (I mean one pair) she said they were sent from their London shop; they are beige bumpy leather med. heel and only 31/7d – practically a throw away price as things go today with shoes selling at anything up to £9 and more.  You should see the shoe shops absolutely crowded out, but I think its panic buying and if the good example of the Coops is followed prices should drop sharply. (1)

Daddy got his letter from you on Monday and was so happy about it.  Maud called at night and he was talking to her and telling her how wonderful you are.  Dad is calling for his suit at the tailors tonight.  He is to call at the Western on Sat. morn for an examination and they told him they would give him exercises to do, so that should make it supple again.  I was talking to Mrs Collinson this morn. her brother and wife and family are planning and packing to leave Ceylon this week-end – do you recall meeting her brother?

Must now get this in the box honey lamb. You are ever, ever in our thoughts, bless you, our own darling girl,

Your ownest Dad and Mum. xxx Cheerio!

Hope to send you a long letter at week-end – waiting, as always, for your next letter. This is just to let you know we are O.K. Mum.


1.  The Budget was due in 12 days and various rumours were flying around, hence ‘panic’ buying.  In the Budget, on 6 April, the complexity of Purchase Tax was simplified into four categories.  The changes did not affect the price of shoes. As usual, duty on alcohol and cigarettes was increased. Dad, as a heavy smoker – 60 a day – would be affected.

Cartoon budget png_edited-1

Osbert Lancaster cartoon from the Scottish Daily Express.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-124 March, 1948.

Almost time to call it a working day. BSDM

Very dearest dears,

Did you think I was a bit nuts when you received my last epistle, the truth is I feel really lost about what to do, and I’m sitting on the fence so much that your “life in the East is good” etc. letters just pushed me over to wanting to make it a leave in July.  Won’t get much of this done to-day, but thought I’d start.  No criticism whatsoever is even inferred about the context of your letter, perhaps there are other factors which have influenced me subconsciously.

You see, as a CO – my present grade, (1) I’m almost certain to be sent to work in London. You know how I feel about London – I couldn’t bear to work there – studying is an entirely different proposition.  To-day I’ve had letters from the Guildhall and Central School and my latest idea is to make it home for leave, and not return if I find I pass their auditions and also that they can’t postpone my entry for a year.

Wouldn’t it be super if Uncle A. could come across on leave at the same time and all of us meet in U.K.?

Thank you so much for all the care you’ve taken in answering my query about going with Mark to the Red Sea. By the way, about Mark’s invitation, there definitely is a party going down to a  place on the Red Sea where the hot springs are.    As you’ll have seen from previous letters I’m not going.

Monday, Mark and I had lunch at Findlays, then after a short drive I went to the Cs. No-one was in, so I visited Esme, then Chayanne.  She’d received your letter and was really overjoyed with it – I’m probably moving to her soon, but if you don’t mind I’d rather tell you why if and when it’s a fait accompli.

 Yesterday I phoned Mark and we’d dinner at the Savile, then went to Bernard’s and talked.  Leaving there we went down to Mark’s en route to which we’d a puncture. Mark and I by the way (how true your remarks about that phrase are Mum) have agreed to be platonic friends – we have so much to talk about always, that this shouldn’t be too difficult.

 Talking of Henry Lindsay’s height, Mark is 6ft. 2ins.  I’m beginning to come round about cars, but walking – well, I haven’t got round to it for ages, so p’raps I’ll take up tennis.

This letter seems to be extremely disjointed, but I’d better get it in the mail now, or I will miss it entirely.

Every ray of Egyptian sun is shining through to you two with love,

Len. xxxxx.


1.  CO: Clerical Officer.


LHLand copy

Mum letter image png_edited-128 March, 1948.

My Birthday, Easter Sunday, Sunshine and Breeze.

Dearest Most Precious Girl,

The moment I saw two letters from you I knew tremendous news was contained in at least one of them!  So!  You have signed on for another year with the Mission, but, shall be coming home on leave.  Well, honey, Daddy and myself have talked it over and we really think you have done the best thing, this way, you will not have any feeling of having burned your bridges and will be able to consider your future and do a good long think.  You say – (in an earlier letter rec’d last week, your 269) that my 260 rather took the ground from under your feet – but why, my sweetheart? (1)    I do hope you fully understand I really work at doing a bit of thinking over here for you and about you, also that I want you to always consider every move from every angle and no chances missed in your life, so you see I just put down my conclusions on paper and hope you will understand why I say this or that.

Our great “looking forward to” date at this time is your so much hoped for home coming.  Already apropos your going back again we are saying to each other “Another year after her leave won’t be so long in going in.”  We are really getting excited now about planning to meet you and see you, even to the extent of arranging the blooming of the garden, as far as poss. to be at it’s best about August!

 Re. your trip home, of course your fare will be paid by the Mission?  I know you will know the right way to go about seeing that is done.

Many thanks for your sweet letter for my birthday.  Daddy got your letter for his and will be replying shortly. Daddy brought me up breakfast to bed this morn. and also on the tray he put his Birthday Gift to me, a lovely card and a bottle of “Evening in Paris” perfume. Wasn’t it sweet of him. It all made me feel very luxurious “bring on the Dancing Girls” sorta feeling!

Daddy called at the hospital – the Western – yesterday. He saw the specialist who wants him to go into hospital for a week or so for observation and treatment. He assured him there is nothing seriously wrong and you can guess how pleased I am to be told that it is not serious. It seems the whole trouble is bad circulation and treatment sh’d put it right. I’ll keep you well informed about he gets on, he must be fit to go and meet you.

We intended taking a run down to Ayr to-morrow but we think of the difficulties of getting back, so if the weather is still good we plan to go to Helensburgh for the day.

Every Easter Breeze is laden with love from us to you, our darling.

Mum & Dad. xxx


1.  Letter 260, that took the ground from underneath Len’s feet is not in this collection.  259, the preceding letter,  was Mum’s of 7 March, 1948 “Breathless trying to follow your day…” and Mum’s 261 of 14 March, 1948,  was when she and Dad first went into Town to look for a suit for Dad.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-12 April, 1948.

Grey sky, but who cares, viewed from Chayanne’s.

Hail Good-looking Ones,

I’ve heard  that old Ernst has been moved to TEK. Accordingly when I got to Port Said I knew it was no use trying to ring him, but felt it was only courteous to ring Johnny as I was in the neighbourhood.  He told me he’s being civilianised and is coming to Cairo in the Embassy this month.  He also told me that Ernst was engaged to his ATS girl from Fayid – I told him to pass on my congratulations.  However, on Tuesday when I returned to work, I received a letter from Ernst from TEK – first let me convey his message to you Mum. He asks me to explain that he’s been so busy it isn’t true, but that you are on his list of people to write to, and of course he apologizes for not replying to you ere this.

However, he goes on to give me his big news – which is not as I expected, of his engagement – but that he’s got his repat to UK fixed for December.  Isn’t it amazing, all the natives of England stay on in the Middle East, whereas an Anglophile  like Ernst moves heaven and earth to get there.

Before I forget must say – maybe I’ve said it already – my plan is to burden every Englishman I know going home with as much stuff as he’ll take – as I can’t see an Export Permit covering all I’ve got, especially with the new restrictions – nothing but personal belongings unless you’ve been here at least 5 years and jewellery according to social standing!!!

It was a slip on my part to let Peter away with nothing, but I’d no dough at the time and hadn’t formulated my plan of getting them to take home the stuff I’ve got just now. I’ll try to get Malcolm to take a pair of sheets and all being well if my leave scheme comes off and I’m still here in December will absolutely load Ernst down.

Everyone here lives in mortal terror of the Customs and the thought of getting a carpet out just makes me feel weak right through, if only Ken C. would turn up and take it off on the “Patrician” for me.

However, back to the main theme, his letter – no mention of an engagement and bits about the Cairo road bringing back a lot of memories, and gives his phone number and says he hopes to see me there soon for a week-end or Sunday and says he hopes to be coming to Cairo shortly on duty trips.  Don’t like it at all, still I’m probably imagining things and it’s really all on a purely friendly basis on his part.  It’s certainly not more on mine.  I’d love Mark to meet him as I feel they’d get on together.  I must give him a ring from Q this week-end – it’s practically next door to TEK – and ask whether congrats are in order. (1)

Longing to get home to talk about the house.  Of course Mark and I talk of architecture and decoration and he talks smugly of our conventional English architecture, and our conservative attitude towards it.  I answer by taking a real interest in and try to absorb modern ideas – even his design of a house with a swimming pool coming right into it, but berate him for his lack of tolerance in respect of some of our fine period examples – we spit the words “Queen Anne” at each other.  What I started off to say was though, that talking with him has brought out my interest in design and decoration which was only latent and makes me think of all we could do with “26” if it was ours.

Did they give you an overhaul at the Western, or just foot Dad?  I ask apropos of the pain you had in your chest.  So glad the winter this year has passed and hasn’t been as severe as last, I worry frightfully (well, quite a bit) in the bad weather ‘cos I know you’re both so full of beans and do lots of things, and don’t coddle yourselves at all and you should a bit.

Later in the morn.

Wednesday I saw Chayanne and arranged to move in yesterday, then cancelled my lesson with Vera as I couldn’t have a French lesson and move.  Parting from Morris after coffee in Groppis I went to Margi and he showed me how he’s starting to make my other shoes and also some white sandals which he thought would be a good pattern for my lizard skins. It’s a super style – high heeled ankle strap with a platform and beautifully finished – should look super in skin.

I’ll tell you about this now, but don’t bother to reply about it as really I want to forget ‘cos it makes me feel so irritated when I think of it and I don’t think much can be done.  My green coat, Bethlehem Mother o’ Pearl Earrings, my Poison Ring, Hand Embroidered Handkerchief Sachet, the Last Lace Hanky I had from Aunt Lizzie, a Max Factor Pancake Make Up and my music are all missing from my stuff.  I shall see the Companions about it and take Mark along for moral support, but can’t see those Greeks loosening up on anything.  S’pose it was partly the servants – having been so lucky up till now, I forgot how one is s’posed to have stuff pinched right and left here, well I’ve had a taste of it now.

Yesterday, I moved after lunch. It was really wonderful to get to Chayanne’s. I’ve got an enormous double bed, a little settee that goes round a corner, a big wardrobe, dressing table, bedside table and another table with a drawer in. For the first time I set up my coffee table (s’pose I might as well let you know I’ve got one), then Chayanne set some marigolds upon it and they were reflected in the brass.  There’s also a chair in front of the dressing table and an arm chair – with the thought of being another year I really need to have somewhere I like and feel happy with.  I was beginning to jump when anyone spoke in the other place

You’re kidding about my fare home being paid by the Mission! – I’m crossing my fingers about getting on leave at all – you don’t know what funny things can crop up. Yes and if I’m known to be in U.K. officially I won’t get any FSA for the time I’m out of Egypt and that won’t be so hot.

You see people are staying on and if you say “I’m not staying on unless I get home leave”, they’ll say “Oh really, we can get plenty of people who can – Toodloo” – and that’s putting it crudely, but it’s the definite gen, you needn’t think I haven’t tried to persuade Estab., but I’m afraid I’ve had it, won’t even be sent back to sit the EO exam – hideous isn’t it, but though it’s a lot of dough I feel it’s worth it completely and absolutely when I think of you two. (2)   I thought of leaving 31st July and returning to work on 7th September. Course so much depends on air line times etc., but I’d like to have the August Bank holiday thrown in if poss.

My idea is to spend my time as follows: week in London with you two and I can find about auditions study etc. at the same time and hold a tea party at which anyone who wants to can come – that’ll cover people I can’t or don’t want to devote time to.  Then a week at 26, then toute seul – i.e. all alone I spend two weeks in the Highlands – but you two coming with me to Loch Lomond to begin with.

Does that sound horrid?  I’m so mixed up about things I’d like to be alone in the country.  I love to think and enjoy its beauty at the same time. And one can never be really alone out here. You’re not hurt are you? After that I want to come back and spend a week with you two once more before returning.  Unless I can manage more leave, travelling time will knock off a day or two of the various weeks here and there in U.K. and I’d like to go by an airline that gave me a day or two somewhere.

Are you taking that rest cure in the Western yet Dad?  Anyway, take it easy just now so that we can beat it up in the summer.  Jean Findlay tells me apropos of their holiday in Italy that the shipping lines want to be paid in dollars.  It’s going to be hideous with a capital H if the air lines want the same thing.

Loving you ever and ever.
Len. xxxxx


1.  Ernst has got engaged five months after Len and he broke off their engagement.

2.  EO: Executive Officer.


Mum’s letter is written two days after Len’s above. She will not have yet received Len’s re. missing items.


Mum letter image png_edited-14 April, 1948.

Sunday 4.4.48 – What a lot of fours!
Gardening Day in the Old Home.

Best Beloved Ain Wean,

Picture this, if you can, eating cheese sandwiches and downing them with hot tea, jolly good after weeding and digging.  Alas! the gentle dew from heaven visited us and so we had to call a halt to our horticultural activities pro tem and this is Marie Corelli now active with her “dipper” in an effort to catch the 4 p.m. post.  (1)

What a worritin‘ wee letter your 273 of 24-25th March is!  Worrying about what to do re. shall you go back after leave or not.  Well, darling child, my advice to you is please don’t worry one other minute for I can assure you from my own experience, those problems of time and space have a way of sorting themselves out.  We think your idea of “home for leave but not return East if I find I pass their auditions and they can’t postpone my entry for a year” is simply splendid.  It leaves doors open to you and will let you see how things are here and you’ll not have a feeling of having burned your bridges and leaving the east forever in the past.   As you well know, honey, the great purpose and ambition of our lives is for your well being and, if we could, we would give you mental vision to plan the best by trying to let you see things from our point of view and in the light of events here.  If you find everything here i.e. conditions of study, passing exams, etc. all to your liking it will be a great relief and joy to us to know you have chosen such and such a course (whatever you decide to do) with an absolutely free mind and not one hampered by the thought “I’ve got to do this or that” – comprey?   As I allus  says, mite – freedom is the essence.

Do, do enjoy Egypt without worrying what’s next on your geographical menu. The main thing is to keep well and happy.  We are so proud of you and, for the moment, think of one thing only, your so much hoped for and longed for homecoming.  So glad Mrs Skaracha got my letter, give her my love and thanks for her kindnesses to you. Yes, we will wait for all the news of your (maybe) move from the Cs till later as you ask.

Spadefuls of love and showers of merry thoughts from your gardening parents. Blossoms of hope and joy are blooming in our hearts for you, our own darling.

Dad and Mum.


1.  Marie Corelli was an early twentieth century romantic writer. Dipper: pen.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-17 April, 1948.

In the office.
Sunlight striking bare trees

Very dearest Dears,

About home leave, a complication has developed.  One needs a re-entry visa and cannot get this unless one has a residence visa.  Accordingly one has to more or less pull all the strings of heaven and earth for the latter.  I gave my passport to Prince Abbas Halim’s stepson, whom Chayanne knows, but had it back with nothing done as yet, seems I’ve to fill in a form. (1)    Estabs. were very grudging about it, seems they’ve nearly run out of the quantity of visas they can issue.  I’ve also spoken to Lily Shaoul – d’you remember her Mum, a thin, small dark girl with a lovely face. She’s going to the U.K. about June and is trying to fiddle herself a visa and has said she’ll try to help me too.

This means even if I can’t go on leave I can’t go holiday either, so that’s why I feel I might as well not be skimpy and enjoy tennis and riding whilst I can.  Also I’m frightened about buying another thing to take home till the export ban’s lifted or modified, for people are selling things on the docks for a song as they can’t get them out of the country.  Nevertheless, Mark and I are s’posed to be going to look at carpets this week-end.


Saturday the bus took us straight from work to Quassassin.  I  ‘phoned Ernst who is at TEK, just next to Quassassin.  After a while Ernst came and we nattered and nattered. He was in a most disquieting frame of mind – for example, he said “I used to think I was sane, but now I wonder”.  When I asked why he said he was thinking of himself becoming engaged and when I asked him why he did it he said  “That’s what I’ve been asking myself ever since”.  Also, he brought up the letter I wrote him (for we took our hair down in a big way) and said I didn’t mean what I said in it.  This left me agape for a second, then I said “Ernst Hirschberg, you’re the most conceited man I’ve ever met”. Honestly, he’s got a nerve. He’s got a beautiful face, a super body, is intelligent and efficient, but has about as much consideration as a bulldozer – am I glad that we’re just good friends now.

I stayed the night in Ish as I like to stay in the canal zone when I’m there.  I tinkled Esme to let her know we’d go back together.  But the funniest thing that happened was this.  I was sitting in the lounge of the Y talking to Miss Morris (you probably met her Mum).  She’d been in China and Ernst and she could talk about the Tiensin scandal. (2)   I’d just discovered she’d been in Abadan and knew the Mackays (3) when in walked Ernst (and TEK’s about 50 miles away).  He breezed up with he’d just been rowing, then we exchanged pleasantries about Miss M. knowing everyone in the East, then I said “What made you breeze in here?”  He rejoined with “I couldn’t come in here alone could I?”, letting me know the erstwhile fiancée was also in ye building.

 After this 18th Century repartee he departed to wash his hands and I made my way to the cloakroom.   There I saw a girl repairing the old face – as I combed my locks – then she finished and she’d hardly gone out of the door when I saw in the cloakroom mirror Ernst and she departing through the gate – he must have absolutely whisked her out. Afterwards I went dancing with a girl and her boy friend who insisted on taking me along, then trained back with Esme and some other girls.

By the way, forgot to say that when I got to Quassassin I discovered Malcolm had gone home unexpectedly, the day before, and there was I left with about half a cwt. of stuff – inc. a pair of sheets which I had to cart back to Cairo – better luck next time I s’pose.

Had better get this off now. Oh, I’m also enclosing a thing about coupons – perhaps you’ll comment on the views expressed and on whether any of the facts it gives give a wrong idea, so that I’ll know what’s what for coming home. (4)   Yes, if I can’t come home on leave I want to come for good, but time will show what happens. Must say I feel most lethargic at the moment – the ME certainly has a sapping effect.

Cheers & all the love there is for you.

Len. xxxxx.


1.  “Abbas Halim (October 9, 1897 – July 6, 1978), also known as Nebil Abbas Halim or Sharif Abbas Halim, was a prince of the Muhammad Ali dynasty and a labour activist in Egypt.”  – source, Wikipedia.  The Wikipedia entry on him is interesting reading and adds to the political background of Cairo and Egypt at the time that Len was living there.

2.  Len mis-spells: it is Tientsin, a then Treaty Port.  It is difficult to know which scandal was being discussed.  In 1900 European troops went on a sustained looting spree; in 1937 a murder revealed corrupt dealings amongst the European police and in 1939 an assassination was known as the ‘Tientsin Incident’.

3.  Uncle Dennis and Phemie.

4.  The item on Clothing Coupons in the UK, that Len mentions, follows.  It is included as it gives a unique insight to one aspect of the rationing in the 1940s austerity Britain.  It is also an insight into the complicated and tortuous bureaucracy that went into this Board of Trade guideline. Future Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson was President of the Board of Trade at the time it was written.

“From – The British Chamber of Commerce of Egypt Journal, March, 1948

Clothing Coupons in Great Britain To-day

The question of clothing coupons for visitors to the U.K. is one that is frequently raised by members of the Chamber, who want to know such things as whether visitors are entitled to coupons and if so how many, the number of coupons required for different articles of clothing, and the formalities for obtaining them.
As so many members will shortly be making plans for their summer holidays in England, we thought it would be useful to contain up-to-date information on the subject from the Board of Trade; according to a detailed memorandum just received from them, the position is as follows:-

Issue of Coupons

All visitors arriving in the United Kingdom from Egypt, if staying for more than twenty-eight days, receive a proportionate share of the ordinary civilian basic ration. This is 12 coupons for a stay of three months, which are issued by any National Registration and Food Office.
As supplies are still short in the United Kingdom and civilians are kept on a strict ration, an automatic issue of coupons for visitors, in addition to the basic ration, is not possible. The only cases which are considered are those where exceptional clothing hardships can be proved. Applications for coupons in such circumstances should be made to the Board of Trade, 91 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. Visitors are advised that, to prevent discomfort and disappointment, adequate wardrobes should be brought with them.
British Nationals normally resident in the United Kingdom but temporarily domiciled in Egypt, if on leave after an absence of two years abroad, are granted an issue of coupons for re-kitting purposes when returning to Egypt. Enquiries regarding this allowance should also be made to the Board of Trade, at the above address

Personal Export Scheme

In addition to the basic clothing coupon ration, there is in existence the Personal Export Scheme, whereby visitors to the U.K. may purchase rationed clothes free of coupons and purchase tax if the clothing is sent direct to their address abroad or else to the ship or ‘plane by which they are leaving the country.
In this article we only give details of the Scheme which are of special interest to visitors, who will, no doubt, make a point of obtaining fuller information from their suppliers.
Coupons Under the Personal Export Scheme, goods rationed under the Consumer Rationing (Consolidation) Order, 1947, that is clothing, footwear, and many kinds of textiles and textile goods, may not be handed or delivered to a customer in the U.K. unless he surrenders the appropriate number of coupons, but the goods may be despatched to an overseas address, including delivery to a ship or aircraft departing for overseas destination, and the Board of Trade will be prepared to reimburse the retailer with coupons. Application for coupons should be made to the Board of Trade, I.M Division 1, 152 Gloucester Terrace, London W.2., preferably on form A.T.3.0. which can be obtained from that Department.
Export Licences Visitors to the U.K. are normally allowed to take out without export licence articles which they have bought in this country with their own currency. There are a few exceptions to this rule, notably fire-arms, rubber tyres and tubes, cotton thread, valuable works of art, stamp collections, soap exceeding 2 lb. in weight and foodstuffs in excess of what is obviously required for the journey.
Payment Where the goods are to be despatched to an overseas address or to a ship or ‘place and are going to a place outside the Sterling Area, payment must be made in accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations.

Persons Settling in U.K.

For those who are leaving Egypt with the intention of settling in the U.K., the following details based on an article which appeared in the January Journal of the Overseas League, will be of interest.
Persons returning to settle in the U.K. receive a clothing book containing valid coupons “proportionate to the length of the ration period remaining”, i.e. at the rate of 4 a month. If they bring with them children under eighteen years of age, each child will get 10 extra coupons in his book. In addition, people coming home from overseas can, in certain conditions, apply for supplementary coupons. Those, for instance, who have been living in a warm climate and have no cold-weather clothing, may be granted extra coupons.
The following are details of the cost, in terms of coupons, of some of the most ordinary items of clothing:-

Men’s Wear

Mackintosh or unlined coat 9
Lined Overcoat 18
Suit (jacket, waistcoat, trousers) 26
Jacket 13
Trousers 8
Shirt 7
Shoes 7 & 9
Pyjamas 8
Socks 2
Collars or handkerchiefs ½

Women’s Wear

Lined Overcoat 18
Coat and skirt 18
Skirt 6
Woollen dress 11
Cotton or Rayon dress 7
Blouse, woollen 6
Blouse, cotton or rayon 4
Shoes 5
Stockings  1½ & 3
Handkerchiefs ¼

Clothes prices fall into two categories – those for utility clothes, and the rest. “Utility” is a bad word, that suggests institutional uniform; but in fact utility clothes are in no way standardised. They are ordinary good-looking clothes, made out of materials and to specifications laid down by the Board of Trade to ensure the best possible use of supplies. They are sold at strictly controlled prices, and there is no purchase-tax on them. The prices of some non-utility clothes are controlled – women’s coats, for instance – and the profit on all clothes is controlled. But all non-utility clothes pay purchase tax, which may range from one-sixth to two-thirds of the price. There is nothing second rate about utility clothes – firms with reputations like Jaegers, Braemar Woollens, “K” shoes, Daniel Neal, Simpson’s, Austin Reed’s, make or sell utility clothes.
It is not only clothes that cost coupons. There are sheets – 8 or 12 coupons a pair for single or double-bed size; towels, I each, tea-towels, I.  Certain furnishing materials are on coupons, but this is a rather involved subject. Roughly, furnishing materials cost less coupons per yard than dress materials, and can be got fairly easily without coupons – but at anything from a £1 a yard upwards. And all household linen that is not rationed – tablecloths, napkins and so on – is mostly non-existent.
People returning to settle in the U.K. should concentrate on taking with them textiles, sheets, curtain-lengths, dress-lengths, materials for nightgowns and underwear. If they obtain from the Board of Trade a copy of the Clothing Quiz sold at 3d. a copy, they will find in it answers to many questions of interest to them.


Mum wrote the letter below the same day as Len’s above, so she will not know that Ernest is engaged, or that Len’s plans for having holiday leave in the UK have run into complications.


Mum letter image png_edited-17 April, 1948.

Wednesday.  A wet dreary cold day but with the feeling “Spring is just around the corner”

Dearest Own Beloved.

We are so glad to get your 275 this morn. to learn you are safely away from the very terrible house of the Companions.  What a packet! and dreadful to think you had to suffer those indignities and dangers, that terrible father and son, I’d like to stick pins in them, the perishers. (1)    Poor wee Lita, lets hope some of the glimpses of fairyland you showed her will let her remember there are happier, brighter ways of living.   Let’s write it off as an experience, for, after all, one must take the rough with the smooth, mite.  But I must speak of them stealing your belongings, you know they are responsible for their servants thefts, hope Mark told them off good and proper, and that you let them see what British dignity and indignation are like. You should make them pay for the stuff they stole.

Before I go on to answer your 274 and 275 let me ask if you arranged for your salary allowance (i.e. cheque which comes here each month) to be paid to you out there for March?  I ask because so far I have not received it from London. Yesterday I thought I’d best not put off any longer and I wrote to the M.of.S. London telling them it hadn’t arrived.  If you have asked them to pay it out there, there’s no harm done by my writing – maybe they’ll pay it twice!  I made a bash at the address – Adelphi, London. You know that cheque comes in a wee, wee open fronted envelope, everyone can see what it is and it could easily be pinched.  Well, this is me passing the matter over to you for your action or otherwise.

 I was just thinking as I was lighting the fire this morn. (Yes, we need good fires yet), a year ago just now I was up to my neck getting ready for my great adventure.  You make no mention of going to see Au Bouddah about our carpet – that I know, would be one of your interesting jobs in Port Said and I guess you are keeping it a surprise.  Was talking to Mrs Collinson this morn. her brother and family are on their way home, left Colombo on March 31st on the “Strathnaver”.  Mrs. C. was telling me they got presented with a beautiful Indian Carpet just before they left – lovely! It seems they can bring anything and everything home and nae bother, maybe having a house out there makes a difference to what one gets through ye customs.

More than ever now, a carpet is a must, and honestly, if the Customs at Southampton are like when I came thro it’s nothing, brass ware – you can get in any amount and a carpet for your mother?

It seems as if Cooks had done their bit properly there was no need for us to pay a piastre when I left P.S.  Mr Munro didn’t pay a penny and he brought home lots.  I know you will attend to all this for you are a wise wee thing and have been brought up in true Scottish tradition of thrift.  The great idea (I mean for presents for us as a family) is to keep to large articles, i.e. coffee tables, carpets, etc.   Do please understand, honey girl.  By the way, those brass napkin rings, that I brought back,  are ideal for casual presents.  Must tell you Aunt Ena went crazy about ours, so that’s an idea if you want to please her, she hopes to come north at Whitsun, they are going to Wales for their main holiday,

No, I really was not kidding on when I spoke of MoS paying your fare, I really truly thought they would.

No, I don’t see why it was “polite to phone Johnny” and think probably his tale of Ernest being engaged is only a figment of his imagination – you know Johnny.   I also don’t think you should phone E. to ask if congrats. are in order – (that way of doing is very raw, if you understand what I mean – I don’t suppose you will!)  Let E. tell you the news himself if it’s true. I could say lots about E. and you, but least said, soonest mended and I shall just await events.  Lovely that E. has got his repat. to the U.K.  It’s what he wanted so much and I can make a guess he views everything in a different light from what he did a few months ago.  I’ll be glad to hear from him.

Your plans for your leave sound splendid – Dad and self can see it being all a terrific rush but we do think it will be good for you to do a bit of quiet thinking on your own but I want to tell you, no matter how we think or plan it often turns out a waste of time, for, as I’ve told you before, time and events have a way of arranging themselves and our lives in a very different pattern from what we think we’d like and many of our problems resolve themselves in the same way.

By now you’ll have my O.K. to go on with my shoes getting made at Margis – sounds lovely and I await your instructions re. measurements, etc,

Wrote to Harris yesterday thanking for cheque. I asked him would he like Joan B’s address, but won’t send it until she says O.K.

Oceans of love getting very thrilled at hope of seeing you soon. Bless you always.

Dad and Mum.

Harris was asking if you will be home this summer as he’d like to see you.  He’s passed auditions for Guildhall.  (1)


1.  Mum’s unfounded anger anticipating that Harris will not repay the money Len lent him has dissipated.  As Mum notes, he has also been accepted at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, one of the colleges Len plans to audition for if, and when, she gets to the UK for summer on home  leave.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-110 April, 1948.

Start of Summer Sun. BSDM

Hello my own Darlings,

Still no word of visas and with things like that it’s so difficult to press them, as they get in a bad mood and one more or less depends on their moods – will just have to keep trying.  Day to day bulletins of nothing happening would be rather depressing for both you and me, so I’ll wait until and if anything happens before giving forth with ‘visa views’.

Yesterday I’d my French lesson, then went riding at Mena with Iris.  My re-action was, “Why haven’t I done this since I was a child?”  However, despite the panorama of Pyramids all round the episode did not end so well, for Iris’ horse galloped away with her and she came off.  We took her from Mena to the Anglo-American in a taxi – the friends who’d motored us down were on the golf course at M. and one came back with us.

We put her in the Anglo, though she never lost consciousness, for we felt it was best. She’s got some cuts on the back of her head, but nothing that needs stitching.  I must go and see her to-day.  I determined that Mena was wonderful and so was riding, but it’ll be a riding school for me for a good while, where everything is well controlled. Then when I eventually head for the open spaces again, to go with Mark, who’s an expert horseman – it’s so lovely I shouldn’t like to have it mucked up by having a needless accident, though even the best riders sometimes come a cropper.

After leaving Iris’ bedside I did some washing and went out to a reading of Will Shakespeare in Gezira Preparatory School (where you first saw Merle & Warwick, Mum). (1)

Anyway, now I may say tap o’ the marning to ye  however as I’m P.Aing Old Bill with Iris off, I haven’t had the time to dwell with you in this ere  epistle that I would have liked, so before the mail goes, must put this in without further ado – take great care of yourselves. (2)

Your most own and always loving,

Len. xxxxx.


1.  The Stokes’ children.

2.  “P.Aing” – Personal Assistant.  “Old Bill” is assumed to be the Director General of Disposals in Cairo


Mum letter image png_edited-111 April, 1948. Sunday.

Everything in the garden lovely.
“If I should plant a tiny seed of love in the garden of your heart”

Hello Cherub!

Happy to tell you the M.o.S cheque arrived here yesterday; the envelope is postmarked London April 8, 3.45 p.m. so it must have been sent on Tues. 6th.  Boy! was I relieved to see that familiar envelope!

No further letters from you so I’ve none to answer.  Everyone I meet who knew you (and some who didn’t) say “when is your daughter coming home?” and I reply we are so oh! so much looking forward to seeing you in the good old summer time.   We saw in the papers that the MacDonalds are leaving Loch Lomond (the Youth Hostel) (sounds like a title of a song).  They musta made up their minds since we were there at New Year as they had no word of moving then and Henry L. didn’t mention it when he was here.

I got Mrs Scarchas letter yesterday and am so happy to hear from her; she says you are a darling and clever too and they are so happy to have you there, she seems worried about her husband not getting a job – what nationality are they?  If I know that I’ll maybe be able to say something to comfort her when I reply.

What you said of the contents of the letter you received from Ernest bears out what I said to you i.e. that all the uncertainty of his position of a few months ago was making him see everything in a contorted light and now his whole outlook is brighter.

Mr Collinson next door is ill with a very severe cold, the old lady, Mrs Ronson has been told she is to ‘take it easy’ and Joyce, now aged 12, went into the Western yesterday to have her adenoids and tonsils removed.

Dad and I saw “Torrid Zone” at the Bank (1) last night, it’s really good and quite a kinda new story. (2)

Bye for now, darling best of all.  Must dash to the post with this.  Dad is busy in the garden and says to be sure to send a bouquet of love from him. They were playing a new (to us) reel on the radio the other day “The Bonniest Lass in the World” and Daddy said, quite pat, “Oh! she’s in Egypt” – wasn’t that lovely!

Cheers and tons of love as ever, Dad and Mum.


1.  One of the two cinemas in Clydebank, at the time.

2.  Despite Mum saying it was a new kind of film, it had been first released in 1940.  Because of Britain’s dire financial situation the Government had imposed a dollar saving 75% tax on new imported American films.  Many old films were re-released by distributors.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-114 April, 1948
Cotton Wool Clouds. BSDM.

Good-morning my Darling Ones,

Sorry for the dearth of epistles from ME me, but seem to be involved all round and I hate writing to you in snatched moments.  Still bashing on at Iris’s job with a will, for although she’s out of hospital, she’s had rather a shock and is taking it easy in Claridges.

As you say, I’m being so vague about my homecoming date to anyone except intimates that it just isn’t true.  Truth to tell with all this visa business in the air I don’t know myself.

As the year advances I’m becoming more relaxed and don’t feel so tense in my letters to you, with the thought in mind that soon I hope to be able to say it all to you and not just the written word.

Saturday I saw Iris in the Anglo, and in the evening went with Mark to see “Fiesta” – the worst film I’ve seen in a long while. (1)    Afterwards we’d dinner then went back to his place at Maadi.  Sunday I’d a long lie, then got up and did my washing.  Afterwards I met Mark and we sauntered round Gezira before going out to Maadi – he said it was too hot to look at carpets.

Monday I lunched with Iris in bed at Claridges, then I played tennis with the Pro. Tuesday Mark and I had lunch with the Findlays.  Then I repaired to Gezira to have a conference with Jimmie Penstone of the CTG (2) on a production they want me to do for them.  Afterwards Esme and I sat on the slab in the twilight and discussed how she’s going to teach Mme Fayid – the Companion’s neighbour – English from French. Back at Chayanne’s Mark came to say he couldn’t make our planned trip to Suez with the Fs on Sunday as he’d a dinner at the Swiss Legation – that was to have been the last time, but I won’t see him any more at all now.  Yes, I’ve stopped going around with Mark – it’s a bit of a blow, but I feel it’s a decision I must take.

 Sorry for being so brusque. Will attempt to write a really long epistle in a day or two. No mail from you for about 10 days – take great care of yourselves.

Millions of love to you.

Len. xxxxx


1.  “Fiesta. 1947.  102m  Technicolour.  A Young Mexican wants to be a musician though his father insists he should be a bullfighter.  An extremely boring idea for a musical which at its best is a tedious time-passer” – Halliwell’s Film Guide.

2.  CTG: Cairo Theatre Guild.


Mum letter image png_edited-118 April, 1948. Sunday

Pouring rain but the garden oh! so green and fresh.

Hello Darling one over the Sea,

The radio has just finished talks on Turkey, Canada and New Zealand. I’ve been listening while “getting on with my sewing” and I wish I’d wings, or, what would do as well, a few thousand pounds of spare cash!   Anyway, by traveling in fancy whilst remaining at 26 I do get around in the utmost comfort for there’s a big fire blazing and all is warm and cosy.

Mum, Dad, Len garden 1945 png

The Rose Arch, Summer 1945.

Yesterday Daddy and self worked in the garden all afternoon; the rose arch had been blown down about two years ago and Daddy fixed it up lately, and, tell yer the trewf , mite, it’s so frail I hastened to paint it so that the paint could give it strength and keep out the rain, its only half finished as each little lathe has four sides as I found!

In the evening we went to see “This Gun for Hire” – Allan Ladd and Veronica Lake – very, very good.  Must mention I was listening to Children’s Hour Toytown – do you remember Toytown – and one of the chief characters as always was Ernest the policeman and I remarked to Daddy that when you used to listen to it when you were a wee girl you didn’t know you’d one day meet a real Ernest a policeman!

We’ve discovered that the wood worm is still busy in the sideboard I got from Aunt Mary.  I really thought I’d got rid of them for I kept the sideboard outside for nearly six weeks after getting from the north and spent hours and hours of work on it getting all the old polish off – a really big task; I also doctored it with paraffin, ammonia and turps thinking all that would get rid of the pests, however, we see wee mounds of fine sawdust here and there and now we see Mr. Woodworm is still with us, so we have decided to send the sideboard to a saleroom as we are afraid the worm may get into other furniture or the piano and that would be ghastly.  As it is I see traces in the old mahogany chest of drawers but hope to check that. Of course I shall keep the Sutherland bog oak handles, they, or rather the material, is over a thousand years old and Uncle Angus was offered quite a bit for them.

uncle angus obit png_edited-1

So Iris – the mysterious Iris – fell off a horse – will you still manage to wash her hair?  (1)  I do laugh when I think of you in the midst of whatever you are doing dashing off to “wash Iris’s hair”.   Yes, the horse-riding must be very thrilling and exhilarating but go easy for goodness sake and be careful – you only get one set of everything, you know, and we couldn’t bear you to get hurt, so remember, cherub.

I’m on my toes to learn how you got on your search for carpets last week end – of course you saw AU BOUDDAH at P.S.?  Do let us know all about it.

The radio has just playing the new song “Put another chair at the table, set another place there for me, soon the time will be here when I’ll be sitting there” – well, we do hope it may come true and soon; you can’t think how we are planning and dreaming always, of course, keeping our fingers crossed.  No more word yet of Dad getting into hospital and his foot is a wee bit easier since he had his corns etc. fixed at the chiropodists on Friday, and I’m so glad, as I told you, Uncle Albert wrote he was bothered with exactly the same pains in his legs, a very tiring ache it is, so do hope Dad gets better soon; he is at work today, they are very busy just now.

Must busy to the post. Take care of your precious wee self, you are our bright and shining star.

Every spring breeze wafts love to you from us here in Scotland.

Cheers. Dad and Mum.


1.  It is not clear why Mum refers to Iris Jago as “mysterious”.  If it was a comment by Len, the letter is not in this collection.


There is now a nine week gap in this collection of the correspondence.   The next letter in this collection is 22 June, 1948, from Mum, looking forward to Len’s holiday arrival in the UK.  During these nine weeks there were significant disturbances and war within Palestine, caused by the declaration of an independent state of Israel and the reaction of Egypt and other Arab nations.  It became known as the 1948 Arab – Israeli War, known to Arabs as ‘The Catastrophe’, and to Israelis as ‘The War of Independence’.

During these nine weeks Len manages to get the required visa in connection for her journey to the United Kingdom, and Mum continues to badger her about buying a carpet. Ena visits Mum and Dad at Whitsun, and Pat (Patricia) Brown visits them too, up from London, with sheets from Len from Cairo.

Next Friday,  5 December, 2014.   Part Two Chapter Ten: Almost Home and Noel.

Posted in Cairo 1940s, Feminism, Gender Studies, Letters, Suez Canal Zone, Womens History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Part Two 8: Marriage – No second hand or damaged material

Part Two  Chapter 8:   Marriage – No second hand or damaged material. 

 “Remember always, honey, your value (I hate to put it this way but facts are facts) in the marriage market is a very, very high one…. therefore no second hand or damaged material will be good enough….” – Letter from Mum to Len, 26 February, 1948.


Mums letter, APO png

Mum letter image png_edited-124 February, 1948.

Good news in the Old Home.

Your hoped for home coming.

Our Own Darling One,

So much to say so I’ll start by saying that Mr Munro and Christine called on Sunday and brought us wonderful Birthday presents from you, and wonderful presents they really are.  Daddy is going around saying (in effect) “I’m so warm with my new ring” and last night I caught him putting it on to go to the clinic, wants to show it off all the time, it really is wizard, a perfect fit and so handsome.  Do tell us about the scarab – it is scarab, isn’t it?  I mean a real fossilised beetle?  We notice we can see through it (head to tail) so I guess it must be a real scarab.  We’ve turned it this way and that and all around. My dress length is truly glamorous, such a beautiful quality, Christine said she really felt like keeping it for herself!  I see there’s three metres in it – right?  Now I must think up some really cute style for that lovely stuff – any ideas?  It should wash and wear for ages, and you are a sweet honey to get it for me, it really looks like summer in Egypt, so cool and sweet – I don’t mean summer in Egypt is cool and sweet, no sir! but the sorta clothes they wear there.

Mr Munro brought his snapshot album to let us see his pictures and (keep it dark) I don’t think they are so good or interesting as my own collection except that he has been to and has pictures of far more places than I had.  Made me awfully wild when he kept saying “were you there” and “ did you visit that” – well, sweetheart, I guess the only thing for me to do is to make a return trip – ain’t they started a scheme to take Mothers out yet? – or Daddy’s?

Honestly, if ever that Littlewoods comes up it’s Dad and I for Egypt, must see Luxor, Mr. M. was in ecstasies (?) about it. (1)     He says he enjoyed his holiday and is “not sorry he went” (awful expression), but he still likes his own country best.  I think I’m really like a sponge as far as travel goes, I soak it all in and I can never make comparisons.  It’s best to understand the minds of the people.

On Sat. I got started out on my shopping right after breakfast.  I went into town to Muirheads as I saw they had a sale advertised, gloves at 10/- etc. and nylons at 6/11. When I got there the Q was right round into Cambridge Street so I says to myself “none of that for me.”   It was snowing like billy O but Q they would.  I went right in – the Q was for stockings only by the way.  I bought two pairs of gloves, one pr. heavy brown leather for Daddy for his birthday – he doesn’t know it yet, so keep it dark – and one yellow leather pr. for myself.  I then went to the stocking counter where the floor walker told me I must join the Q outside (almost collapse of me).  I told him I’d been already purchasing.   He hee hawed and then told me to stand “there”, “there” being top of the Q.   I was served right away – we were only supposed to get one pr. each but I got 2 prs. nylons and 2 prs. pure silk.  The nylons are seamless and the pure silks are fully fashioned – supposed to be imperfect but I cannot see a flaw in them.  All this shopping meant the handing over of 16 coupons, but shall have enough I think.  I’ll keep (or try to keep) 2 prs. stockings for you.  I’d advise you to bring home several pairs of the fully fashioned five bob ones as we hear they are going off the market soon,  but it’s maybe not true.

On Sat. also I got 2 rabbits in Lewis’  this was very fortunate as I was thus able to give my two unexpected guests dinner.

Yesterday I was greatly surprised to get a letter enclosing two slips of paper – receipts for a parcel from C.A.R.E. i.e. Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe.  The donor is Uncle Albert and I have to take the receipt, with my identity card, to the Clydebank Coop, Central Branch, Alexander Street and collect my parcel weighing 27lbs!  I think they’ll send it for me.

I’ve been told those C.A.R.E. parcels are really wonderful, everything in them. Wasn’t it terrifically kind of Uncle Albert to send it – we are very thrilled and must write to tell him so and say a great big thank you.   We got a letter from Uncle A. lately and he says you are his “most priceless possession”, so do write him nice letters, honey, he must be very lonely, I think.

Hope my 250 and 251 get to you soon honey.  Your 260 got here Sat. and your 261 on Mon. (Yestd’y) and we must say you do look lovely in those last pictures, dear. (2)    You look so slim and elegant somehow, you can fairly see your long, fine bones coming out now, if you know what I mean; in fact you are what are popularly known as a “smasher”, I’m sure lotsa people think you are really wonderful and none of them more than your ownest Dad and Mum.

Look at the wee wee space I’ve left to say the most important thing, that is how thrilled, oh! thrilled and joyed we are to learn of your decision to finish in July. That time is now a bright and shining star on our horizon – more about it in my next epistle. All the love in Scotland and our hearts, our own darling.

Dad and Mum. xxx


1.  Mum’s spelling, and question mark.  But her spelling is correct.

2.  These photos of Len not in this collection.


Mum letter image png_edited-126 February, 1948.
Thurs. Your Little Grey Home in the West.

Darling, darling Ain Wean,

Your 262 of 20th Feb. got in yestreen (1) and we are so glad to learn you are fit and well, honey.  I’m so glad you are getting lotsa green vegs.  That’s the stuff to put colour in your face and spring in your step.

I feel just now, after receiving your unnumbered “for me alone” letters of Feb 11th, 17th and 23rd, that I want to take you in my arms and comfort you and give you hope and maybe laugh at you a wee, wee bit! (2)

I never mentioned Mark in any of my letters because his being 14 yrs. your senior just seemed to make it impossible that you sh’d be anything but, not friends, just aquaintances. No matter how much you may seem to have in common you must remember his youth is behind him while you are only “on the threshold sweet” and nothing can alter that fact. It’s hardly worth discussing any further as his admission of being in love with a dame in Switzerland just cuts it all out, and I’m so glad you said, in effect, in the first part of yr. letter “I couldn’t stand any (his) murky past if he had one.”   Remember always, honey, your value (I hate to put it this way but facts are facts) in the marriage market is a very, very high one – you w’d mean success to a man, I say this as its simply a fact; therefore no second hand or damaged material will be good enough – the adventure must be fresh and new to both partners.

You know, when you were a wee girl a fortune teller told me you wdn’t marry till you were about 26, I often think of that. (3)    Remember what I said about as “good fish in the sea” and also that I said they keep improving all the time!

 I w’d advise you not to go around very much with Mark or give him much of your time – it w’d only be unsettling to both of you.  I had much the same experience with Stanley Dark and my one regret, after the whole affair petered out, was that I’d given so much time to going around with him.  It was good of M. to “tell you all”,  he c’d so easily have kept it dark.

No, I certainly do not think that the idea of men fills your life – you are much too clever to be so silly, please do know I understand.  Like myself, you are very young – some people stay like that all their lives, you know, and some people are old from the day they are born, poor things.

Re. yr. remarks that you’d enjoy a struggle to make ends meet, etc, yes, maybe you w’d but I wouldn’t want that struggle to be too much of a bread and butter one, it’s so fatal to iniative (?) and ideas. (4)

 Any word yet of the 10 quid you gave Harris? – that poseur; honestly I think its a bit thick – and has Esme repaid you?  For goodness sake get wise to the fact that those people are using you for their own ends.  Stop being Confessor in Chief and don’t make their arrangements for them, it gives a girl such a managing aura which is awful, much better the fluttering eyelash and helpless look, so snap outa the manager’s chair NOW!

Daddy and I have talked of little else than the fact that you propose coming home about July, and, oh! boy, I’ll say we are thrilled.  You know we wdn’t say “Come” or “Stay” but now you have yourself made the decision we can tell you of how terrifically happy we are about it; bless you and may you be kept safe.

I’m writing this with Hutch lying on my lap and every time my hand gets along to her ears she flicks it so much as to say “can’t you sit quietly?”  It’s getting time for supper so I’ll say ‘night for now.  Yes it’s Thursday night and that Jack, who leaves on Sat. hasn’t even a book packed.  Ah well, its up to him. Till morning light, good night our very precious one. xxx

Friday Feb. 27th. Good morning! I hope I see you well.

Must tell you that yesterday I collected the C.A.R.E. parcel from the Coop – as I told you they are sent by “donors” in U.S.A. and Uncle Albert was our donor.  It’s really magnificent, Dad and self spent an hour last night getting it opened as it was all done up with wire, herewith list of contents: 2 tins Braised Beef, 2 tins Liver Pate, 2 tins Marg., 1/2 lb. tin Butter, 1 tin Dried Eggs (1½ doz), 2 tns Dried Milk, I tin Grape Fruit Juice, I tin Orange juice, 1/2 lb. tea, 2lbs. Sugar. Ilb. dried apricots, 2 tabs. Toilet soap, 3 lbs. slab chocolate, I pkt. Yeast.  It was really kind of him to send it and it will surely make life easier for a week or two.  Please send Uncle A. a card for his birthday if you can spare the time, his birthday is 13th. March and his add. (in case you’ve lost it) is Mr A.E. Bryers, c/o Joe Howlett, 956 North Lewis Avenue, Waukegan, , Ill. U.S.A.

All the love of our hearts and thoughts is in this letter for you, our dearest dear. Dad and Mum.

I’m enclosing some bits and pieces. (5)


1.  Scots. ‘Yesterday’.

2.  These letters for Mum’s eyes only do not survive in this collection.  An additional letter written on 11 February does survive, but it was written for both parents. (See Part Two Chapter 7).

3.  The fortune teller’s ball was faulty:  Len was 29 when she married, not 26.

4.  Mum’s spelling and question mark.

5.  Mum’s ‘bits and pieces’ follow.  There are two cuttings: one from the Daily Express (Osbert Lancaster’s Pocket Cartoon was a regular feature), and the other from the BBC Radio Times.  Also enclosed is a scrap of a letter from Ena.

Cleched fist cartoon png

R.T. SYHA png_edited-1

Len was to stay at Achininver youth hostel in August.  The Radio Times has misspelt the name.

Aunt Ena's new look Feb '48 png_edited-1

Scrap of letter from Ena to Len’s Mum: “I have the New Look. I bought myself corsets & a brassier on Monday.  Old Look. New Look. I’m quite a smasher.”  Mum’s writing across it: “From Aunt Ena’s letter. They’re not coming up north now according to her last letter.”

The New Look: In February 1947, after years of wartime austerity, Christian Dior stunned and delighted the fashion world, and women, with his New Look.  Tight fitted waists with yards and yards of material below was a gauntlet thrown down that Harold Wilson, the Junior Trade Minister took up.  He denounced it as ‘irresponsible, frivilous and wasteful’.   The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Stafford Cripps wanted it banned.   Ena’s letter,  a year after the introduction of the New Look, shows that Harold Wilson’s condemnation, and Stafford Cripps’ desire to have it banned were  ignored and thwarted.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-128 February, 1948
Blue Sky but blowy. BSDM Cairo Det. APO S.299.

My Nearest & Dearest Ones,

Once more into the breach dear friends – must tell you I’d practically no green vegetables in Egypt till I moved to the Companions and now I have masses of spinach and similar – isn’t it super?

Before I forget – do keep Christmas free – I want a big party to go to Paris if it’s at all poss. and have already asked a number of people who’re quite keen – wouldn’t it be fun if we could all foregather there from all over the place?  Of course it’s potty of me, when I haven’t enough dough to maintain myself and study to talk of holidays, but as the old saying goes – “A gaun foot’s aye get’n”. (1)

Lita had asked what time I was getting up on Sunday – with lack of caution I’d replied “About 9”.   She came in on the stroke of the hour and before I knew what I was doing I was out cycling with her – having had breakfast and hired cycles – round Zamalek. I’d lunch with Peter at Le Petit Coin de France in town – the best restaurant I feel that Cairo has to offer for reasonably priced well cooked and daintily served food. (2)

In the afternoon I stayed with Lita, nipping out for about an hour to introduce Malcolm to the Findlays.  Back to the family, then at night with Peter in our farewell do at the Kursaal. (3)    Why these people come on leave to see me, I don’t know.  The worst of it is that Peter – the most restrained person alive – (and despite all my dissuasive tactics) wants me to meet his relations in Liverpool and come and see him at his home – a place called Wooton Gilbert or something nr. Durham.  Malcolm too says “I’d love you to meet my mother”.  All of which leaves me a bit breathless, as specially as Mark’s saying it would be nice if we could meet in England in the summer???

Malcolm '48 png

‘Malcolm, Egypt ’48’.   Len’s handwriting on reverse.

At night they had me stay in because the servants were off and they didn’t want to leave Lita alone, so I couldn’t go to the Theatre Guild with Malcolm, but he was awfully nice about it and I tried to make up for it by walking to work with him next morning – yes, he picked me up at my door and walked all the way to the Garden City with his fully laden case, before going back to Q. (4)

By the way I’m enclosing a pansy which has rather had its chips.  Lita has given me many good specimens which I’m s’posed to have sent ere this – if you said you liked it she’d be pleased – she really has some lovely ones and is swamping me with samples to send all my friends – goodness knows what my friends will think.

In the way of guests I’d Esme to tea on Monday, stayed in all day Tuesday coaching Lita for her exams and on Wednesday Pat came to tea on her last day (full day – she phoned me her absolute farewell the next morning) in Cairo.  It was awful saying cheerio to her. She was looking up Ernst the next day in PS and staying the night there.

At night I went out with Mark – we went to the Auberge du Turf and saw Farouk who looked pretty awful. (5)     Mark has a beautifully sophisticated brain and is a delight to talk to.

We’re all going away the week-end to Bourg-el-Arab, about 20 miles west of Alex.

Lower Egypt full map png copy

Burg el Arab, west of Alexandria.  Note El Alamein to the west of Burg el Arab.

Yesterday we  had lunch together to discuss the arrangements.  There are a few people going from the British Consulate, then Mark, Bernard, Marjorie (his girl friend who works at BMEO), Esme and I. (6)    It was at Bernard’s place we lunched yesterday and Mark, B & Marj should have left by car early this morning.  Esme and I are going down by pullman bus this afternoon and have instructions to get off where the road branches west for B-el-A and the bus continues on to Alex. – this branch comes where one gets ones first glimpse of the Med.  If not there – i.e. if anything goes wrong – we’re to wait at the Cafe Trianon – doesn’t it sound romantic – and failing that to park ourselves at the Cecil Hotel till they come for us.

Must draw to a close now. Your most adoring kidlet,

Len. xxxxx.


1.  Scots. ‘A moving foot is always gaining things.’

2.  Le petit Coin de France restaurant is mentioned in some recollections of expat life in Cairo.  The waiters wore the fez.

3.  The Kursaal, Cairo was a music hall, a casino and a restaurant in 1918.  Its use may have changed when Len ate there.  There is presently a ‘New‘ Kursaal restaurant in Cairo.

Central Canal zone map png

Map by and copyright Richard Wooley.

4.  Q:  Assumed to be El Qassasin to the east of  Tek El Kebir. 

5. Farouk:  King Farouk.

6.  BMEO:  British Middle East Office, part of the Foreign Office.  As previously mentioned, Jean Findlay worked there.


The next letter from Len, written on 3 March,  was written before she had received Mum’s letter of 26 February, with  advice about Mark, and the list of contents of Uncle Albert’s CARE food parcel.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-13 March, 1948.
In the DG’s Office. (BSDM etc)

Hail One and Onlys,

Yes, I’m working with Iris Jago for a wee while, as Mary Page’s gone home and she hasn’t a replacement yet. (1)

I have all your letters up to your 256 now and note that you’re glad about my decision not to stay till October – I’m glad too, for I feel heckovan unsettled.  Just back from a super week-end which makes life in Cairo all the more – well, not for me.

Yes, we caught the streamlined bus to Alex. on Saturday – it was a super de luxe affair and it only seemed a few minutes before we arrived at the half way house.  We met Major Cameron there, who insisted on buying us lime juices, sandwiches and chocolate.

In 15 mins. we were on our way, but when we came to the first appointed spot there was no sign of the car, so we just stayed on the bus and there the gang were at the Cafe Trianon – all muffled up from the blustery wind on the front.

Quickly we got into the car and whizzed out to Bourg el Arab – it was really wonderful. It was built by a British aristocrat in the form of a castle and courtyard. We stayed in one of the towers.  Downstairs we’d a kitchen, then a bedroom where Esme and I slept and another one above where Mark and Bernard slept.  Marjorie slept with the Laights – British Council people whose dwelling in the compound was not quite as primitive as ours.  We’d a servant who did the washing up, but otherwise we did everything ourselves.  The bedding had to be carried in Mark’s car, for except for the actual bedsteads and one mattress, the bedding was nil.  We didn’t do a lot of cooking, for we rather lived out of tins and on cheese, but it was the first time I’d cooked eggs and bacon and made tea and coffee for 2½ years so it was great fun. The first night we’d rice and chicken which had already been prepared and after going over to the Laight’s for a drink we retired early to bed.

We got up at 7 the next morning – it was wonderful to see the place in daylight – the stones looked so yellow and the sky was so blue that the whole effect was just too “Beau Geste” to be imagined.

Shortly after getting up and having some tea and halowa (2) as no one else felt energetic Mark and I went to the beach by car – it’s four miles away.  We drove out under the arches – one almost expects the portcullis to drop behind you – and on down to the sea.  Never have I seen a sea of such an exquisite colour – it was sheer turquoise – the only colour it reminded me of apart from the stone was that in those butterfly wing brooches, but it had a purity and strength which have to be seen to be believed. After the first glimpse we drove downhill, but suddenly we were stopped in no uncertain fashion – the car had sunk into soft sand.  We got out and I asked helplessly what was to happen.  Mark indicated silently that we were to dig – a contingency I’d never thought of, so I started, several little wallads (3) came along and helped and before long the car was clear and off we went.

We undressed and got into the sea – I can’t truthfully say we swam, for the waves were so strong they just knock you about and we soon came out – Mark could combat the waves but felt the cold – with me it was the other way round.  Once back atBourg, we’d an enormous breakfast, then I wanted to savour the lovely cleanliness quite alone, so when the others went off to see an ancient temple and a lighthouse I stayed behind.

On their return we ate again and then all of us went down to the sea. I didn’t go in this time, but it was much warmer that it had been in the morning and Mark and Bernard went in their underpants as they hadn’t brought their costumes – Esme, Marjorie and I paddled – ‘course I felt grim as I hate not to be able to swim and watch others doing so, but I hadn’t taken my costume.  That night we again went to bed early.

The next day we’d another trip to the sea, but no-one swam – Marjorie went back early – we just got her back in time as the car got sanded up again and we’d to dig once more – incidentally my nylons survived both digging operations (yes, we were right down on our knees) and the whole week-end.  I wore them in the office and caught them on a chair – they’re now in repair.

About 2 ish on the Monday we packed everything up and came slowly back.  We stopped for a shwoya picnic of oranges and eggs – the desert was covered with flowers of all flowers and the effect was really super.

Yesterday I stayed in with Lita all day – we’d a fire and I told her how I used to see pictures in the fire – she was intrigued and gazed away and soon told me all the saw.

I haven’t seen Morris Z. for ages, ‘cos of my moving and shopping only being possible in the afternoon – guess I’ll have to see him in the evening and ask about that carpet. Re. Pat’s clothes advice I feel it’s right to have clothes in those basic colours and feel you need them before embarking on the brighter ones – people who grew up during the war just haven’t had a chance to do both – have the basic and bright.

Have the London coaches got lavatories etc?  The Nairn bus to Baghdad has got W.Cs., a bar and showers!  Must say the Alex. bus is the most luxurious I’ve ever been in.

I am so glad that Jack’s going now though and really do think you should keep the house to yourselves – if only we could buy it quickly – but the only way is a Littlewood’s win, so I guess negotiations must go on – what’s the latest?

Just back from a party next door.  Two little boys had it.  There were masses of kids, masses of food, masses of mothers, masses of governesses, masses of rows, with a film show thrown in – and I forgot to mention a sprinkling of the new length in the mothers – made me think how incomparably better my parties were & how little these women & kids have despite their money.

I’m not seeing Mark till next Tuesday & am looking forward to seeing him a lot. Hardly like saying that for I feel instinctively that you’ll disapprove, but you know how it is – people like Peter never are young & people like Mark seem to have the youthful spirit deep inside & really can be called ‘The Light of Heart’.  He’s so delightfully crazy & nonchalent & yet there’s an underlying precision & efficiency which completes the head in the clouds & feet on the ground effect.

So thrilled your ring fits Dad & that you like the material Mum.  Didn’t write about it before as I wanted it to be a complete surprise – the scarab in your ring Dad is from the set of two tablets & a scarab given me by Johnny Morton before he left for home, which his pals & he excavated at the Pyramids.  It is not a fossilised beetle the scarab but a genoo-ine  Pharoh carving – d’you like the Lotus engravings on the sides – the Lotus is the flower of Egypt.

Wonderful – wonderful – all congrats. on your Q-crashing – a scene after my own heart. Re. your advice I don’t want to touch silk stockings after my experience of nylons. The joy of them is no darning – much as I like threading the old needle in & out & it’s more profitable for me to exercise same on John F’s socks & get a jumper & cardigan from Jean – n’est ce pas? (4)

What was the “Care” parcel like?  Hope it helped out for a few weeks. Appropos of Uncle A. if he’s so keen on me, don’t see why he shouldn’t help me to study drama in the States if I can’t get in in the U.K. Isn’t it awful the way the years roll on, I want to study for a few years, live in France for a few years, visit Europe & spend a year or two in the U.S. apart of course from spending most of my time at 26 CA & golly how old would that make me.

4.3.48. Posting this now, forgot to say that at the film show yesterday we’d technicolour & talkies inter alia – what sophistication for kids.

Cheerio poppets & all the love of springtime.


1.  Len is temporarily working in the Director General’s office, whilst still working as a shorthand typist. She was 22.  From future references, we know that she went on to be the Supervisor within one of the typing pools.

2.  Arabic:  Sweets.

3.  Arabic:  Boys.

4.  Len did darning repairs for Jean, and Jean in turn knitted items for Len.


Mum letter image png_edited-1March 7, 1948.
Sunday. Grey skies and wet rain.

Darling Best in all the World,

Lovely to get your 264 of Feb. 28th on Thurs. last – Daddy and self get breathless as we try to follow you though “your day”.  I’m so glad you are getting mountains of spinach – that’s the stuff to give ‘em – do keep healthy, one can do anything and get anywhere if one is.  What a lovely idea for us and “a number of people who are quite keen” to meet in Paris next Christmas, Daddy and I are all for it and already I’m planning some dramatic clothes in my mind’s eye.

Any word of my carpet yet?  It’s really a “must get”.  You were saying summat about Mr. Z saying he c’d not get a 3 by 4 yds. one for £30 – well, the MacDonald boy did – tell Mr.Z.to have another try or try Au Bouddah’s at P.S. – Fouad Street.  They may be measured in metres which would make it slightly over 3 x 4.  I don’t only want the carpet as ‘a thing of beauty’ but also as an investment, as they are nearly worth their weight in gold over here, some in Lewis’ at £350 and more.

Maud (Mrs Hamilton) was over on Thurs. night attired in a vivid red dress and grey squirrel coat, she really kept us entertained and was telling us of a chap Lot has met and of all the fuss Lot is making to make an impression on the guy.  Ys’td’y, Sat. Daddy and I were in town in the morn. (hunting for a new suit for him) when who sh’d come up to us as we were looking in Malcolm Campbell’s  (1)  side window in St. Vincent St. but Lot; she has certainly improved her appearance tremendously, her salt and pepper hair is now a dark brown and she wore vivid lipstick and had a forward tilting hat and mustardy check suit topped by a black seal skin cape – very smart, but Daddy didn’t like the cape.

It seems this new guy is a Polish-Belgian surgeon and he is to take charge at Perth Infirmary from tomorrow.  He thinks Lot has far too many cats (eleven) in her house and the last time he came he brought chloroform and put 5 of them to sleep for the evening so as they c’d talk!  Dad and I nearly collapsed laughing – must tell Aunt Ena.

As I said, we were out hunting a new suit for Dad and are carrying out shopping by the famous ‘process of elimination’.   Yesterday was our 2nd hunting Sat.  We saw a smart tannish brown in smoothish herring bone tweed which he thinks he may have, this one is £11.10/- suits are suits nowadays – Lot was telling us her friend was getting one made and its to cost 28 guineas. (2)   We went into Craigs in Union St. for lunch and then I got a tram to C’bank as I had a Coop meeting there in the afternoon.  I met Dad at Kilbowie Rd. at 5.30 and we bussed by S.M.T. (3) to the Ascot where we saw Rbt. Young in “They Wouldn’t Believe Me” – jolly good.

How lovely all those guys wanting you to meet their folks – Peter and Malcolm do sound fresh and young and sincere. It musta been fun going round Sam Alec. (4)

I gave my travel talk on “My trip to and from(and in) Egypt on Friday night – everyone sat with gaping mouths taking it all in as I told them of my 2 eggs for brekkers etc. Unfortunately Mrs Brown had given too much time earlier in the eve. to Congress reports (5) so I had to leave them all in Cairo as the hall light going out warned us it was 10.p.m. but I’m to continue at our next meeting.

 All our love to you, our own darling,

Mum and Dad.

(A week yesterday Jack went away and now we feel so happy for though he was both quiet and clean we could not stand that chappie!)


1.  Well known fruit and veg shops throughout Glasgow.  They closed down in the 1990s.

2.  A guinea was 21 shillings (£1.05 pence).

3.  SMT: Scottish Motor Traction.  A year later, in 1949 they were nationalised by the Labour government.  The Conservative government in 1985 forced them into privatisation.  Their Western SMT coaches were a familiar overnight trunk route service between London Victoria and Glasgow.

4.  Sam Alec:  Mum’s joke for Zamalek.

5. Coop Party Women’s Guild Congress.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-18 March, 1948.

(Just about to go over for latest Cholera inoculation).

D.G’s Office, Monday morning.

My very ain Ones,

Isn’t this pale ribbon grim – it’s Mary Page’s machine, must put in a new black ‘un.

Pale type ribbon png

Seem to have masses of news – to go back to last Thursday, Steena (Swedish girl friend) phoned me to ask if I’d like to go the Russian Ball on Sat. I said yes, so we made the arrangements.  I lunched with the Findlays and received my Fair Isle Jumper which is really a pet.  By the way, I bought a dress second hand from Iris Jago – pale blue crepe, but not the new length, however, it zips to below the waist at the back and as I love zips I like it quite a lot, price £4 – but as she paid £12 last year I can’t complain..

Friday I’d my French lesson at Vera’s. I enjoyed same as I’d done masses of homework which left my conscience clear and also we talked about the ball, to which Vera – being a white R. was going of course.   Back in Zamalek, Lita and I were alone in the house when the new car they’ve bought was delivered – it’s a Hillman Minx – so the man who was delivering it took us for a drive in it.

Didn’t go out at night, but sat over the fire doing my French whilst most of the family and a neighbour played cards and I also had some liqueur chocolates which they offered me to keep my strength up – they had genoo-ine  liqueurs inside, chartreuse, kurasol and the like.  Notice the word ‘fire’ it’s colder for this time of year in Egypt than it’s been since I’ve arrived.

Saturday morning, Nick (the brother) and Lita drove me to work in the car – they’re still in the thrilled stage with it, whilst I’m acquiring a real hatred of cars – I hate Mark’s and also theirs annoys me – cars make me feel so old and I always want to walk, however, I must admit they’re handy at times.

Lita went to the pictures in the afternoon, so I was able to go across to Gezira, wash my hair, and write, talk to old friends and walk.  Back at the Companions I did my ironing, then nattered with the family before getting ready.  The mother insisted on lending me her fur cape and also a lovely little handbag – black suede and gold.  Then they drove me into town and I called for Steena.  The men in party were a Colonel up from Fayid – head of the German section of the FO and a young Latvian from the Swedish Consulate.

Our table was just beside Farouk’s – after sitting beside him at the Auberge du Turf the week before I’m becoming really blasé about it, but although that may be rather grim, I know a tiny bit of heather would just thrill me through, and I know I’ve never been thrilled with night life.  Farouk wore an ordinary suit whilst every one else was in evening dress.  The ball was most enjoyable, but we left at 2.45 am. before it finished. I wore my white dress.

Yesterday Lita woke me and I got up at 9 am. and washed before I knew what the time was – as I’d come all the way back from the Helio Palace Hotel the night before and hadn’t got to bed till about 4, this was a bit off.  However, I walked into town with Lita and took her to Groppi’s for an ice cream, before we gharried (1)  back.  Then we’d a drive in the car before lunch and one afterwards. Then she roused me from a tiny sleep I was trying to have to play the inevitable hopscotch with her.

Had a letter from Aunt Lizzie.  She talks of a slump in her letters – no wonder, I hate the American policy.

Aunt Lizzie png_edited-1

Must admit I really enjoy my new place on the whole – it’s nice to feel you’re wanted and they really are quite good people.  As for Mark, the infatuation’s wearing off and anyway, I don’t know when I’ll be able to see him again after to-morrow tonight, for I’m booked up for ages ahead with organisational things, quite apart from men.  The Latvian want’s to see me again and is ringing me, and Esme told me this morning that Malcolm told her he’s coming up to take me to see “Great Expectations”, you see, she was at Q. for the week-end.

Haven’t heard a word from Harris yet, shall have to write to him soon, anyway I’ve had to give his address to Chayanne to give to Gielgud, as he hasn’t delivered the stuff to him yet.  Esme’s not paying me back till she goes home, unless I need the dough before that.   Over to you best beloveds.

Yours most own, Len.


1.  Horse drawn cab.


Mum letter image png_edited-110 March, 1948.
Wed. morn. “The First Wild Days of March”

Darling Ownest Best,

Whatchermean  by saying “Just back from a super week end which makes life in Cairo all the more – well, not for me”?

Do you mean it’s too far removed from life as lived in Britain today?  Your week-end certainly does sound wonderful, a sorta real technicolour film; my advice is, don’t worry about it all being quite out of this world, it’s all in this world, you know, and you sh’d lap it up while you get the chance for whatever they say, life in the East is good and the people out there who pine for “England’s green & pleasant land” are in for a bit of a shock, that is, of course, providing one keeps one’s feet on the ground and maintains an even keel.

You know that, above all, I’m a realist and I think you ought to enquire of your office administration if you can go back, if you want to, after you come home.  Don’t for a moment think I’m putting you off this right little, tight little island – you must come home – but I often wonder how you will react to it and it’s best to have strings – comprey?   I want you to have all the chances I didn’t get, so take the advice if you want to.

Must apologise for a mistake and an omission I made in my last letter.  The mistake: when Lot Morrison’s friend gave the 5 cats chloroform it was only to put them to sleep for an hour or two – nothing fatal.  And the omission:  I forgot to say ‘thank you’ to Lita for her pansies so I’m enclosing a wee letter for her herin.

Yes, yr. childhood must have been a fairyland of dreams compared with poor Lita’s film parties, etc.  Those were the kind of people who were on the ship coming home with me.  I often wish you and Joan Brandley had been on that trip with me – you’d have knocked them cold – and, oh boy! how they needed just that.  Well, bring Lita over and we shall let her see there’s more in life than the mighty piastre.

For my lovely Cairo lavender blue material I’m thinking of making it low necked in front, long sleeves, long length and a – wait for it! – bustle bow – I adore bustles made thus, it w’d serve as a dinner dress if we go to Paree – by the way, I’ve given up singing “The Star Spangled Banner” and am now heard trilling “The First Time I Saw Paris”.

It’s a good bargain for you to get your jumpers etc. knitted by Jean Findlay whilst you do her darning.

Yes, I’ve noticed the lotus engraving on the sides of the ring – lovely.  I always get mixed up with the Poppy and the Lotus – they are both for Egypt?  About your black striped suit you spoke of – please wear it out before you come home – black!  And I don’t like blues, browns & blacks “relieved by touches of white & colour”.

As I write I’m partly listening to a school’s broadcast vilefying the new regime in C.S – it’s (the b’cast) ghastly and the same as the newspapers – fancy teaching poor kids all that spiteful stuff – never mind, we march on. (1)

Daddy, who is on night shift, didn’t go out to work last night as he wasn’t feeling very well, however he has been up for breakfast this morn. and seems quite bright so he may go to work.   About buying the house, honey, I don’t worry about buying it quickly – we c’d always get it through a society, but I do think it’s one of the things we must get down to quickly after your longed for, hoped for home coming.  Keep well and happy, my darling, you are ever in my thoughts & heart and mind.  Planefulls of love.

Your own Dad and Mum. xxx


1. ‘The new regime in C.S.’  Mum is referring to the situation in Czechoslovakia.  At Yalta in 1945 Stalin agreed to democratic elections in the nation states that the Red Army were to occupy when the War in Europe was concluded.   It is difficult to know whether Roosevelt really believed such genuine democratic elections would take place, or that their results would be respected.  As Chamberlain had a misplaced belief that he had a special relationship with Hitler in 1938, Roosevelt also believed he had a special relationship with Stalin, who he liked.  Churchill (who privately knew Britain’s days as a World Power were over) had few illusions, and neither did the British and American Foreign Secretaries and their advisors.

However, in Czechoslovakia, with the popularity of the democratic pre-war politician such as Edvard Benes and Jan Masaryk still in place, the Communists found it more difficult to force or brow-beat non-Communist Parties into political alignments that suited them.  As President, Benes led a Government that was democratic, from 1945 to 1948.  Frustrated, the Communists (with the Red Army as an army of occupation) staged a Coup in February, 1948, and Benes resigned in protest.  Jan Masaryk remained in the re-jigged coalition as Foreign Minister, hoping to salvage something. British friends such as historian John Wheeler-Bennet and writer/diplomat Robert Bruce Lockhart were very concerned for him.  On the morning of March 10, 1948 he was found dead beneath the bathroom of his residence at the Foreign Ministry.  Speculation continues whether he was killed by the Soviets, or whether he committed suicide.  The radio broadcasts Mum is referring to were about the February coup and the aftermath.  By an extraordinary coincidence, Mum has written this letter –  ‘Wed. morn.  The First Wild Days of March’ –  on the same day that Masaryk died.  The news of his death had not yet been released.

Included in the letter was a cutting from Mum, also relating to Communists.

Schools Unity png_edited-1


10.03.48 letter png

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-110 March, 1948.

BSDM Cairo, c/o Det APO. S299, MELF.

My room Zamalek, during Lita’s Greek lesson.

My own beloved Darlings,

Halfway or almost through March – believe Peter has gone as all demob. groups have been brought forward – had a letter from Malcolm to-day saying he’s coming up for the week-end as it’ll probably be his last one & he didn’t expect to go till April before! Lots of our girls are going on the boat this month & more next – believe I could stay on till summer 1950 (!) in Disposals, but it just doesn’t appeal.  I admit I’m a tiny wee bit wondering how I’ll feel in austerity Britain, but I know this luxury life is not for me – something in me revolts & I’d far rather be doing the washing up & singing in the kitchen at 26, than dashing around in a flashy car.

Yesterday I was endeavouring to get some beauty sleep after lunch when Mrs C. called me & wanted to know if I wanted to go the National Sporting Club with the neighbour – Mrs Fayid & her kids.  Inwardly cursing my ruined sleep, I accepted politely & went to change as requested – I’d on my corduroys.  Then I had to wait whilst everybody got ready – I was angry at them making me get ready too early as minutes on my own are so precious, but I was stoic, even when I just had to sit over at the NSC as the mothers knitted & the kids played.  To crown it all my latest pet hate was involved – another car – it leaves the C’s little Hillman Minx & even Mark’s behind – you know you press buttons & everything happens. Thank goodness more people joined us over there which made a more than full load for the car on the return journey so Mrs F. & I walked back.

Last night I went out with Mark.  First we went to a violin recital & from there on to the Champagne Club where we talked & danced. The concert was such a joy after the Cairo run of things.

Moascar-RAF Kabrit pngMark asked me to go away for Easter in a party down the Red Sea Coast – I said “No”. We thoroughly went into seeing & not seeing each other last night, but he says he’d like to me come at Easter as it would be such a wonderful trip. The alternative is to stay with the Scottish RSM & his wife at Moascar & go on to PF (1)  leave camp – which means I’ll probably see Ernst – which I’m not keen on.   Esme may arrange for me to go RAF Kabrit for a dance instead of Moascar.

 I’m not worried about myself mentally or physically with Mark & would like to see the monasteries etc. on the Red Sea Coast, but won’t reverse my decision unless you think it’s O.K. – there is definitely a party going.  Please write with what you think.

I’ve taught Lita how to play “Beetle” & she’s really fallen for it – had the two little boys from next door in & play it last night.  They’re the sons of Mrs F. – to whom Esme’s s’posed to teach English.  Her husband is at present in New York on business! – he’s an engineer specialising in air conditioning – they’ve got a baby a.c. plant in their bedroom Mrs F. tells me – honestly their money flows like water & they’re not a bit happier.

Putting this epistle in the mail now – take care of yourselves –

Masses of love for you. Len. xxxxx


1. PF: Port Fuoad, or Fuad.  The latter is the current preferred spelling on maps.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-114 March, 1948.
Garden in Zamalek.

Hail, well Beloveds,

Carpets – on Friday Morris Z. told me that real Persian cannot be got for less than £5 a square metre, so that 3 mtrs x 2 mtrs would be what you would get for £E30.  Now, d’you want me to investigate Persians that size or non P’s of a bigger size?  Mark is also going to make some enquiries for me.

Was in fits about the cats being put to sleep.

Telephone – any more word of installation?

Did you get that suit Daddy?

Very thrilled to hear that at last you’re giving your travel talk on Egypt – hope the second instalment was lapped up with even more enthusiasm than the first.

Every time you talk of things at home I conjure up visions of what I remember, cinemas, guilds, shops etc. & I’m darn glad I didn’t say “Yes” to that offer of Egypt for a bit longer as these visions have been getting much fainter – but 2½ years away isn’t such a long time – it’s that a lot of water has flowed under the bridge.

It’s getting more & more difficult for me to get out & the father seems to think it odd I go out so often at night – goodness knows what he’d think if he’d known me when I was really busy.  Anyway I don’t want to tell you about it, for there’s nothing in it, but these people have bouts of temperament quite often & I don’t want to get an ulcer keeping (outwardly) patient throughout, but for the dough I can hold out until July.  Of course if they get grim I should move & there’s no difficulty in that direction as everyone wants me to go & live with them.

I went to the super-flat recital at night & listened to Brahms.  You may remember I went to a violin recital on Tuesday – still want Joan B. to take me to the Proms.

Friday I had lunch with Morris, then at 3.30 washed Iris’s hair at Claridges. (1)   At 7 to meet Mark.  We looked in one of those lovely antique & bookshops combined & then drove out to Maadi.  We’d dinner at his place & finished off with coffee & liqueur chocs.  Afterwards we listened to the radio & just had a nice quiet evening.

Saturday Malcolm ‘phoned me at work & then came to make arrangements about the evening in the afternoon. (2)  I thought we’d have a chance to sit and natter as Lita had gone out with a little pal, but no. Mrs C. came in & called me into her bedroom where she gave me a dissertation on how her husband – who’s in Alex. wants no men to cross the doorstep.  The effect of that on me of course is sheer fury, but one has to be tolerant. However it did make me see the psychological angle & once again how lucky I am to have parents like you. Restrictions like the above would be most conducive to making people deceitful, whereas your sensible outlook serves to promote understanding all round.  Their mentality just makes me stand and gape.  I said they’d said I could have my friends in & she said in effect, “Oh yes, girl friends” – you’d think blokes were a different race – it’s so silly.

Anyway, at night Malcolm & I went to see “Dead of Night” & afterwards had dinner at the Kursaal.  The good soul’s so terribly heavy. I don’t believe I’ll see him again this side of the Med as he’s being demobbed at any moment now.

Yesterday I cycled and played hopscotch with Lita.


It’s about 7 am. on Monday morning so I’ll get this off now & get tucked into some breakfast.

Your most own very adoring, Len. xxxxx


1.  Iris.  Iris Jago who Len is working with in the Director General’s office of the British Stores Disposals Mission.  Claridges is the hotel previously foot-noted, and where some BSDM staff are living.

2.  Len, and presumably other shorthand typists in BSDM are required to work Saturday mornings.


On the same Sunday Len wrote a separate letter to her Dad.

Len for Egypt letters png_edited-114 March, 1948.
Cloudy Cairo

My dearest Dad,

Hope this gets to 26 in time for your birthday.  This is a reply to your letter, besides my birthday greetings to you.(1)  Wonder if you’re wearing my present as you read this?

Just hope that after Mum’s birthday on the 28th that our next lot of birthday’s will be together.

It’s so interesting to hear of your work – I always love to know what’s going on in that direction for I feel industry is so real.

Sorry about your legs being bad – I do hope the Ortho gets them completely better. I’ve been doing my share of massage out here recently – trying to massage Iris Jago’s scalp to improve her hair & Mark’s arm – he strained a muscle playing tennis.

As July/Aug. looms nearer I’m getting excited underneath & when I really think of it – as to-day,  I just don’t seem to be able to write much – just longing for us all to be together & oh boy, bet we’ll talk incessantly for days.  It’s feeling like that which makes it difficult to put things on paper – when I hope that in a few months more we’ll be telling anecdotes in person.

Must put this in the mail now Dad, hope you have a wonderful birthday & a lovely spring.

Always your most loving chile’,

Len. xxxxx


1.  This letter of Dad’s  is not in this collection.


Mum letter image png_edited-114 March, 1948.

Sunday morn.
Sunny lovely crisp morning
And we are now on Summer Time
The Hall Clock new time is scorning
And is an hour behind with chime.

Darling Own Very Best,

The above didn’t start out to be a poem (says you “and neither it is”) ho, it just sorta happened. Anyway, we did lose that hour last night but are all set now with clocks at proper time.

Daddy and I went into town yesterday to see about his suit and we seem to have struck lucky for Dad decided to have the smoothish tan tweed we saw last week but when we got to the shop another salesman attended us and he showed us some wizzo Harris Tweeds and Dad decided on a lovely rough tannish brown one, double breasted jacket, the latest, and absolutely genuine “Harris Tweed – I was a man renewed indeed, because I smelled that Harris Tweed”. (1)    Dad also bought a nearly white cloth bunnit – very posh with tweeds and chamois gloves.  We then had a walk around, me trying to buy shoes but Qs too terrific, couldn’t wait, then we had tea at the Angus, now the Coop, then trammed right down to the “Bank” where we saw “The Two Mrs Carrols”, very good. A lovely way to spend a Saturday.

Dad is to get his suit next Friday as the troosers required a small alteration.  Just now Daddy is in the sunlit garden making his first dig at it, we’ve not long finished brekker and looking at the Sunday Papers. I’ve to get the dinner on to cook then I’m off down to Clydebank to an address to see about some furniture advertised, to see if they have a small garden shed, we really need one for odds and ends.

I wrote to Daisy Bulbeck last week – where is she now – Southampton or Cairo?  I wrote to her at S’hampton.  Yes, sweetheart, I’ll sure write to your Chayanne – must look out her address which you sent. (2)  We seem to have a lot to do, between the house and garden and I’m starting on my Spring cleaning – Patricia will likely arrive in the middle of it! – well, she can help – can you picture Patricia wielding broom and duster?Pat Brown, Zam, Feb 48 png

Dad and I both think you should write to Harris or his parents, and ask for your dough pronto – the end of a beautiful friendship, but do get the dough. Also get the dough from Esme double pronto, why should she have your cash?  Just ask yourself that in a calm voice – no reason at all – it would all help to buy our carpet which is a “must get” for you, and anyway those debts have a way of fading into the limbo of things forgotten if the loan goes on too long, so I advise you to tell her at once that you want to buy something costing a lot of dough and you’d like the money at once.  Do take our advice in this and go after Harris and Esme – it really makes me wild, and Dad also, when we think of what a softie you’ve been about this, so be firm, and earn our praise by getting back your money – get your dialectics working! (3)

How nice you got a letter from Aunt Liz. and fancy her talking of a slump – well, they’ve got it coming and with the latest taboos on entry into Canada it looks to me as tho’ both U.S.A. and Can. are real dictator countries.  (4)   We sent a cable to Uncle A. for his birthday – we do feel sorry for him, it would be lovely if you could meet him for, honestly honey, you are his lone star, so it’s up to you. Aunt Liz. never replied to our last letter so that’s that.

Must go now and get a cuppa ready for Dad and self then off to C’B.  We’ve not fixed anything about our holidays yet, in the words of the song “It all depends on YOU”. But, tho’ Daddy enjoyed his holiday last year on his own he said he missed me terribly while he was away and he also said he wouldn’t like to ever go on his own again – so its nice to know I’m wanted!  As if I didn’t know, but its good to be told!

Cheers and love and hopes.

Wearying on your next hoped for letter and counting the weeks till your hoped for return.

All the love we have from Dad and Mum.


1. ‘Harris Tweed – I was a man renewed’:  assumed to be a well known Harris Tweed advertising slogan of the time.

2.  Chayanne, the daughter of Madam Saracha in Cairo.

3. ‘Dialectics’ – a well known term and concept within the Communist movement, derived from Marx, and Hegel.

4.  Mum’s anti-US sentiment has now included Canada, despite earlier thoughts about perhaps moving there.


Mum letter image png_edited-117 March, 1948

St. Patrick’s Day, begorra!  A Grey blowy day but with a feeling that the Sunshine is just around the corner

Darling Very Own Dearest One,

Your 267 got here on Monday and it was lovely getting it so soon after your 266.

Now about your asking should you or should you not go with Mark and party to the Red Sea Coast – in the first place, why did you ask our opinions? – especially in view of the fact that you say “I’m not worried about myself mentally or physically with Mark”. Here are our considered opinions. Daddy says he thinks you should not go, as the fact of your asking us proves you are doubtful about something or other and you never asked before what you should or shouldn’t do.  Dad says he trusts you absolutely but is not so sure about Mark, these older guys are often wiley – but you already know the joke about “Come and see my etchings”.

Heres my view, I see no reason why you shouldn’t go on the trip (after all you went to Bourg-el-Arab) provided you make certain there is a party going, etc.etc.  You see, as well as being trusting in you, I also know you are wise enough to always let your sense of values be in correct balance, this is a priceless asset to have as one goes through life; well, there it is, mate, yer tikes yer choice.   Life, for you holds so much I trust you to make no mistakes, also I quite see your point in not wanting to see Ernest at P.S. – going there every holiday looksa bit “off” – well, maybe something else will turn up for Easter.  I’m on my toes to hear what you decide to do.

Daddy and I were all set for a cosy night at the fire with the papers on Sunday when a tinkle came at the bell and on answering someone with a tall figure there voiced “Remember me?”  It was Henry Lindsay whom we hadn’t seen since New Year. (1)   H. had left his sleeping bag here and when I said “Come in “ he used the length of the hall to explain he had exams this week and was going on holiday for 3 weeks.

LLYH Henry Lindsay png

Henry Lindsay, back row, right, Loch Lomond Youth Hostel, New Year, 1947.  Mum is on the left, with her arm through Henry’s brother’s.

All of our visitors seem to use that bit of 26 to explain the reason for their visits and H. was no exception – it’s really funny.

Well, you’d think he was just dashing in to get his sleeping bag, but no, it was long after midnight when he decided he’d better be moving. We did so much enjoy his visit and it was the first time we’d seen him dressed up and really, he looked like a million dollars. He is tall (6ft.1 in.) and slim and is a real comic, or, should I say has the most terrific sense of humour. We, the three of us, had a real blether.  I mentioned you said the Findlays knew him and that started something!  It seems Jean was engaged or nearly engaged to some big nut, a Solicitor or summat and broke it all off when she met John, it seems it was the talk of the hostels.  H. says Jean was a lovely girl in those days.

H. makes me wild the way he always sings the praises of and always goes to the west coast of Scotland, honestly I get mad and I think I made an impression to show there’s other places on this ‘ere globe when I did some spouting about Egypt.

H. certainly is adventurous, he was a cabinet maker and then went into business with another guy.  H. then sold his share, after a year or two, and is now attending Jordanhill Teacher’s Training College (2) to qualify as a teacher at a technical school. He says its amazing the subjects they get, psychology, discipline, speech training, etc.etc.  If ever he gets to be a teacher I’m sure he’ll be wonderful as he has such a way with kids – they get classes to teach just now and he made us roll up when he told us of the pep talk he gave the kids just before the inspector visited them.  The inspection was a great success and he got very high praise.  Hope H. gets on well with his exams. He plans to go north west by Benalder and Glencoe and to walk right across Rannoch Moor, etc. He was saying what a wonderful voice Joan Brandley has and we heartily agreed with him.

I’m enclosing a letter from Aunt Ena, the letter she refers to was from Uncle Donald’s landlady in Barrow asking if Aunt E. and us others would like to erect a tombstone. I’m replying to Aunt E. to take no notice of the letter.  Freeman’s got far the most under the will, so let them erect one themselves.  Fancy Aunt E. buying a Silver Fox Cape, its such a very ageing fur, but mustn’t say so! hush, hush. I haven’t yet bought anything for mysel.  I’ve a specialists bill in – remember I told you Dr. G. sent me to a specialist? – for 6 gns (3) and he only listened to my heart and looked at my foot – honestly, they earn their money easily, however, suppose the old adage of the labourer being worthy of his hire applies here also. (4)

Every ship that leaves our shores has an unseen cargo of love for you, sweetest girl in all the world, bless you.

Dad & Mum.

p.s. Don’t talk like that about not liking cars, try not to get, or give voice to those kinda phobias, they are all a symbol of man’s progress and I wish we had one.  Don’t please be fanciful like that, be sweet, my pet. xxxxxx.


1.  New Year 1948, when he was at Loch Lomond Hostel, when John Brandley was up from Dagenham.  He was also at Loch Lomond Hostel the previous New Year, when Mum noted that there were “several prostrate forms lying around”.

2.  Jordanhill was, and is, the main Teacher Training College in Glasgow.

3.  £6.30.

4.  Fiercely opposed by the British Medical Association (who represented fee charging doctors and consultants), Britain’s National Health Service was to start in a few months time, on July 4th, 1948.  It was also fiercely opposed by the Conservative Opposition.  Churchill, their leader, invoked comparisons with National Socialism (the Nazis) if the bill became law.


Ena to Mum, March1948 png_edited-1

2 Hilders Road.   Sunday

Dear Nellie,

Hope you are well. I wrote you a long letter and sent it with mags some time ago since then MR has received a card from you. (1)

Anyway here goes. I bought myself a beautiful silver fox cape with part of my money. Have you treated yourself to anything?

Any word of Len coming home? You must be longing to see her.

I am not making my trip to Bonnie Scotland until Whitsun as MR may be going  to Belgium then. It all depends on the restrictions. The Paris trip is off owing to restrictions. (2)

We have booked for our holidays, Dornoch being out of the question without a car. (3) We have decided to go to Llandbedr. nr Barmouth in Wales from 7th – 21st August. We were recommended to the hotel and sent for the tarrif.  Good food, and a well stocked bar.  7 gns week.  It is an old fashioned Country inn 2 miles from the sea and fishing from the bedroom window.   Bill is going to the Grand National on Saturday. He leaves on Friday stays overnight at Wigan and home on Sunday afternoon.

What do you think of the enclosed letter. (4)    When Bill brought it from the letter box he said “Here’s someone in Barrow. Knows you got the money and sending a begging letter”.  Freemans seem very slimey to me.  What do you think – strange how they could get my address from the solicitor when I got the money.  I’m afraid they are very friendly with the solicitor.  Anyway I don’t intend to send them any money. What do you think?  We can discuss it when I come up but in the meantime will you please return the letter.

I was wondering if we could arrange a reunion dinner. Dennie (5)  may be in Glasgow when Len comes home.  Of course, if Phemia would let him away for a night.

I am going to make myself a black dress tunic effect to wear my cape with.  Then I’ll be a smasher.  Isn’t the weather grand.  I sit out in the garden most days. What are you making new?

Bill is waiting to post this so I’ll say Cheerio for now.

Please write soon and give me all your news, also views on enclosed letter.

Love to you both,


Marie Rose was thrilled with her letter. One of her friends is going to U.S.A. for a holiday and gave a farewell party at the Opera House last night. She got Just William’s autograph. (6)

I don’t know what lady Uncle Donald used to write to. It certainly wasn’t me.


1.  MR: Marie Rose.

2.  Money restrictions, presumably.  There was a low and stringently enforced allocation of how much Sterling an individual could take out of Britain.  Betty Baxter in her letter to Len describes being short of cash on her trip to Belgium.   Ena and family were used to a more comfortable holiday experience. 

3.   Although petrol was rationed it is more likely that Bill’s injury prevented the use of their car. 

4.  This letter is not in this collection.

5.  Their brother Dennis.  

6.  The Just William books by Richard Crompton had been dramatised for radio, and broadcast 1946 – 1948.  The autograph would be the actor John Clark’s,  who played William.


Len for Egypt letters png_edited-119 March, 1948.

Another Cairo Morning.

Hello my own darling People,

Forgot to tell you that Daisy’s back – she called in at the office the other day looking remarkably fit.  They’re down at Fayid now and he’s civilianised in Fixed Assets.

Why the prejudice against black?  It isn’t really the end you know and definitely right for some occasions, and I still hold on to the idea of having a basic wardrobe in quiet colours – after all, it is pretty grim if things don’t match.

Later in the morning.

Had mail – happy girl I am. Your 261 and a 14 page effort from Pat – I’ll never manage that much to her, but she’s really more news at the moment than I have. (1)

Thrilled at the thought of your suit Dad – I’m just longing to see you in it.

Dad in his new rig copy

Dad in his new suit and ‘bunnit’, holding his kid gloves at Greenock, summer 1948.

How did your birthday go?  You seem to be getting the suit amazingly quickly.

Re. Esme, I made the arrangement with her and don’t intend to alter it – please don’t worry.  Harris is a very different cup of tea and I intend to write to him to-day.  Back to Esme, my idea is to get the dough home, not more out here – must keep the old studies in mind.

Re. Uncle A., much as I’d like to see him, I feel I must turn to studying before anything else.  If he would finance me, either to study in the U.K. or the U.S or finance my trip, it would be different.  It’s difficult to be so hard-headed, but one could drift on for ever going to see people.


Wrote to Harris, so hope it has the desired effect.

Must tell you, people are beginning to comment on my hair again, which is rather cheering.

Yesterday I visited Esme who can’t eat and is getting almost skinny – actually she’s pineing for a bloke. This is one she met at Luxor – I can’t understand it.  She’s only known him a week.  Gosh, I’ve had a violent crushes and a broken engagement, but they never seem to knock me up or down – touching wood ‘medly’.  Poor little kidlet though, she doesn’t get on with her parents and I think this is a worry too – for she’s just told them she’s staying another year.  I think it has all shoved her in bed. However she should see the bod in question soon and will know how she stands – if she can, for she’s so weak she’s always sitting down.

From there I went on to Margi – he’s about the most exclusive shoemaker in Cairo. He talked me into having some brown skin shoes – class courts made and also, also giving him the skins Chayanne gave me (they were what I went in with originally) to make into sandals – he says there isn’t enough for shoes proper.  However he’s really a legacy of Pat’s.   Already he wants to make me the sandals for nothing – says he’s an artist and really he is, for his shoes are dreams.  But if the sandals are nixus the brown efforts will be at least £E.5, however shoes are one thing on which one shouldn’t skimp.  The important point is – revelation – I have a whole python skin Morris gave me for you Mum and as Margi’s so good and I can’t really imagine your being able to get shoes made in the U.K. I was wondering if you’d like me to get him to make ‘em.  I’ll give you all the gen if you say ‘Yes’.

Finis for the moment – shoefulls of love,



1.  Not in this collection.  Pat is now in London,  still working for the Civil Service.


Next Friday, 28 November, 2014.   Part Two Chapter Nine: Hectically Excited

” To-day I’ve had letters from the Guildhall and Central School and my latest idea is to make it home for leave, and not return if I find I pass their auditions and also that they can’t postpone my entry for a year. ” – Len, letter to Mum, 24 March, 1948.

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